Дистанционное обучение
Самостоятельная работа очень важна для каждого человека, именно поэтому я придаю особоое значение самообразованию. Дистанционное обучение призвано помочь нам в решении этой непростой задачи!
А сейчас несколько очень хороших и поучительных цитат от великих людей:
Надо учиться в школе, но еще гораздо больше надо учиться по выходе из школы, и это второе учение по своим последствиям, по своему влиянию на человека и на общество неизмеримо важнее первого.
Писарев Д. И.
Образование не есть только школьное дело. Школа дает лишь ключи к этому образованию. Внешкольное образование есть вся жизнь! Всю жизнь должен человек себя образовывать.
Луначарский А. В.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
I am going (I want, I would like) to retell a (funny, humorous…) story… The title of it is… It is written by… . This text is about…(is about how)… It tells us about… The text is dedicated to… The main idea of the text is… . The story shows… The leading characters of the text are… . The central figure is… It seems to me that the text can be logically divided into …parts
At the beginning of the story the author describes… From the first part of the text we come to know about… . In the second part the author describes… The story is set (develops) in the forest (in the street, at home)… The events described in the text are simple It takes place in winter (in the evening, at night, during some days)… We first meet the main character when… As I said before… In the next paragraph… While reading the text we get to know that… . The general (main) idea expressed is…
Finally the text tells us about… . Summing it up I must say about… .. It is a wonderful story widely known to the public I enjoyed reading the story It touched me deeply I find the text interesting and informative The text has enriched my knowledge and my memory Such texts are to my taste.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Make present perfect sentences . 1 Ernie / break / his leg / four times ____________________________ 2 I / never / fly a kite ____________________________ 3 your brother / ever / eat / snails? ____________________________ 4 our friends / not play / volleyball / this month _____ 5 he / borrow / your pen? __________________________________ 6 my father / never / read / romantic books ____________________ 7 I / not see / Julia / this morning _________________________ 8 Mrs Salwick / ever / write a book? _______________________ 9 My family / lived / in this town / for 6 years _________________ 10 Your grandma / ever / ride a bike ? ________________________
1. Write already or yet in the correct place: 1. Nick has drunk a cup of tea. ____________________________________ 2. I haven’t swept the floor. It is very dirty. ____________________________________ 3. She has seen this film. ____________________________________ 4. The boys have broken a new vase. ____________________________________ 5. Have they copied the text? ____________________________________ 6. I have sent an SMS to my friend. ____________________________________ 7. Tim hasn’t been at the concert. ____________________________________ 8. She has read an interesting article. ____________________________________ 9. They haven’t invited their neighbours. ____________________________________
4. Fill in never or ever in the correct place: 1. I have been to London. ____________________________________ 2. Have you seen the Eiffel Tower? ____________________________________ 3. I have skated on the skating-rink. ____________________________________ 4. Sam has been to a football match. ____________________________________ 5. Have you flown to Madrid? ____________________________________ 6. We have travelled by plane. ____________________________________ 7. Liz has booked a trip to Morocco. ____________________________________ 8. Has Tom cooked lunch? ____________________________________ 9. They have flown in the helicopter. ________________________________
5. Write the answers with the words in brackets : 1. Have you chosen a new mobile? ( yet ) _______________________________________ 2. Have you booked your trip to London? ( already ) _______________________________________ 3. Have you recorded a new song? ( just ) _______________________________________ 4. Have you been to Paris? ( never ) _______________________________________ 5. Have you found a new flat? ( yet ) ______________________________________ 6. Have you attended this exhibition? ( just ) ______________________________________ 7. Have you driven a car? ( never ) ______________________________________ 8. Have you written a report? ( already ) ______________________________________
Dirty Hot Angry Small Furious Good Hungry Important delighted Cold Happy great awful Beautiful really absolutely very quite a bit
Вставьте a little, a few. 2. Add ____sugar. 3. Slice ____apples. 4. Cut up _____oranges. 5. Pour in ____honey. 6. Add _____baking soda. 7. Chop up _____nuts. 8. Add _____salt. 9. Mix in _____raisins.
Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some, any, nо I'm afraid there's ____juice in fridge. Would you like ____lemonade? My friends from Chicago can't speak _____foreign languages. She bought ____new books yesterday. Did you buy ____apples when you were at shop? We could not skate because there was ____ snow on ice. There was ___ meat on Nick's plate. We saw _____ houses in the distance. Oh, there are _____ apples in vase: children have eaten all of them. Please put _____ apples into vase. He gave me _______ coffee.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
See a pin and pick it up All that day you will have luck See a pin and let it lay You'll have bad luck all that day Let’s practice our phonetics!
Vocabulary work p.120 Get Ready F (School subjects) English French geography history information and computer technology (ICT) maths physical education (PE) science Spanish Russian Art music
Listening St.b. p. 14, ex. 2
Matching English French Geography History Information and computer technology (ICT) Maths Physical education (PE) Science Art Music
Make up sentences as in the example Example: We learn things about kings at our History lessons. 1)work with a computer 2) study maps 3) draw pictures 4) speak English 5) run, jump and ski 6) learn things about kings 7) sing songs 8) learn Russian and write exercises 9) study numbers, count English P.E. Geography ICT Maths Russian Art History Music Writing
Telling the time
My lessons starts at ten to eight, But, poor me! I am always late. English starts at ten to nine, That’s when my eyes begin to shine. Russian starts at half past ten, But I haven’t got my pen. It’s not on my desk, or under my chair. Oh, here it is, in Silvia’s hair. My lessons end at five past two, But I haven’t got my shoe. Oh, here it is, behind the door. I’m late again, it’s half past four. At five o’clock I have my tea, At ten to six I watch TV. I go to bed at ten to eight. To have a rest is always great!
H/W p.120 - повторить слова по теме «School subjects» выучить стихотворение наизусть
Предварительный просмотр:
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Предварительный просмотр:
I. Учимся составлять утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous
Упражнение 3. Вставьте нужную форму вспомогательного глагола BE (am, is, are) в предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.
- My friend __________reading a book.
- I _________drinking tea.
- They _______ making noise.
- He ________looking through the window.
- She ________helping about the house.
- We __________ watching TV.
- Granny _________cooking dinner.
- The birds __________swimming on the lake.
- The dog ________sitting at the door.
- It _________looking at me.
Упражнение 4. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы глаголы стояли в Present Continuous. Каждый раз добавляйте слово подсказку now или at the moment.
1. I open the door (Present Simple). 2. The cat sleeps on the mat. 3. The bоуs write letters. 4. We sing songs. 5. Mother makes a cake. 6. The bell rings.
Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.
1. It (rain) all day. 2. I (play) the piano now. 3. Mary (come) to see us. 4. The boy (climb) the tree. 5. The baby (drink) milk. 6. My friend (speak) English.
* * *
II. Учимся задавать отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous
Упражение 6. Перепишите предложения, используя сокращенную отрицательную форму глагола BE.
1. They are not working in the garden now.
2. Mother is not having dinner now.
3. Granny is not sleeping now.
4. I am not listening to the radio now.
5. The boys are not making noise now.
Упражнение 7. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.
1. We are listening to the teacher. 2. I am writing on the paper. 3. You are learning English Grammar. 4. It is raining hard (сильно). 5. He is going to the cinema. 6. The horses are running very fast. 7. Mary is helping her mother to cook. 8. I am working very hard (много). 9. Tom’s brother is coming to the party. 10. You are singing well.
Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол-действие в скобках в Present Continuous. Используйте сокращенные формы be (am not, isn’t, aren’t).
1. Bess … (not help) about the house now. 2. My friend … (not play) the piano now. 3. We … (not listen) to music. 4. The father …. (not work) in the garden. 5. The boy … (not ride) a bike. 6. He … (not look) at the pictures in the book. 7. Richard and Henry … (not swim) in the river in summer. 8. He … (not have) tea for breakfast. 9. She … (not make) a cake. 10. Kate … (not dance) now.
* * *
Учимся задавать вопросительные предложения в Present Continuous
Начнем с общего вопроса. Чтобы задать его, нужно просто поменять местами слова в предложении и поставить глагол BE перед Д. Л. См. схему ВЫШЕ.
Ответ на общий вопрос — это ДА. или НЕТ.
Упражнение 9. Сделайте данные предложения вопросительными.
1. We are listening to the teacher. 2. I am writing on the paper 3. You are learning English Grammar. 4. It is raining hard (сильно). 6. He is going to the cinema. 7. The horses are running very fast. 8. Mary is helping her mother to cook. 9. Tom’s brother is coming to the party. 10. You are singing well.
Упражнение 10. Дайте краткий положительный ответ на вопросы ниже:
Краткий положительный ответ.- ДА. Ответ строится по правилу «Что в вопросе, то в ответе». Подробнее «Построение ответа по вопросу в английском языке» СКОРО
1. Is Ann swimming now?__________________
2. Are you reading an interesting book now?___________________
3. Am I playing with a cat now?_____________________
4. Is your mother watering flowers now?_________________
5. Are they going to school now?__________________
6. Is your dog sleeping now?____________________
7. Are your parents having breakfast now?_________________
8. Is Tom listening to the radio now?__________________
9. Are they playing in the garden now?________________
10. Are they riding a bicycle now?_________________
Упражнение 11. Дайте краткий отрицательный ответ на вопросы ниже:
Краткий отрицательный ответ.- НЕТ. Ответ строится по правилу «Что в вопросе, то в ответе». Подробнее «Построение ответа по вопросу в английском языке» СКОРО
1. Is your friend watching TV now?_____________
2. Are they sleeping now?___________________
3. Is she going to the cinema now?_____________
4. Are we standing at the bus stop?____________
5. Am I reading a book now?__________________
6. Is he going by car now?_____________________
7. Is your granny washing plates now?_____________
8. Are the girls making noise?_____________
9. Is your grandfather looking at the birds now?____________
10. Is the dog barking now?_____________
Переходим к специальным вопросам. Чтобы задать его, нужно НЕ ТОЛЬКО поменять местами слова в предложении, поставив глагол BE перед Д. Л., но и использовать В.СЛ. (вопросительное слово). См. схему ВЫШЕ.
Упражнение 12. Составьте вопросы из данных слов. Помните о порядке слов.
1. you/what/are/doing
2. cooking/are/you/what
3. tonight/where/you/going/are
4. playing/we/tennis/what time/are
5. crying/girl/why/is/this
6. dinner/are/they/for/coming/when
Упражнение 13. Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами данными в скобках.
- The cat is eating fish. (What?)
- The girl is crying. (Why?)
- My friends are skating on the river. (What … the friends…?)
- The bird is flying in the sky. (Where?)
- The dog is barking at people. (Who… at? — На кого …?)
Упражнение 14. Напишите по одному вопросу к подчеркнутым словам.
1. The children are swimming in the river.
2. Granny is cooking dinner.
3. We are going to the cinema.
4. The people are working hard.
5. They are sitting on the floor.
6. She is thinking of you.
7. I am leaving tomorrow.
Упражнение 15. Вспомните слова — подсказки на Present Continuous (4 слова). Вставьте слово still в предложения по образцу и переведите их.
Слово still — все еще очень часто употребляется в Present Continuous.
ОБРАЗЕЦ. He is working. – He is still working. Is he still working? Why is he still working?
1. I am lying in bed. 2. He is having a bath. 3. She is washing dishes. 4. Mother is watering flowers. 5. Granny is knitting. 6. Dad is painting the floor. 7. The children are playing computer games. 8. Grandad is reading newspaper. 9. The dog is barking. 10. The cat is sleeping.
* * *
Present Continuous. Творческие задания. Уровень 2
Упражнение 16. Опишите картинку. Используйте слова и выражения:
In the picture I can see… in the countryside. It is a summer day.
- in the countryside — за городом, в сельской местности
- a stream — ручей
- grass — трава
- domestic animals — домашние животные
- feed — кормить
- peck — клевать
- seeds — зерна
- give — давать
- drink — пить
- swim — плавать
Упражнение 17. Опишите картинку. Используйте слова и выражения:
- at the seaside — на побережье
- on the beach — на пляже
- under the umbrella — под зонтиком
- in the distance — вдалеке
- a ship — корабль
- a boat — лодка
- sail — плыть
- swim — плавать
- bathe — купаться
- play about in the sand — играть в песке
- play ball — играть в мяч
- watch — сторожить
Упражнение 18. Напишите мини-сочинение «Один момент из моей жизни» / The composition « One moment from my life»
Прежде, чем писать это сочинение вспомните, что все, что вы будете описывать происходит СЕЙЧАС, а значит все глаголы будут стоять в Present Continuous Tense, кроме глаголов love, like, see, hear, know, need и некоторых других.
Примерный план сочинения.
Это происходит СЕЙЧАС! Ты (где?). Вокруг тебя (обстановка, шум, тишина). За окном
(погода, природа). Ты (что делаешь?). Ты смотришь (куда?). Ты слышишь (что?) Твои ощущения, твои мысли, состояние души.
Начните так: « It’s happening now……..»