Презентация по теме "Лондон" создана учеником 7 класса в качестве самостоятельного домашнего задания для зачета по теме на обобщающем уроке. Цуль задания: закрепление знаний по теме и развитие навыков в использовании ИКТ.
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London Автор: Ученик 7-в класса ГОУ Сош № 180 Федяшев ВикторСлайд 2
Underground of London
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If we compare an underground of St.-Petersburg and underground of London we can see big difference in sizes.
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So we can say that underground of London is a very big and beautifull place, where you can easily lose a way.
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Tower bridge
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The Tower bridge is a only one leaf bridge in London. The Tower bridge was opened in 1894.
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Some people confused the Tower bridge to London bridge.
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London eye.
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London eye situated in the bank of river Thames. This is biggest wheel in the World.
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The London eye is a giant 135-metre (443 ft) tall. This is one more sight of London.
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Tower of London.
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Tower of London the one of the oldest historical constructions of Great Britain.
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Nowadays the Tower is both a monument of history and a museum.
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River Thames.
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The river Thames is most non-polluting in the Europe.
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Big Ben
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Height of a tower of 96,3 meters. Hours settle down at height of 55 meters from the ground.
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Diameter of a dial in 7 meter and in the length of arrows 2,7 and 4,2 meters.
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The end. The England is beautifull country, and London her capital is beautifull too.
Астрономический календарь. Февраль, 2019
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