Тематический материал на тему "Medicine".
Данная папка включает в себя лексику, различные диалоги, тексты, пословицы, загадки по теме "Медицина". Также данный материал содержит разнообразные упражнения для закрепления полученных знаний по соответствующей теме.
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Тематическая папка
Chapter I. Glossary 3
Chapter II. Medical Care in Great Britain and the United States 9
Chapter III. Russian Medical Care 10
Chapter IV. The National Health Service 11
Chapter V. Dialogues 12
Chapter VI. Texts 19
Chapter VII. Proverbs, songs, riddles 26
Chapter VIII. Exercises 30
Bibliography 38
Chapter I. Glossary
Tonsillitis – Aнгина, тонзилит
Appendicitis – Aппендицит
Asthma – Астма
Bronchitis – Бронхит
Inflammation – Воспаление
Pneumonia - Воспаление лёгких
Influenza (Am.-grippe) – Грипп
Diphtheria – Дифтерит
Constipation – Запор
Fever – Жар, лихорадка
Whooping - cough – Коклюш
(the) Measles – Корь
Bleeding Malaria – Кровотечение
Absess – Нарыв
Chicken – pox – Ветрянк а
Diarrhoea – Понос
Cancer – Рак
Rheumatism – Ревматизм
Mumps – Свинка
Heart disease – Болезнь сердца
Scarlet fever – Скарлатина
Typhus – Сыпной тиф
Typhoid – Брюшной тиф
Consumption (TBC) – Туберкулёз лёгих
Boil –Фурункл
(In)curable disease – (Не)изличимая болезнь
Epidemic disease – Эпидемическая болезнь
Catching disease – Заразная болезнь
Infectious disease – Инфекционная болезнь
Allergy – Аллергия
Anemia – Анемия
Cholera – Холера
Cold – Простуда
Diabetes – Диабет
Food poisoning – Отравление
Gout – Подагра
Hepatitis – Гепатит
High blood pressure – Высокое давление
Insomnia – Бессонница
Indigestion – Расстройство желудка
Measles – Корь, краснуха
Nausea – Тошнота
Polio – Полио
Smallpox – Черная оспа
Tuberculosis – Туберкулез
Typhoid fever – Брюшной тип
Ulcer – Язва
Upset stomach – Расстройство желудка
Burn – Ожог
Scald – Шрам
Vomiting – Тошнота
Scratch – Царапина
Swelling – Опухоль
Names of specialists
- Allergist – аллерголог
- Cardiologist – кардиолог
- Chiropodist – педикюрша
- Dermatologist – дерматолог
- Family doctor – семейный доктор
- Neurologist – невролог
- Obstetrician – акушер
- Ophthalmologist – офтальмолог
- Orthodontist – ортадонт
- Orthopedist – ортопед
- Pediatrician – педиатр
- Psychiatrist radiologist – психиатр радиолог
- Surgeon – хирург
- Dentist – дантист
- Anesthesiologist – анестезиолог
- Gynecologist – гинеколог
- Urologist – уролог
- Endocrinologist – эндокринолог
- Stomatologist – стоматолог.
Equipment and remedies many people keep in their homes
- adhesive tape
- aspirin
- antacid
- baking soda
- Band-Aids
- boric acid
- cough medicine
- thermometer
- iodine
- milk of magnesia
- nasal drops/spray
- petroleum jelly
- rubbing alcohol
- sterile gauze
What are your symptoms?
ache/ pain
ache – a continuous, not sharp or sudden pain, usually used in compounds: headache, earache, backache, toothache, stomachache
e.g. After three days the ache in his shoulder had almost disappeared
pain – suffering of mind or body, localized kind of bodily suffering
e.g. I suddenly got a stabbing pain across heart and collapsed to the floor.
- pains – pain that we feel repeatedly inside part of our body
- to be in pain
- to cry with pain
- to feel some/no/not much/a great deal of pain
- pain-killer
- pain-relief
- painful
- a pain in the knee
to ache/to pain/to hurt
to ache - to have a steady or continuous pain
e/g. I went to an aerobics class on Tuesday and I’ve
been aching ever since.
to pain – to have or give pain
e.g. My foot is still paining me.
to hurt – to cause bodily injury or pain to; to damage
e.g. Put the stick down, Terry, you might hurt someone with it.
- To be/to be/fall ill
- To laid up with an ulcer/a virus/a bug
- To be down with (pneumonia)
- To break one’s wrist/leg
- to feel out of sorts
- to have a (bad, awful) cold/a cough/ a stuffy)running) nose/a heart trouble/a sore throat/a fever/a stomachache/chest pains/an earache a pain in one’s side/a rash on one’s chest/spots/a bruise on one’s leg/a black eye/ a lump on one’s arm/indigestion/diarrhea/painful joints/blisters/sunburn
- to feel sick/dizzy/breathless/shivery/particularly bad at night
- to be depressed/constipated/tired all the time
- to have a cavity into get worse
- to itch(about skin)
- to lose one’s appetite/voice
- to sprain one’s ankle one’s tooth/a bad tooth
The parts of body
- head – голова
- forehead – лоб
- back – затылок
- temple – висок
- face – лицо
- cheek – щека
- ear – ухо
- eyebrow – бровь
- eye – глаз
- eyelash – ресница
- nose – нос
- mouth – рот
- chin – подбородок
- neck – шея
- shoulder – плечо
- chest – грудь
- back – спина
- arm – рука
- wrist – запястье
- hand – кисть
- elbow – локоть
- palm – ладонь
- fingers – пальцы
- thumb – большой палец
- nail – ноготь
- back – бок
- waist – талия
- stomach – живот
- leg – нога
- thigh – бедро
- knee – колено
- ankle – лодыжка
- toes – пальцы
- heel – пятка
- foot – ступня
- skeleton – костяшка (пальца)
- knuckle – скелет
- skull – череп
- gum – десна
- gullet – пищевод
- backbone/spine – хребет , позвоночник
- to nurse – позвоночник
- analysis – анализ
- cotton wool – вата
- vitamin – витамин
- milk teeth – молочные зубы
- invalid – инвалид
- blood – кровь
- medicine – медицина
- hospital nurse – мед сестра
- first aid – первая помощ
- microscope – микроскоп
- mixture – микстура
- anesthetization – анестезия
- virus – вирус
- plaster – пластырь
- appendix – аппендикс
- bowels/intestines – кишки
- circulation – кровообращение
- nervous system – нервная система
- pulse – пульс
- marrow – костный мозг
- tonsils – гланды, миндалины
- spleen – селезенка
- sinew – сухожилие
- pant/gasp – задыхаться
- sneeze – чихать
- masculine – мужской
- feminine – женский
- limp – хромать
- stutter – заикание
- dumb/mute – немой
- deaf – глухой
- innate – врожденный
- malignant – злокачественный
- vocal cords – голосовые связки
Chapter II. Medical Care in Great Britain and the United States
In Britain, there is a National Health Service (the NHS), which is paid for by taxes and national insurance, and in general people do not have to pay for medical treatment. Every person is registered with a doctor in their local area, known as a general practitioner or GP. This means that their name is on the GP’s list, and they may make an appointment to see the doctor or may call the doctor out to visit them if they are sick. People do sometimes have to pay part of the cost of drugs that the doctor prescribes. GPs are trained in general medicine but are not specialist in my particular subject. If a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, they must first go to their GP and then GP will make an appointment for the patient to see a specialist at a hospital or clinic.
Although everyone in Britain can have free treatment under the NHS, it is also possible to have treatment done privately, for which one has to pay. Some people have private health insurance to help them pay for private treatment. Under the NHS, people who need to go to the hospital may have to wait a long time on a waiting list for their treatment.
Anyone who is very sick can call an ambulance and get taken to the hospital for free urgent medical treatment. Ambulances are a free service in Britain.
American hospitals are in general well-equipped and efficient, and doctors earn incomes far above the general average. For anyone who is sick, cost of the treatment is very high. There is a strong prejudice against “socialized medicine”, and there are only two federal health programs. Medicare provides nearly free treatment for the elderly people do not recover the full cost or some types of expensive treatment. Even so, the cost of Medicare to federal funds rose to seventy billion dollars in 1985 or more than two thousand dollars for each of the thirty million participants. Medicaid, for the poor, varies from one state to another because the states are heavily involved in it and some contribute more generously than others. Working people and their families are normally insured through private plans against possible loss of earnings if they are sick. The plans are often operated by deductions from one’s salary. They too enormously expensive and the cost are rising. No single insurance system is absolutely comprehensive; some people have more than one policy and yet remain liable to bear some costs themselves. Among ordinary people anxiety about the possibility of illness is accentuated by fears about its cost. These fears are reflected in some resentment against the medical profession, and this resentment is not alleviated by doctors’ reluctance to visit patients in their homes. When people are sick, they usually go first to an internist. Unlike in Britain, however, people sometimes go straight to a specialist, without seeing their general practitioner first. Children are usually taken to a pediatrician. As in Britain, if a patient needs to see a specialist, their general doctor will usually give them the name of one. Doctors do not go to people’s homes when they are ill. People always make appointments to see the doctor in the doctor’s office. In emergencies, people call an ambulance. Hospitals must treat all emergency patients, even if the patient does not have medical insurance. The government would then help pay for some of the cost of the medical care.
Chapter III. Russian Medical Care
Americans have always judged other countries on the basis American life. The press in the United States of America is no exception, and recently they have been analyzing the dire situation that Russian hospitals find themselves in at this present time. However, the press in the United States does send to over exaggerate these problems, and they tend to shed a very dreary light upon the present state of Russian medicine.
To say that Russian medicine does not have any problems would be to falsify information. In actuality, Russian medicine does have many problems. For example, Russian hospitals are in the very difficult position of having absolutely no money. This much-needed capital needed to pay doctors’ salaries, to buy medicines, needles, etc. without this money, Russian hospitals leave to scramble to find ways of merely surviving in this quickly changing world.
How are many Russian hospitals able to survive? Many doctors are not paid for several months at time. They continue to work merely because they cannot abandon the profession that they have chosen. Many of them argue that they chose to become doctors in order to help people, and they cannot leave it now just because of the mere fact that they are of getting paid.
However, medicine seems to be an even bigger problem. After all, how can a patient hope to be cured without the healing effects of medications that hospitals are supposed to supply? Medicines are very expensive, and Russian hospitals just cannot afford to supply them. Here again, a temporary answer has been reached. The patient must supply his or her own medicine. However, the stay in the hospital continues to be free.
Thus patients are able to supply the medication that they need.
As for the facilities of Russian hospitals, they are in bad need of repair. Buildings are beginning to fall apart, and there is no money to repair them. This casts an eerie glow upon the Russian hospitals when half of the lights in the hospitals do not work. However, this is a much less serious problem than the pervious ones, but nonetheless one that needs to be addressed.
The strength of Russian medicine seems to lie in the people who remain devoted to their given professions. This quality of care that doctors can give considering the circumstances that they are faced with is truly astounding. They are able to work and care for patients as well if not better than the doctors who have all amenities those Western countries usually possess in their hospitals. Despite this lack of medicine, Russian doctors have obviously not forgotten their Hippocratic Oath, and continue to work to help people in the best way that they can.
In conclusion, it would be unfair to say that Russian medicine is in a horrible state. The fact is that it does need monetary help, but the level of competence of Russian medicine is on the same level as any other sophisticated country. If Russia ware able to finance all of its hospitals and supply them with adequate medicines as well as pay their doctors salaries on the time, Russian medicine would certainly be one of the best examples of modern health-care in the world.
Chapter IV. The National Health Service
Medical treatment, except for statutory charges towards the cost of medicines, dental services and glasses, under the National Health Service is free to persons who are ordinarily resident in Britain.
As an overseas student residing in this country you may receive medical treatment under the National Health Service during your stay. (If toy are here on a short-term basis is this generally limited to any necessary treatment for conditions occurring after your arrival in Britain but may be permitted emergency treatment for conditions you were suffering from before arriving but only if treatment cannot await your return home.) As soon as you have found somewhere to live you should register with a doctor practicing under the National Health Service so that he can attend you get sick. If you need advice about registering ask the manager of the hostel, or your landlady, or the local National Health Service Family Practitioner Committee, whose address can be obtained from the local post office. If you live far away from your college it is better to register with a doctor near where you live. If your college has its own Student Health Service you could register at the college instead of with a local doctor.
If the doctor you contact has room on his list and is willing to accept you he will give you a card to complete which he will then forward to the National Health Service Family Practitioner Committee. They will send you a medical card bearing your registration number and the doctor’s name and address. Keep this card in a safe place since you will be asked to produce it and give your registration number if you have treatment. There are statutory charges payable towards the cost of prescriptions, dental services and glasses. You will, for example, if you are 21 years old or over have to pay a proportionate part of the cost of dental treatment up to maximum 0f £10 and, at present, the pharmacist will generally charge 20p for each item on the doctor’s prescription for medicines and other necessary items. While vision testing is free, the charges for spectacles broadly cover their cost.
The National Health Service will provide you with advice and treatment for illness that occur or recur in aggravated form after your arrival in this country. If, as a student here on a short-term basis, you seek treatment for a condition (including pregnancy) which existed before your arrival, you will be regarded as a private patient and expected to pay all expenses. A bed in a hospital can cost over J100 a week and you may have to pay specialists fees. It is important for you to find out from the doctor or hospital providing the treatment whether they regard you as a private patient or are treating you under the National Health Service. There is no way in which fees paid as private patients can be refunded and if your situation is such that you may be not specifically want to be treated privately, you should make this clear at the start. It will be in your interest to have a complete medical check-up and X-ray before you leave home to ensure that you are in good health.
In Northern Ireland students at recognized places at study receive general medical and dental services under the National Health Service, but they usually have to pay hospital charges. In Northern Ireland also the families of married students are not eligible for health service benefits.
Chapter V. Dialogues
At the doctor’s
Patient. May I see Doctor N., the therapeutist?
Clerk. Doctor N. is not receiving just now. You can see Doctor M.
P. Where does he see his patients?
Cl. Room 20. Second floor to the right.
P. Thank you.
Q. Are you all waiting for Doctor M.?
2nd P. No, there are only two of us to see Doctor M.?
P. Is he a good specialist? I’ve never been to him before.
2nd P. Oh, yes, he’s quite an experienced doctor, I should say. He examines
patients thoroughly. I’ve been… Oh, here comes the patient. It’s my turn . now. Excuse me.
In the Consulting - room
Patient. Good morning, doctor.
Doctor. Morning. What is wrong with you?
P. I’m awfully sick, doctor. All night I’d been having an awful pain in the
Dr. Why didn’t you call in a doctor?
P. Well, it had subsided a little in the morning so I thought I might come
Dr. Where does it pain you?
P .Here, doctor.
Dr. Strip to the waist, please, and lie down on the couch.
(The patient undresses and lies down.)
Dr. Which side did you say the pain was on?
P. Right here, doctor.
(The doctor feels his stomach with his fingers.)
Dr. Any rigidity here?
P. I don’t feel any.
Dr. Here?
P. Oh, yes.
Dr. What have you been eating of late?
P. Well, I think everything that I’ve always been used to – meat, cabbage,
and others.
Dr. Does this often happen with you?
P. Not that I remember, doctor.
Dr. Seems you will have to be operated on for appendicitis.
P. Yes? I’m rather scared, doctor.
Dr. You needn’t be. Stand up and let me check your heart and blood pressure.
(The doctor checks.)
P. Is it all right, doctor?
Dr. Yes, and your blood pressure is almost normal too.
(He gives the patient the thermometer.)
Put this under your armpit.
( After some time.) A slight temperature. You may dress now. Well, here is
An admittance to the hospital. Good-bye.
A call.
MOTHER. Someone is ringing. Go and see who is at the door, Annie.
ANNIE. It’s the doctor, ma. He has come to see little George.
MOTHER. Good morning, doctor. I an sorry to tell you that my little boy is ill.
DOCTOR. Indeed! I am sorry to hear it. Where is he?
MOTHER. This way, doctor.
DOCTOR. How long has he been ill?
MOTHER. Since yesterday morning, doctor.
DOCTOR. Well, my little friend, what is the matter with you?
GEORGE. I have a pain in my head and in my throat.
DOCTOR. Let me see your tongue. It is thickly furred. Give me your hand and let
me feel your pulse.
MOTHER. High, doctor?
DOCTOR. Rather. There is a little fever. (To George.)Have you any appetite?
GEORGE. No, sir. I have no eaten since yesterday.
DOCTOR. Are you thirsty?
GEORGE. Yes, sir.
DOCTOR. Do you sleep well?
GEORGE. Sometimes. Last night I did not sleep at all.
DOCTOR. I shall make out a prescription. (To the mother.) He should take the
medicine a tablespoonful every 4 hours.
MOTHER. Yes, doctor. But is it serious?
DOCTOR. No, you need not fear. I’ll call around tomorrow at about the same
time. Good-bye.
MOTHER. Good-bye, doctor.
At the doctor’s.
Doctor: Would you like to come in?
Patient: Thank you.
Doctor: That cough sounds really very bad. How long have you had it?
Patient: Two days now.
Doctor: I think I should listen to your chest and lungs. Take off your shirt. Breathe in
deeply; and again, please; and once more, please. Sit down. You can put on
your shirt. I’m going to take your blood pressure. Well, your blood pressure is
110 to 70. It’s normal. I think you’ve got a bad cold.
Patient: what should I do?
Doctor: I’ll describe you some medicine. It’s nothing serious but you’d better stay in
bed for some days. Take the medicine regularly, three times a day. Drink
warm milk with honey and you will recover soon.
Patient: Thank you very much, doctor. Good-bye.
Doctor: Who is the next?
Patient: Good day, doctor.
Doctor: Come in, please. Sit down. What is your complaint?
Patient: I keep feeling dizzy and I’ve got a headache. Maybe I’ve got a fever?
Doctor: I should take your temperature. Oh, your temperature is running. 38 degrees.
Show me your throat. You have a sore throat.
Patient: Yes, it’s difficult for me to swallow and to breathe.
Doctor: I should feel your pulse. It’s serious. I think you have quinsy.
Patient: What should I do?
Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicine for you. Ask somebody to go and buy the
medicine at the chemist’s. And you must immediately go home and go to bed.
I’ll come to se you in a couple of days.
Patient: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
Near the consulting-room.
A.: My friend is feeling bad.
B.: Has he caught a cold?
A.: He neither coughs nor sneezes.
B.: What does he complain of?
A.: Yesterday he had a headache. He complained of a toothache and earache.
B.: It’s a strange case.
A.: He looks pale and tired.
C.: It’s all nerves. Most likely he needs a rest and then he’ll be fine.
B.: What did the doctor say? Pneumonia, flu, quinsy?
A.: Nothing of the kind.
B.: Is it serious?
C.: It’s a virus. It’s as old as the hills. No medicine can help. The man hasn’t fallen ill.
He is hopelessly in love.
D.: And if I’m not mistaken the virus is blonde, blue-eyed, slim, long-legged and with
an irresistible smile!
The doctor and the painter.
A famous painter was very worried about his sick doctor, which had a badly inflamed throat. But he knew that a doctor would not examine a dog. So, in order to get a specialist to come to his house to look at his dog, he decided to pretend that he himself was the one who was ill. This artist was a very selfish man, so in spite of the fact that it was past midnight, he called a prominent throat specialist.
Doctor: Hello! This is Dr. Knowitall.
Artist: Oh, Doctor Knowitall, you must come to my house immediately.
D.: Sir! I am a famous throat specialist. I only see patients during the day and by
A.: But…but doctor. I’m the celebrated portrait painter, Raphael DePicter, and this is
an emergency.
D.: I’ve had a busy day, and I have to operate very early tomorrow morning. Can’t you
wait until tomorrow afternoon?
A.: Oh, no, doctor. That would be too late. I beg you, please come right away. And
D.: Very well. Since you are Raphael DePicter, I’ll make an exception. I will come
right away.
When doctor Knowitall arrived at Mr. DePicter’s house and saw that the patient was not the artist but his dog, he was furious. But immediately he thought of a plan to get even. Hiding his anger, he said calmly:
D.: I can’t tell you right now what’s the matter with your dog, but this medicine will
alleviate it. I will study the case and call you when I have made the diagnosis.
At midnight of the following day Mr. DePicter was awakened when his telephone
A.: Who is it?
D.: This is Doctor Knowitall. Mr. DePicter. Come quickly to my house. It’s urgent!
A.: But doctor, it’s past twelve! Besides, early tomorrow morning I have an
appointment to paint of a very important person. Can’t you wait until tomorrow
D.: Oh, no! That would be too late! And what I have to say is too important to discuss
over the telephone. Please hurry!
Mr. DePicter, thinking it was about his illness, jumped out of bed, got dressed, and ran
to the doctor’s house.
A.: Doctor, doctor! What’s the matter? Why did you call me at this time of night?
D.: I’m very concerned about something, and I must know the answer right now.
A.: All right, all right. What is it?
D.: Please tell me: how much would you charge to paint my house?
Short conversations.
A.: I have a sore throat.
B.: How bad is it?
A.: Pretty bad. It’s burning feeling.
B.: How long have you felt this way?
A.: For a few days. I’ve been sick since Monday morning.
A.: I’ve got a stomachache.
B.: Is it a sharp pain or a dull ache?
A.: It’s more like a dull ache.
B.: When did you first notice this pain?
A.: It didn’t bother me until Sunday afternoon.
A.: there are so many vitamins. Which one should I take?
B.: Take this Daily Multiple Vitamins. They got everything you need.
A.: What about these Super Vitamins?
A.: I don’t think you need those. They are just a waste of money.
A.: Hello?
B.: Carmen? Is that you? Are you OK?
A.: Uh-uh. I caught a terrible cold.
B.: you too? Well, I have news for news for you. We’re in the same boat. Ahchoo!
A.: Bless you.
B.: Thanks.
A.: Why don’t you come over and keep me company? I haven’t talked to anyone all day long.
B.: I’d like to, but I can’t stop sneezing. Ahchoo! And I have a sore throat. I just want to go to bed.
A.: I know what you mean. Do you have a fever?
B.: I don’t know for sure but I think so. I was going to take my temperature, but I dropped the thermometer and it broke.
A.: It sounds like you should just…ahchoo! Excuse me. You should just take two aspirins and go to bed. Chances are you’ll feel better in the morning.
B.: I hope so. And I hope you’ll get over your cold soon. Are you going to school tomorrow?
A.: I don’t think so. I’m in really bad shape. I may have to be absent for a few more days.
B.: Listen to us! We feel sorry for ourselves today, don’t we?
A.: Dr. Norman’s office.
B.: Hi, this is Bob Franklin. I’m a patient of Dr. Norman.
A.: Oh, yes, Mr. Franklin.
B.: I’m calling to make an appointment with the doctor. It’s not an emergency. I just need a recent physical in order to get enrolled in a new insurance plan at school.
A.: I see. Well, the doctor has several openings on June third.
B.: Hmmm. Anything sooner than that? I have to turn in the application on the first.
A.: Yes. He has May twenty-ninth at two o’clock or May thirtieth at four-thirty.
B.: Oh, good. I’ll take the twenty-ninth at two o’clock.
A.: All right. I have you down. Since it‘s for physical, you will need to come in a week before the appointment to get a blood work-up.
B.: Oh.
A.: You can do that without an appointment. Just come into the office before may twenty-second, and the nurse will have the results of the tests when he sees you.
B.: Okay.
A.: I hate to go to the doctor.
B.: Yeah, but you’re running a high fever. It’s 103 F.
A.: I know. But if I go she’s going to take blood and ask me to give her a specimen.
Then she’ll tell me to take two aspirins and call her in the morning. And it will
probably cost me 50 bucks.
B.: well, I’m going to make an appointment anyway. You need a throat culture.
A.: You’re probably right. My throat really hurts. I’ve had the runs for two days, and I
threw up twice this morning. Go ahead.
B.: You know, Don, you really have let yourself get run down. You should take better
care of yourself.
Feeling bad.
“Hello. How are you?”
“I’m not doing very well. I’ve got a cold.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. You must go to the doctor at once.”
“Well, I’m sure I’ll recover in no time.”
“Take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.”
“Thank you. Bye.”
Short Conversations.
Calling First Aid.
“First Aid here. What happened?”
“A man here is having a serious heart trouble.”
“Name and age?”
“Skidoo, 58 years old.”
“Number 24, May Street, Flat 16.”
“A car will arrive in ten minutes.”
I don’t feel well.
“What’s the matter with you, sonny, where does it hurt?”
“I don’t feel well.”
“Where is the pain?”
“I’ve got a very bad headache and my nose is running.”
“You have caught a cold. Take this pill. Have a cup of hot tea with honey and go to bed.”
At the Doctor’s.
“Take off your jacket and shirt and let me examine you.”
“All right, Doctor.”
“You don’t cough, I suppose, or feel any pain anywhere, do you?”
“No, doctor, not at all, I fell quite well.”
“Fine, now le me listen to your heart…With a heart like that you will live to be two hundred. Now, what about your stomach? Lie down and I’ll see if anything is wrong there…This was where you had the pains when you were ill, wasn’t it? Any pain now?”
“Yes, that was the place, doctor, but it doesn’t hurt at all now.”
“Well, a few weeks at a sanatorium in Kislovodsk will do you a world of good, I think. Get dressed now while I write out your papers.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
“Hey. What’s the matter with you?”
“I’ve got toothache.”
“Why don’t you go to the dentist’s then?”
“I’m afraid to have teeth out, it hurts!”
At the Chemist’s.
“Will you make up this prescription, please?”
“Just a minute…Here you are. One tablespoon before meals three times a day.”
“Thank you.”
“As for these tablets, you can get them without a prescription in the other department.
Doctors and patients.
“I saw the doctor today about my loss of memory.”
“What did he do?”
“Made me pay him in advance.”
The doctor smiled as he entered the room.
“You look much better today.”
Yes. I followed the directions on your medicine bottle.”
“What were they?”
“Keep the bottle tightly corked.”
“Doctor, I want you to look after my office, while I’m on my vacation.”
“But I’ve just graduated, doctor. I’ve had no experience.”
“That’s all right, my boy. My practice is strictly fashionable. Tell the man to play golf and ship the lady patients off to Europe.
Chapter VI. Texts
The laws of health.
One of the first duties we owe to ourselves is to keep our bodies in perfect health. If our body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are unable to make much progress in knowledge, and we are unfit to perform those duties whish are required of us in social life.
There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are so simple that even a child can learn them. A constant supply of pure fresh air is indispensable to good health. To secure this, nothing impure should remain either within or near our homes, and every room in house especially the bedrooms, should be properly ventilated every day.
Perfect cleanliness is also essential. The whole body should be washed as often as possible. The skin is full of minute pores, cells, blood vessels and nerves. It “breathes” the way the lungs do. Therefore it should always be clean.
Besides its importance to health, there is a great charm in cleanliness. We like to look at one who is tidy and clean. If the skin is kept clean, the teeth thoroughly brushed, the hair neatly combed, and the finger-nails in order, we feel pleased with the person, even though his (her) clothes may be coarse and much mended.
A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect condition. All the powers (mental and bodily) we possess are strengthened by use and weakened by disuse. Therefore labor and study should succeed each other. The best way of getting exercise is to engage in some work that is useful and at the same time interesting to the mind. It is most essential for the old and the young to do morning exercise with the windows wide open in your room or, if possible, in the open air.
Remember that exercises warm, invigorate and purify the body. Rest is also necessary to the health of both body and mind. The best time for sleep is during the darkness and stillness of the night.
Late hours we are very harmful to the health as they exhaust the nervous system. We should go to bed early and get up early. It is a good rule to “rise with the lark and go to bed with the lark”.
Most essential to our body is food. Our body is continually wasting, and requires to be repaired by fresh substance. Therefore food, which is repair the loss, should be taken with due regard to the exercise and waste of the body. Be moderate in eating. If you eat slowly, you will not overeat. Never swallow your food wholesale- you are provided with teeth for the purpose of chewing your food – and you will never complain of indigestion. We should abstain from everything that intoxicates. The evils of intemperance, especially of alcohol, are too well known.
Intemperance exits bad passions and leads to quarrels and crimes. Alcohol costs a lot of money, which might be used for better purposes. The mind is stupefied by drink and the person who drinks will, in course of time, become unfit for his duties. Both health and character are often ruined.
Thus we must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labor and study, regularity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness and many other essentials lay the foundations for good health and long life.
At the dentist’s.
Once I had a toothache for several days, but I couldn’t pluck up courage to go to the dentist. As a matter of fact I went twice, but just as I got on his doorstep and was going to ring the bell the toothache seemed to have gone away, so I went home again. But at last I had to go back, and this time I rang the bell and I was shown into the waiting- room.
There were a number of magazines there, and I had just got in the middle of an exciting story when the maid came in to say Mr. Puller was ready to see me – I’ll have to wait for the next toothache to fish the story.
Well, I went into the surgery (the room where a doctor or dentist gives advice or treatment) and he told me to sit in a chair that he could move up and down, backwards and forwards, and then he had a look at the inside of my mouth. He put a little mirror on a long handle inside my mouth and pocked about for a while, then he looked serious and said, “Yes, I’m afraid we can’t save that one, it will have to come out.”
I asked him to give me an injection. He filled a syringe with a liquid called cocaine. I felt a little prick on the gum and then injected the cocaine. He did this in two or three places and waited for a minute or so.
My mouth felt rather dead. Then he took a pair of forceps, gripped the tooth, gave a twist, then a pull, and the tooth was out. I could see it and hear it but I couldn’t feel it. Then he said, “It’s all over. Spit in there and then wash your mouth out with this disinfectant.”
Being ill.
“You don’t look your usual self this morning,” said my wife at breakfast.
“No, I’m not feeling up to much,” I said. » I don’t know what I’ve got, but I hardly slept a wink all night, and now I’ve got a splitting headache.”
“Poor old thing,” she said “feeling my forehead. “If feels as you’ve got a bit of a temperature.”
At work, I felt ghastly all morning. My head was now throbbing violently and there were moments when if felt as if the whole office was going round. At eleven o’clock I took a couple of aspirins with my coffee, they didn’t seem to do any good. By lunchtime I had to admit that I was running a temperature: I felt hot and shivery at the same time.
I called my secretary in. “Look, Pam,” I said. “I’m not feeling too well do the same when you’ve finished the letters. Perhaps you would ring up Fraser and let him know.”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Garter. You do look poorly. I hope you haven’t caught this nasty flu that’s around”.
Feeling rather sorry for myself, I put on my overcoat and wrapped a scarf found my neck.
When I got home I went straight to bed and my wife gave me a hot water bottle. I certainly felt better lying down.
“I’ll bring you some lunch in a minute,” said my wife.
“No, thank you,” I said. “I couldn’t eat a thing. All I want is a glass of water. Then I think I’ll sleep for a bit.”
“Don’t you think I’d better call the doctor?” she said. “I shouldn’t be surprised if you’ve got this flu, like Mrs. Higgins.”
Mrs. Higgins was our daily help, and she’s been off work for the last few days.
Then I must have dozed off, for I woke up, sweating all over, to hear the doctor coming up the stairs. “Quite an epidemic of it,” I heard him say to my wife. I sat to feeling stiff and uncomfortable; my pajamas were sticking to me.
“Now then,” said the doctor, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Let’s have a good look at you.” He opened his bag and stuck a thermometer in my mouth. While he was waiting he took my pulse. Then he took out the thermometer and looked at it. “Just over a hundred and two,” he mumbled.
He put a stethoscope in his ears and listened to my chest.
“Now the throat. Say ”Ah”. Silence. “Looks a bit sore. Does it hurt when you swallow?” I nodded. “Mm. It’s flu all right. The throat’s nothing serious.” He looked for his pen. “Look here, I’m to keep you in bed for a day or two. Keep taking plenty of aspirin to bring your temperature down, and I’ll give you some pills to help you to sleep at night. You should stay away from work for the rest of the week and take it easy. It’s much better to shake it off in one go if you can. Otherwise, if you go back to work too soon, it might drag on indefinitely.”
He wrote out a prescription and handed it to my wife. As she saw him to the door I heard him say case I’ll drop in again the day after tomorrow to see how he’s getting on. Keep him well covered up.
For two days I was terribly weak. When ever I had to get out of bed, I felt giddy and was glad to lie down again. Moreover, I couldn’t face eating anything; all I wanted was lots of drink and plenty of sleep. I didn’t even feel like reading. Then, suddenly, I felt much better. My temperature was almost too normal, my appetite came back, and I felt I wanted to do something useful. Now my wife had a struggle to keep me in bed. “You’re not to overdo it,” she said. “Flu takes it out of you more then you think.” So I spent the time propped up with lots of pillows, catching up with my reading. In fact, it was now all rather pleasant.
shivery - trembling, esp. with fever
flu (influenza) - general name for viruses that cause chills, fever, headache, and/or nausea
hot water bottle - rubber container for hot water which is used for warming beds
“Just over a hundred and two” - 102F (Fahrenheit) corresponds to 38, 9 Centigrade.
giddy - dizzy: feeling as everything is spinning around.
Health and the body
Keeping fit and staying healthy have, not surprisingly, become a growing industry. Quite apart from the amount of money spent each year on doctor’s prescriptions and medical treatment, huge sums are now spent on health foods and drugs of various kinds, from vitamin pills to mineral water, not to mention health clubs and books and videos about keeping fit. We are more concerned than ever, it seems, about the water we drink and the air we breathe, and are smoking less, though not yet drinking less alcohol. This does not appear to mean that coughs and sneezes have been banished, or that we can all expect to live to a hundred. To give a personal example one of my friends, who is a keeping –fit fanatic, a nonsmoker (and teetotaler), and who is very particular about what heat’s is at present lying in bed with a wrist in a cast and a badly sprained ankle. He also cycles everywhere, and if you have ever tired to cycle through rush-hour traffic with a sprained ankle, you will understand now he acquired the broken wrist. For health, it seems, is not just a matter of a good diet and plenty of exercise. Too much exercise can be harmful, as many joggers have discovered. Eating the right food can easily become an obsession, as I can overworking, which you might have to do to be able to afford your membership in the squash club, your mountain bike, your health food, and a few holidays in peaceful and healthy paces.
A vegetarian is someone who avoids eating the flesh of animals (meat, or fish, including shellfish). Most vegetarians will also not eat eggs or cheese or use cosmetics or toiletries made that contain animal ingredients or are tested on animals. The word “vegetarian”, coined around 1842, comes not from “vegetable” but from the Latin word vignettes meaning “whole, fresh, and full of life”.
People are vegetarians for a number of reasons. Some think that it is wrong to keep and kill animals for use as food and in other products. Others choose to be vegetarians because they believe that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat. Indeed, a vegetarian diet fits in very well with modern medical advice to cut down on fats, salt and sugar, and to eat more fiber and fresh vegetables. It is also cheaper than meat. Some people are vegetarian because of their religious beliefs. Some people have
chosen to be vegetarian for ecological reasons. They argue that the growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock; moreover, it is easier to provide food for all the people on earth by growing vegetables for food rather than raising vegetable-eating animals.
How to remain Healthy.
To live a happy life, to keep fit and not to suffer from poor health yours should keep to some simple rules. You don’t have keep to a definite diet, but you should see to it that you eat healthier food: fruit, vegetables and salad. You may eat dairy products too: milk, cream, cottage cheese. Sometimes you may eat fried meat, through it is not too good for health. You can eat both bitter and sweet things. In winter you should drink more juice, while in summer, when is not, you may also have soft drinks like Pepsi, Coke or Sprite. If there are something you definitely do not like, do not make yourself eat it –it just means it’s not your cup of tea. And of course you should take regular exercise-playing different games, riding a bicycle, swimming, etc.
These simple rules will surely keep you fit.
About health.
Health is very important for all people. Schoolchildren do not speak about health very often. They discuss other things. But when their classmates fall ill everybody wants them to become well again. They should come to school again and take an active part in school life.
Why do young people fall ill? The answer may be very simple. You will not catch cold, for example, if you take care of your health. Your health can be excellent and it can be bad. You must choose. So the best thing for you is to go in for sports. You must also remember some of the rules about how to be in good health.
To live in a healthy climate is not enough. What you also need is to spend a lot of time in the open air. It is very useful to go for long walks in the country. And do not forget to keep your room and your hands clean.
The doctor visit.
When it was time for Lena to get up one morning, she told her mother that she was not feeling well.
Her mother felt her forehead, which was hot, and said, “Yes, you were coughing during the night, perhaps you have caught a cold.” then she took her daughter’s temperature.
“Your temperature is too high,” she said, “you can’t go to school today, you must stay in bed and I shall call a doctor.”
Then Lena’s mother telephoned the home visiting service of the district polyclinic.
“Will you please send a doctor,” she said. “My daughter, fifteen years old, has a temperature of thirty-seven point nine. She was coughing during the night and has a bad headache.” Then she gave the address and the voice in the telephone promised that the doctor would come during the day.
Some time later the bell rang and Lena’s mother opened the door to a woman about her age who was wearing a white doctor’s coat under her coat and carrying a small bag in her hand.
“So you have a cough and a temperature?” she asked, entering Lena’s room. “Well, let’s see what the matter is.”
She took Lena’s temperature, counted her pulse, and then examined the patient.
When she had finished her examination she said to Lena’s mother, “You daughter has the flu. She must stay in bed for three or four days and take the medicine I shall prescribe.”
The doctor wrote out the prescription and continued, “Take this prescription to the chemist’s and you will be given some pills. Give your daughter one pill four times a day before meals. The girl will not want to eat while her temperature is high, but give her a lot to drink. Keep her warm in bed, but leave the window open. I shall come to see her the day after tomorrow, but if she gets worse you must ring up the policlinic immediately. However, I don’t think she will get worse. Tomorrow she will cough less and in a day or two she will feel quite herself again.”
Everything happened just as the doctor had said. Lena took her medicine as prescribed, her temperature became normal, and the fourth day she was able to get up, three days later she could go out, and in two days she retuned to school, glad to see her friends and teachers again.
A very long root.
An Irishman had a toothache, so he went to the dentist’s to have his tooth pulled out. But as soon as he was in the armchair, he thought the dentist was going to hurt him very much and he would not open his mouth.
Seeing this, the dentist pricked his leg with a pin, and when the man opened his mouth to cry out, he pulled out his tooth.
“I didn’t hurt you as much as you thought, did I?” asked the dentist.
“No, you didn’t,” answered the Irishman putting his hand on the place where he had been pricked, “but I didn’t think that the root of my tooth went down as ear as that.”
What the doctor wrote.
I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some illness of which I had a touch. I got down the book and read all I came to read and then, in an unthinking moment, I turned the pages and began to study illnesses generally. I forget which the first I read about was but before I had looked down the list of symptoms, I was sure I had it.
Then I turned over the pages again. I came to typhoid fever-read the symptoms-discovered that I had typhoid fever-wondered what else I had and so started to read alphabetically. I read through the twenty-six letters and found out that I had all the illnesses.
Then I wondered how long I had to live. I tired to examine myself. I felt my pulse. I could not at first feel my pulse at all. Then, all of a sudden, it seemed to start off. I took out my watch and timed it. I made it a hundred and forty-seven to the minute. I tired to fell my heart. But I could not feel or hear anything…I went to my medical man. He is an old friend of mine, and feels my pulse, and talks about the weather, all for nothing, when I think I am ill.
The doctor looked at me and said, “Well, what’s the matter with you?”
I said, “I shall not take your time, dear boy, with telling you what the matter with me is. Life is short and you might die before I have finished.
And I told him everything.
Then he opened me and looked down me. After that he sat down and wrote a prescription, and gave it to me, and I put it in my pocket and went out.
I did not open it. I took it to the nearest chemist’s and handed it back. He said he didn’t keep it.
I said, “Are you a chemist?”
He said, “I am a chemist, not a co-operative store and family hotel combined”.
I read the prescription.
“I pound beefsteak, with
I bottle of beer ever six hours.
I ten-mile walk every morning.
I bed at 11 every night.
And don’t fill up your head with things you don’t understand.”
(After Jerome K. Jerome)
No Smoking Day.
Giving up smoking is a good idea – in fact, it is one of the most important things that someone can do to improve his or her health. I recommended having a No Smoking Day. And it took place at the end of April at my school. But we found that nothing unusual resulted. Nothing had changed – smokers think that a lack of nicotine means that they are more likely to have problems at school or at home if they try to give up smoking.
As you see, some of my friends think that No Smoking Day could damage one’s health.
A man comes into a doctor’s office. He coughs. The doctor tells him that the cough sounds quite bad. He says he wants to listen to the man’s chest and lungs. After the doctor has finished checking those, he takes the man’s blood pressure and feels his pulse. Then the doctor says that the man should take regular exercise because it is good for his health. He also says that if the man stops smoking immediately it is going to make him healthier. After that the doctor takes his patient’s temperature and gives him medicine take three times a day.
Suddenly the man says that he came not about his cough, but about his left foot which hurts every time he walks. The man says he has had this pain for about a week. The doctor examines his left food and says he doesn’t it is broken. He says it is probably because of the man’s shoe which may be too small for his foot. The man tells the doctor he is silly, says good-bye and leaves the office.
Last Saturday my friends and I went to the cinema. The film was quite good and exciting, but it was rather cold in the cinema. Besides, when we were going home it started raining. When I came back home I felt something was wrong with me. I had a headache and a sore throat and it was difficult to swallow, I understood I had fallen ill.
When our family doctor came the next morning she asked me if t felt bad. I couldn’t say anything, I just nodded. I really didn’t fell well-I was sneezing and coughing all the time, and I could hardly move my tongue. After the doctor examined me she told me not to worry too much. She said there was nothing serious wro0ng with me-just a bad cold. After that she prescribed some medication for my sore throat, told me to drink hot milk with honey and said I would recover soon-if I followed hear advice.
Chapter VII. Proverbs, songs, riddles Health is above wealth. Здоровье – это богатство.
- Wealth is nothing without health. Богатство – ничто без здоровья.
- Prevention is better than cure. Лучше предотвратить, чем лечить
- An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Яблоко в день держит от доктора прочь.
- Healthful habits make healthy body. Целебные привычки делают здоровое тело.
- A healthy mind in a healthy body. В здоровом теле, здоровый дух
- Just what the doctor ordered. То, что доктор прописал.
- A blind leader of the blind. У слепого слепой поводырь.
- Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Кто рано ложиться и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт.
- Health is not valued till sickness comes. Здоровье не ценится пока не приходит болезнь.
- A sound mind in a sound body. Тот здоровья не знает, кто болен, не бывает.
- Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot. Болезни к нам являются верхом а от нас уходят пешком.
- Diseases are the interests of pleasures. Болезни –это проценты за полученые удовольствия.
- The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good. От здоровья не лечатся.
- The remedy is worse than the disease. Лекарство хуже болезни.
- Time cures all things. Время – лучший лекарь.
- Time is the great healer. Время – великий лекарь.
- Wealth is nothing without health. Богатство ничего без здоровья.
- Time heals all wounds. Время излечивает все раны.
- He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything. Человек, который имеет здоровье, имеет надежду, и человек, который имеет надежду, имеет всё.
- Health is better than wealth. Здоровье – лучше, чем богатство.
Put your finger on your head (You may also do gestures while singing this song).
Put your finger on your head,
Put your finger on your head
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, don’t forget.
Put your finger on your nose,
Put your finger on your nose,
On your nose, on your head,
Don’t forget, don’t forget!
Put your finger on your ear,
Put your finger on your ear,
On your nose, on your head,
Don’t forget, don’t forget! etc.
I have two eyes
And I can see
A book and a pen
In front of me.
I see a window
And a door.
I see the ceiling
And the floor.
I have two legs with
Which I walk,
I have a tongue with
Which I talk.
And with it too I
Eat my food
And tell if it is bad or good.
1) Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your head,(2)
Don’t forget, Alouette,
2) Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me.
Put your finger on your nose, (2)
On your nose,
On your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette.
3) On your mouth.
4) On your chin.
I’ve got 10 little fingers,
I’ve got 10 little toes.
I’ve got eyes,
I’ve got 2 ears
And jus tone little nose.
We have fingers,
We have toes,
How many of these? 10
How many of those? 10
We have eyes,
How many? Two
When they look at you,
They say “How do you do?”
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
Stamp your feet.
Shap your fingers.
Click your tongue.
Nod your head.
Say ok.
Do all six.
Shoes have a tongues-
But cannot talk.
Tables have legs-
But cannot walk.
Needles have eyes-
But cannot see.
Chairs have arms-
But can’t catch me.
This is the way I wash my hands,
Wash my hands, wash my hands.
This is the way I wash my hands
So early in the morning.
I wash my face, neck, ears.
I brush my teeth,
I clean my clothes, I go to school.
Riddles about parts of the body.
- What is the best thing to put in to pies?(Your teeth)
- What is that above your head and under your cap? (Your hair)
- Two brothers live across a path,
But never see each other. (Eyes)
- A little ball can reach the sky. (An eye)
- The doors are open in the morning but shut at night.
If you look into them, you see yourself inside. (Eyes)
- What has an eye, but cannot see? (A needle)
- These two brothers
Live not very far apart;
One on the left,
One on the right;
But they never have been each other. (Two ears)
- A thick forest which grows as fast as it is cut down. (Hair)
- Thirty two white horses upon a red hill,
Now they tramp, now they chap,
Now they stand still. (The teeth and gums)
10.What kind of teeth cannot bite? (The teeth of a comb)
11.Without it you couldn’t say a word. (A tongue)
12.It lives behind a bony wall but is heard by everybody. (When a box of severs
makes it water)
13.When is a mouth not mouth? (Your voice)
14.What goes allover the house,
But touches nothing? (A nose)
15.It lives alone between two bright stars. (A nose)
16.Between two little moons I am quite alone. (The hands of a clock)
17.What are hands that cannot hold anything? (Fingers)
18.Two mothers have five sons each, and all have the same name.
What are they? (When it is an iron nail)
19.When is a nail not a fingernail? (When it is a fire arm)
20.When is it dangerous to have an arm? (The face of the clock)
21.Whose face needs no washing? (A bottle)
22.What has a neck but no throat? (A bald head)
23.What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishes to lose. (Heart)
24.It always beats and hops;
It never sleeps or stops;
Life – long we don’t part
With our little… (Heart)
Chapter VIII. Exercises.
№1. How much do you know about looking after yourself?
Try this quick quiz.
- The main advantage of regular exercise is
a) it’s good for your complexion;
b) it’s gives you a healthy appetite;
c) it helps your heart and arteries stay younger.
2. Regular exercise builds up your strength, develops your stamina and keeps you
supple. Which of these qualities is the most important for protecting your heart?
a) strength;
b) stamina;
c) suppleness;
3. Which is the best sign this the exercise you re doing is likely to build up stamina?
a) you are sweating;
b) you are slightly out of breach;
c) your muscles hurt.
4. Here are three forms of exercise. Which is the best for developing stamina?
a) swimming
b) yoga;
c) weight-lifting.
5. Which of the following does the average person eat too much of?
a) proteins;
b) vitamins
c) roughage.
6. Which of the following does the average person eat too much of?
a) fatty foods;
b) frozen vegetables;
c) breakfast cereals.
7. Which of the following foods is the most fattening?
a) whole wheat bread;
b) potatoes:
c) salted peanuts.
8. Apart from looking and feeling better, what is the main advantage of staying slim?
a) you can eat bigger meals;
b) you can think faster;
c) your heart and arteries stay younger for a longer period of time.
(c; b; b; a; c; a; c; c)
№2.I’m Coco the Clown. Do you remember me? It’s raining outside. I’m wet. I’ve lost my nose and my mouth and all my colors. Help me! (Draw the missing details of the Clown on his face and color him.)
№3. Match numbers and pictures (you need cards with numbers and words.)
1 – hair
2 – eyes
3 – mouth
4 – nose
5 – ears
№4. Which doctor do you chose?
- if you are sad and depressed
- if you are pregnant
- if you are tired and feel sick
- if you ache all over
- if you break your leg
- if you can’t see very well
- if you have a sick baby
- if you have a heart condition
- if have a foot problem
- if you have a skin problem
- if you have food poisoning
- if you have a burn
- if you have a pain in the back
- if you have a painful joints
- if you have a cavity in your tooth
- if you need an X-ray
- if you need an operation
- if you need a blood test
- if you sneeze a lot very spring and fall
- if your eyes itch
№5. Choose the right word and fill in the blanks.
- disease/illness/condition
- Small pox is an infectious (catching) marked by fever and small red spots on the body. It often leaves permanent marks.
- The doctor diagnosed the as tuberculosis.
- The business of doctor is to prevent and cure .
- There hasn’t been much in the village this winter.
- Measles, mumps and influenza are common .
- An infectious can be spread by means of bacteria carried in the atmosphere in winter.
- After the treatment I felt quite cured of all my .
- Children’s are treated by a pediatrician, specializing in the pediatrics.
- Smoking is a major course of heart .
- The most common symptoms of the are a high temperature and pain in the chest.
- She died yesterday after .
- ache/pain/to ache/to hurt/to pain
- We’ve given him an anesthetic so that he won’t feel any .
- These pills should help to ease the .
- My hand suddenly started to , with a dull which soon spread in to my wrist.
- Don’t worry, the injection won’t at all.
- Can’t we stop for a while? We’ve been walking for hours and my felt are .
- I allover after climbing the rock.
- to cure/to treat/to heal
- After scarlet fever complications developed, any they had to be for a month before the patient completely
- The open air life on the farm him of his headaches.
- The doctor sad that if I followed his instructions, I should soon be of the disease.
- Pam’s foot is quickly, but it’s still a little painful and she can’t walk on it.
- My Dad is in the hospital where he is being for a heart condition.
- Many cancer patients can be if the disease is detected early enough.
- The seawater is now so polluted that it would infect rather than .
- There are any diseases which doctors still cannot .
- This drug is used to heart disease .
№6. Choose the words from the list that can go with the following: sickness, pain, measures, medicine, disease, words, condition, throat, ailment, operation, health.
Curable, slight, mild, serious, bad, communicable, painful, dangerous, dull, growing, constant, annoying, sudden, delicate, urgent, sore, bitter.
№7. Give as many word combinations as you can with the verbs and the nouns from the columns.
e.g. to treat-a person/a serious sickness/ a mirror sickness/ symptoms/a pain/ an infection.
to cure AIDS
to treat a cold
to ease operation
to relieve allergies
to avoid a person
to catch a serious sickness
to get a minor sickness
to have symptoms
to prepare a pain
an infection a blood test
№8. Write the opposites of the words in italics. There can be more than correct answer.
- a curable disease: .
- a painful operation: .
- a terrible pain in the left side: .
- a slight headache: .
- a breathless body: .
- a slight cold: .
- a terrible headache: .
- a serious illness: .
- an awful cold: .
- a mild pain: .
№9. Complete the following table.
noun adjective verb |
. infectious . . burned . . prepared . . shivery . treatment . . . swollen . cure . . . . to expose . . to faint . . to spread |
№10. Number the following events in the order which they usually happen.
- You are cured of sickness .
- You ease the pain caused by a sickness .
- You get a sickness 1 .
- You get over a sickness .
- You have a sickness .
- You treat a sickness .
№11. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the box.
state guilt benefit promote relationship health outlet optimistic anxious dominate |
- A study of family conducted in California comes to some interesting conclusion.
- For a family to remain healthy the between a husband and wife plays a major role.
- What 1the health of the husband doesn’t necessarily promote the health of the wife.
- Giving an to feelings is healthy.
- There may be for one party but not for the other.
- If the wife gives her husband a feeling of , he is likely to become depressed.
- If the wife lets her husband on the argument, her mental state will suffer.
- When men dominate in the domestic arguments, their wives become and depressed.
- A person’s mental is closely linked to his physical state.
- A healthy family is , church-going and led by a male.
№12. Circle the words in the word search.
c | e | l | s | t | k | a | n | o | k |
v | i | t | b | u | h | c | o | b | e |
d | m | a | d | g | a | e | s | e | y |
a | m | m | o | u | e | l | y | g | l |
b | a | j | j | l | t | a | x | u | e |
d | h | n | a | l | h | r | m | m | u |
v | f | i | c | e | m | h | e | a | d |
u | a | c | d | t | o | k | c | a | o |
s | r | e | e | g | p | i | h | t | e |
e | a | u | l | r | f | s | i | n | a |
№13. Fill in the prepositions if necessary:
- If the experiments go well the clinical trials, products could be routine use one day.
- The specialists presume that the new range products will contribute sales.
- The device treating epilepsy can be launched next autumn.
- The talks relieving pain of curing disease are controversial.
- The world’s biggest market medical implants continues to be the development new products.
- Everybody hopes that one day cures all illnesses would be found.
- Most of the annual sales came heart pacemakers the late 1980s.
- The device is wired to receive signals directly the brain.
- This company specializes implanted devices.
- The firm is going to start trials humans next year.
Key: 1) in, in 2)of, to 3)for,- 4)about, instead 5)of, of 6)for 7)from, in 8)up, from 9)in 10)in,-.
№14. Word-matching:
Match the words from the left column to those on the right and then make up five sentences of your own using these word-combinations:
- to specialize a. the disease
- to treat b. trials
- to carry out c. in food industry
- to continue d. to sales
- range e. the factory
- to sponsor f. a catastrophe
- to receive g. signals
- to start h. the development
- to prevent i. of products
- to contribute j. the experiments
Key: 1)c 2)a 3)j 4)b 5)I 6)h 7)g 8)e 9)f 10)d
№15. Fill in articles where necessary:
- world’s biggest market of medical implants continues to develop
New products.
- implants is inserted under skin by chest and wired up to receive signals from brain.
- Through this mechanism, device could tune into signals is about to take
- In late 1980s, most of its annual sales came from heart pacemakers.
- other new products will this year contribute to sales of more than $5 billion.
Key: 1) the, -, - 2) the, the, the, -, the 3) the, the, an, - 4) the, -, - 5) -, -
№16. Read the texts below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have the word which shouldn’t be there. If a line is correct, put a letter R if a line has a word which shouldn’t be there, write the word.
When a cold season is around the corner.
1 The lack of vitamins and sunlight takes it toll on people
2 making them to move to cold and flu. This year, as usual,
3 doctors expect seasonal influenza. How should people
4 to prepare themselves& very simply: by gradually buil-
5 ding up of their immunity. Sun, fresh air, and water will
6 help to you. An incremental decrease in water tempe-
7 rapture, contrasting showers, exercise and sunbathing
8 will be your salvation. You have to get your body used to
9 some radical temperature changes, and you should not
10 be afraid of the cold and drafts. Contrasting showers
11 are wonderful. The body needs minor stresses is tend
12 under a warm shower, then under a cold one for a few
13 some seconds. Do not forget to keep your immunity up.
14 take off normal doses of vitamin C as a preventive
15 sure, but if you have feel you are coming down with an
16 illness, take an entire gram at a time.
№17. Complete each sentence by adding ly to each word in brackets. Write the new word on the line.
- Eating everyday helps an athlete keep fit. (healthy)
- A trainer should supervise every work out. (reliable)
- Proper training technique can prevent injury. (body0
- Training will not help an athlete. (lazy)
- Jogging can strengthen legs. (wobble)
- If athletes practice , they will perform poorly. (sloppy)
- Athletes should no begin weight training . (hasty)
- They must always warm up . (sensible)
- many athletes are born with coordination. (lucky)
- People with good coordination can usually exercise more . (ready)
- Athletes in good shape can do exercises (easy)
- Sometimes athletes should take time off from training. (happy)
- It is not necessary to exercise . (day)
- Gymnasts can move on the parallel bars. (nimble)
- Athletes should accept both victory and defeat . (noble).
№18. Write “balanced” or “unbalanced” beside each meal.
- Chiсken carrots, rice, and a salad. .
- Fried fish, a glass of milk, and eggs. .
- Lettuce, onions, fish, and noodles. .
- Potato chips, chocolate, and candy. .
- Cheese, tortilla, tomato, and onion. .
№19. Crossword.
4. You use your to listen to music.
5. Lifting weights makes you .
6. Good foot and exercise help you stay .
9. You use your to watch a game.
10.Candy, potato chips and hamburgers are called foods.
12. Play a toy.
14.Exercise in water.
- What makes your body parts move?
- By yourself.
- You use your to kick a ball.
6. Running and swimming are good for your .
7. He is the park.
8. A sport with rackets.
11. My book is my bag.
Across: 4) ear, 5) strong, 6) healthy, 9) eye, 10) junk, 12) with, 14) swim
Down: 1) muscles, 2) alone, 3) leg, 6) heart, 7) at, 8) tennis, 11)arm, 13) in
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