Контрольные работы


Здесь представлены варианты контрольных работ за весь год в 2, 3, 4, 5, и 6 классах.


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Контрольные работы. Базовый уровень.

2 класс

Урок №22

Контрольная работа №1 (Module 1)

I вариант

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ.
  1. What’s this?
  1. It’a bathroom.
  1. No, it isn’t.

  1. Where is Larry?
  1. Yes, he is.
  1. He’s in the tree house.

  1. Is she in the living room?
  1. No, she isn’t.
  1. It’s a radio.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s Прочитай и запиши: Используй: He’s или She’s

  1. A: Where is Mummy?

B:  _________ in the kitchen.

  1. A: Where is Daddy?

B: _________ in the garden.

  1. A: Where is Grandpa?

B: __________ in the bedroom.

  1. A: Where is Grandma?

B: ___________ in the house.

  1. Read and draw. Прочитай и нарисуй.
  1. a yellow chair
  1. a green tree

  1. a red bed

2 класс

Урок №22

Контрольная работа №1 (Module 1)

II вариант

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ.
  1. What’s this?
  1. Yes, it is.

b)It’s a living room.

  1. Where is Daddy?
  1. No, he isn’t.
  1. He’s in the bathroom.

  1. Is she in the bedroom?
  1. Yes, she is.
  1. It’s a chair.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s Прочитай и запиши: Используй: He’s или She’s

  1. A: Where is Larry?

B:  _________ in the garden.

  1. A: Where is Lulu?

B: _________ in the tree house.

  1. A: Where is Chuckles?

B: __________ in the bathroom.

  1. A: Where is Mummy?

B: ___________ in the kitchen.

  1. Read and draw. Прочитай и нарисуй.

  1. a brown table
  1. a blue bath

  1. a red house

2 класс

Урок №32

Контрольная работа №2 (Module 2)

Вариант I

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи подходящее слово.
  1. Six egg/ eggs
  2. Three banana/ bananas
  3. One apple/ apples
  4. Four burger/ burgers

  1. Read and match. Прочитай и соедини вопрос с подходящим ответом.

1. How old are you?

a) Happy birthday!

b) I’m seven.

2.What’s your favourite food?

a) Pizza, yummy!

b) I like it.

  1. Look, read and complete. Допиши слова в текст, взяв их из таблицы.


оrange juice


ice cream



  • I don’t like cheese
  • I like _____________ and _____________.
  • I don’t like ______________ .

2 класс

Урок №32

Контрольная работа №2 (Module 2)

Вариант II

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи подходящее слово.
  2. Five sandwich/ sandwiches
  3. Eight cake/cakes
  4. Two biscuits/biscuits
  5. One candle/candles

  1. Read and match. Прочитай и соедини вопрос с подходящим ответом.

1. How old are you?

a)  I’m six.

b) I’m happy!.

2.What’s your favourite food?

a) Thank you.

b)  Chocolate, yummy!.

  1. Look, read and complete. Допиши слова в текст, взяв их из таблицы.







  • I don’t like milk
  • I like _____________ and _____________.
  • I don’t like ______________ .

2 класс

Урок №44

Контрольная работа №3 (Module 3)

Вариант I

  1. Read and complete.

a horse, a bird, a fish, a chimp

  1. I can jump like __________ .
  2. I can run like ____________ .
  3. I can swim like ___________ .
  4. I can sing like ____________ .

  1. Read and write Yes, I can or No, I can’t
  1. Can you run?
  2. Can you fly?
  3. Can you dance?
  4. Can you sing?

  1. Look, read and complete.







  1. Lulu can’t climb.
  2. Lulu can __________ .
  3. She can’t __________ .
  4. She can ____________ .

2 класс

Урок №44

Контрольная работа №3 (Module 3)

Вариант II

  1. Read and complete.

a chimp, a fish, a frog, a bird

  1. I can climb like __________ .
  2. I can fly like ____________ .
  3. I can swim like ___________ .
  4. I can jump like ____________ .

  1. Read and write Yes, I can or No, I can’t
  1. Can you sing?
  2. Can you run?
  3. Can you dance?
  4. Can you fly?

  1. Look, read and complete.







  1. Larry can’t climb.
  1. Larry can __________ .
  2. He can’t __________ .
  3. He can ____________ .

2 класс

Урок №55

Контрольная работа №4 (Module 4)

Вариант I

  1. Read and match.

      1)  Where’s the teddy bear?

      a) It’s on the table.

      b) Yes, it is.

  1. Is it under the chair?
  1. I like it.
  1. No, it isn’t.
  1. What have you got?
  1. I’ve got a soldier.
  1. He’s got  blue eyes.

  1. Read and circle.
  1. My ballerina has got a brown / small nose.
  2. She’s got dark / big hair.
  3. She’s very pretty / fair!

  1. Read and draw.

This is a clown.

He’s got green eyes and a red mouth.

He’s got big ears.

He’s funny!

2 класс

Урок №55

Контрольная работа №4 (Module 4)

Вариант II

  1. Read and match.

      1)  Where’s the puppet?

      a)   Yes, it is.

      b)  It’s in my toy box.

  1. Is it on the shelf?
  1. No, it isn’t.
  1. I don’t like it.
  1. What have you got?
  1. I’ve got a teddy bear.
  1. He’s got a black nose.

  1. Read and circle.
  1. My ballerina has got  big / pink eyes.
  2. She’s got fair / small mouth.
  3. She’s wonderful / green!

  1. Read and draw.

This is a clown.

He’s got blue eyes and a dig nose.

He’s got yellow hair.

He’s funny!

2 класс

Урок №66

Контрольная работа №5 (Module 5)

Вариант I

  1. Read and circle.
  1. I’m / He’s wearing his shoes.
  2. He’s / She’s wearing her skirt.
  3. I’m / She’s wearing my jeans.

  1. Read and write Put on or Take off.
  1. It’s hot. _____________ your jacket and ____________ your T-shirt!
  2. It’s sunny. ______________ your hat!

  1. Look, read and complete the words.





2 класс

Урок №66

Контрольная работа №5 (Module 5)

Вариант II

  1. Read and circle.
  1. She’s / He’s wearing her hat.
  2. I’m / He’s wearing his jacket.
  3. She’s/ I’m wearing my coat.

  1. Read and write Put on or Take off.
  1. It’s cold. _____________ your socks!
  2. It’s hot. ______________ your jeans and _____________ your shorts!

  1. Look, read and complete the words.





Источник: Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК  Н.И.Быковой, Дж. Дули и др. «Spotlight» (О.В. Наговицына)