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Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire about 3 kilometre s west of Amesbury and 13 kilometres north of Salisbury.

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Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones.

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Archaeologists had believed that the stone monument was erected around 2500 BC .

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Some legends held that Merlin had a giant build the structure for him .

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Many archaeologists believe that the site may have had astrological significance .

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Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov ( January 15, 1795 – February 11, 1829) was a Russian diplomat, playwright and composer.

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He was born on January 15, 1795 in Moscow, in an ancient noble family.

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In 1808 Griboyedov graduated the Moscow University with a rank of the candidate of literature; continued training at ethic and political office.

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In 1812 Alexander Griboyedov entered military service: first - in Moscow, and then - in the Irkutsk Hussars. Four years later, in the rank of cornet, he left the army.

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In 1817 Griboyedov joined the State Board for Foreign Affairs and in 1818 he went to Persia as a secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission.

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Griboyedov spent the summer of 1823 in Russia, completed his comedy in verse « Woe from Wit » and took it to Saint Petersburg. There, it was rejected by the censors. The first edition was printed in 1833, four years after his death.

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In 1828 Griboyedov was employed as a diplomat and, having achieved considerable success in this field, prepared the Treaty of Turkmenchay, which was advantageous for Russia.

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In August, 1828, being in Tiflis, Alexander Griboyedov married the princess Nina Chavchavadze (1812 - 1857 ).

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In 1828 Griboyedov was appointed Russian minister in Tehran . He died there February 11, 1829 at the hands of a mob that attacked the Russian embassy.

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Автор презентации: Владимир Станиславович Грачёв , обучающийся 10 класса МБОУ Пильнинской средней школы №2 имени А.С. Пушкина. Благодарю за внимание!