Презентация заняла 3 место в областном конкурсе проектов Американского Информационного Центра по созданию Азбуки Саратова от А до Я на английском языке. На каждую букву английского алфавита нужно было придумать слово: знаменитого человека,прославившего Саратовскую губернию, достопримечательность, исторический факт, улицу и т.д.
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Слайд 1
K Kirov Prospect Kirov Prospect is one of the central streets in Saratov . It is a street without traffic , where people enjoy walking . There are different clubs , shops , cafes , bars there . It is always full of people . Kirov Prospect is beautiful and everyone can choose an entertainment to his / her taste and just prodemade and tourist can buy souvenirs .Слайд 2
L Levoshin He was born in 1893 in a village of Saratov region . Levoshin was an agronomist , a doctor of agriculture , a professor . In 1923 he graduated from Saratov Institute of Agriculture . He specialized in gardening . Levoshin had several state awards .
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М Moskovskaya street The central street of Saratov , Moskovskaya street , is one of the longest streets of the city . In the 18 centure the street ran to the place , where the road to Moscow started . That's why it was called Moskovskaya . The street was renamed several times but nowdays it has its original name .
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N Nikitin circus . Saratov is motherland of the first Russian circus . Saratov circus is named after Nikitin brothers . It was founded in Mitrofanov Square in 1876 . It was a wooden building . It was destroyed by the fire and rebuilt in 1930 . In 1998 the building was reconstructed . In 1973 the Nikitin circus was awarded « The Red Banner » medal .
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O Oreshin Oreshin P . V . is a poet . He studied in Saratov . His first poems were published in 1911 in the newspaper « Saratovsky Listok ». In 1913 Oreshin moved to St . Petersburg where he became famous . He met well-known poets there , such as S . Yesenin and N . Kluev . In 1914 the poet went to war and was awarded medals for courage . The first book of his poems was published in 1918 . On the whole about 50 books of the poet were published .
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P Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin is an important Russian and Soviet painter and writer . He was born in Khvalynsk , Saratov region . He tried to paint in his early childhood , when he took some lessons from a couple of icon painters . The iconic work of Petrov-Vodkin is « Bathing of a Red Horse ». He used an aesthetic of Orthodox icon together with brighter colours and unusual compositions . His works were often considered to be blasphemous and erotic .
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Q Quay The Volga quay side is very beautiful and long . It has become a street since 1870 . The street was reconstructed and renamed several times . Nowdays there are high houses there . Inhabitants like walking along the quay on days off and holidays . It is a very popular place in Saratov .
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R Radishchev Museum Radishchev Museum is a real treasury and pride of Saratov region . The museum was founded in 1885 by Bogolyubov . It is the first public artistic museum in Russia . It contains works of the Russian and foreign painting , graphic arts and sculpture .
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S Saratov Juridical Institute Saratov Juridical Institute was founded in 1925 . There are two branches at the structure of Saratov Juridical Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs such as Samarskij and Penzenskij . The institute is the biggest scientific and education centre of training skilled specialists for fight with criminality . Lately the institute became a place of conducting international and Russian scientific practical conferences and seminars .
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T Tabakov Tabakov is the people's artist of the USSR , a film actor , and an artistic leader of Moscow Artistic Academic Theatre . Tabakov was born in August 17 , 1935 in Saratov . Oleg studied in the school for boys №18 in Saratov . He was member of the Drama Club « Molodaya Gvardia » at school . In 1953 he entered the school-studio at Moscow Artistic Academic Theatre . When he was a third-year student he performed in his first film . In 1990 Tabakov founded the « Russian-American Performing Arts Center » in Boston University . Since 2001 Tabakov has been an artistic leader of Moscow Artistic Academic Theatre .
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U Uvek Uvek is a small settlement in the surroundings of Saratov . In the 13 century it was an important commercial town . A people of Burtasy lived in Uvek . But the town was destroyed. Only the Burtas river reminds now about the people of Uvek .
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V Vavilov Vavilov Nikolay Ivanovich is an outstanding Russian scientist and biologist . He lived and worked in Saratov in 1917-1921 . For three years he made great discoveries , about the immunity of plants to the contagious deseases , hereditary changeability , and came to a conclusion that all plants have their centres of origin on the planet . One of the streets in Saratov is named after this scientist .
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W Women's cloister The first mention of Women's cloister is referred to 1680 . It was situated near the Volga and separated from it by a narrow street and occupied an area of 1720 square metres . The Cloister included three stone churches . There were also church schools . But the cloister hasn't been preserved .
Слайд 14
X Xylography Xylography is not popular among people nowdays.But long ago there lived a lot of xylographers in Saratov.Who worked in special workshops.Nowdays xylography is a hobby for amateurs.You can see the works of skilled workmen in the Museum of Local Lore and buy in Saratov shops.
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Y Yablochkov Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov was a great Russian electrical engineer and inventor . In 1876 he invented an electric lamp . After this invention electric light appeared in the streets and squares of London , Paris , Berlin and other cities of Europe , Asia and America . Yablochkov made a lot of discoveries and inventions which made a great progress in the development of electrical industry .
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Z Zinin Zinin was born in Azerbaijan . His parents died when the boy was three . In his early childhood Zinin was brought to Saratov where he spent his youth . Zinin N . N . is a great Russian chemist . His main discovery is an artificial reception of aniline , one of the major organic substances . It is used in medicine , industry and photography . He made other great discoveries in the sphere of chemistry .
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