Главной чертой архитектуры классицизма было обращение к формам античного зодчества как к эталону гармонии, простоты, строгости, логической ясности и монументальности. Архитектуре классицизма в целом присуща регулярность планировки и четкость объемной формы.
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Слайд 1
МБОУ Уметская средняя общеобразовательная школа имени Героя Социалистического Труда П. С. Плешакова Classicism Работу выполнила ученица 11 «а» класса Степанова Светлана Руководитель: Абдурахманова Г. Р., учитель английского языкаСлайд 2
Classicism – this architectural and esthetic direction in the European art of the end of 17-19 centuries.
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The main thing line of architecture of classicism was the reference to forms of antique architecture as to the standard of harmony, simplicity, severity, logical clearness and monumentalism. The regularity of a lay-out and clearness of the volume form, as a whole, is inherent in architecture of classicism. A basis of architectural language of classicism became Oder, in proportions and forms close to antiquity. For classicism is symmetric-axial compositions, simplicity of ornaments are peculiar.
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Architectural language of classicism has been formulated on Renaissance outcome great venetian master Palladio and its follower Skamotsii.
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The most significant interiors in style of classicism have been developed by scot Robert Adam. In Adam’s treatment classicism is presented by style, on refinement of interiors hardly probable conceding Rokko that has got to it popularity not only at domocratically adjusted circles, but also among aristocracy.
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Frenchman Jacque-Zhermen Sufflo at building in Paris has shown to church Sen-Zhenevev ability of classicism to organize extensive city spaces. As a vivid example St.-Petersburg can serve in Russia.
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In Russia uncommon architects were : Bazhenov, Charles Rossi, Andrey Voronihin and Andrejan Zaharov.
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By Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov in this style have been constructed : the Mihajlovsky lock in St.-Petersburg, Pashkov’s house, the Vladimir church in Bykovo.
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Charles Ivanovich Rossi has created : Ekatirinsky church in the Kremlin, Yelagin a palace, ensemble of Palace Square wich a building of the General staff and a Triumphal arch.
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The uncommon contribution was brought by Andrey Nikiforovich Voronihin. By it have been constructed : the Kazan cathedral in St.-Petersburg, a building of College of mines, the house of the State excheguer.
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As, Andrejan Dmitrievich Zaharov was the representative of classicism. It posesses works : Humpbacked and Lion’s bridges in Gatchina, a building of Admiralty.
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Thus, classicism has received the wide circulation at 17-19 centuries. However, this style continues to inspire modern architects on new, courageous decisions in architecture.
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