контрольно-измерительные задания

контрольно-измерительные задания для 2 и 3 класса к учебнику О.В. Афанасьевой Rainbow English


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 2 класс

I. Аудирование

1. Послушай диктора и запиши, каких слов не хватает в этих фразах.

  1. Is it a ship or a ___________?
  2. Is he a dad or a ___________?
  3. I can see a bone and a  ___________.
  4. ________________  can see a phone.
  5. Sit and ________________ are good.
  6. Kiss ____________ and dad.

2. Послушай и обведи, какие из этих фраз произнес диктор.

1. a) He is old. / b) She is old.

2. a) We can see a boat. /         b) We can see a coat.

3. a) It is not a bone. /             b) It is not a stone.

4. a) Is Jane old?       /           b) Is Jane cold?

5. a) It’s a big green plane.          /         b) It’s a big green plate.

6. a) It is not a funny name.        /          b) It is not a funny game.

II. Чтение

1.Прочитайте текст о знакомых тебе эльфе и тролле и отметьте, какие утверждения после текста верны.

Harry and Emily are in London. Harry is a troll. He is twelve. He is from Green Hill. Emily is a cute little elf. She is eleven. She is from Green Wood. They can see a red bus, a black car and a blue lorry. They can see Big Ben. They are happy.

  1. Emily is a troll.
  2. Harry and Emily are from Green Wood.
  3. Harry is from Green Hill.
  4. Emily is in London.
  5. Harry and Emily are nine.
  6. Emily is not big.
  7. Harry and Emily are not sad.

2. Соедини вопросы и ответы на них.

  1. Are you cold?
  2. What’s your name?
  3. Are they cute?
  4. Is she from Bonn?
  5. Where is he from?
  1. Yes, they are.
  2. No, I’m not.
  3. He is from Paris.
  4. Yes, she is.
  5. I’m Ann.

3. Грамматика.

1. Прочитайте предложения, вставьте артикль a или an.

  1. I can see ______ old map.
  2. I can see ______ big plane.
  3. It is _____ egg.
  4. It is _____ ant. It is ____ black ant.
  5. I can see ______ elf  and ________ troll.

2. Закончи предложения, используя is, am, are.

My mother and father _________ from Pskov.It ______ a blue tulip.It ______ in my mug.

I ____ a pupil. My sister and brother _______ ten. I can see a big book. It ____ thick.We _______ in London, they ______ in Moscow.You ______not a student. I _____  from Madrid. _______ you ten or eleven? ______ she Kate or Polly.

4. Лексика.

1.Найди по цепочке 9 слов, начала и концы которых соединены, и запиши их отдельно.


  1. ____________
  2. ____________
  3. ____________
  4. ____________
  5. ____________





2. Подумай и запиши слова в этих рамочках по парам.

Tulip, pilot, brother, bye-bye, you, blue, fly, mother, nine, pie, throne

Cake, father, cook, hello, rose, queen, five, green, sister, ant,they

  1. ____________
  2. ____________
  3. ____________
  4. ____________
  5. ____________
  6. ____________
  7. ____________
  8. ____________
  9. ____________
  10. ___________
  11. ___________

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс

I. Аудирование 1. Послушай аудиозапись и укажи кто по профессии эти люди.

  1. Mrs Meg Colin
  2. Ms Rose Parker
  3. Mr Jim Brown
  4. Mrs Sally Green
  5. Miss Lucy Webb
  1. a doctor
  2. a dancer
  3. a nurse
  4. a singer
  5. a teacher

2. Послушай диалог детей и укажи, какие из этих утверждений верны.

  1. Emily is in her house.
  2. Emily has a book.
  3. Emily has a diary.

  1. Emily is a writer.
  2. Emily likes to read books.
  3. Emily reads to Harry in the evening.

II. Чтение

1. Прочитайте текст о комнате генерала Грина и отметьте, какие утверждения после текста верны.

General Green has a big light room. He has a table and four chairs in his room. The table is by the window. General Green has a desk too. His desk is narrow. It is by the wall. His books and maps are on the desk and on the shelf. The shelf is on the wall. You can see his computer and his phone on the desk too. His phone is black. The walls of the room are yellow, the floor is brown. The door and two windows are white. General Green has a pet. It is a small bird. It is in the cage. The bird can’t sing but it can speak. It is a very good speaker. It likes to say: “ Hello, General Green”. General Green likes his room and his pet.

  1. General Green has a room.
  2. His room is small.
  3. His desk is by the window.
  4. General Green has no computer.
  5. General Green has a phone.

  1. His phone is on the table.
  2. He has no chairs in his room.
  3. His maps are on the floor.
  4. His pet is not a dog.
  5. His pet can speak.

2. Соедини по смыслу реплики в левой и правой колонках.

  1. Thank you, dear.
  2. Can you sing or dance?
  3. Do you speak English?
  4. Nice to meet you.
  5. Does your friend go to school?
  6. Is your friend a pupil?
  7. What’s the time?
  8. Where’s Alice?
  9. How many white mice can you see?
  10. How old are you?
  1. Yes, I do.
  2. It’s six o’clock.
  3. I’m nine.
  4. Not at all.
  5. Yes, she does.
  6. Nice to meet you.
  7. Yes, I can but not very well.
  8. Ten.
  9. She’s in the shop.
  10. Yes, she is. She goes to my school.

3. Грамматика. 1. Заверши предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола. Обведи ее.

1) I (like/likes) to ski and my sister Mary (like/likes) to skate. 2) My dad (read/reads) old thick books. 3) My friend and I (dance/dances) very well. 4) Mr Harris (ride/rides) in the park on Sundays. 5)Little Roy (sleep/sleeps) in his little bed by the window. 6) The song is very good. We (sing/sings) it again and again. 7) Horses and cows (have/has) long tails. 8) May (say/says) today is her birthday.

2. Закончи вопросы, используя нужную форму глаголов: is, are или do, does.

  1. _____Harry a troll?
  2. _____Jane and Mary good friends?
  3. _____Rose can speak English?
  4. _____Rex your dog?
  5. _____Charlie skate for his school?
  6. _____you play computer games?
  7. _____the Browns farmers?
  8. _____your parents like cats and dogs?
  9. _____your grandmother young?
  10. _____boys and girls eat sweets?

4. Лексика. 1.Соедини фразы из первой колонки с их эквивалентами.

  1. Встань.
  2. Садись.
  3. Помоги своей маме.
  4. Прочитай эту книгу.
  5. Напиши этот текст.
  6. Сходи в банк.
  7. Спой эту песню.
  8. Иди в школу.
  1. Sit down.
  2. Sing the song.
  3. Read the book.
  4. Go to school.
  5. Write the text.
  6. Help your mother.
  7. Go to the bank.
  8. Stand up.

2. Заверши предложения используя слова в рамочке.

Woman, man, men, women, child, children, mouse, mice, goose, geese

1) Mrs Margo is a young _________ , her husband is a young _________ . 2) These _________ and _______are teachers. 3) A lot of children don’t like frogs, ants and _________. 4) My grandparents have 5 white__________ on their farm. One _________ is grey. 5) The Greens are a big family. They have six _____________. 6) Rob Brown is not a __________ , he is a young man. 7) Little __________ , where is your house. It is under the floor.