Помощь ученикам в д\ з

 Dos and Don'ts for helping your children
 with their Brilliant English homework
 trust the teachers at your child's English school
 provide a quiet place for them to study
 sit with them while they are doing their English homework
 show interest in what they are doing
 look at the pictures in the book with them
 show and express enjoyment in their learning
 be encouraging
 flick through their books to make sure they have done all their homework tasks
 offer small rewards for progress ( stickers/ a new pencil etc)
 let them have the television or radio on while they are doing their homework
 ask them to translate the lesson
 ask them to translate things in English which they hear on the television
 make them do extra exercises
 insist that they learn all the words in the Companion
 punish or scold or discourage
 correct pronunciation ( they will learn it in time- slowly)