Полезные тематические презентации

Прохорчева Вера Александровна

Данные тематические презентации были созданы на протяжении нескольких лет моей работы в школе.

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Слайд 1

Christmas in Russia

Слайд 2

Christmas in Russia Christmas is celebrated all over the world and no other holiday has developed such a great number of customs and symbols. So let us begin with discussing the most important holiday for many people – Christmas Day, which has been celebrated from the earliest days of recorded history.

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It is celebrated on December 25 in Great Britain. In Russia Orthodox Christmas is celebrated 13 days after the Catholic one, on January 7, because the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates its Christmas in accordance with the old Julian calendar.

Слайд 4

Most Russians belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church, and it is customary to fast until after the first church service on January 6, Christmas Eve or until the first star appears. The dinner that follows is very much a celebration, although, meat is not permitted .

Слайд 5

The most important ingredient is a special porridge called kutya . It is made of wheat or other grains which symbolize hope and immortality, and honey and poppy seeds, which ensure happiness and success. Kutya is eaten from a common dish to symbolize unity.

Слайд 6

Some families used to throw a spoonful of kutya up to the ceiling. According to tradition, if the kutya stuck, there would be a plentiful honey harvest.

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Слайд 1

множественное число существительных

Слайд 2

a man

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

a woman

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

a child

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

a fish

Слайд 9


Слайд 10

a deer

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

a goose

Слайд 13


Слайд 14

a foot

Слайд 15


Слайд 16

a tooth

Слайд 17


Слайд 18

a mouse

Слайд 19


Слайд 20

an ox

Слайд 21


Слайд 22

исключения a man - men a woman - women a child - children an ox - oxen a mouse - mice a foot - feet a tooth - teeth a goose - geese a fish - fish a deer - deer a sheep - sheep

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Слайд 1

Have got Has got he she it we you they I

Слайд 2

Ann ......a bird.

Слайд 3

I........a dog.

Слайд 4

Nick and Peter........a snake.

Слайд 5

Children.......a puppy.

Слайд 6

Peter....a deer.

Слайд 7

We.....an elephant.

Слайд 8

Mary.......a bear.

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