Презентация посвящена теме "Путешествие"
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TRAVEL TO RUSSIA Presentation has prepared by Rigun SvetaСлайд 2
You wish to spend a winter holidays in Russia?
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Are You serious?
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You will not have problems with tickets if you book a Flight earlier
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You will not sunbathe, will not bathe in the sea, but will see the surprising country!
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What will you take with yourself? The irreplaceable thing in conditions of the extreme north is a fur coat And not only!
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Sights of Russia Moscow is a unique city, its architecture combines the features of Oriental and Western cultures. The Vysantium traditions were overlapped by the creations of architects from Italy, England and other West-European countries. The Moscow museums preserve invaluable treasures, including unique collections of Russian and foreign art and material culture. Currently, in Moscow there are more than 80 museums. The most famous attractions include: The Moscow Kremlin, The Red Square (Russian: "Krasnaya Ploshchad") The State Tretyakov Gallery
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St.Petersburg St.Petersburg displays a remarkable richness of architecture that includes the cathedral of the Peter-Paul Fortress, the Summer Palace, the Winter Palace, the Smolny Convent, the Vorontsov and Strogonov palaces, the Kazan and St.Isaacs Cathedrals, the Smolny Institute, the new Admiralty, and the Senate. Music, ballet, and theatre enjoy a long and continuing tradition in the city.
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Vladivostok Vladivostok is the chief educational and cultural centre of the Russian Far East. It is the site of the Far Eastern Scientific Centre, the Far Eastern State University (founded 1920), and medical, art education, polytechnic, trade, and marine-engineering institutes. The city has amateur and professional theatres as well as a philharmonic society and symphony orchestra. There are also museums of local history and of the history of the Pacific Fleet. The population is about 648,000. The city is surrounded by the Far East Maritime Reserve and the Ussuri Nature Reserve, home to black and brown bears, Siberian boars, Ussuri tigers, the rare Amur leopard and hundreds of local and migratory birds
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