Заочное, ускоренное обучение

Халикова Диана Фаритовна

Демоверсии диагностических работ по английскому языку  для учащихся заочной и ускоренной формы обучения


Предварительный просмотр:

Демоверсия диагностической работы по английскому языку для 2 класса

Ex.1 Напиши буквы в алфавитном порядке. Рядом с каждой заглавной поставь соответствующую маленькую. Для одной буквы не хватает пары.

L, N, d, J, z, v, W, G, l,D, n, Z, g, j,V

 Ex.2 Напиши буквы, рифмующиеся с данной. Например, J j–Kk, Hh, Aa

Bb –

Ff –

Ex.3 Вставь пропущенные буквы в слова:

a…le, do.., h..use, mo…se, …omputer, g…mnast, e…

Ex.4 Соотнеси английское слово и перевод.

  1. Orange  a/ яблоко
  2. Fish        b/ автобус
  3. Bus         c/ апельсин
  4. Apple     d/ рыба

Ex. 5 Переставь буквы и напиши слова правильно. Переведи их.

Kobo = book-книга

Foolbalt, fihs, bezra, ckoc, rotbo

Ex.6 Переведите предложения.

  1. It is a house. 2. She is from Russia. 3. I am from Great Britain. 4. Is it a rat? – Yes, it is.
  1. She has got a Barbie. 6. They have got a computer.

Ex. 7  Задай вопросы к предложениям:

  1. It is a pen. – Is it a pen?
  2. It is a bus. 3. It is a stamp. It is a flag.

Ex.8 Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. How are you? 4. Where are you from?

Предварительный просмотр:

Демоверсия диагностической работы по английскому языку для 3 класса

Ex.1 Распредели слова в 2 столбика: открытый и закрытый слог

Face, zero, twelve, phone, bus, gymnast, music, evening, disco, hobby

Ex.2 Найди и выпиши  лишнее слово:

  1. Body, box, four, hobby, hockey, fox
  2. Sausage, horse, ball, rocket, forward
  3. Farm, garden, under, park
  4. Mum, nut, funny, star, butterfly
  5. Book, boot, cook, look

Ex.3 Соотнести английское слово и перевод

1/ original people          a/ хвост

2/ capital                         b/ столица

3/ wombat                      c/ коренное население        

4/ tail                              d/ пустыня

5/ desert                e/ вомбат

Ex.4 Переведи предложения на русский язык

  1. Australia is famous for its beaches.
  2. There are a lot of farms in Australia.
  3. Aborigines are the original  Australian people.
  4. These mountains are not far from Sochi.
  5. Our country is beautiful.

Ex. 5 Задайте к предложениям из Упр.4 общие и специальные вопросы.

Ex.6 Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where is the Kremlin?
  2. Where is the taiga?
  3. Is Russia a big country?

Ex.7 Образуйте множественное число существительных

A bear, a wolf, a watch, a kangaroo, a city, a fox, a child, a man

Ex.8 Употребите is или are в предложениях:

  1. This … a river.
  2. These … ducks.
  3. What… these? – These … houses.
  4. What … this? – This … a village.

Ex.9 Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо.

  1. These are… ducks. 2. He is … doctor. 3. Moscow is … capital of Russia. 4. … wombats are … Australian animal. 5. … Ausralia is a big country.

Предварительный просмотр:

Демоверсия диагностической работы по английскому языку для 4 класса

Ex.1 Fill in the card








Phone number:


Ex.2 Read the text and choose the correct statements

Australia and the USA are big countries. They are bigger than Britain. But Russia is bigger than Australia and the USA. It is a very big country.

The weather can be different in different parts of Russia. In April it is cold and there is a lot of snow in Siberia, but it is warm on the Black Sea coast.

1/ The text says:

a/ Australia is bigger than the USA.

b/ The USA is bigger than Australia.

c/ Russia is bigger than the USA.

2/ The text says:

a/ It’s cold on the Black Coast in spring.

b/ It’s cold in Siberia in spring.

c/ It’s warm in Siberia in spring.

Ex.3 Read the letter and put in the missing letters.

Dear Sam,

T…ank you very mu…… for the fact card “R……n for…sts”. It is very int……esting.

In Ru…ia there are di…ferent s…as and m…ny big r…vers. We are maling a fact card ab…ut Ru……ia.

Write soon.



Ex.4 Образуйте множественное число существительных:

Bear, kangaroo, wolf, mouse, fox

Ex.5 раскройте скобки

This _(be) my family photo. These _(be) my parents.

My father _(be) a doctor. This ___ (be) my brother, Boris.

I_(be) eleven years old and he (be) fourteen.

Предварительный просмотр:

Демоверсия диагностической работы по английскому языку для 7 класса

Ex.1 Write the words in three columns. Read them

Sophia, London, Turkey, Asia, South America, Switzerland, Japan, Washington, Canberra, France, France, Amsterdam, Boston, Ottawa, Spain, Europe, New Zealand, Norway, Egypt, Beijing, Africa, Australia, Rome, Antarctica, North America, Paris, China, Sydney, Portugal.




Ex.2 Fill in the articles if necessary

Last summer I was in (1) ____ China. It is a beautiful country in (2)_____ Asia. This is (3) ____ ancient and modern country. It was founded several thousands years ago and is still one of the most developed countries. China is the third largest country in (4) ____ world, next to  (5) ____ Canada and (6) ____ Russia. It occupies the east part of (7) ____ Asia and 6,536 islands, the largest of which is Taiwan. (8) _____ capital of China is (9) ____ Beijing.

Ex.3 Write the languages that are mother tongues for most of people in these countries

  1. Bulgaria




  1. Poland



  1. Hungary



  1. Spain



  1. Norway



Ex.4 Read the names of the countries. Write where English is spoken as the official  language.

Australia, the Netherlands, Jamaica, Norway, Barbados, Japan, China, Germany, Trinidad and Tobago, New Zealand, the United states of America, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

  1. English is spoken in Australia as the official language.

Ex. 5 Match the words and their definitions and write what each of the words from the left column means. The first one is done for you.

  1. The mother tongue

a/ the sign of a country

  1. The population

b/ people who had lived in the country before it got its present name

  1. The official emblem

c/ a language which a child learns naturally, in his/ her family, not as a foreign language

  1. The official language

d/ people who live in the country, city, etc, not tourist

  1. The original population

e/ the language which is spoken on radio, TV, and by official people, and usually by most of the people in the country

Предварительный просмотр:


2016-2017 учебный год

Контроль навыков аудирования

Listen to a local broadcast about a popular game. Choose the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice.

Have you ever played netball? Would you like to find out more about this sport, which is popular in Britain, the USA, New Zealand and lots of other countries? Netball is similar to basketball, but this game is younger. Actually, it emerged in the 19th century as a women’s sport, as a lighter version of  basketball. The ball is really a bit lighter, and the court is probably a little bit smaller, but it doesn’t diminish the popularity of the game. On the contrary, unlike its senior brother, netball is accessible to non-professional players, which makes it a very popular outdoor leisure activity. Though it started as an indoor women’s sport, now it’s played widely on the open courts, on lawns and beaches by men, women and kids.

Our local netball team Silver Ball is three years old this Saturday. And you are very welcome to our beach birthday party. You’ll find out some amazing facts about netball history and will learn the rules of the game. You can also enjoy playing netball on the beach with the members of our team. The celebration also includes cake cutting and photo taking, and lots of sports activities on the beach. The most enthusiastic participants will be awarded presents. The main prize of the party – the Silver Ball, which is actually made of milk chocolate, will go to the most successful first-time netballer. Come, and bring your friends and families with you! Don’t miss out!

  1. Netball reminds basketball in terms of the aim and the rules of the game.

a/ true    b/ false   c/ not stated

  1. According to the speaker, netball is seldom played in the open air.

a/ true    b/ false   c/ not stated

  1. Nowadays netball is still more popular with women than with men.

a/ true    b/ false   c/ not stated

  1. The local netball team is going to celebrate its birthday on the beach.

a/ true    b/ false   c/ not stated

  1. Any person will be allowed to play netball together with the team.

a/ true    b/ false   c/ not stated

  1. The most enthusiastic and successful first-time player will be awarded a cake.

a/ true    b/ false   c/ not stated

Контроль навыков чтения

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

School forever?

Classes and homework are not only for children. Not any more. This is the opinion of one of the online course providers Jason Underwood. He believes education is going to going to become a lifelong process for those who those who are at school or university now. The professional world is very competitive nowadays, and to keep up with rivals one needs to update qualifications on a regular basis. If a person wants to go further, to get promoted, and to keep his skilled job, he’ll have to master his skills and upgrade his qualifications regularly.

The job-for-life tendency seems to have ceased to exist. The world is changing rapidly: specialists of your profession are in great demand now, but soon you may find the job market has changed, and you may need to obtain another qualification to avoid being left behind.

It’s obvious that a person who has a full time job can’t give it up in order to attend classes. The Internet is the resource which enables people to combine work and study. Online courses provide vast opportunities in education and development to everyone, regardless of their age, job, and location. Jason Underwood believes that the technological advantages of distant education are evident and it will soon replace the old model of education with its compulsory lecture and seminar attendance. “If you do an online course,” he says, “ you can just log on, i.e. enter the educational resource by typing your login, and listen to the lecture, or read the printed version of the lecture. You have access to lots of audio and video topic-related clips and you can watch them again and again. You can record them for later use in case you wish to run through them for your exam. And if anything needs clarification or if you’ve got questions, you can apply to your tutor or the lecturer via the e-mail. And even when it’s to sit your course exam, there’s often no need to come to the real classroom – you can submit assignments and take exams via the Internet”.

Access to libraries without commuting and studying at a convenient time is a real advantage for students of any ages, and absolutely vital for adults students. Though not all distance courses are run quite effectively yet, in regard to lifetime education the concept of lectures and tutorials held entirely in the classroom has already gone.

  1. Jason Underwood says that to survive in the competition people should

a/ upgrade the electronic equipment regularly.

b/ watch how their competitors are doing.

c/ upgrade their professional knowledge.

  1. The author of the article believes that the job market

a/ is expanding rapidly in all professional fields.

b/ tends to offer opportunities for anyone.

c/ is getting more dynamic and less predictable.

  1. The author of the article believes that

a/ all age groups will benefit from the internet-based learning.

b/ younger generation will benefit from the internet-based learning most.

c/ the senior professionals will benefit from distant learning most.

  1. Jason Underwood believes that distant courses

a/ will be used instead of face-to face classes.

b/ cannot be used by schoolchildren or young learners.

c/ will make a part of traditional model of education.

  1. The main advantage of distant courses in Mr Underwood’s opinion is that

a/ students have permanent access to all the materials.

b/ students can communicate with the teacher via e’mail.

c/ students don’t have to sit their exams in the classroom.

  1. The author believes that

a/ classroom education has no alternative.

b/ people are ready to accept electronic innovations.

c/ the time of distant learning hasn’t come yet.

Контроль навыков письма

Read a part from your friend’s letter and answer it. Write:

  • that you are sorry about her distress
  • if you approve or disapprove of the idea of a school uniform
  • if you wear a uniform in your school; if yes – describe what it’s like, if no- describe what clothes you wear to school.

Write 100-140 words.

I’ve got some news for you – my parents have put me in a new school. The school is OK. It’s closer to our hose, so I can sleep a bit longer in the morning. But they make me wear a school uniform there! It’s an ugly dark green jacket and a skirt of the same colour. I look forty in it! And I hate skirts! I’ve always worn jeans for any occasion. I hope you don’t have the same problem in your school, do you? Do school students wear uniform in your country or not?


Контроль навыков говорения

Work in pairs. You need to choose a uniform you are going to wear for your Physical Education lesson. Discuss your ideas of uniform, present your arguments and come to an agreement.

Student 1

You believe that a pair of shorts and a T-shirt can make an ideal uniform.

The colours you like are: blue, white, red (pure or in any combination).

Student 2

You think that the uniform should consist of a pair of training trousers, a T-shirt and a training jumper. You prefer practical dark colours.

Useful language:

  1. The uniform should be light to allow you to move freely.
  2. You will sweat  in it.
  3. It gets dirty too soon.
  4. You can wash it, can’t you?
  5. It dries up very soon.
  6. It’s suitable for indoor sports as well as for outdoor ones.
  7. I hate this colour.
  8. The uniform should make you visible on the pitch.

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