Презентация об увлекательном путешествии на неизвестную планету
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Кайдашов Дмитрий ученик 6 А класса Муниципальное Общеобразовательное Учреждение Волчихинская средняя школа №1 Село Волчиха Алтайского краяСлайд 2
Tourist Space Adventure While traveling in space on board a spaceship I got lost and landed on an unknown planet. I spent some time there and had a chance to explore the planet before safely returned home.
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THE PLANET BAKUGAN The planet was brown color, and it was shone by red light from South side. There was the ring with energy sources round it which warmed a planet rotated. Outside it has been covered by a dense mirror cover thanks to which the planet seemed empty inside, but it was its protection from enemy alien beings.
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THE BAKUGANS My ship was similar to their ship, therefore I managed to land on the planet BAKUGAN. Flying by through the red atmosphere of a planet, I have seen unusual flying beings which were similar to small fluffy multi-colored hearts with wings.
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My ship has landed on a platform with fires on which I was met by the kind fluffy beings. They were similar to mohair balls with three-fingered handles and legs. Three eyes looked at me with astonishment. They have a small round nose and kind smile.
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Their houses were located on the unusual trees. They looked like huge flowers. The Bakugans slept in a glass capsule, being disconnected from the external environment. Jumping from flower to flower they gathered nectar and they ate it. These creatures changed their color by the color of the flower.
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These creatures changed their color by the color of the flower. If flower was red Bakugan changed his coat in red. The small Bakugans taught literacy, numeracy and all wisdoms on large lawns. They had an advanced civilization, and they communicated with thoughts at a distance.
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1. http://www. rgo.ru 2. http://www. basik.ru 3. http://www. my.mail.ru 4. http:// www.glitters.ru Thank you for attention! Links
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