4th form

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Past Simple Jeopardy 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30

Слайд 2

10 points Question: Complete the sentence with one word. We were at home…night Answer Back to Questions Answer: last

Слайд 3

20 points Question: Complete the sentence with one word . They … a cake last night. Answer Back to Questions Answer: baked

Слайд 4

30 points Question: Write the past simple form of the verb below b uy - … Answer Back to Questions Answer: bought

Слайд 5

10 points Question: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb TO BE We … in Moscow last month. Answer Back to Questions Answer: were

Слайд 6

20 points Question: Answer the question with one word. What did they do yesterday? Answer Back to Questions Answer: danced

Слайд 7

3 0 points Question: Write the past simple form of the verb below go - … Answer Back to Questions Answer: went

Слайд 8

10 points Question: Translate into English: вчера - Answer Back to Questions Answer: yesterday

Слайд 9

20 points Question: Complete the question with one word. … you watch TV yesterday? Answer Back to Questions Answer: Did

Слайд 10

3 0 points Question: Complete the sentence with one word. They … their bikes to school yesterday. Answer Back to Questions Answer: rode

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

SWIM Swam Swum Swom

Слайд 3

Began BEGIN Begin Begun

Слайд 4

THINK Thought Thank Thout

Слайд 5

WRITE Wrote Wrate Written

Слайд 6

FLY Flew Flow Flown

Слайд 7

Read READ Rode Red

Слайд 8

KNOW Knew Know Known

Слайд 9

SEE Saw Sawn Seen

Слайд 10

Drew DRAW Drow Drawn

Слайд 11

TAKE Took Taken Toke

Слайд 12

GIVE Gave Give Gaven

Слайд 13

Ate EAT Aten Eaten

Слайд 14

DRINK Drank Dronk Drunk

Слайд 15

Heard HEAR Hear Heared

Слайд 16

GET Got Gotten Get

Слайд 17

RUN Ran Runt Run

Слайд 18

Went GO Gone Want

Слайд 19

HAVE Had Hade Haved

Слайд 20

STAND Stood Stode Stoond

Слайд 21

TELL Told Tolt Tolled

Слайд 22

COME Came Come Comt The End