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Дистанционное задание на субботу, 22 февраля 2025 года
4 ТО -
The concept of robots dates back to ancient times, when some myths told of mechanical beings brought to life. Such automata also appeared in the clockwork figures of medieval churches, and in the 18th century some clockmakers gained fame for the clever mechanical figures that they constructed. Today the term automaton is usually applied to these handcrafted, mechanical (rather than electromechanical) devices that imitate the motions of living creatures. Some of the «robots» used in advertising and entertainment are actually automata, even with the addition of remote radio control.
The term robot itself is derived from the Czech word robota, meaning «compulsory labour». It was first used by the Czech novelist and playwright Karel Chapek, to describe a mechanical device that looks like a human but, lacking human sensibility, can perform only automatic, mechanical operations. Robots as they are known today do not only imitate human or other living forms. True robots did not become possible, however, until the invention of the computer in the 1940s and the miniaturization of computer parts. One of the first true robots
was an experimental model designed by researchers at the Stanford Research Institute in the late 1960s. It was capable of arranging blocks into stacks through the use of a television camera as a visual sensor, processing this information in a small computer.
Computers today are equipped with microprocessors that can handle the data being fed to them by various sensors of the surrounding environment. Making use of the principle of feedback, robots can change their operations to some degree in response to changes in that environment. The commercial use of robots is spreading, with the increasing automation of factories, and they have become essential to many laboratory procedures. Japan is the most advanced nation exploring robot technology. Nowadays robots continue to expand their applications. The home-made robots (горничная) available today may be one sign of the future
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1 ТО - Сделать перевод текста и ответить на вопросы:
Moscow is the capital and largest city of Russia. It is also the capital of Moscow Oblast, and it stands on the Moskva River. Moscow is the economic, political and cultural centre of Russia. Railways and numerous airlines link the city with all parts of Russia. Navigable waterways, including the Moscow Canal, Moskva River, and Volga-Don Canal, make the port areas of the city directly accessible to shipping from the Baltic, White, Black, and Caspian seas and the Sea of Azov.
Moscow covers an area of about 880 sq.km. Concentric boulevards divide the city into several sections. At the centre of the concentric circles (and semicircles) are the Kremlin, the former governmental seat of Russia, and adjacent Red Square, which form the centre of a radial street pattern. Moscow has a modern underground system famous for its marble-walled stations.
Situated on the north bank of the Moskva River, the Kremlin is the dominant landmark of Moscow. A stone wall, up to 21 m in height and 19 towers, surrounds this triangular complex of former palaces, cathedrals, and other monuments of tsarist times, some of them dating from the Middle Ages. The Great Kremlin Palace, completed in 1849, is the most imposing structure within the Kremlin. Other notable Kremlin palaces are the Granovitaya Palace (1491) and the Terem (1636).
Among many cathedrals, now used mainly as museums, are the Cathedral of the Assumption (Успения) and the Archangel Cathedral, each with five gilded domes, and the Cathedral of the Annunciation (Благовещения) (13th-14th century), with nine gilded domes. Another landmark of the Kremlin is the Tower of Ivan the Great, a bell tower 98 m high. On a nearby pedestal is the Tsar's Bell (nearly 200 tons), one of the largest in the world. A recent addition to the Kremlin is the Palace of Congresses, completed in 1961. In this huge modern building were held meetings of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and congresses of the Communist party of the Soviet Union; theatrical and other artistic performances have been held here as well.
St Basil's Cathedral, famous for its unique architecture and coloured domes, stands at one end of Red Square.
One of the best-known sections of Moscow is the Kitaigorod (Chinese City), the ancient commercial quarter lying to the east of the Kremlin. This section is now the site of many government office buildings. Other points of interest in Moscow include the Central Lenin Stadium, comprising about 130 buildings for various sports and the tall Ostankino TV tower, which contains a revolving restaurant and an observation platform.
General understanding:
1. Where is Moscow located?
2. Is Moscow a port city?
3. How is Moscow divided into sections?
4. What is known about Moscow Underground system?
5. What are the places of interest in Moscow?
6. Why is the Kremlin the most important place of interest for tourists?
7. What Russian Orthodox cathedrals are situated inside the Kremlin?
8. What is Palace of Congresses used for at present time?
Дистанционное задание на среду, 29 января 2025 года
1 ПКД - Повторить грамматический материал по теме "Present Continuous" и вопросительные слова по тетради.
Дистанционное задание на пятницу, 25 октября 2024 года
1 ИТ, 12 ИТ - работа с учебником: выполнение упражнений, изучение новой лексики и грамматического материала, работа с текстом. Задание отпрвлено в чаты групп.
2 ИТ - работа с материалом презентации, обобщение по страноведению англоговорящих стран, написание сочинения по изученному материалу. Материал задания отпрвлен в тематическую группу в ВК.
Дистанционное задание на четверг, 24 октября 2024 года
1 СН -работа с учебником: выполнение упражнений. Задание отправлено в чат группы.
32 ПКД - работа с текстом, выполнение упражнений. Задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК.
Дистанционное задание на среду, 23 октября 2024 года
2 СП - работа со страноведческим материалом: составить письменно рассказ о Великобритании в объеме 12-15 предложений.
4 ТО - работа с текстом: сделать письменный перевод и ответить на вопросы к тексту (материал задания отправлен в тематическую беседу в ВК)
Дистанционное задание на вторник, 22 октября 2024 года
4 ГД - работа с текстом (учебный материал отправлен в беседу в ВК)
1 ПКД - задание отправлено в беседу в ВК
22 ПКД - написать резюме по выбранной вакансии в свободной форме
3 ИТ - работа с текстом, изучение новой лексики, выполнение упражнений (материал отправлен в беседу в ВК)
Дистанционное задание на понедельник, 21 октября 2024 года
3 ГД - сделать перевод текста и ответить на вопросы к тексту (задание отправлено в беседу в ВК)
2 ПКД - написать резюме на вакансию по выбору
2 ТО - написать сочинение 10-12 предложений "Как найти хорошую работу"
32 ПКД - подготовить для устного отчета две темы по тетради
3 ТО - работа с учебником: перевод текста и ответы на вопросы к тексту (задание отправлено в беседу в ВК)
4 ГД - работа и выполнение заданий к тексту о Стиве Джобсе (задание отправлено в беседу в ВК)
Дистанционное задание на вторник, 13 февпаоя 2024 года
1 ТО - работа с текстом, выполнение заданий к тексту. Задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК.
1 ИТ - выполнение упражнений, работа с текстом и тематическим словарем. Задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК.
1 СН - работа с новыми лексическими единицами, чтение и перевод текста, выполнение заданий к тексту. Задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК.
2 СП - работа с текстом, выполнение упражнений. Задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК.
;4 ГД - изучение новой лексики, выполнение упражнений, работа с текстом. Задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК.
3 ТО - работа с текстом, просмотровое чтение и выполнение упражнений. Задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК.
Дистанционное задание на четверг, 9 ноября 2023 года
1 СН, 1 СП - написать сочинение о своей профессии 12-15 предложений
3 ЖКХ - изучить материал о правилах написания деловых писем на английском языке по ссылке и записать конспект в тетрадь https://englishfull.ru/delovoi/delovoe-pismo-obrazec.html.
12 ПКД - задание отправлено в тематическую беседу в ВК
4 ОП - подготовить отчеты по устным темам
Дистанционное задание на понедельник, 6 ноября 2023 года
2 СП - написать сочинения "Моя будущая работа" - 10-15 предложений
1 ПКД, 12 ПКД, 1 СВ - задание отправлено в тематическую беседу по ино в ВК
3 ЖКХ - письменно составить рассказ на тему "Улаживание конфликтов в трудовом коллективе" 15-20 предложений
Дистанционное задание для группы 4 ОП на вторник 24 октября 2023 года
Подготовить устную тему "Работа кондитера", составить топик в тетради и подготовить устный отчет по теме.
Дистанционное задание для группы 2 ГД на вторник 24 октября 2023 года
Подготовить сообщение о Великобритании. Сообщение - титульный лист, текст на англ.яз + иллюстрации. Все вместе 5-6 страниц. Прислать в ВК в личном сообщении.
Дистанционное задание для группы 1 ТО на вторник 24 октября 2023 года
Дистанционное задание для группы 1 ИТ на вторник 24 октября 2023 года
Подготвить сообщение или презентацию о каком-либо известном ученом (его жизни, открытиях, изобретениях и так д алее). Сообщение - титульный лист, текст на англ.яз + иллюстрации. Все вместе 5-6 страниц. Презентация - оформление титульного слайда, текст на английском языке + иллюстрации. Всего 10-12 слайдов.
Дистанционное задание для группы 2 ИТ на понедельник 02 октября 2023 года
Подготвить сообщение о Канаде: оформление титульного листа, текст на английском языке + хорошие качественные иллюстрации по теме. Все вместе 7-8 страниц. Присылаете файл в личном сообщении в ВК. По желанию можно сделать видеоролик или презентацию о Канаде.
Дистанционное задание для группы 22 ПКД на субботу 23 сентября 2023 года
Подготвить сообщение об Австралии: оформление титульного листа, текст на английском языке + хорошие качественные иллюстрации по теме. Все вместе 10 страниц. Присылаете файл в личном сообщении в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 1.9 на четверг 08 июня 2023 года
Повторить по тетради изученный за год грамматический материал, готовиться к зачетной работ
Дистанционное задание для группы 37 на четверг 08 июня 2023 года
Написать эссе "Роль социальных сетей в нашей жизни" - 15-20 предложений.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на четверг 08 июня 2023 года
Повторить по тетради изученный за год грамматический материал.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 2.9 на понедельник, 24 апреля 2023 года
Выполнение упражнений на основе прочитанного текста. Чтение с различными стратегиями и выполнение упражнений к тексту. Текстовый материал отправлен в тематическую беседу в ВК. Выполняете упражнение на соответствие и отвечаете на вопросы.
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 1.9 на понедельник, 24 апреля 2023 года
Выполнить письменно упражнения к прочитанному тексту. Текст прочитать и перевести, в тетрадях выполнить задание после текста. Материал для работы рззмещен в тематической беседе в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 11.9 на понедельник, 24 апреля 2023 года
Выполнение упражнений на основе прочитанного текста. Чтение с различными стратегиями и выполнение упражнений к тексту. Текстовый материал отправлен в тематическую беседу в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы 27 на понедельник, 24 апреля 2023 года
Работа с текстом, выполнение послетекстовых упр. 13,14 в тетради. Просмотровое чтение и письменное выполнение послетекстовых упражнений. Материал для работы отправлен в тематическую беседу в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 2.9 на пятницу, 21 апреля 2023 года
Подготовить отчеты по двум устным темам "Работа повара" и "Работа кондитера".
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на пятницу, 21 апреля 2023 года
Подготовить отчеты по двум устным темам
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на пятницу, 21 апреля 2023 года
повторить по тетради грамматические конспекты для подготовки к зачетной работе
Дистанционное задание для группы 37 на вторник, 4 апреля 2023 года
повторить изученную грамматику
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 1.9 на вторник, 4 апреля 2023 года
повторить по тетради грамматические конспекты
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9 на вторник, 7 марта 2023 года
Записать и перевести текст:
Being a restaurant sommelier is a rewarding position, but one that requires a bit more than just opening up bottles for people and making the occasional wine pairing suggestion. The essence of the position lies in what goes on behind the scenes and how the sommelier runs a business within a business. A sommelier is not a fancy pants position where a well-informed wine snob gets to showcase his or her prowess and their all-encompassing knowledge of wine regions and wine laws. The bottom line is that a restaurant sommelier must make money for the restaurant and procure a wine
list that matches with the cuisine and that sells to the demographic that frequents the establishment.
There is no room for placing 75 bone dry Rieslings on the list at a steakhouse just because the sommelier thinks that they are amazing wines. Buying wine that doesn’t sell is a sure fire way for a sommelier to join the unemployment line. Now this doesn’t mean there is no room for expression and exposing clientele to new and exciting eclectic wines, but if you take the steakhouse example, the most probable route to success is building a wine list full of rich and hearty red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon. The following is a list of responsibilities and duties that summarize the entirety of what a restaurant sommelier does.
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 1.9 на вторник, 7 марта 2023 года
Moscow is the capital and largest city of Russia. It is also the capital of Moscow Oblast, and it stands on the Moskva River. Moscow is the economic, political and cultural centre of Russia. Railways and numerous airlines link the city with all parts of Russia. Navigable waterways, including the Moscow Canal, Moskva River, and Volga-Don Canal, make the port areas of the city directly accessible to shipping from the Baltic, White, Black, and Caspian seas and the Sea of Azov.
Moscow covers an area of about 880 sq.km. Concentric boulevards divide the city into several sections. At the centre of the concentric circles (and semicircles) are the Kremlin, the former governmental seat of Russia, and adjacent Red Square, which form the centre of a radial street pattern. Moscow has a modern underground system famous for its marble-walled stations.
Situated on the north bank of the Moskva River, the Kremlin is the dominant landmark of Moscow. A stone wall, up to 21 m in height and 19 towers, surrounds this triangular complex of former palaces, cathedrals, and other monuments of tsarist times, some of them dating from the Middle Ages. The Great Kremlin Palace, completed in 1849, is the most imposing structure within the Kremlin. Other notable Kremlin palaces are the Granovitaya Palace (1491) and the Terem (1636).
Among many cathedrals, now used mainly as museums, are the Cathedral of the Assumption (Успения) and the Archangel Cathedral, each with five gilded domes, and the Cathedral of the Annunciation (Благовещения) (13th-14th century), with nine gilded domes. Another landmark of the Kremlin is the Tower of Ivan the Great, a bell tower 98 m high. On a nearby pedestal is the Tsar's Bell (nearly 200 tons), one of the largest in the world. A recent addition to the Kremlin is the Palace of Congresses, completed in 1961. In this huge modern building were held meetings of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and congresses of the Communist party of the Soviet Union; theatrical and other artistic performances have been held here as well.
St Basil's Cathedral, famous for its unique architecture and coloured domes, stands at one end of Red Square.
One of the best-known sections of Moscow is the Kitaigorod (Chinese City), the ancient commercial quarter lying to the east of the Kremlin. This section is now the site of many government office buildings. Other points of interest in Moscow include the Central Lenin Stadium, comprising about 130 buildings for various sports and the tall Ostankino TV tower, which contains a revolving restaurant and an observation platform.
General understanding:
1. Where is Moscow located?
2. Is Moscow a port city?
3. How is Moscow divided into sections?
4. What is known about Moscow Underground system?
5. What are the places of interest in Moscow?
6. Why is the Kremlin the most important place of interest for tourists?
7. What Russian Orthodox cathedrals are situated inside the Kremlin?
8. What is Palace of Congresses used for at present time?
Дистанционное задание для группы 37 на вторник, 7 марта 2023 года
Записать текст по-английски и перевести его.
The Internet technology was created by Vinton Cerf in early 1973 as part of a project headed by Robert Kahn and conducted by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, part of the United States Department of Defence. Later Cerf made many efforts to build and standardise the Internet. In 1984 the technology and the network were turned over to the private sector and to government scientific agencies for further development. The growth has continued exponentially. Service-provider companies that make «gateways» to the Internet available to home and business users enter the market in ever-increasing numbers. By early 1995, access was available in 180 countries and more than 30 million users used the Internet. The Internet and its technology continue to have a profound effect in promoting the exchange of information, making possible rapid transactions among businesses, and supporting global collaboration among individuals and organisations. More than 100 million computers are connected via the global Internet in 2000, and even more are attached to enterprise internets. The development of the World Wide Web leads to the rapid introduction of new business tools and activities that may lead to annual business transactions on the Internet worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на среду, 22 февраля 2023 года
Подготовить отчеты по двум устным темам "Планирование меню" и "Работа повара"
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 2.9 на среду, 22 февраля 2023 года
Записать текст по-английски и перевести.
James Watt
James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the steam engine.
Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. He worked as a mathematical-instrument maker from the age of 19 and soon became interested in improving the steam engine which was used at that time to pump out water from mines.
Watt determined the properties of steam, especially the relation of its density to its temperature and pressure, and designed a separate condensing chamber for the steam engine that prevented large losses of steam in the cylinder. Watt's first patent, in 1769, covered this device and other improvements on steam engine.
At that time. Watt was the partner of the inventor John Roebuck, who had financed his researches. In 1775, however. Roebuck's interest was taken over by the manufacturer Matthew Boulton, owner of the Soho Engineering Works at Birmingham, and he and Watt began the manufacture of steam engines. Watt continued his research and patented several other important inventions, including the rotary engine for driving various types of machinery; the double-action engine, in which steam is admitted alternately into both ends of the cylinder; and the steam indicator, which records the steam pressure in the engine. He retired from the firm in 1800 and thereafter devoted himself entirely to research work.
The misconception that Watt was the actual inventor of the steam engine arose from the fundamental nature of his contributions to its development. The centrifugal or flyball governor, which he invented in 1788, and which automatically regulated the speed of an engine, is of particular interest today. It embodies the feedback principle of a servomechanism, linking output to input, which is the basic concept of automation. The watt, the unit of power, was named in his honour. Watt was also a well-known civil engineer. He invented, in 1767, an attachment that adapted telescopes for use in the measurement of distances. Watt died in Heathfield, near Birmingham, in August 1819.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на понедельник, 20 февраля 2023 года
Moscow is the capital and largest city of Russia. It is also the capital of Moscow Oblast, and it stands on the Moskva River. Moscow is the economic, political and cultural centre of Russia. Railways and numerous airlines link the city with all parts of Russia. Navigable waterways, including the Moscow Canal, Moskva River, and Volga-Don Canal, make the port areas of the city directly accessible to shipping from the Baltic, White, Black, and Caspian seas and the Sea of Azov.
Moscow covers an area of about 880 sq.km. Concentric boulevards divide the city into several sections. At the centre of the concentric circles (and semicircles) are the Kremlin, the former governmental seat of Russia, and adjacent Red Square, which form the centre of a radial street pattern. Moscow has a modern underground system famous for its marble-walled stations.
Situated on the north bank of the Moskva River, the Kremlin is the dominant landmark of Moscow. A stone wall, up to 21 m in height and 19 towers, surrounds this triangular complex of former palaces, cathedrals, and other monuments of tsarist times, some of them dating from the Middle Ages. The Great Kremlin Palace, completed in 1849, is the most imposing structure within the Kremlin. Other notable Kremlin palaces are the Granovitaya Palace (1491) and the Terem (1636).
Among many cathedrals, now used mainly as museums, are the Cathedral of the Assumption (Успения) and the Archangel Cathedral, each with five gilded domes, and the Cathedral of the Annunciation (Благовещения) (13th-14th century), with nine gilded domes. Another landmark of the Kremlin is the Tower of Ivan the Great, a bell tower 98 m high. On a nearby pedestal is the Tsar's Bell (nearly 200 tons), one of the largest in the world. A recent addition to the Kremlin is the Palace of Congresses, completed in 1961. In this huge modern building were held meetings of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and congresses of the Communist party of the Soviet Union; theatrical and other artistic performances have been held here as well.
St Basil's Cathedral, famous for its unique architecture and coloured domes, stands at one end of Red Square.
One of the best-known sections of Moscow is the Kitaigorod (Chinese City), the ancient commercial quarter lying to the east of the Kremlin. This section is now the site of many government office buildings. Other points of interest in Moscow include the Central Lenin Stadium, comprising about 130 buildings for various sports and the tall Ostankino TV tower, which contains a revolving restaurant and an observation platform.
General understanding:
1. Where is Moscow located?
2. Is Moscow a port city?
3. How is Moscow divided into sections?
4. What is known about Moscow Underground system?
5. What are the places of interest in Moscow?
6. Why is the Kremlin the most important place of interest for tourists?
7. What Russian Orthodox cathedrals are situated inside the Kremlin?
8. What is Palace of Congresses used for at present time?
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 11.9 на понедельник, 20 февраля 2023 года
Подготовить сообщение об Аврааме Линкольне, одном из американских президентов. Оформить титульный лист, подобрать текстовый материал по теме на английском языке и добавить иллюстрации по теме. Общий обьем 4-5 страниц. Файл отправить преподавателю в электронном виде в личном сообщении в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы 27 на понедельник, 20 февраля 2023 года
Подготовить сообщение на тему "Social Networks" - обзор наиболее популярных социальных сетей с их описанием. Оформление - титульный лист, текстовый материал на английском языке с добавлением тематических иллюстраций. Общий обьем сообщения - 4-5 страниц. Файл отправить в электронном виде в личном сообщении в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 2.9 на среду, 21 декабря 2022 года
Повторить по тетради изученные лексические единицы по всем темам за семетр, готовиться к итоговому занятию.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9, ТО 4.9 на пятницу, 09 декабря 2022 года
подготовить презентацию по теме "Российские СМИ"
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 21.9 на пятницу, 14 октября 2022 года
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 3.9 на пятницу, 14 октября 2022 года
написать эссе "Работа автомеханика" 12-15 предложений.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на пятницу, 14 октября 2022 года
подготовить сообщение по теме "Австралия" - оформление титульного листа, подбор текстового и иллюстративного материалв, общий обьем 7-8 листов.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 4.9 на четверг, 13 октября 2022 года
подготовить сообщение по теме "Канада" : оформление титульного листа, подбор текстового материала и иллюстраций, общий обьем 7-8 страниц.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9 на четверг, 13 октября 2022 года
подготовить сообщение или презентацию по теме "Работа кондитера". Сообщение - оформление титульного листа, подбор текстового материала и иллюстраций, общий обьем 7-8 страниц. Презентация - оформление титульного слайда, текстовый материал, иллюстрации, 15 слайдов.
Дистанционное задание для группы ИТ 1.9 на среду, 12 октября 2022 года
написать сочинение по теме "Роль спорта в жизни человека" 12 -15 предложений.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на вторник, 19 апреля 2022 года
подготовить сообщение по теме "Чай" (история происхождения, чайные церемонии, сорта чая, правила чаепития в разных странах и культурах, употребление специальных видов чая в лечебно-оздоровительных целях и так далее). Обязательное оформление титульного листа, объем сообщения с учетом иллюстраций - 3-5 листов. Можно больше, но не меньше).
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 2.9 на вторник, 19 апреля 2022 года
работа с текстом, текст с заданием отправлен в тематическую беседу "Английский язык" в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 1.9 на вторник, 19 апреля 2022 года
работа с текстом, текст с заданием отправлен в тематическую беседу "Английский язык" в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для групп ПКД 11.9 и ПКД 1.9 на пятницу, 05 ноября 2021 года
повторить тему "Простое Настоящее Время" , пройдя по ссылке и посмотрев видеоурок, записать подробный конспект со всеми примерами из видео в тетрадь.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на среду, 03 ноября 2021 года
Английский профессиональный. Работаете по учебнику: стр.84 упр1 + стр.85 упр.2 выполняете к тексту А на стр.83
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9 на среду, 03 ноября 2021 года
Задание по профу, по учебнику. В электронном виде он у вас есть. Стр.142 - самостоятельно изучаете слова и записываете их в тетрадь. Составляете с этими словами 12 предложений. На стр. 141, текст А - читаете и переводите.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 4.9 на среду, 03 ноября 2021 года
Записать текст по-английски и перевести.
James Watt
James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the steam engine.
Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. He worked as a mathematical-instrument maker from the age of 19 and soon became interested in improving the steam engine which was used at that time to pump out water from mines.
Watt determined the properties of steam, especially the relation of its density to its temperature and pressure, and designed a separate condensing chamber for the steam engine that prevented large losses of steam in the cylinder. Watt's first patent, in 1769, covered this device and other improvements on steam engine.
At that time. Watt was the partner of the inventor John Roebuck, who had financed his researches. In 1775, however. Roebuck's interest was taken over by the manufacturer Matthew Boulton, owner of the Soho Engineering Works at Birmingham, and he and Watt began the manufacture of steam engines. Watt continued his research and patented several other important inventions, including the rotary engine for driving various types of machinery; the double-action engine, in which steam is admitted alternately into both ends of the cylinder; and the steam indicator, which records the steam pressure in the engine. He retired from the firm in 1800 and thereafter devoted himself entirely to research work.
The misconception that Watt was the actual inventor of the steam engine arose from the fundamental nature of his contributions to its development. The centrifugal or flyball governor, which he invented in 1788, and which automatically regulated the speed of an engine, is of particular interest today. It embodies the feedback principle of a servomechanism, linking output to input, which is the basic concept of automation. The watt, the unit of power, was named in his honour. Watt was also a well-known civil engineer. He invented, in 1767, an attachment that adapted telescopes for use in the measurement of distances. Watt died in Heathfield, near Birmingham, in August 1819.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на среду, 03 ноября 2021 года
повторить тему "Простое Настоящее Время" , пройдя по ссылке и посмотрев видеоурок, записать подробный конспект со всеми примерами из видео в тетрадь.
Дистанционное задание для 37 группы на вторник, 02 ноября 2021 года
повторить тему "Простое Настоящее Время" , пройдя по ссылке и посмотрев видеоурок, записать подробный конспект со всеми примерами из видео в тетрадь.
Дистанционное задание для 27 группы на вторник, 02 ноября 2021 года
повторить тему "Числительные" по ссылке
весь материал видеоурока записать в тетрадь и выучить.
Дистанционное задание для 23 группы на вторник, 02 ноября 2021 года
пройти по ссылке , посмотреть учебный видеоматериал, записать тему и выражения в тетрадь, они будут в верхнем правом углу на видео. С испольлзованием этих выражений составляете диалог "Собеседование" в свободной форме (не менее 5 фраз от каждого говорящего).
Дистанционное задание для 35 группы на понедельник, 01 ноября 2021 года
Записать текст по-английски и сделать перевод письменно:
Marketing Manager Responsibilities:
· Developing a pricing strategy that maximizes profits and market share but considers customer satisfaction.
· Identifying new customers.
· Supporting sales and lead generation efforts.
· Creating promotions with advertising managers.
· Understanding and developing budgets, including expenditures, research and development appropriations, return-on-investment and profit-loss projections.
· Compiling lists describing our organization's offerings.
· Developing and managing advertising campaigns.
· Organizing company conferences, trade shows, and major events.
· Building brand awareness and positioning.
· Evaluating and maintaining a marketing strategy.
· Directing, planning and coordinating marketing efforts.
· Communicating the marketing plan.
· Developing each marketing campaign from start to finish.
· Researching demand for the organization's products and services.
· Evaluating competitors.
· Handling social media, public relation efforts, and content marketing.
Дистанционное задание для 23 группы на понедельник, 01 ноября
Записать в тетрадь слова к тексту с переводом, прочитать текст и письменно ответить на вопросы к тексту
An important feature of hot working is that it provides the improvement of mechanical properties of metals . Hot-working (hot-rolling or hot-forging) eliminates porosity, directionality, and segregation that are usually present in metals. Hot-worked products have better ductility and toughness than the unworked casting. During the forging of a bar, the grains of the metal become greatly elongated in the direction of flow. As a result, the toughness of the metal is greatly improved in this direction and weakened in directions transverse to the flow. Good forging makes the flow lines in the finished part oriented so as to lie in the direction of maximum stress when the part is placed in service.
The ability of a metal to resist thinning and fracture during cold-working operations plays an important role in alloy selection. In operations that involve stretching, the best alloys are those which grow stronger with strain (are strain hardening) — for example, the copper-zinc alloy, brass, used for cartridges and the aluminum-magnesium alloys in beverage cans, which exhibit greater strain hardening.
Fracture of the workpiece during forming can result from inner flaws in the metal. These flaws often consist of nonmetallic inclusions such as oxides or sulfides that are trapped in the metal during refining. Such inclusions can be avoided by proper manufacturing procedures.
The ability of different metals to undergo strain varies. The change of the shape after one forming operation is often limited by the tensile ductility of the metal. Metals such as copper and aluminum are more ductile in such operations than other metals.
feature — черта, особенность
to provide — обеспечивать
improvement — улучшение
property — свойство
eliminate — ликвидировать, исключать
porosity — пористость
directional — направленный
to segregate — разделять
casting — отливка
elongated — удлиненный
to weaken — ослабевать, ослаблять
transverse — поперечный
flow — течение, поток
finished — отделанный
thinning — утончение
fracture — разрушение
strain hardening — деформационное упрочнение
brass — латунь
beverage — напиток
can — консервная банка
to exhibit — проявлять
inner — внутренний
flaws — недостатки, дефекты кристалличес-кой решетки
inclusion — включение
trapped — зд. заключенный
refining — очищать, очистка
to avoid — избегать
to undergo — подвергаться
tensile ductility — пластичность при растяжении
General understanding:
1. What process improves the mechanical properties of metals?
2. What new properties have hot-worked products?
3. How does the forging of a bar affect the grains of the metal? What is the result of this?
4. How are the flow lines in the forged metal oriented and how does it affect the strength of the forged part?
5. What are the best strain-hardening alloys? Where can we use them?
6. What are the inner flaws in the metal?
7. Can a metal fracture because of the inner flaw?
8. What limits the change of the shape during forming operat
Дистанционное задание для 33 группы на понедельник, 01 ноября 2021 года
The concept of robots dates back to ancient times, when some myths told of mechanical beings brought to life. Such automata also appeared in the clockwork figures of medieval churches, and in the 18th century some clockmakers gained fame for the clever mechanical figures that they constructed. Today the term automaton is usually applied to these handcrafted, mechanical (rather than electromechanical) devices that imitate the motions of living creatures. Some of the «robots» used in advertising and entertainment are actually automata, even with the addition of remote radio control.
The term robot itself is derived from the Czech word robota, meaning «compulsory labour». It was first used by the Czech novelist and playwright Karel Chapek, to describe a mechanical device that looks like a human but, lacking human sensibility, can perform only automatic, mechanical operations. Robots as they are known today do not only imitate human or other living forms. True robots did not become possible, however, until the invention of the computer in the 1940s and the miniaturization of computer parts. One of the first true robots
was an experimental model designed by researchers at the Stanford Research Institute in the late 1960s. It was capable of arranging blocks into stacks through the use of a television camera as a visual sensor, processing this information in a small computer.
Computers today are equipped with microprocessors that can handle the data being fed to them by various sensors of the surrounding environment. Making use of the principle of feedback, robots can change their operations to some degree in response to changes in that environment. The commercial use of robots is spreading, with the increasing automation of factories, and they have become essential to many laboratory procedures. Japan is the most advanced nation exploring robot technology. Nowadays robots continue to expand their applications. The home-made robots (горничная) available today may be one sign of the future
1) Прочитать текст
2) Написать краткое содержание текста
3) Составить 5 вопр
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 2.9 на понедельник, 01 ноября 2021 года по английскому профессиональному
1. Прочитать текст
2. Составить план текста и озаглавить его
3. Составить 5 вопросов к тексту
Being a restaurant sommelier is a rewarding position, but one that requires a bit more than just opening up bottles for people and making the occasional wine pairing suggestion. The essence of the position lies in what goes on behind the scenes and how the sommelier runs a business within a business. A sommelier is not a fancy pants position where a well-informed wine snob gets to showcase his or her prowess and their all-encompassing knowledge of wine regions and wine laws. The bottom line is that a restaurant sommelier must make money for the restaurant and procure a wine
list that matches with the cuisine and that sells to the demographic that frequents the establishment.
There is no room for placing 75 bone dry Rieslings on the list at a steakhouse just because the sommelier thinks that they are amazing wines. Buying wine that doesn’t sell is a sure fire way for a sommelier to join the unemployment line. Now this doesn’t mean there is no room for expression and exposing clientele to new and exciting eclectic wines, but if you take the steakhouse example, the most probable route to success is building a wine list full of rich and hearty red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon. The following is a list of responsibilities and duties that summarize the entirety of what a restaurant sommelier does.
Дистанционное задание для группы ПКД 11.9 + ПКД 1.9 на пятницу, 29 октября 2021 года
Работа с текстом статьи: читаете, переводите и пишете свое мнение по содержанию статьи в объеме 8-10 предложений. Статью отправила вам в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 2.9, на пятницу, 29 октября 2021 года
отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на четверг, 28 октября 2021 года
Задание на сегодня, 28 октября, по профу: стр. 84 - записываете в тетрадь слова с переводом. Составляете с ними 10 предложений. Это письменная часть, сделали, фото мне отправили. Далее, учите эти слова, после дистанционки по ним устно отчитываетесь.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 3.9 на четверг, 28 октября 2021 года
задание отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 2.9 + ТО 2.9 на четверг, 28 октября 2021 года
Работа с текстом статьи: читаете, переводите и пишете свое мнение по содержанию статьи в объеме 8-10 предложений. Статью отправила вам в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9 на среду, 27 октября 2021 года
на сегодня по профу:стр. 131 текст D, на стр. 132 делаете к нему упр. 1,2. Учебник в электронном виде у вас есть
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 4.9, на среду, 27 октября 2021 года
работа с текстом статьи: чтение, перевод и написать свое мнение по содержанию статьи в объеме 8-10 предложений. Статью отправила в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на среду, 27 октября 2021 года
1) изучить и записать слова к тексту
2) прочитать текст
3) выполнить задания после текста
well –designed – хорошо спроектированный
sports ground – спортивная площадка
inside swimming pool – крытый бассейн
first – year student – первокурсник
workshop – мастерская
tool – инструмент
reading room – читальный зал
laptop – ноутбук
canteen – столовая
spacious – просторный
gymnasium – спортивный зал
staircase – лестница
well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный
multimedia projection unit – мультимедийный проектор
window sill – подоконник
Beyond Our Dreams!
From my point of view our college is modem and well-designed. It is a three-storied building with a sports ground behind it. I really think it is the best educational institution in Moscow. We even have an inside swimming pool!
On the ground floor there are the classrooms for the first-year students, workshop and a library. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops. In the library two librarians help students to find the books they need. In the reading room there are laptops which we can use dining the breaks and after classes.
Our canteen is spacious, light and clean. We have our meals there.
The physical training lessons take place in the gymnasium and the swimming pool. We like to go there even after the lessons. To the left of the gym there is a hall and a staircase. The staircase leads to the first floor.
The classrooms are well-equipped. Each room has a teacher's table, students' desks, a board, a computer and a multimedia projection unit. There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, English and Russian.
My English classroom is on the second floor. It has three big windows. There are lots of potted plants on the window sills, and we take good care of them. The board in our classroom is magnetic. We write with markers on it and attach our projects to it with magnets. Next to the board there are maps of Russia and Great Britain, various grammar tables and charts.
There is a computer in the right-hand corner. We often listen to original English texts, songs and watch films on a big screen which make our lessons interesting. I like my college. It provides us with everything to help us become good specialists.
Задание 1 к тексту: TRUE or FALSE ???
1. Alexander studies in Moscow.
2. There is an indoor swimming pool in his college.
3. The library is equipped with laptops.
4. All the classrooms are on the first floor.
5. The classrooms are the same.
6. After classes the students rush home.
7. The students like their English classes.
8. At the English lessons they watch films, listen to texts and present their projects.
9. They don't use chalk in their English classroom.
10. Alexander is proud of his college.
Задание 2 к тексту: составить 10 предложений с новыми с
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9. на среду, 27 октября 2021 года
Работа с текстом статьи: прочитать, сделать перевод и написать свое мнение по содержанию статьи в обьеме 8-10 предложений. Статью отправила в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9 на понедельлник, 25 октября 2021 года
отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на среду, 20 октября 2021 года
повторить тему "Правила употребления артиклей" по конспекту в тетрадях
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9 на среду, 20 октября 2021 года, английский в сфере
Отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9 на понедельник, 18 октября 2021 года
отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 2.9 на четверг, 30 сентября 2021 года
Оправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы 23 на вторник, 28 сентября 2021 года
Переписать текст и сделать его перевод:
James Watt
James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the steam engine.
Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. He worked as a mathematical-instrument maker from the age of 19 and soon became interested in improving the steam engine which was used at that time to pump out water from mines.
Watt determined the properties of steam, especially the relation of its density to its temperature and pressure, and designed a separate condensing chamber for the steam engine that prevented large losses of steam in the cylinder. Watt's first patent, in 1769, covered this device and other improvements on steam engine.
At that time. Watt was the partner of the inventor John Roebuck, who had financed his researches. In 1775, however. Roebuck's interest was taken over by the manufacturer Matthew Boulton, owner of the Soho Engineering Works at Birmingham, and he and Watt began the manufacture of steam engines. Watt continued his research and patented several other important inventions, including the rotary engine for driving various types of machinery; the double-action engine, in which steam is admitted alternately into both ends of the cylinder; and the steam indicator, which records the steam pressure in the engine. He retired from the firm in 1800 and thereafter devoted himself entirely to research work.
The misconception that Watt was the actual inventor of the steam engine arose from the fundamental nature of his contributions to its development. The centrifugal or flyball governor, which he invented in 1788, and which automatically regulated the speed of an engine, is of particular interest today. It embodies the feedback principle of a servomechanism, linking output to input, which is the basic concept of automation. The watt, the unit of power, was named in his honour. Watt was also a well-known civil engineer. He invented, in 1767, an attachment that adapted telescopes for use in the measurement of distances. Watt died in Heathfield, near Birmingham, in August 1819.
Дистанционное задание для 27 группы на вторник, 28 сентября 2021 года
Задание: работа с текстом - 1) записать слова к тексту с переводом в тетрадь 2) прочитать и перевести текст (устно) 3) ответить на вопросы к тексту (сами вопросы тоже пишем!!!) 4) найти в тексте нужные выражения (упр.7.2)
Applications of Automation and Robotics in Industry
Manufacturing is one of the most important application area for automation technology. There are several types of automation in manufacturing. The examples of automated systems used in manufacturing are described below.
1. Fixed automation, sometimes called «hard automation» refers to automated machines in which the equipment configuration allows fixed sequence of processing operations. These machines are programmed by their design to make only certain processing operations. They are not easily changed over from one product style to another. This form of automation needs high initial investments and high production rates. That is why it is suitable for products that are made in large volumes. Examples of fixed automation are machining transfer lines found in the automobile industry, automatic assembly machines and certain chemical processes.
2. Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing products in large quantities, ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For each new product the production equipment must be reprogrammed and changed over. This reprogramming and changeover take a period of non-productive time. Production rates in programmable automation are generally lower than in fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to facilitate product changeover rather than for product specialization. A numerical-control machine-tool is a good example of programmable automation. The program is coded in computer memory for each different product style and the machine-tool is controlled by the computer programme.
3. Flexible automation is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable automation requires time to re-program and change over the production equipment for each series of new product. This is lost production time, which is expensive. In flexible automation the number of products is limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very quickly and automatically. The reprogramming of the equipment in flexible automation is done at a computer terminal without using the production equipment itself. Flexible automation allows a mixture of different products to be produced one right after another.
equipment — оборудование
sequence — последовательность
initial — первоначальный, начальный
investment — инвестиция, вклад
to facilitate — способствовать
rate — скорость, темп
assembly machines — сборочные машины
quantity — количество
non-productive — непроизводительный
changeover — переход, переналадка
General understanding:
1. What is the most important application of automation?
2. What are the types of automation used in manufacturing?
3. What is fixed automation?
4. What are the limitations of hard automation?
5. What is the best example of programmable automation?
6. What are the limitations of programmable automation?
7. What are the advantages of flexible automation?
8. Is it possible to produce different products one after another using automation technology?
Exercise 7.2. Find equivalents in English in the text:
1. сфера применения
2. фиксированная последовательность операций
3. автоматические сборочные машины
4. определенные химические процессы
5. станок с числовым программным управлением
6. потерянное производственное время
7. разнообразная продукция
Дистанционное задание для 37 группы на вторник, 28 сентября 2021 года
Проектная работа в форме презентации Power Point или видеоролик mp 4 - и то и то с голосовым закдаровым (или в кадре в углу прямо с видео) сопровождением на английском языке. Регламент 7-10 минут. Общая рабочая тема проектной работы - "Путеводитель по городам стран изучаемого языка". Вы выбираете любую англоговорящую страну (Великобритания, США, Австралия, Новая Зеландия, Канада), затем выбираете какой-то интересный для вас город. Придумываете и формиулируете вашу индивидуальную тему, например "Путеводитель по Ливерпулю" или "Стрэдфорд-на-Эйвоне. Путеводитель по родине Шекспира", "Путеводитель по улицам Нью-Йорка", "Вашингтон. Путеводитель по столице США" и так далее. Материал для работы готовите и выбираете самостоятельно. Читаете про выбранный вами город, изучаете информацию, интересные факты, места в городе, достопримечательности. И выполняете работу в заданном формате. Приветствуются сложные спецэффекты, яркость, динамичность, и хорошая английская речь в качестве сопровождения. Можно голосовое сопровождение, которое будет описывать ваш марщрут по выбранному городу на фоне музыки. Сюжет и все технические детали продумываете самостоятельно: либо это будет у вас пешая прогулка с каким-то персонажем, либо передвижение по городу некоего мультяшного автомбуса или что-то еще. В общем, все что угодно на ваше усмотрение. Главное уложиться в заданный формат, сделать все качественно, интересно и зрелищно. Можно делать проект в паре с кем-то из одногруппников. Проявляйте по максимуму ваши навыки, умения знания в профессии и английском языке!!! Время выполнения - 2 недели! Жду ваши работы.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 2.9, Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации на понедельник, 27 сентября 2021 года
Отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы 33 на понедельник, 27 сентября 2021 года
Записать текст по-английски и перевести его.
The Internet technology was created by Vinton Cerf in early 1973 as part of a project headed by Robert Kahn and conducted by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, part of the United States Department of Defence. Later Cerf made many efforts to build and standardise the Internet. In 1984 the technology and the network were turned over to the private sector and to government scientific agencies for further development. The growth has continued exponentially. Service-provider companies that make «gateways» to the Internet available to home and business users enter the market in ever-increasing numbers. By early 1995, access was available in 180 countries and more than 30 million users used the Internet. The Internet and its technology continue to have a profound effect in promoting the exchange of information, making possible rapid transactions among businesses, and supporting global collaboration among individuals and organisations. More than 100 million computers are connected via the global Internet in 2000, and even more are attached to enterprise internets. The development of the World Wide Web leads to the rapid introduction of new business tools and activities that may lead to annual business transactions on the Internet worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
Дистанционное задание для группы 23 на понедельник, 27 сентября 2021 года
Moscow is the capital and largest city of Russia. It is also the capital of Moscow Oblast, and it stands on the Moskva River. Moscow is the economic, political and cultural centre of Russia. Railways and numerous airlines link the city with all parts of Russia. Navigable waterways, including the Moscow Canal, Moskva River, and Volga-Don Canal, make the port areas of the city directly accessible to shipping from the Baltic, White, Black, and Caspian seas and the Sea of Azov.
Moscow covers an area of about 880 sq.km. Concentric boulevards divide the city into several sections. At the centre of the concentric circles (and semicircles) are the Kremlin, the former governmental seat of Russia, and adjacent Red Square, which form the centre of a radial street pattern. Moscow has a modern underground system famous for its marble-walled stations.
Situated on the north bank of the Moskva River, the Kremlin is the dominant landmark of Moscow. A stone wall, up to 21 m in height and 19 towers, surrounds this triangular complex of former palaces, cathedrals, and other monuments of tsarist times, some of them dating from the Middle Ages. The Great Kremlin Palace, completed in 1849, is the most imposing structure within the Kremlin. Other notable Kremlin palaces are the Granovitaya Palace (1491) and the Terem (1636).
Among many cathedrals, now used mainly as museums, are the Cathedral of the Assumption (Успения) and the Archangel Cathedral, each with five gilded domes, and the Cathedral of the Annunciation (Благовещения) (13th-14th century), with nine gilded domes. Another landmark of the Kremlin is the Tower of Ivan the Great, a bell tower 98 m high. On a nearby pedestal is the Tsar's Bell (nearly 200 tons), one of the largest in the world. A recent addition to the Kremlin is the Palace of Congresses, completed in 1961. In this huge modern building were held meetings of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and congresses of the Communist party of the Soviet Union; theatrical and other artistic performances have been held here as well.
St Basil's Cathedral, famous for its unique architecture and coloured domes, stands at one end of Red Square.
One of the best-known sections of Moscow is the Kitaigorod (Chinese City), the ancient commercial quarter lying to the east of the Kremlin. This section is now the site of many government office buildings. Other points of interest in Moscow include the Central Lenin Stadium, comprising about 130 buildings for various sports and the tall Ostankino TV tower, which contains a revolving restaurant and an observation platform.
General understanding:
1. Where is Moscow located?
2. Is Moscow a port city?
3. How is Moscow divided into sections?
4. What is known about Moscow Underground system?
5. What are the places of interest in Moscow?
6. Why is the Kremlin the most important place of interest for tourists?
7. What Russian Orthodox cathedrals are situated inside the Kremlin?
8. What is Palace of Congresses used for at present time?
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9, на понедельник, 27 сентября 2021 года
Отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 2.9 , Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации на пятницу, 24 сентября 2021 года
Отправила в ВК
Дистанционное задание для групп ПКД 11.9 и ПКД 1.9
пройти по ссылке и посмотреть видеоурок
В конце урок урока дается словарь-обобщение по теме, который нужно записать в тетрадь и выучить.
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 4.9, Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации на среду, 22 сентября 2021 года
по учебнику - выполнить задание письменно на стр.110, упр.1,2, стр.111 - 112, упр. 3
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 3.9 на среду, 22 сентября 2021 года
подготовить сообщение в печатном виде с оформлением титульного листа по теме "Изобретение радио и ТВ" (объем не менее 3-4 листов + иллюстрации по теме). Самостоятельно подбираете англоязычный материал по теме и подходящие фото/картинки. Прислать сообщения в электронном виде на почту или в ВК.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на среду, 22 сентября 2021 года
пройти по ссылке и посмотреть видеоурок
В конце урок урока дается словарь-обобщение по теме, который нужно записать в тетрадь и выучить.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 4.9 на среду, 22 сентября 2021 года
изучить материал о правилах написания деловых писем на английском языке по ссылке
Дистанционное задание для группы ОП 1.9 на среду, 26 мая 2021 года
Повторить изученный за год грамматический материал, подготовиться к контрольной работе.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на среду, 26 мая 2021 года
Топик Environment - записать в тетрадь, перевести и подготовить устный отчет по данной теме
- Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it's the only place where we can live.
- People have lived on our planet for many years.
- They lived and live on different continents, in different countries.
- People depend on their planet, the sun, animals and plants around them.
- Environment is everything in the world around us that surround and affects all life on earth, including the air, food, water, plants, animals and other.
- Environment is the place where we live. Since ancient time nature has served man, being the source of his life.
- For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited.
- But man's interference in nature began to increase with the development of civilization.
- Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day.
- Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays.
- People destruct wildlife, cut down trees to make furniture.
- They forget that people can't live without trees and plants, because they fill air with oxygen.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на четверг, 22 апреля 2021 года
Записать в тетрадь и выучить топик
Topic "The Internet"
1. We can’t imagine our life without the Internet, computers and other gadgets.
2. The Internet is a very important source of information for people.
3. Nowadays, you can find there any necessary information not only for education or work but also for entertainment.
4. Nowadays people communicate with each other using the Internet.
5. Social networks are very popular and people enjoy online communication.
6. But using the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.
7. The Internet influences us very much, especially young people.
8. We do sport and walk less and less and spend time sitting at a computer.
9. Internet became so popular nowadays because people can use it not only at home.
10. So we can get any information we want no matter whether we are at home or not.
11. We can shop and work on-line.
12. So the Internet is a part of our everyday life.
Дистанционное задание для группы 114-СВ на вторник, 20 апреля 2021 года
Записать в тетрадь и выучить топик
Топик Environment
- Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it's the only place where we can live.
- People have lived on our planet for many years.
- They lived and live on different continents, in different countries.
- People depend on their planet, the sun, animals and plants around them.
- Environment is everything in the world around us that surround and affects all life on earth, including the air, food, water, plants, animals and other.
- Environment is the place where we live. Since ancient time nature has served man, being the source of his life.
- For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited.
- But man's interference in nature began to increase with the development of civilization.
- Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day.
- Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays.
- People destruct wildlife, cut down trees to make furniture.
- They forget that people can't live without trees and plants, because they fill air with oxygen.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на понедельник, 19 апреля 2021 года
Готовиться к отчету по устным экзаменационным темам
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на четверг, 15 апреля 2021 года
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9khRGD42ao - проходите по ссылке и смотрите видеоурок, весь материал урока подробно записываете в тетрадь, учите слова и выражения, после окончания дистанционного обучения показываете вашу работу в тетрадях.
Дистанционное задание для группы ТО 1.9 на среду, 14 апреля 2021 года
Записать в тетрадь устную тему "Транспорт" -- подготовить устный отчет по теме
Topic “Transport”
1. People use various types of transport.
2. They are a car, a train, a plane, a boat, a tram, a bus, a trolley-bus and many others.
3. In large cities people can use the underground.
4. Special transport is designed for special tasks.
5. This includes fire trucks, ambulances, police, etc.
6. The first transport was animals: donkeys, elephants, horses or camels.
7. They carried people and cargoes.
8. Later people came up with the idea of moving through the air in a balloon.
9. After a while, the first engine was created.
10. So the steam locomotive appeared.
11. Transport plays a significant role in daily life of people.
12. The modern world will stop without transport
Дистанционное задание на пятницу, 26 февраля
Группа СЭЗ 4.9 - повторить тему "Числительные" по ссылке
весь материал видеоурока записать в тетрадь и выучить.
Дистанционное задание на четверг, 25 февраля
ОП 4.9 - составить рассказ о своей специальности (15-20 предложений)
ОП 3.9 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIUy4xTJswc
весь материал видеоурока записать в тетрадь и выучить.
ТО 4.9 - составить рассказ о своей специальности (15-20 предложений)
Дистанционное задание на среду, 24 февраля 2021 года
Группа ОП 1.9 - составить и записать в тетради устную тему (12 предложений) по теме "Английская королева Елизавета II" и подготовиться к устному отчету по данной теме.
Дистанционное задание на понедельник, 22 февраля 2021 года
Группа ОП 1.9 и группа ТО 1.9 - подготовить презентацию об английской королеве Елизавете II на английском языке, 10-15 слайдов. Обязательно оформить титульный лист. Готовые презентации отправлять на почту преподавателя.
Группа 13 - посмотреть видео по ссылке и весь представленный в уроке материал подробно записать в тетрадь. Выучить фразы по тетради https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n3zz8dNzt0
Группа ТО 2.9 - повторить тему "Числительные" по ссылке
весь материал видеоурока записать в тетрадь и выучить.
Группа ОП 3.9 проф. - подготовить отчет по устным темам.
Дистанционное задание на четверг, 18 февраля 2021 года
Группа ОП 4.9 - посмотреть видематериал по ссылкам и повторить изученный материал
Группа ТО 3.9 - изучить материал о правилах написания деловых писем на английском языке по ссылке и записать конспект в тетрадь
Группа ОП 3.9 - повторить тему "Простое Настоящее Время" , пройдя по ссылке и посмотрев видеоурок, записать подробный конспект со всеми примерами из видео в тетрадь.
Группа сэз 4.9 - составить рассказ о своей специальности (15-20 предложений)
Дистанционное задание на среду, 17 февраля 2021 года
Группа ОП 1.9. - повторить грамматическую тему "Множественное число существительных" по видео по ссылке
Дистанционное задание на вторник , 16 февраля 2021 года
Группа ОП 2.9 - повторить тему "Числительные" по ссылке
весь материал видеоурока записать в тетрадь и выучить.
Дистанционное задание на понедельник, 15 февраля 2021 года
Группы ОП 1.9 + ТО 1.9 - самостоятельно составляем топик "The USA" и готовимся к устному отчету по теме
Группа ТО 2.9 - подготовить презентацию на английском языке "Спортивные автомобили" - 12 слайдов, иллюстрации, видео по теме. Обязательное оформление титульного слайда. Выполненные презентации отправляем на почту преподавателя.
Группа ОП 3.9 (ино в сфере) - записываем в тетрадь устную тему и учим, готовимся к устному отчету по данной теме
Meals in Great Britain
- The British breakfast is bacon, eggs and sausages and tomatoes. 2. Sometimes people in Britain eat fruit and toasts for breakfast. 3. Lunch is a light meal. 4. People eat lunch at school or at work. 5. Lunch takes 30-40 minutes. 6. Dinner is the main meal. 7. Dinner has two courses. 8. British like fish and chips with salt. 8. Indian and Chinese dishes are popular as well. 9. 5 o’clock tea is an old tradition. 10. In the middle of the afternoon people always have a cup of tea. 11. British drink afternoon tea with sandwiches, jam and sweets. 12. They also drink tea at lunch and dinner.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Дистанционные задания на 9-13 ноября 2020 года
Преподаватель английского языка Малышенко Ирина Владимировна
Выполненные задания (презентации, сообщения, фото тетрадей) отправляем на почту irinapashkina@mail.ru или в личных сообщениях в ВК
Понедельник, 9 ноября
23 группа – посмотреть видео по ссылке
Записать весь материал с переводом из видео в тетрадь
ТО 2.9 - прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его, составьте план и выпишите главнее мысли текста.
1 The first road builders are expected to practice their art in south-western Asia. People migrated east, west, north, and south from this area. They wanted their paths to be improved and facilitated for the movement of their transport animals. The first roadways were constructed by leveling the ground, filling the hollows, and transferring earth from the edges of the pathway to the centre, thus forming side ditches and providing for drainage.
2 During the Bronze Age, the development of agriculture and trade, marked the beginning of civilization. Trade required better roads. The first serious road builders probably were the Mesopotamians, who developed a travel route from Babylonian Empire west and southwest to Egypt. Their roads were pared ones in which burnt brick and stone were lain in bituminous mortal.
3 Ancient “Amber Routes” are known to be the earliest roads in Europe. They were probably used between 1900 and 300 BC by traders to transport amber and tin from the north of Europe to points on the Mediterranean. These were not the roads in the modern sense, but they were improved at river crossings and over mountains passes.
4 We consider the Chinese road system to be the most remarkable and substantial one. Many of Chinese roads were wide, well built, and surfaced with stone. Rivers were crossed by bridges or well managed ferries. Step mountains were traversed by stone-paved stain ways with broad treads and low steps. The Imperial road system had about 2,000 miles in total.
ОП 2.9 – Подготовить сообщение в печатном виде о своем родном городе, селе, деревне с иллюстрациями (фото) и оформленным титульным листом.
Вторник, 10 ноября
13 группа – написать эссе о взаимоотношениях между родителями и детьми (12-15 предложений).
ТО 1.9 и ОП 1.9 – самостоятельно составить, записать и выучить устную тему “The Weather in England” (не менее 12 предложений). Материал берете из любых источников.
Среда , 11 ноября
17 группа – самостоятельно составить, записать и выучить устную тему “The Weather in England” (не менее 12 предложений). Материал берете из любых источников.
ОП 3.9 – написать рассказ о метро в Лондоне (12 предложений)
ТО 4.9 – Посмотреть видео по ссылке
записать фразы из видео с переводом в тетрадь , и составить деловой разговор по телефону на любую тему.
Четверг, 12 ноября
ОП 4.9 сфера – посмотреть видео по ссылке, записать весь материал с переводом из видеоурока в тетрадь.
25 группа – подготовить презентацию об адмирале Нельсоне, оформить титульный слайд, в презентации текстовая биографическая информация и иллюстрации по данной тематике (10-12 слайдов)
СЭЗ 4.9 – подготовить презентацию о жизни и творчестве Антонио Гауди, оформить титульный слайд, в презентации текстовая биографическая информация и иллюстрации по данной тематике (10-12 слайдов)
ОП 2.9 сфера – посмотреть видео по ссылке, записать весь материал урока с переводом в тетрадь.
Пятница, 13 ноября
114-СВ - самостоятельно составить, записать и выучить устную тему “The Weather in England” (не менее 12 предложений). Материал берете из любых источников.
27 группа – посмотреть видеоурок по ссылке и повторить тему «Указательные местоимения»
Предварительный просмотр:
Дистанционные задания на 16-19 ноября 2020 года
Преподаватель английского языка Малышенко Ирина Владимировна
Выполненные задания (презентации, сообщения, фото тетрадей) отправляем на почту irinapashkina@mail.ru или в личных сообщениях в ВК
Понедельник, 16 ноября
13 группа – посмотреть видео по ссылке. Записать весь материал урока – слова и фразы с переводом
ТО 2.9 – прочитать текст, выписать главные мысли, сделать перевод 1 и 2 абзацев.
Roman roads
1 The first scientific road builders were the Romans. By the peak of the Empire the Romans had build nearly 53,000 miles of roads connecting the capital with the frontiers of the empire. Twenty-nine great military roads radiated from Rome. The most famous of this called the Appian Way is reported to be started in 312 BC.
2 Roman roads were remarkable for preserving a straight line from point to point regardless the obstacles. Roman builders made them go over marshes, lakes, ravines and mountains.
3 The Appian Way was constructed by excavating parallel trenches about 12 metres apart to mark its exact location. The foundation had then four main lagers of different materials. The total thickness varied from 0.9 to 1.5 metres. The width of the Appian Way was 36 Roman feet (10.5 metres). This massive Roman road section adopted about 300 BC is considered to set the standard for the next 2,000 years.
4 We know the public transport of the Roman Empire to be divided into two classes: the express service and the freight service. In addition there was an enormous amount of travel by private individuals. The most widely used vehicles were two-wheeled chariots drawn by two or four horses and two-wheeled carts used in rural areas.
5 Fast freight carts were drawn by eight horses in summer and ten in winter. Speed of travel ranged from a low of about 24 km per day for freight vehicles to 120 km per day be speedy post drivers.
ОП 2.9 сфера – прочитать текст, выписать главные мысли, составить список банковских терминов с переводом.
A bank is a financial company that deals with money, securities and precious metals. If you need a certain amount of money, you can come to the bank and apply for a cash loan. After the bank approves your application, a contract is concluded between the client and the bank in which all conditions are stipulated. Loans are short-term or long-term, and are issued at a certain percentage. The client is given a schedule, according to which he must pay a fixed amount of money every month. This amount includes the loan itself, and the interest for using money. The client can also repay the loan in full with a one-time payment, thereby reducing the interest rate. Banks give their customers plastic cards, from which ATMs can always and everywhere withdraw the required amount. Plastic cards can also pay for any purchases or services. Banks can provide money not only to individuals, but also to huge companies, industries.
Also people in banks can store their savings. The bank not only protects other people's money, but also pays interest to its depositors for the right to use this money. When the depositor needs to withdraw the entire amount from his account, he comes to the bank and receives the money deposited.
For any bank it is very important to earn an excellent reputation and try to keep it. The quality of the bank's work will depend on the number of depositors and other customers wishing to avail themselves of banking services.
Without banks, any economy can not develop. Investors will remain without money, and will not be able to implement their projects. Such industries as engineering, agriculture, chemical industry, mining and forestry, will not be able to successfully develop and progress.
33 группа – сделать перевод текста
Mark Twain
Mark Twain wrote ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ in 1884. Since then, the book has been published in at least sixty languages, and some people say it is the best book ever created by an American writer.
The writer’s real name was Samuel Clemens. Samuel was born in 1835. He grew up in the state of Missouri on the Mississippi River. After his father died, young Samuel went to work as an assistant to a publisher. Ten years later, he became a pilot on a steamboat that sailed on the Mississippi. He heard the riverboat workers call out the words "mark twain!" That was a measure for the depth of water. Later he used this word combination as a pen-name.
In 1861 Clemens travelled west and became a reporter for newspapers in Nevada and California. He wrote news stories, editorials and sketches under his pen-name Mark Twain. He developed his own narrative style – friendly, funny, and often satirical, which won him a wide audience. The first success came with the story ‘The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County’.
Вторник, 17 ноября
ТО 1.9 + ОП 1.9 + 17 - сделать презентацию об одном из английских/американских ученых: оформление титульного слайда, объем презентации 10-12 слайдов. Биографическая информация и описание научных открытий с иллюстрациями по теме.
Среда, 18 ноября
27 группа – смотрите видео по ссылке, записываете весь материал урока с переводом (слова и фразы).
ОП 3.9 сфера – смотрите видео по ссылке, записываете весь материал урока с переводом (слова и фразы).
ТО 3.9 – смотрите видео по ссылке, записываете весь материал урока с переводом (слова и фразы).
ТО 4.9 – изучить материал о правилах написания деловых писем на английском языке по ссылке
114 – СВ - сделать презентацию об одном из английских/американских ученых: оформление титульного слайда, объем презентации 10-12 слайдов. Биографическая информация и описание научных открытий с иллюстрациями по теме.
Четверг, 19 ноября
ОП 4.9 - составить рассказ об истории Австралии. Материал берете из любых источников (12-15 предложений).
27 группа – написать эссе «Роль техники в современном мире»
17 группа - смотрите видео по ссылке, записываете весь материал урока с переводом (слова и фразы).
Предварительный просмотр:
Дистанционные задания по английскому языку
на 23 ноября, понедельник
Преподаватель Малышенко Ирина Владимировна
Почта irinapashkina@mail.ru или в личных сообщениях в ВК https://vk.com/id589260070
ТО 2.9, ОП 2.9
Смотрим видеоурок с разбором грамматики по теме «Модальные глаголы». Весь материал урока записываем в тетрадь.
17 группа
Составить рассказ о своем рабочем дне и выучить его. 12 предложений.
Предварительный просмотр:
13 группа на 24.11, Вторник
Работа с текстом:
- Прочитайте текст
- Напишите в 5-6 предложениях краткое содержание данного диалога
- Выпишите с переводом все слова, которые относятся к теме «Колледж»
At My College.
Alexei: Vlad, I want to ask you about college life. Is it different from school life?
Vlad: Well, it depends on what you are interested in. We, too, in college have lessons, and marks; teachers give us homework, and there are examinations and tests.
Alexei: Well, I see. But, then, is there any difference between a school and a college?
Vlad: Why, of course. First, at college we have special subjects in our curriculum. For example, if one is going to be a teacher, he or she will take pedagogy, psychology, and methods of teaching. If one wants to become an economist, he or she will study economics, accounting, taxation and a lot of other things. It’s really very interesting. Second, if you work regularly, attend all the lectures and seminars, and get good marks, you will be given a scholarship. If you are at the top of the group, and have excellent marks, the scholarship will be higher.
Alexei: It sounds very nice, I must say. Now, please, describe your usual day at college.
Vlad: Well, our day starts in the assembly hall, where we all gather together and the head teacher calls the register. Then the classes begin. We have several lectures and seminars every day, and work in workshops. Students also can stay at college after classes to do research.
Alexei: How are students assessed?
Vlad: We have exams and credit tests twice a year. But of course, it is important how you work during the year. Alexei: What is the difference between an exam and a credit test? Vlad: Well, you get marks for an exam, and when you take a credit test, you’ll get a “pass”. Exams are usually taken at the end of the course of a subject. For example, if you take chemistry for a year and a half, you will have credit tests in chemistry at the end of two terms, and at the end of the third term you will take an exam.
Alexei: Is an exam more difficult, than a credit test?
Vlad: Not really. In fact, you have more time to read for an exam: you are given from two to five days to get ready, and you are not given a lot of time to get ready for a credit test. In general, it depends on the subject.
Alexei: Well, I see. Now, what about holidays? They are not the same as at school, are they?
Vlad: We have holidays only two times a year: two weeks in February and two and a half months in summer.
Alexei: Vlad, what are you going to do after you graduate?
Vlad: There is a good opportunity for those who get only excellent marks while they study. When we graduate, we can enter a university without taking entrance exams and continue our education there. That’s why I study hard and try to work regularly, and not by fits and starts. And hard work gives good results, as I am at the top of the group now.
Alexei: The prospect is very nice. I wish you good luck, then. Do you advise me to enter this college, too?
Vlad: You know, it’s up to you to decide. But I like my studies there, and I think I have made the right choice. Besides, I’ve got many friends in the college, and friendship is the best thing in the world!
Предварительный просмотр:
ТО 1.9, ОП 1.9 Вторник, 24.11 Задание по англ. языку
почта irinapashkina@mail.ru или в ВК
Преподаватель Малышенко И.В.
Работа с текстом:
- Изучите слова к тексту
- Прочитайте текст
- Ответьте на вопросы к тексту
cloth maker - суконщик weaver - ткач to earn - зарабатывать partly - частично flat - плоский beyond - no ту сторону, за olive colored skin - оливковый цвет кожи surprise - удивление enemy - враг to spread (spread, spread) - распространять | false - ложный rumour - слух, молва tyrant - тиран, деспот chain - цепь to prove - доказывать innocence - невиновность seriously - серьёзно explorer - исследователь to name – называть |
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy. His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. He probably worked as a weaver before going to sea.
We don't know much about Christopher Columbus. He had blue eyes and red hair. He lived in Spain for a long time. He married the daughter of a sea captain. For some time he earned his living partly by making sea voyages, and partly by drawing maps and selling them.
In the fifteenth century most people thought that the earth was flat. They didn't believe that India lay beyond the Atlantic Ocean. They knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round. He decided to reach India by sailing to the west. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. Nobody wanted to help him. Many years after he sailed with three small ships into Atlantic Ocean. They were the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4000 miles (6400 kilometers) they reached some land. When they landed they saw strange trees and flowers, men and women with olive colored skin. They gathered around sailors and looked at them with great surprise.
Columbus thought that it must be India. He called these islands the West Indies. People began to speak about the land as "the New World." But it was America. So, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Columbus made many voyages to the New World. The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus took place in 1493. He had seventeen ships with him. He reached Cuba and discovered some other islands of the West Indies.
Twice more Columbus tried to find India. During his third voyage, enemies spread false rumours about him. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were led to believe that he was a tyrant. He was sent home in chains. Back in Spain, he quickly proved his innocence.
Columbus made his last voyage in 1502-1504. He discovered many islands and made them a part of Spain. He was seriously ill and died in 1506. Columbus was a great explorer and many places have been named in his honour.
Answer the questions:
1 When was Christopher Columbus born?
2 Where was he born?
3 What were his father and both grandfathers?
4 What was Columbus before going to sea?
5 Where did he live for a long time?
6 What was his wife?
7 How did he earn his living for some time?
8 Did Christopher Columbus think that the earth was flat?
9 Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round, wasn't he?
Предварительный просмотр:
Среда, 25.11 Задание по англ. языку
почта irinapashkina@mail.ru или в ВК
Преподаватель Малышенко И.В.
Работа с текстом:
- Изучите слова к тексту
- Прочитайте текст
- Ответьте на вопросы к тексту
cloth maker - суконщик weaver - ткач to earn - зарабатывать partly - частично flat - плоский beyond - no ту сторону, за olive colored skin - оливковый цвет кожи surprise - удивление enemy - враг to spread (spread, spread) - распространять | false - ложный rumour - слух, молва tyrant - тиран, деспот chain - цепь to prove - доказывать innocence - невиновность seriously - серьёзно explorer - исследователь to name – называть |
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy. His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. He probably worked as a weaver before going to sea.
We don't know much about Christopher Columbus. He had blue eyes and red hair. He lived in Spain for a long time. He married the daughter of a sea captain. For some time he earned his living partly by making sea voyages, and partly by drawing maps and selling them.
In the fifteenth century most people thought that the earth was flat. They didn't believe that India lay beyond the Atlantic Ocean. They knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round. He decided to reach India by sailing to the west. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. Nobody wanted to help him. Many years after he sailed with three small ships into Atlantic Ocean. They were the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4000 miles (6400 kilometers) they reached some land. When they landed they saw strange trees and flowers, men and women with olive colored skin. They gathered around sailors and looked at them with great surprise.
Columbus thought that it must be India. He called these islands the West Indies. People began to speak about the land as "the New World." But it was America. So, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Columbus made many voyages to the New World. The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus took place in 1493. He had seventeen ships with him. He reached Cuba and discovered some other islands of the West Indies.
Twice more Columbus tried to find India. During his third voyage, enemies spread false rumours about him. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were led to believe that he was a tyrant. He was sent home in chains. Back in Spain, he quickly proved his innocence.
Columbus made his last voyage in 1502-1504. He discovered many islands and made them a part of Spain. He was seriously ill and died in 1506. Columbus was a great explorer and many places have been named in his honour.
Answer the questions:
1 When was Christopher Columbus born?
2 Where was he born?
3 What were his father and both grandfathers?
4 What was Columbus before going to sea?
5 Where did he live for a long time?
6 What was his wife?
7 How did he earn his living for some time?
8 Did Christopher Columbus think that the earth was flat?
9 Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round, wasn't he
ОП 3.9, ТО 4.9
Смотрим видеоурок с разбором грамматики по теме «Модальные глаголы». Весь материал урока записываем в тетрадь.
Предварительный просмотр:
Дистанционные задания по английскому языку на четверг, 26.11
Преподаватель Малышенко Ирина Владимировна
Выполненные задания присылаем на почту irinapashkina@mail.ru
Или в личных сообщениях в ВК https://vk.com/id589260070
ОП 4.9 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD-uYNullTM
Смотрим видеоурок с разбором грамматики по теме «Модальные глаголы». Весь материал урока записываем в тетрадь.
25 группа – сделать презентацию об английской королеве Елизавете II. Объем 10-12 слайдов. Обязательно оформить титульный слайд. В презентацию включить биографические данные, фото и (по желанию) видео. Презентация на английском (!!!) языке.
СЭЗ 4.9. - сделать презентацию о Владимире Шухове, известном русском и советском архитекторе. Объем 10-12 слайдов. Обязательно оформить титульный слайд. В презентацию включить биографические данные, фото и (по желанию) видео. Презентация на английском (!!!) языке.
23 группа – составить рассказ о путешествии по России (12-15 предлож ).
27 – записать текст и сделать его перевод.
Optical scanner is a device that can read text or illustrations printed on paper and translate the information into a form the computer can use. A scanner works by digitizing an image.
Some scanners are small hand-held devices that you move across the paper. These hand held scanners are often called half-pages scanners because they can only scan 2 to 5 inches at a time. Hand-held scanners are good for scanning small picture and photos, but they are difficult to use if you need to scan a large page.
Larger scanners include machines into which you can feed sheets of paper. These are called sheet-fed scanners. Sheet-fed scanners are excellent for loose sheets of paper, but they are unable to handle bound documents.
Large scanners are called flatbed scanners. They consist of a board on which you lay books, magazines, and other documents that you want to scan.
Предварительный просмотр:
Пятница, 27.11 Задание по англ. языку
почта irinapashkina@mail.ru или в ВК
Преподаватель Малышенко И.В.
Работа с текстом:
- Изучите слова к тексту
- Прочитайте текст
- Ответьте на вопросы к тексту
cloth maker - суконщик weaver - ткач to earn - зарабатывать partly - частично flat - плоский beyond - no ту сторону, за olive colored skin - оливковый цвет кожи surprise - удивление enemy - враг to spread (spread, spread) - распространять | false - ложный rumour - слух, молва tyrant - тиран, деспот chain - цепь to prove - доказывать innocence - невиновность seriously - серьёзно explorer - исследователь to name – называть |
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy. His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. He probably worked as a weaver before going to sea.
We don't know much about Christopher Columbus. He had blue eyes and red hair. He lived in Spain for a long time. He married the daughter of a sea captain. For some time he earned his living partly by making sea voyages, and partly by drawing maps and selling them.
In the fifteenth century most people thought that the earth was flat. They didn't believe that India lay beyond the Atlantic Ocean. They knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round. He decided to reach India by sailing to the west. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. Nobody wanted to help him. Many years after he sailed with three small ships into Atlantic Ocean. They were the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4000 miles (6400 kilometers) they reached some land. When they landed they saw strange trees and flowers, men and women with olive colored skin. They gathered around sailors and looked at them with great surprise.
Columbus thought that it must be India. He called these islands the West Indies. People began to speak about the land as "the New World." But it was America. So, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Columbus made many voyages to the New World. The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus took place in 1493. He had seventeen ships with him. He reached Cuba and discovered some other islands of the West Indies.
Twice more Columbus tried to find India. During his third voyage, enemies spread false rumours about him. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were led to believe that he was a tyrant. He was sent home in chains. Back in Spain, he quickly proved his innocence.
Columbus made his last voyage in 1502-1504. He discovered many islands and made them a part of Spain. He was seriously ill and died in 1506. Columbus was a great explorer and many places have been named in his honour.
Answer the questions:
1 When was Christopher Columbus born?
2 Where was he born?
3 What were his father and both grandfathers?
4 What was Columbus before going to sea?
5 Where did he live for a long time?
6 What was his wife?
7 How did he earn his living for some time?
8 Did Christopher Columbus think that the earth was flat?
9 Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round, wasn't he
27 группа
Подготовить сообщение о социальных сетях, об их плюсах и минусах, о том, какие возможности они предлагают своим пользователям; о том, какие соцсети наиболее популярны в России и почему. Можно сравнить несколько разных социальных сетей, и отразить это в своем сообщении. Сообщение делается в печатном виде с добавлением тематических иллюстраций, фото. Обязательно оформить титульный лист.
Предварительный просмотр:
Задание по английскому языку на неделю с 30 ноября
Преподаватель Малышенко Ирина Владимировна
Почта irinapashkina@mail.ru или в ВК https://vk.com/id589260070
Понедельник, 30.11
13 группа – повторить тему «Множественное число существительных» по ссылке https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5-eIp4GxOU
ТО 2.9 – Работа с текстом
- Выписать выделенные слова и перевести их.
- Ответить на вопросы к тексту:
- What is the function of road signs?
- What do you know about signs shape and colour?
- Where were the international conferences devoted to road signs and signals?
- Нарисовать любые 5 дорожных знаков и объяснить их значение на английском языке.
Operation and maintenance of the roads
1 The marking of roadway surfaces with painted lines or types of permanent markers is standard practice through the world. It is generally accepted that the advantages exceed the disadvantages. Signs are expected to be used to advise the driver of special regulations and give information about routes, directions, hazards and points of interest.
2 Sings are classified as: (1) regulatory sings, which provide notice of traffic laws and sings regulating traffic movement; (2) warning sings, which call attention to potential traffic hazard such as turns, steep grades, slippery surface; (3)guide signs, which show routes, destinations, distances, points of interest and so on.
3 In most nations sings are reported to have standard shape and colours. A United Nation commission studied highway signs and made recommendations for standard sign procedures which were adopted by many nations. The commission also found three-colour signs to be visible better by the drivers. International conferences in Bangkok, Montevideo and Vienna supposed most nations to adopt a convention for road signs and signals acceptable to most nations of the world.
4 In general the rules for operation of vehicles on the highway are known to be divided into three main categories. First are the rules applying to the vehicle and driver such as vehicle and driver registration, accident reporting, financial liability. Second are general rules for drivers and pedestrians known as the rules of the road. Third are those regulations which apply to limited roadway sections such as speed zones, one-way operations.
ОП 2.9 проф. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9khRGD42ao и записать все слова и выражения по теме с переводом в тетрадь
33 группа – посмотреть видеоурок по ссылке https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9khRGD42ao и записать все слова и выражения по теме с переводом в тетрадь
Вторник, 1.12
ТО 1.9, ОП 1.9, 114 – СВ – составить рассказ о своем рабочем дне и выучить его (не менее 12 предложений)
17 группа - повторить тему «Множественное число существительных» по ссылке https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5-eIp4GxOU
Среда, 2.12
27 группа - посмотреть видеоурок по ссылке https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qgSfDHl2Ao и повторить Present Simple (Настоящее Простое Время)
3.9 проф – записать текст по-английски и перевести
Bliny (so-called pancakes or crepes) are a kind of dish which is cooked on different occasions. Russians eat them at different times of the day as a dessert, snack, or even the main course. Bliny are served with sour creme, honey, salmon, caviar, and many other ingredients. Bliny are rather big (the size of the plate), so don't confuse them with small and thick oladyi (another kind of pancakes).
Bliny are especially popular on Maslenitsa ( Butterweek – a week before the Lent). Blinis are a symbol of the sun, which is represented not only in the shape but also in the warmth you feel on a cold day. There are millions of recipes of bliny. But we would like to offer you one example.
ОП 4.9, ТО 4.9 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9khRGD42ao и записать все слова и выражения по теме с переводом в тетрадь
Четверг, 3.12
27 группа – написать рассказ о своей будущей профессии
(12-15 предложений)
17 группа – написать сочитнение “My Dream House” (не менее 15 предлож.)
Предварительный просмотр:
Дистанционные задания по английскому языку
Преподаватель Малышенко Ирина Владимировна
Почта irinapashkina@mail.ru или пишем в ВК
Понедельник, 7 декабря
ОП 4.9 – подготовить сообщение в печатном виде о коренном населении австралийского континента «Аборигены Австралии» на английском (!!!) языке. 5-6 страниц с обязательным добавлением иллюстраций и оформлением титульного листа.
ТО 2.9 – 1) изучите и запишите слова к тексту
2) прочитайте текст
3) выполните послетекстовые упражнения
Movement - движение
Goods – товары
Main - главный
chief means – основные средства
traffic – уличное движение
heavy – сложный, напряженный
injure- ранение, травма, пораниться
accident – авария, происшествие
pedestrian - пешеход
marking - разметка
death - смерть
notice boards – электронное табло
obey – слушаться, подчиняться, следовать
luminous – светящийся, люминисцентный
Traffic Control
1 Traffic is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. There are two main types of passenger transport: (1) private transport and (2) public transport. Automobiles are the chief means of passenger transport in the USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and in the countries of Western Europe.
2 The traffic is very heavy in the streets of many cities. Every year several thousand people are killed or injured in road accidents. Drivers and pedestrians can reduce the number of traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths if they will watch and obey chief means, signals, and pavement marking. Special control devices such as electric signs tell pedestrians when to cross streets and highways. These signs operate in conjunction with vehicle traffic signals. There are notice boards at every crossing to show you the place where to cross the road. Many warning and guide signs are covered with luminous paint. This makes the signs easier to see at night.
3 Traffic lights are used to control traffic within cities. Modern traffic lights are an American invention. Red-green systems were installed in Cleveland in 1914. Three-color signals were installed in New York in 1918. The first lights of this type appeared in Britain in London on the junction between St. James’s Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. Automatic signals were installed a year later.
4 In the past traffic lights were special. In New York some lights had a statue on top. In Los Angeles the lights did not change silently, but rang bells to wake the sleeping motorists of the 1930s. Later standard models replaced them. Nowadays these models are universally adopted.
- Найдите в тексте и напишите по-английски:
Пассажирский транспорт –
Страны Западной Европы –
Дорожное происшествие –
Несколько тысяч человек –
Следовать указаниям дорожных знаков –
С одного места на другое –
Погибают или получают травмы –
Дорожная разметка –
Пересекать улицы и шоссе –
Люминисцентная краска –
Светофор –
Водители и пешеходы –
- Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
- What is traffic? 2) How many types of passenger transport can you name? 3) What number of people are killed and injured in road accidents? 4) What is the function of traffic lights? 5) When three-coloured system was installed in New York? 6) How did the lights operate in Los Angeles of the 1930s?
- True? False?
- There were no traffic lights in Los Angeles in 1930s.
- Very few people are killed and injured in car crashes nowadays.
- Drivers and pedestrians can make the number of road accidents less.
- In Los Angeles the lights rang bells to wake the sleeping motorists of the 1914.
- In New York some lights had a statue on top and the statue produce loud music warnings.
- Modern traffic lights were invented in America.
- Red-green systems first appeared in Cleveland in 1914.
ОП 2.9 – посмотреть урок по ссылке и записать весь материал с переводом в тетрадь https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhLHKMCcP38&feature=emb_logo
17 группа - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzBEAWThB44
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Вторник, 8 декабря Задание по англ. языку
почта irinapashkina@mail.ru или в ВК
Преподаватель Малышенко И.В.
Вторник, 8 декабря
13 группа – 1) изучить и записать слова к тексту
- прочитать текст
- выполнить задания после текста
well –designed – хорошо спроектированный
spots ground – спортивная площадка
inside swimming pool – крытый бассейн
first – year student – первокурсник
workshop – мастерская
tool – инструмент
reading room – читальный зал
laptop – ноутбук
canteen – столовая
spacious – просторный
gymnasium – спортивный зал
staircase – лестница
well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный
multimedia projection unit – мультимедийный проектор
window sill – подоконник
Beyond Our Dreams!
From my point of view our college is modem and well-designed. It is a three-storied building with a sports ground behind it. I really think it is the best educational institution in Moscow. We even have an inside swimming pool!
On the ground floor there are the classrooms for the first-year students, workshop and a library. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops. In the library two librarians help students to find the books they need. In the reading room there are laptops which we can use dining the breaks and after classes.
Our canteen is spacious, light and clean. We have our meals there.
The physical training lessons take place in the gymnasium and the swimming pool. We like to go there even after the lessons. To the left of the gym there is a hall and a staircase. The staircase leads to the first floor.
The classrooms are well-equipped. Each room has a teacher's table, students' desks, a board, a computer and a multimedia projection unit. There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, English and Russian.
My English classroom is on the second floor. It has three big windows. There are lots of potted plants on the window sills, and we take good care of them. The board in our classroom is magnetic. We write with markers on it and attach our projects to it with magnets. Next to the board there are maps of Russia and Great Britain, various grammar tables and charts.
There is a computer in the right-hand corner. We often listen to original English texts, songs and watch films on a big screen which make our lessons interesting. I like my college. It provides us with everything to help us become good specialists.
Задание 1 к тексту: TRUE or FALSE ???
1. Alexander studies in Moscow.
2. There is an indoor swimming pool in his college.
3. The library is equipped with laptops.
4. All the classrooms are on the first floor.
5. The classrooms are the same.
6. After classes the students rush home.
7. The students like their English classes.
8. At the English lessons they watch films, listen to texts and present their projects.
9. They don't use chalk in their English classroom.
10. Alexander is proud of his college.
Задание 2 к тексту: составить 10 предложений с новыми словами
ТО 1.9, ОП 1.9 - 1) изучить и записать слова к тексту
2) прочитать текст
3) выполнить задания после текста
block of flats - многоэтажный, многоквартирный дом
on the outskirts – на окраине
landing – межквартирная лестничная площадка
modern conveniences - современные удобств
central heating – центральное отопление
running hot and cold water - водопровод с горячей и холодной водой
rubbish chute - мусоропровод
to give a piece of advice – давать совет
wallpaper - обои
to arrange – расставлять (мебель)
right (left)-corner - правый (левый) угол
cosy - уютный
fashion - мода
to be at a loss – растеряться, быть в растерянности
entry phone - домофон
study - кабинет
hall – коридор
wall unit - стенка
sideboard - сервант
stool – табурет
flat-screen TV – плоский телевизор
divan-bed – диван-кровать
standard lamp - торшер
buil-in wardrobe – встроенный шкаф
to examine - разглядывать
projector alarm clock – будильник-проектор
lampshade - абажур
bedside table – прикроватная тумбочка
dressing table – туалетный столик
So Many Men so Many Minds.
Alexander's family has a flat in a new block of flats on the outskirts of Moscow. Their flat is on the fourth floor. Alexander's foreign friends Peter, Jane and Nora are now in Moscow. At the weekend they come to Alexander to have a look at his new flat. Alexander welcomes them on the landing. He shows them all the modern conveniences: central heating, running hot and cold water, electricity, gas, the Internet, two lifts and a chute to carry rubbish down, as well as three rooms, a kitchen and a balcony. Peter is a future designer. He gives Alexander a piece of advice to change the wallpaper colors in his bedroom and rearrange some pieces of furniture. Peter says: "Look! It would be right to put the bookcase closer to the right-hand corner I think your wallpaper should be pink. Jane is not a designer. She is a sociology student, but she has good taste. Jane likes Alexander's library with a lot of English and Russian books, the cosy kitchen and the paintings on the walls. But Jane doesn't like the carpet on the floor. " It is not in fashion now ", she explains to Alex. As for the wallpaper colors in Alex's room, Jane prefers them in green. Alexander is at a loss. He looks at the wallpaper in his room and at the carpet on the floor. Whose advice to follow?
Задание 1 к тексту: TRUE or FALSE ?
- Alexander’s pen friends are now in Moscow.
- At the weekend Alexander meets them at the metro station.
- He shows them a rich collection of English and Russian books.
- Peter likes Alexander’s library and pictures on the walls.
- Jane is not a designer but she works for a building company.
- Jane thinks that Alexander does not follow fashion trends.
- She recommends Alexander to change the wallpaper in the living room.
- Jane prefers it in pink.
- Peter thinks it is better to move the bookcase.
- Alex is ready to follow his advice.
Задание 2 : составить 12 предложений с новыми словами.