Обучающие задания для детей всех возрастов

Коновалова Тамара Анатолиевна

Данная страница содержит дополнительные ресурсы,которые помогут Вам,мои дорогие гости, улучшить ваши навыки английского языка.


Предварительный просмотр:

Вводный контроль (английский язык)

4 класс

1 вариант

  1. Вставьте HAVE или HAS
  1. I ____ got a black cat.
  2. Tom ____ got a big bag.
  3. Ann ____ got a black pen and a black pencil.
  4. ____ you got a dog? – Yes, I _____
  5. We ___ got a funny rabbit.
  6. They ____ got a big clock.
  7. Kate ___ got a nice face.
  8. Alice and Mary ___ got three cats.
  9. John ___ got a parrot.
  10.  _____ he got a tiger? – No, he __ not.
  1. Вставьте AM, IS или ARE
  1. It __ nice.
  2. They __ smart.
  3. She ___ a good pupil.
  4. He ___ kind and funny.
  5. Jane ___ angry.
  6. Mike and Tom ___ lazy.
  7. We ___ strong and brave.
  8. You ___ sad.
  9. I ___ not angry.
  10.  ___ you a pupil?
  1. Составьте предложения из цепочки слов:
  1. Tom, sing, can’t.
  2. can’t, cat, A, swim.
  3. long, His, isn’t, pen.
  4. cockerel, got, big, a, Jess, hasn’t.
  5. fox, A, black, isn’t.
  6. can, swim, jump, and, He.
  7. duck, sing, A, can’t.
  8. dogs, run, Can?
  9. isn’t, Ann’s, black, cat.
  10.  a, funny, She, rabbit, got, has.

Вводный контроль (английский язык)

4 класс

2 вариант

  1. 1 варианВставьте HAVE или HAS
  1. She ___ got a white dog.
  2. I ____ got a big ball.
  3. Tim ___ got a white cat and a brown monkey.
  4. _____ he got a crocodile? – No, he ___ not.
  5. James ____ got a good friend.
  6. Jane and Mary ___ got a snake.
  7. Tom ___ got a brown stick.
  8. They ___ got a smart car.
  9. ____ you got a cat? – Yes, I ____
  10. We ___ got a nice rabbit.
  1. Вставьте AM, IS или  ARE.
  1. My pets ___ funny.
  2. Are you a pupil? – Yes, I __
  3. __ it black?
  4. The crocodile ___ green.
  5. We ___ happy.
  6. She __ clever and smart.
  7. He ___ not stupid.
  8. I ___ slim and tall.
  9. Pamela and Alice ____ friends.
  10.  You ___ kind and merry.
  1. Составьте предложения из цепочки слов:
  1. his, clock, Is, big?
  2. have, a, I, got, friend.
  3. is, name, His, Tom.
  4. is, He, not, nine.
  5. He, sing, well, can, and, swim.
  6. likes, dogs, Tom, cats, and.
  7. She, swim, skate, can’t, and.
  8. Jim, tennis, plays, well.
  9. you, Can, crocodile, a, ride?
  10.  rabbits, and, We, like, cats.

Предварительный просмотр:


Variant 1

№1 Choose the correct answer.

1. Who is working in the study?-……..

a) I have .       b) I do.            c) She  has.                D) I am .             e) I is.

2. Summer …………….spring.

a) follows       b) follow           c) is following             d) are following           e) am following

3. Pete……..a magazine now.

a) read         b) reads        c) reading           d) is reading         e) are reading

4. Sometimes she……new books in this shop.

a) buys           b) buy          c)is buying              d) are buying       e) buying

5. I……..him.

a) am not understanding      b) don’t understand      c) doesn’t understand

d) am not understand         e) don’t understanding

№2 Fill in a / an / the.

1. We bought… new dress. … dress is blue.

2. Washington is … capital of … USA.

3. Would you like … cup of coffee?

4. Sir W. Churchill was … famous politician.

5. He would like to visit … Red Square.

№3 Finish the tag-questions.

1. My sister wants to be a writer,  …?

2. They went to the ancient town last month, …?

3.  Jack can watch TV in the house,   …?

№4 Write sentences as in the example.


David is the oldest boy in the class.   (old)

1. This _____________________ house in the city. (old)

2. Winter _________________ season of the year. (bad)

3. Which _________: the book or the film? (interesting)

№5. Translate the sentences

  1. Он очень общительный и разговорчивый.


  1. Существует много опасных профессий:  телохранители, ветеринары и другие.


  1. Мы собирается посетить Лондон.


  1. Где будет проходить  собрание?


  1. Столица Англии –Лондон.


№6.  Write a letter to your friend about your school.



Variant 2

№1 Choose the correct answer.

1. They….tennis at the moment.

a) play      b) are playing         c) plays          d) is playing         e) am playing

2. He…..to speak to you now.

a) is wanting           b) want          c) wants         d) is want              e) are wanting

3. What goes round the Earth? – The Moon….  .

a) is        b) has         c) are           d) do           e) does

4. Who is working in the garden?-   We….. .

a) are            b) do                c) is              d) have         e) does

5. Where….my sisters travelling now?

a) have        b) do           c) are             d) is             e) has

№2 Fill in  a / an / the.

1. This is …book. … book is interesting.

2. …USA is … largest country in … America.

3. Would you like … cup of tea?

4. Daniel Defoe was … famous English writer.

5. He would like to visit … Kremlin.

№3 Finish the tag-questions.

1. Children can swim very well, …?

2. She wrote that book in 1868, …?

3. It will hot in summer, …?


№4 Write sentences as in the example.


David is the oldest boy in the class.   (old)

1. Autumn _____________________season of the year. (beautiful)

2. Autumn ________________________ summer. (cold)

3. Summer _______________ season of the year. (good)

№5. Translate the sentences

  1. Я уже сделал домашнюю работу.


  1. Чем ты интересуешься?


  1. Том не собирается в путешествие в этом году.


  1.   Столица Франции – Париж.          


  1. В Лондоне находятся много достопримечательностей. .



№6.  Write a letter to your friend about your hobby.




Предварительный просмотр:

Вводный контроль (английский язык)

6 класс

1 вариант

№1 Choose the correct answer.

1. Who is working in the study?-……..

a) I have .       b) I do.            c) She  has.                D) I am .             e) I is.

2. Summer …………….spring.

a) follows       b) follow           c) is following             d) are following           e) am following

3. Pete……..a magazine now.

a) read         b) reads        c) reading           d) is reading         e) are reading

4. Sometimes she……new books in this shop.

a) buys           b) buy          c)is buying              d) are buying       e) buying

5. I……..him.

a) am not understanding      b) don’t understand      c) doesn’t understand

d) am not understand         e) don’t understanding

№2 Fill in a / an / the.

1. We bought… new dress. … dress is blue.

2. Washington is … capital of … USA.

3. Would you like … cup of coffee?

4. Sir W. Churchill was … famous politician.

5. He would like to visit … Red Square.

№3 Finish the tag-questions.

1. My sister wants to be a writer,  …?

2. They went to the ancient town last month, …?

3.  Jack can watch TV in the house,   …?

№4 Write sentences as in the example.


David is the oldest boy in the class.   (old)

1. This _____________________ house in the city. (old)

2. Winter _________________ season of the year. (bad)

3. Which _________: the book or the film? (interesting)

№5. Translate the sentences

  1. Он очень общительный и разговорчивый.


  1. Существует много опасных профессий:  телохранители, ветеринары и другие.


  1. Мы собирается посетить Лондон.


  1. Где будет проходить  собрание?


  1. Столица Англии –Лондон.


№6.  Write a letter to your friend about your school.


Вводный контроль (английский язык)

6 класс

2 вариант

№1 Choose the correct answer.

1. They….tennis at the moment.

a) play      b) are playing         c) plays          d) is playing         e) am playing

2. He…..to speak to you now.

a) is wanting           b) want          c) wants         d) is want              e) are wanting

3. What goes round the Earth? – The Moon….  .

a) is        b) has         c) are           d) do           e) does

4. Who is working in the garden?-   We….. .

a) are            b) do                c) is              d) have         e) does

5. Where….my sisters travelling now?

a) have        b) do           c) are             d) is             e) has

№2 Fill in  a / an / the.

1. This is …book. … book is interesting.

2. …USA is … largest country in … America.

3. Would you like … cup of tea?

4. Daniel Defoe was … famous English writer.

5. He would like to visit … Kremlin.

№3 Finish the tag-questions.

1. Children can swim very well, …?

2. She wrote that book in 1868, …?

3. It will hot in summer, …?


№4 Write sentences as in the example.


David is the oldest boy in the class.   (old)

1. Autumn _____________________season of the year. (beautiful)

2. Autumn ________________________ summer. (cold)

3. Summer _______________ season of the year. (good)

№5. Translate the sentences

  1. Я уже сделал домашнюю работу.


  1. Чем ты интересуешься?


  1. Том не собирается в путешествие в этом году.


  1.   Столица Франции – Париж.          


  1. В Лондоне находятся много достопримечательностей. .



№6.  Write a letter to your friend about your hobby.


Предварительный просмотр:

 английский язык


1 вариант

Задание 1

Выберите правильный ответ: (a, b, c, d)


1. He usually ... there.

a) is walking                 b) walk        c) are walking        d) walks

2. Where is the clock?

a) They are in the living-room.        b) You are right.

c) I saw it on the shelf.                d) He knows it.

3. She is dressing ... .

a) himself        b) themselves        c) herself        d) myself

4. We shall not eat any ... bread or butter.

a) the                b) a                c) -                d) an

5. Please take ... German book you like.

a) an                b) some        c) any                d) no

6. It ... time to go school.

a) does not        b) are not        c) am not        d) is not

7. What language ... you learn?

a) does        b) do                c) have        d) are

8. ... you often speak English to your teacher?

a) are                b) do                c) has                d) is

9. They are not here, ... ?

a) aren’t they        b) do they        c) are they        d) don’t they

10. The children are playing in the yard, ... ?

a) haven’t they        b) don’t they        c) can’t they        d) aren’t they

11. Have you done your exercises?

a) No, I have.        b) Yes, we are.        c) Yes, I have.        d) No, we has.

12. Do you know the alphabet?

a) No, we did.        b) Yes, we are.        c) No, we have.        d) Yes, we do.

13. I had a ... pulled out this morning.

a) teeth        b) teth                c) tooth        d) toths

14. She held two ... in her hand.

a) knife        b) knifes        c) the knifes        d) knives

15. The cat is chasing a tiny ... .

a) mice        b) mouse        c) mices        d) mouses

16. I play in the park ... my friends.

a) near        b) to                c) after        d) with

17. He is afraid ... the dog.

a) off                b) at                c) of                d) behind

18. There is a football field ... our school.

a) under        b) in front of        c) from        d) about

19. He doesn't read ... . He reads very little.

a) many        b) much        c) a little        d) a few

20. There is ... bread on the table.

a) a few        b) few                c) many        d) a lot of

Задание 2

напишите о том, как вы провели летние каникулы (13-15 предложений).

Вводный контроль (английский язык)

9 класс

2 вариант

Вариант 2

Задание 1

Выберите правильный ответ: (a, b, c, d)

1. We are sitting in armchairs and ... TV.

a) watch                 b) watching                 c) watched                 d) watches

2. When is your birthday?

a) I get many presents in my birthday.        b) I was born on the 15th of May.

c) It was on the 20th of May.                d) My father and my mother like it.

3. You don't look ... .

a) himself                b) myself                c) herself                d) yourself

4. They usually have classes in ... morning.

a) -                        b) an                        c) a                        d) the

5. I don't think we've got...… time today to discuss this question.

a) some                b) any                        c) many                d) no

6. The first place we ... to was the sports ground.

a) shall not go        b) do not go                c) has not go                d) did not go

7. What ... you going to do in the evening?

a) have                b) will                        c) are                        d) do

8. ... you having a lesson now?

a) do                        b) have                c) will                        d) are

9. There is no TV set in the middle of the room, … ?

a) is it                        b) is there                c) isn’t it                d) isn’t there

10. You haven’t helped me very much, ... ?

a) are you                b) haven’t you        c) have you        d) aren’t you

11. Do they often come here?

a) No, they haven’t        b) No, they aren’t        c) No, they don’t        d) No, they can’t

12. Can I help you to clean the table?

a) Yes, you are.        b) Yes, you can.        c) Yes, you do.        d) Yes, you have.

13. I had my last two ... pulled out this morning.

a) teeth                b) tooth                c) tooths                d) teeths

14. ... don't speak Latin today.

a) Roman                b) Romen                c) Romens                d) Romans

15. The ... shake hands more often than the English do.

a) Germen                b) Germans                c) German                d) Germens

16. In wither everything is ... the snow.

a) under                b) round                c) at                        d) in front of

17. I am angry ... you.

a) to                        b) at                        c) with                d) for

18. I have a little sister. I like to play ... her.

a) with                b) for                        c) from                d) by

19. My little son knows ... English words.

a) a few                b) a little                c) little                d) much

20. You know ... German, don't you?

a) few        b) many        c) a little        d) a few

Задание 2

напишите о том, как вы провели летние каникулы (13-15 предложений).

Предварительный просмотр:

 английский язык

10 класс

1 вариант


Задание 1.

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Who wants to dance?    - The girls ... .

a) do        b) wants        c) want

2. He is ill.    - How long ... ill?

a) is he        b) was he        c) has he been

3. Your mother never watches TV, ...?

a) does she        b) doesn't she         c) is she

4. I am her friend, ...?

a) aren't I        b) isn't it        c) don't I

5. ... it sometimes rain in February?

a) Is        b) Does        с) Was

6. He had two lessons, ...?

a) hadn't he        b) didn't he        c) did he

7. They ... lunch, they are in the classroom now.

a) have        b) had        c) have had

8. ... a lot of people in the museum.

a) It will be        b) There will be       с) They are

9. We couldn't take a taxi. We ... walk.

a) had to        b) must        с) shall be able to

10. He never takes ... advice.

a) a        b) an        c) –

Задание 2.

Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.


1. They have got a lot of cakes, but they have few bread.

2. - Will she busy next week? - No, she won't.

3. She has had this piano since five years.

4. It is often snow in December.

5. I am going to come early. I promise.

6. Is Mary your sister friend?

7. What is this policemen doing now?

8. Once upon a time it was an old man who was a boaster.

9. It is a very nice flat. I am sure we shall be very comfortably.

10. I think we shall be able leave this place on Sunday.

Задание 3

напишите о том, как вы провели летние каникулы (13-15 предложений).

Вводный контроль (английский язык)

10 класс

2 вариант


Задание 1.

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. They had a lot of balls, ...?

a) didn't they        b) hadn't they         c) did they

2. ... it often snow in April?

a) Is        b) Was        c) Does

3. I am at home, ...?

a) aren't I        b) am I        c) don't I

4. Who gets up at 6 o'clock?    - My brothers ... .

a) does        b) do        c) get up

5. Will ... tired?    - Yes, they will.

a) be they        b) they be        c) they

6. He lives in Rostov.    - How long ... there?

a) does he live         b) did he Live        c) has he lived

7. They ... a party. Now they are cleaning the room.

a) have        b) had        c) have had

8. ... a lot of children in the park.

a) It will be        b) There will be       c) It won't be

9. If you go there you ... meet him.

a) could        b) had to        c) will be able to

10. You ... hurry. We have a lot of time.

a) mustn't        b) don't have to       c) cannot

Задание 2.

Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

1. Once upon a time it was a boy who wanted to be a fireman.

2. That businessmen is going to visit the United States of America.

3. The Browns have had this computer since three weeks.

4. I am going to clean my room. I promise.

5. I wrote a letter to Alice and Susan grandfather

6. It is often rain in London.

7. She had a lot of tests but she had little dictations.

8. Your cat never sleeps in this box, doesn't it?

9. Helen was wearing a long black dress. She looked wonderfully.

10. I think they will at the stadium at two o'clock tomorrow.

Задание 3

напишите о том, как вы провели летние каникулы (13-15 предложений).