Подготовка к ЕГЭ
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Образование существительных с помощью суффиксов
От основы глагола
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное существительное |
-er/or | Teach, work, mix | Teacher, worker, runner, player, mixer |
-er/ee | employ | Employer, employee |
-ation, -ition | Invite, revolt | Invitation, revolution |
-ing | Build, dance, swim | Building, dancing, swimming |
-ment | Agree, develop | Agreement, development |
-ion, -tion, | Discuss, produce | Discussion, production |
-ent, -ant | Assist, study | Assistant, student |
-ence, -ance | Perform, depend | Performance, dependence |
От основы существительного
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное существительное |
-ist | Science, tour | Scientist, tourist |
-an, -ian | Republic, America | Republican, American |
-ation, -ition | Invite, revolt | Invitation, revolution |
-ing | Build, dance, swim | Building, dancing, swimming |
-ment | Agree, develop | Agreement, development |
-ship | friend | Friendship, partnership |
-hood | brother | Brotherhood, childhood, motherhood |
-ese | China, Japan | Chinese, Japanese |
-ess | Actor, lion | Actress, lioness |
От основы прилагательного или наречия
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное существительное |
-ness | Happy, midly | Happiness, mildliness |
-ty, -ity | Certain, safe, secure | Certainty, safety, security |
2. Образование прилагательных с помощью суффиксов
От основы существительного
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное прилагательное |
-ful | beauty | beautiful |
-less | water | waterless |
-able | comfort | comfortable |
-al | form | formal |
-ic | history | historic |
-y | Mud, rain | Muddy, rainy |
От основы глагола
Суффиксы | Исходное слово | Производное прилагательное |
-ive | Act, effect | Active, effective |
-ant | observe | observant |
-ible | access | accessible |
-able | drink | drinkable |
-ent | persist | persistent |
-ing | excite | exciting |
Составные прилагательные
Существительное + прилагательное | Snow-white |
Прилагательное + прилагательное | Dark-blue |
Наречие +причастие | Well-built |
Прилагательное + существительное (+ суффикс) | Barefooted, bareheaded, black-haired, middle-aged |
3. Образование слов с помощью приставок
Отрицательные приставки
Приставка | Значение, особенности | Производное прилагательное |
Un- | Наиболее употребительная | Unable, untidy, unpleasant, unfriendly |
Im- | Перед буквами m, p | Impossible, immoral, impatient, important |
Il- | Перед буквой l | Illiterate, illegal |
Ir- | Перед буквой r | Irritated, irresponsible, irrational |
In- | очень редко | Inactive, inaccurate, invisible |
Dis- | лишение | Disable, disappointed |
Non- | лишение | Non-profitable |
Mis- | лишение | mistaken |
Другие приставки
Приставка | Значение | Производное слово |
Re- | повтор | Replay, repeat, remake |
Pre- | до | Pre-war, precaution |
Post- | после | Post-war |
ex- | бывший | Ex-wife, ex-president |
En- | Глаголы от существительных | Endanger, enchain |
Over- | Сверх меры | Overcharge, overweight |
Under- | недостаточно | Underpay, underestimate |
sub- | под | Submarine, subdue |
4. Использование латинских и греческих приставок и суффиксов для словообразования
Некоторые латинские и греческие приставки дают нам слова с числами:
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
mono- , uni- | один, единственный | monopoly, unison |
bi-, di-, duo- | два, дважды | bilingual, diagonal, duet |
tri- | три | triangle |
quad-, tetra- | четыре | quadruped, tetrameter |
quin- | пять | quintuplet |
hexa-, sex- | шесть | hexagon, sextet |
sept- | семь | septennial |
oct-, octa-, octo- | восемь | octave, octopus |
nona- | девять | nonagenarian |
dec-, deci- | десять | decimal |
cent-, hec- , hecta- | сто | century, hectare |
kilo- , mil- | тысяча | kilometre, millimetre |
giga- | биллион | gigawatt |
Другие латинские и греческие приставки обозначают количество, размер или градацию:
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
micro-, mini- | маленький | microscope, miniature |
maxi-, mega- | большой, огромный | maximum, megalomaniac |
hyper-, super- | сверх, превыше | hyperbole, superhuman |
sub- | под, меньше | submarine |
ultra- | за, по ту сторону | ultrasound, ultraviolet |
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
ad-, pro- | к, по направлению к | advance, proceed |
retro- | назад | retrospect, retro-rocket |
intra- | внутри | intravenous |
inter- | между, среди | international, intermingle |
extra- | снаружи | extraterrestrial |
equi-, | одинаковый, равный | equilibrium, |
auto- | сам, без посторонней помощи | autobiography |
homo- | такой же | homonym, |
hetero- | различный, другой | heterodox, |
dia-, | через, сквозь | diameter, |
pan- | все | panorama |
para- | рядом, бок о бок | parallel, |
cata- | вниз, прочь | catacomb |
ante-, | прежде | antenatal, |
post- | после | posthumous |
tele-, telos- | далеко | telescope |
Следующие латинские и греческие приставки обозначают специфические области человеческой деятельности. Из некоторых примеров видно, что два этих языка до сих пор остаются источниками образования новых понятий в науке, медицине и технологии:
Приставка | Значение | Пример |
аеrо- | воздух | aerodynamic, aerosol |
anthropo- | человек | anthropology |
bio- | жизнь | biology, biography |
eco- | естественная среда | ecology |
electro- | электричество | electronics |
fluor-, fluo- | поток, течение | fluorescent, fluoride |
haemo-, hemo- | кровь | haemorrhage |
neuro- | нерв | neurotic |
optic-, opto- | зрение | optician |
phil- | любовь к | philanthropy |
proto- | первый | prototype |
psycho- | разум | psychology |
pyro- | огонь | pyrotechnics |
socio- | общество | social |
spectro- | взгляд, образ | spectrograph |
techno- | искусство, ремесло | technical, technology |
therm-, thermo- | теплота, жара | thermometer |
Технология развития навыков словообразования
В настоящее время практически все учебные пособия по английскому языку для школы (например, линия учебных пособий с 3-часовой программой ”Spotlight”, линия учебных пособий для школ с 6-часовой программой “Starlight”) содержат упражнения на словообразование. Но их мало, и к упражнениям нет комментариев по технологии выполнения данных заданий. Чаще всего формулировка заданий к упражнениям следующая: образуйте правильную форму слова (глагола) и заполните пропуски. А как это делать, как думать, ничего не сказано.
Нужна разработка целой системы подобных заданий и их включение в учебные пособия. Мы предлагаем следующую технологию обучения навыкам словообразования с целью подготовки к ЕГЭ.
- Учащимся должны быть предложены таблицы с суффиксами и приставками в английском языке.
- Необходимо обратить внимание на то, что определенные суффиксы используются для разных частей речи.
- Рассмотрев приставки, указать, что они имеют различные значения.
- Дать задание на распознавание частей речи (упр. 1, 2 в приложении).
- Рассмотреть группы однокоренных слов и вставить их в пропуски в соответствии с требуемой частью речи (упр. 3, 4, 5).
- Образовать различные слова с помощью приставок, суффиксов, словосложением от основы и вставить в пропуски (упр. 1–11).
- Выполнить задания на словообразование в формате ЕГЭ (упр. 1–6)
- Далее можно переходить к выполнению заданий ЕГЭ.
При выполнении любых заданий на словообразование предлагается следующий путь решения:
- Прочитайте и переведите предложение.
- Подумайте, какое слово пропущено, какая часть речи. Это можно определить по месту в предложении, словам и предлогам, стоящим рядом.
- Если это существительное, то нужно вспомнить суффиксы существительных, единственное или множественное число.
- Если это прилагательное — соответствующие суффиксы, приставки, возможно, отрицательные.
- Если это наречие — суффиксы и приставки.
- Если это глагол — суффиксы глаголов, временные формы, окончания.
- Поставить образованное слово в пропуск и снова прочитать предложение.
Предварительный просмотр:
Recent research has shown that choice of future career is an integral part of teenagers’ lives. To learn more about it, I have found some information on what occupations teenagers choose in Zetland. As part of my project, I have analyzed these data and made very interesting insights.
According to the data, adolescents in Zetland have a great selection of future occupations. As can be seen from the table, the vast majority of respondents decided to become IT-specialists, as well as banking managers. We can mark that translator and designer are also popular professions among teenagers in Zetland. A psychologist is the least significant speciality with young people.
It is not surprising that 70% of participants would like to work in IT-area, as we live in the digital age. Banking management is a quite high-paid profession, so 67% of responders have chosen this option. The number of teenagers who enjoy being translators and designers is only slightly lower, 42% and 39% respectively, whereas the job of psychologist is at the bottom of the table.
Despite the fact that the labour market in Zetland is replete with various professions, young people all around the world face some problems with choosing a career. One of the most relevant problems that is often experienced by teenagers is the wrong choice of future occupation. The best way to solve this problem is to choose your future speciality more sensibly. Youngers should pay more attention to their preferences and salary.
To sum up, I consider that making the right choice of your future career is one of the most important decisions in every person’s life.
Recent studies show that teenagers’ sports preferences have changed. To find out more about it, I have found some information on what kinds of sports are popular among teenagers living in Zetland. As part of my project, I have analyzed these data and I am going to comment on it.
According to the data, teenagers in Zetland have quite a wide range of tastes when it comes to kinds of sports. The vast majority of respondents enjoy running and football. Skateboarding and boxing are also quite popular among adolescents in Zetland whereas athletics is the least preferred sport.
Surprisingly, only 14,5% of those surveyed like athletics. By contrast, running and football are favored by a much higher proportion of respondents – 55,3% and 49,7%, respectively. The percentage of those who enjoy skateboarding is only slightly lower, making up 49,7%.
Despite doing sports has a lot of advantages, there are some problems associated with it. One of the problems which can arise is that people can get injured by playing sports. The problem can be solved with help of special equipment, which protects people’s bodies from different types of damage.
In conclusion, I want to express my opinion on the roles of sports in teenagers’ lives. I firmly believe that despite some problems associated with doing sports, it is extremely beneficial for adolescents because they keep their bodies strong, fit and flexible by playing sports.
. . It goes without saying that choosing occupations plays a significant role in people’s lives. While doing a project on what kind of professions are popular among teenagers, I have found some data which I am going to comment on.
. . According to the results of the opinion poll, IT –specialists and banking managers seem to be the most common types of jobs, with 70 % and 67 % of adolescents are interested in them correspondently, but a psychologist tend to be the list popular occupation comprising 14% and having the smallest index because adults are not involved in learning psychology.
. . As we can see from the table, a designer is almost as prevalent as a vocation of translator, with only 3% difference between them.
. .Despite everything mentioned above, the amount of respondents who choose a career connected with psychology will possibly can decrease. It is a serious problem because many people need some help of the specialists to find any solution for life problems. In my opinion, one of the ways of solving this problem is attending lectures, studying psychology as an important school subject. Moreover, students and children should go to teenagers’ clubs and personal meetings with psychologists. In conclusion, I would like to say that it is extremely important for every person to choose a career which bring positive effect for future of society.
Предварительный просмотр:
Hi Mark. Did you get the photos for out project "Life in the countryside? I sent them to you last night.
Let me describe them for you.I think the first picture is great for our project because it depicts two people:a man and a boy, who are sitting at the table in the garden. The man is playing the guitar. In the background, we can see a countryhouse. The second picture is also good for our project because it shows a farm with cows, some barns and a farmer's house. In my opinion, these photos suit our project perfectly because they both show different places of living in the country: a countryhouse and a farm.
Obviously, there are some differences between the photos, but the main one is that in the first picture the man and the boy are relaxing, whereas in the second picture there is a farm which requires hard work. There are no people in the second picture but I suppose they are busy with work somewhere inside. So, these photos illustrate different ways of spending time in the countryside.
I think there are some advantages and disadvantages of living in these places. Talking about living in a countryhouse, you can enjoy nature and fresh air but you can get bored easily. As for living on a farm, you do a lot of physical work which is good for your health, but you need to get up very early.
Personally, the best place of living for me is a farm because I love animals and I would like to spend my time looking after them.
That's all I wanted to say. Please, get in touch with me and let me know what you think about the photos for our project.
Hello, Masha, how are you doing? I've found some pictures for our project “Foreign languages in our life”. Let me say a few words about them.
You see, the first photo shows several people sitting at a table and wearing headphones. They are probably taking part in some international negotiations and listening to an interpreter while discussing some issue.
The second photo depicts two young girls on a holiday. They are holding backpacks, a guide map and a camera. They seem to have found some attraction they've been looking for with the help of the map, and one of the girls is taking pictures. They both look really happy. (6)
The pictures have obvious differences, but the main one is that in the first photo, the people are dealing with a foreign language at work, while in the second one, the women might be using it during a trip to read a guide map.
So, these pictures are perfect for our project as they show that knowledge of foreign languages can be useful in different spheres of life. (2)
I think we should also mention some advantages and disadvantages of studying foreign languages.
What is good about it is that it's really interesting and develops one's memory. At the same time, its drawback is that studying foreign languages is rather difficult and needs a lot of effort. (3)
Thus, everyone can choose for themselves whether to study foreign languages properly or not.
Personally, I think knowing a foreign language is really important in my life because it makes me a more educated and versatile person. It can also give me a lot of opportunities in the future career and everyday life. (3)
Спасибо! То есть в ответ на 4 пункт задания про профессии можно сказать, что I'd do neither of the jobs presented in the photos as my dream job is teaching. I have always liked working with kids.
Hi there! Have you received the pictures, I've sent you by email? I suppose they are perfect for our project "Man's best friends".
Let me start by describing the first picture which shows a boy who is sitting with his dog on the ground. The boy is hugging the pet. As for the second picture, you can see an old man who is holding a cat.
As for the difference between these two photos, there are different kinds of pets on the photos. In the first one, you can see a dog, while in the second picture there is a cat.
Well, an advantage of having a dog, depicted in the first photo is that dogs are very friendly animals and can be a good friend, while cats as a pet in the second picture are often egoistic, which is a disadvantage. However, the cat presented in the second picture also has its advantages, they are independent and don't need much attention, whereas dogs need more care and always want to communicate with people.
As for me, I would prefer to have a dog as a pet, because they are more kind.
That's all for now. #egexpert_speaking
Hi, Kate! I have found a couple of interesting photos for our project we are working on and I would like to discuss them with you.
In the first picture you can see two women. They are in the Farmer’s market. They are looking for some vegetables to buy. The second picture shows you 2 women. They are in a supermarket. They are going to buy some products. I suggest using these pictures because they both illustrate the idea of shopping but in different ways.
Indeed, there are some differences between these photos. The most striking one lies in the type of grocery shopping: in the first picture shows us a more traditional approach to grocery shopping while in another picture you can see grocery shopping in a supermarket. Another difference is the quality of food: in the Farmer's market you can buy the most fresh and healthy vegetables and fruits, in a supermarket you can buy ordinary or even rotten food. I suggest using this pictures as they both illustrate the fact that buying food in supermarket has its pluses and minuses.
As I said earlier, if you decide to buy the Farmer’s market products you will be sure that it is 100% healthy and clean, but mostly there are no lots of farmer markets in your area. As for supermarkets, you do not need to spend a lot of time to get to it, but you are not sure that products may be damaged or rotten.
As for me, I would like to shop at the Farmer’s market only it will not very far from my place of living. Eating completely healthy food is great but I do not want to spend a lot of time to get this food.
That is all I wanted to discuss with you. Let me know what YOU think about these pictures. Bye for now.
Hello, Monika! How are you doing? I've found two pictures for our project “Celebrating Christmas in English-speaking countries”. Let me tell you a few words about them.
The first photo depicts a family. There are four people sitting in the kitchen full of Christmas signs. These people are having a Christmas party. They might have cooked plenty of delicious meals themselves.
The second photo illustrates a bright beach full of people. The place is cheerful, there are two giant toys and a Christmas tree there. Three women are taking photos near the decorations.
Well, I've chosen these pictures because they both represent different ways of celebrating Christmas.
The pictures differ clearly: the situation on the first one takes place in a warm flat which is comfortable and cozy, while the second picture shows the holiday in a sunny country.
Besides, the company in the first picture is a close family, while the group of girls taking photos is probably friends.
However, these pictures are perfect for our project as they illustrate different ways of celebrating this winter holiday in different English-speaking countries.
It would be great to mention some advantages and disadvantages of spending time on a beach on Christmas and having a whale of time among family members at home.
It is believed that Christmastime may be the most important holiday for families there people gather together and share their traditions. At the same time, its drawback is that one can be bored not only because of tiring preparations but also because of spending much time and money on it.
As for having some fun in a hot country, its upside is that many tourists want to stay in exotic places and everything becomes more expensive. Moreover, the holiday is mostly associated with snow and it's unusual to celebrate it without this fairy weather.
Nevertheless, everyone can choose how and where to celebrate Christmas.
Personally, I would prefer to stay at home with my relatives because I love sharing emotions with my nearest and dearest in my hometown.
That's all for now. Let me know what you think. Bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Adjectives+dependent prepositions
Complete the extracts:
Предварительный просмотр:
Как запомнить новую информацию?
- Концентрация!
Прежде чем что-то запомнить, необходимо что-то узнать. Поэтому на уроке внимательно слушайте преподавателя, а для самостоятельных занятий выбирайте тихие места, где можно легко сосредоточиться.
- В конце каждого урока просматривайте пройденный материал
В конце каждого урока бегло просмотрите основные моменты пройденного материала. Напишите краткое изложение пройденного материала, используя ключевые слова, подчёркните их ярким маркером. Этот способ поможет вам легче усвоить новый материал, а впоследствии легче его вспомнить.
- Просматривайте пройденное как можно чаще
Повторяйте материал регулярно — это более эффективно, чем зазубривать всё в последний момент.
- Когда вы читаете, задавайте себе вопросы к тексту
Вы скорее запомните информацию, если читаете целенаправленно. По мере чтения задавайте себе вопросы. - Старайтесь повторить прочитанное, не заглядывая в книгу
Очень хороший способ запоминания – стараться повторить прочитанное, не заглядывая в книгу. Проверьте свою память, делая заметки и потом сравнивая их с учебником.
- Используйте различные методы запоминания
Обычно мы запоминаем 20% прочитанного, 30% услышанного, 40% увиденного, 50% написанного и 60% сделанного. Выписывайте материал, проговаривайте его вслух, рисуйте картинки, старайтесь задействовать все органы чувств.
Как запоминать английские слова?
- Делайте карточки со словами
Этот всем известный способ действительно эффективен. Купите готовый блок для записей или нарежьте карточки сами. На одной стороне карточки пишите новое слово, а на другой — перевод и пример, объясняющий использование данного слова. Можно использовать одноцветные карточки для всех слов или завести специальный цвет для каждой части речи. Рисуйте картинки к словам. Думая о том, как изобразить новое слово в виде рисунка, вы помогаете себе лучше его запомнить. Кроме того, картинки запоминаются лучше, чем слова.
- Носите карточки с собой и занимайтесь, когда у вас есть свободное время, например, в транспорте или очереди. Карточки можно складывать в тематические конверты: «Путешествия», «Здоровье», «Глаголы» и т.д. Не забывайте почаще «перебирать» свои конверты!
- Составляйте предложения о себе с новыми словами
Использование новых слов в персонализированном контексте – это отличный метод запоминания. Когда вы записываете слова и употребляете их в контексте, вы лучше запоминаете их значение. - Попытайтесь разыграть новые слова в виде сценки
Разыграйте сценку, которая описывает новое слово, которое вы учите.
- Проговаривайте слова вслух, когда вы их учите
Записывайте себя на диктофон, когда вы произносите новые слова, а потом прослушайте запись.
- Ищите связи между новыми словами
Это можно делать, организуя слова в группы, например, по темам, по парам (слова с близкими или противоположными значениями), по частям речи (глаголы, существительные, прилагательные и т.п.).
- Ищите новые слова
Ищите слова, которые вы учите, когда вы говорите с людьми, смотрите телевизор, читаете книги или журналы на английском языке.