В данной работе говорится о роли английского языка при выборе будущей профессии.
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IV муниципальная научно-исследовательская конференция
обучающихся общеобразовательных учреждений
«На пути к культуре мира»
Номинация «Иностранный язык – шаг к карьере»
«English Helps to Be Successful»
Работу выполнила
обучающаяся 9 «Б» класса
МБОУ Гимназия №1
г.Балаково Саратовской области
Дегтярева Ксения
Бодрова Инна Викторовна
I. Introduction ……………………….……….….……………………………….…... 3
II. Some Information about English …………………………………………....….. 3 – 4
III. Spheres of Using …..………………………………………….………………… 4 – 7
1) English as a profession ……………………………………………………………...…5
2) English for personal aims………………………………………………………………5
3) English in politics and social interactions ……………………………………………..6
4) English is advantage for career ……………………………………………………6 – 7
IV. Well – known Persons ………………………………………………………….. 7 – 8
1) Victor M. Sukhodrev ………………………………………………………………….7
2) Vladimir V. Posner ………………………………………………………………..7 – 8
3) Andrew Malakhov …………………………………………………………………….8
V. Ways of learning English …………………………………………………………8 – 9
1) Special education at university ……………………………………………………….8
2) Independent learning………………………………………………………………….9
3) Attending English-language studios…………………………………………………...9
4) Learning English online ……………………………………………………………….9
VI. Conclusion ……………...………………….……………………………………..9
VII. Resources ……………..…………..………………………………………………..10
VIII. Supplements ………………………..………………………………………11 – 12
Video-Supplement ……………………………………………………………….CD
To have another language is to possess a second soul.
I. Introduction
Learning a foreign language isn't easy at all. Nowadays it's especially important to know foreign languages. As for me I study English. I think that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.
The name of my work is «English Is the Step to a Career». Certainly, when I was choosing the theme of the project, I envisioned my future and the future of my generation. I thought what would be useful in my life. I know that English is the most popular language in the world and millions of people speak it in different countries. It goes without saying that English helps everyone in career. Senior pupils should think about their future career and about knowledge which they will provide to their future employer. That’s why I would like to learn about spheres of using of English language in details. I would like to know how it is applied in real life, as I want to connect my future with this language. I hope that working on the project I will improve my knowledge in English.
Few people can combine a pleasant work with high salary Foreign language will help to fulfill the dream of many people. As for me English is my favourite school subject that helps me to develop skills of communication and humanitarian thinking. I study it with great pleasure. So my project will be interesting for people who are fascinated by English as well as I am.
The aim of my work is to tell to my coevals about opportunity to get good education and profession with the help of English.
The task of my work is to draw public attention to learning English. To my mind English should be studied at school thoroughly not less than computer technology or mathematics. I am sure it will help to organize new condition for effective and inexpensive learning of English language.
II. Some Information about English
The rise of English is a remarkable success story. When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly two thousand years ago, English did not exist. Today English is used by at least 750 million people, and barely half of those speak it as a mother tongue.
England's history helps to understand the present condition of English. Many English words were borrowed from the language of Angles and Saxons. Hundreds of French words came into English. These French words didn't crowd out corresponding Anglo-Saxon words. There exist "act" and "deed", "beautiful" and "pretty", "form" and "shape".
Many new words were brought by traders and travellers. These words came from all parts of the world: "umbrella" -from Italian, "skates" - from Batch, "tea" - from Chinese, "cigar" - from Soanish.
Some words came into English directly from Latin, which was the language of the church and the universities in the Middle Ages.
Some of the English words of today are derivatives. One way of creating new words is to put together two or more older English words. For example, the words "railway", "football", "newspaper" are made in this way.
Many of the new English words - especially new scientific ones - have been made from Latin and Greek words instead of English ones. "Telephone" for instance, was made from Greek words "far" and "talk".
English has two major dialects. They are Royal English (British) and Common American. These dialects have some distinctions, but English has not official right or wrong use. That’s why people all over the world may use it in business, politic, culture or private communication.
III. Spheres of Using
One billion of people speak English and we understand that English has great spheres of using all over the world. But what is importance of English in the lives of Russian people? How do they use it in everyday life?
Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.
To my mind all spheres of using of English in Russia may be divided into 4 groups.
1) English as a profession
This sphere needs a detailed study of English. For example, such people can be translators, interpreters, linguists or teachers of English. The main task of these professions is connecting English-speaking and Russian-speaking people. It also includes professional work with language – learning its history, style, phraseology and different dialects.
It is important to say that people of these professions have high salary, because their services are very popular. Many people believe that every educated person should speak English. So great number of pupils, students and just inquisitive persons attend English language courses or private teachers and give them good earnings.
I had a conversation with a representative of this sphere of using of English, Lavrenkevich – Malinskaya Yanna Borisovna. She is a teacher of English and she answered my questions (Supplement 1).
I also had the conversation with an interpreter who works at Nuclear Power Station. He told me interesting facts about his work and advised to learn English (video-Supplement 2).
2) English for personal aims
First of all it means travelling. Every person who is going to travel should prepare for it. People try to learn as many foreign words as possible. As a rule it is spoken English. Travelling is also one of the ways of studying English. Young people sent for training in English-speaking countries after graduating university. I had met with one of them and he told me about his travelling in the USA (Supplement 3)
This sphere of using also means private communication. For example, some people in Russia work online, so they sell goods or services with the help of Internet. Often they do it with alien. In that case knowledge of international language is necessary. On the other hand a person just may have English-speaking friends and that’s why he or she is learning language. Sometimes people who speak different languages marry.
Many people in Russia really need in English for their personal aims. English is the language of the great English literature. A lot of brilliant authors of great England wrote fantastic books. They are Daniel Defoe, Arthur Conan Doyle, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and many other writers. Personally I believe that every well-educated person wish to read some books in the original.
At present, 80 per cent of all information in computers is in English, over two-thirds of the worlds scientists write in this language. All in all it is impossible to be advanced member of society without knowledge of English.
3) English in politics and social interactions
As you know there are international communities of doctors, teachers, scientists or sportsmen. They develop their sphere of working together despite the different nationalities. And English play the main role in it. Airports, transport stations, travel agencies, industry and other spheres use English for work.
The most important parties in this category are politics and business. Many young lawyers or economists want to get a job in the government. But it is insufficiently to have high education of these professions. They can’t have a success without English. How will politician discuss and solve international problems with misunderstanding of foreign ambassadors?
According to their work, businessmen constantly meet with colleagues from different countries to share their experiences or to work on common projects. I would like to tell you a story of my uncle. His work is connected with sales of construction materials. One day my uncle’s chief said that he must go on a business trip. And how my uncle was surprised when he knew that conference will be held with foreign counterparts in Poland. It was very important event in this business, because their company had a chance to sign some profitable contracts.
My uncle didn’t know any words in English or Polish and it was difficult for him to find the way from airport to the venue. But he came to the conference. By the way all persons spoke English there, though the conference took place in Poland. He can’t feel himself relaxed and solve business problems. Fortunately, there is an interpreter, which helped him. But it was rather uncomfortable. Polish colleges expected that my uncle will speak English perfectly.
4) English for career
It is clear that each company in Russia needs highly qualified workers. Therefore there is big rivalry between workers. The ideal worker must not only be perfect in his responsibilities, but also know English language.
Popular list of professions in Russia:
According to statistics, all of these professions require English language skills. What is more English will be necessary in your work only rarely, but record in your resume: «knowledge of English» will increase your salary by a third. Certainly it is possible to start work without foreign language. But you can't create really successful career without English. Imagine two good professionals in economics come to an employer. The first candidate has great skills and experience. The second worker has good education too, but he also speaks English. Of course the second candidate will get this job.
Knowledge of English is person's indicator of advanced abilities. It is an element of image and prestige for every person.
IV. Well – known Persons
I am sure you have no doubts that English is very useful in career. I would like to tell you about persons, who really have achieved success.
Victor M. Sukhodrev was born in 1932. He is a personal interpretor of Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev. He also worked with Mikhail Gorbachev, Alexei Kosygin and other leaders of The Soviet Union. Sukhodrev is a famous person nowadays, because he is not only excellent professional, but also a part of history of Russia.
Victor worked at the international level, that’s why he had a big responsibility. He often translated negotiations about nuclear weapons or missile defense system. His work included not only translating but also learning technical term, documents. He had to understand the positions of our leader and of other country.
Another Victor’s task is to adapt and correct the speech of the leader. For example, it was difficult for Sukhodrev to translate Nikita Khrushchev, because his speech was full of Russian jokes and proverbs.
The translator never feel himself free at official banquets, he is indispensable member of every international conversations. The translator is intermediary who connects peoples speaks different languages. Victor M. Sukhodrev was doing his work as well as the leaders of other countries forgotten that they couldn't understand each other.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Posner was born 1 April 1934, is a Russian journalist best known in the West for appearing on television to represent and explain the views of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. He was a memorable spokesman for the Soviets in part because he had grown up in the United States and spoke flawless American English with a New York accent.
In 1953 Pozner enrolled at Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, majoring in human physiology. He graduated in 1958.
After graduation, Pozner became a secretary for Samuil Marshak, a renowned Russian writer, poet and translator; to supplement his modest salary he free-lanced as a Russian-to-English translator of scientific texts.
He worked as chief commentator for the North American service of the Radio Moscow network.
In spite of his frequent appearances in the Western media and his near-celebrity status as the principal spokesman for the Soviet Union Pozner remained virtually unknown at home.
This changed in the mid-80s, when Pozner co-hosted several bilateral, televised discussions between audiences in the Soviet Union and the US, carried via satellite.
Later that year Pozner received an offer to work with Phil Donahue and moved to the United States. From 1991 to 1994 they co-hosted Pozner/Donahue, a weekly, issues-oriented roundtable program, which aired both on CNBC and in syndication. While living in New York, Pozner regularly commuted to Moscow to tape his programs that aired in Russia.
He returned to Moscow in 1997, continuing his work as an independent television journalist.
Andrew Malakhov is a popular Russian journalist, an anchorman. He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism Moscow State University. During his study Andrew worked on probation in the USA. That’s why he learnt English. He speaks it perfectly and it helps him in his career. Andrew Malakhov said that one day at his university a person from TV came and invited the students to translate the news of English-speaking TV Channel. There was a little number of students who could agree. Andrew had done this task. Since then he has begin to work on TV.
Now, Andrew has his own TV show. And he can speak with great people of culture, politics in English. With the help of English he was an anchorman of Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow. I am sure that English helped him to succeed, to receive the respect of millions of people and to become a popular man.
V. Ways of Learning English
People have different opportunities to study English. To my mind there are 4 ways of learning of English:
5.1 Special education at university. This way for those who wants to become an absolute professional in English. The program of education includes learning of translating and interpreting, work with foreign colleges, certain spheres of knowledge. There are a lot of institutions, which give the opportunity to get high education in English. It is necessary for future translators, interpreters, teachers of English, linguists.
5.2 Independent learning is the way for very patient and hardworking persons. They should learn new words, topics, understand difficult grammar rules, and correct their pronunciation without help of a teacher. If you want to use English only for personal aims, this knowledge is enough.
5.3 Attending English-language studios.
There are a lot different kinds of studios – for students or for adults, for economists or guides, for preparing to travel or important meetings. In any case it is the good way, because you learn language in a group, get skills in reading and translating as well as in spoken language and doing grammar exercises. Studio gives you certain complex of knowledge in the language, but studio has some disadvantages. Some studios don’t guarantee the result. So you can attend it for 3 years and get only elementary knowledge. Another disadvantage means that many studios don’t give you Certificate of Completion. It is not good for people, who learn English to get better job.
5.4 Learning English online is the new trend, which is not clear for one group of people and is convenient and effective way for another. I saw hundreds of announcements where "highly qualified professionals offer you private lessons online". We can compare it with real tutors. The result of this way depends on teacher you will choose. As for me, I don't trust to this way of learning of English.
VI. Conclusion
In conclusion I would like to say that English has become an important part of our life. If somebody wants to be successful and advanced person and to get good job, learning English is the best way. English opens great possibilities for young people, helps in career and communication. As for me, I decided to enroll in Faculty of Foreign Languages and connect my work with English. I don’t know what profession to choose, the teacher, translator or others, but I am sure that English will make my life interesting.
VII. Resources
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