Воспитание устойчивого отрицательного отношения к вредным привычкам
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Health and bad habits МБОУ «Кулаевская средняя общеобразовательная школа» Пестречинского муниципального района Республики Татарстан 9 класс Глянцева АлёнаСлайд 2
Health Health is first and major requirement of the person, its defining ability to work and providing harmonious development of the person.
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BAD HABITS Bad habits exists much more, than it seems to us. But they perfectly give in to sorting according to degree of the damage put to own organism, and according to degree of unacceptability for organisms of associates – after all it and there is most "lethal" in any bad habits.
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THAT IS NOT FORBIDDEN – THAT IS AUTHORIZED SOME OF BAD HABITS ARE FAMOUS FOR THAT ON THEM THERE IS A BIG AND FAT PUBLIC INTERDICTION. FOR EXAMPLE, THE USE OF DRUGS . Speak, in the status socially and it is state not approved bad habits those get, dependence from which operates on the person is most destructive. Though this disputable statement. In the different countries the list of blamed defects can strongly differ .
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SUPERFLUOUS WEIGHT OF THE BODY eat much to lead to adiposity. have not a bite! eat as it is possible more slowly! do not eat the problems! do not arrange «a stomach holiday» on holidays and days off!
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TELEMANIA Already it is a lot of years as the person became the slave to this "box". Harm it is put both on physical, and on mental health. adiposity, diseases far not unique harm. Development of neurosises. Psychoemotional infringements. Scientists consider that the TV can provoke inadequate behaviour.
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Existence of this dependence was long ignored. But, despite it doctors repeat harm of the Internet. Physical harm to health radiations put, long sitting in one pose. Psychological harm
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MOBILE PHONES Microwave radiation can threaten brain cages. It is necessary to limit time of using to phone!
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The more you will drink "lemonades-illusions", the it will be more difficult to take pleasure to you from simple pleasures of a life. It will be more difficult to that to refuse it. Gradually you will start to leave from other people, yet will not understand that are in a complete dependence from this "lemonade". You realise, you will want to stop, but you can not …
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Lungs of the smoker At the smoker very big risk to be ill with a cancer of lungs. You can have a terrible cough, the voice becomes ugly. A teeth from nicotine turns yellow, there is an unpleasant smell from a mouth. There is an illness of vessels, heart is ill. Frustration of nervous system is shown by work capacity decrease, memory easing. Decrease in physical activity is observed. The metabolism worsens There are allergic diseases.
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ALCOHOL Alcohol consumption causes public discontent, a hang-over and working capacity decrease in short-term prospect; In long-term prospect it causes irreversible damage of a liver, loss of memory and deterioration of functioning of mentality, a sleeplessness, the slowed down reflexes with corresponding increase of danger of accidents and deterioration of judiciousness and the emotional control.
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DRUGS The first phase : At early stages the narcotism is characterised by dependence increase. The person so often is on drugs that becomes dependent on them, gets predilection for their use. The use starts to seem normal; the life without the use seems abnormal.
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Еpilogue Health is an invaluable property not only each person, but also all society. Health helps us to carry out our plans, successfully to solve the vital primary goals, to overcome difficulties and if it is necessary, also considerable overloads. Health reasonably kept and strengthened by the person, provides to it a long and active life.
В.А. Сухомлинский. Самое красивое и самое уродливое
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