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Подписи к слайдам:

Let’s learn the ABC together!
the ABC
[ei]Откр., ґ‘name’
[a:] Mark
Aa [ei]
Kate has a cat, a car and a hare. A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
[i:]Откр., ґ‘Pete’
Ee [i:]
Pete* has a pet and a perfume* here. Eight elegant engineers eating excellent eggs.
[ai]Откр., ґ‘Mike’
[ґ aiэ]fire
Ii [ai]
Mike has a pig, a bird and a fire. A pig in a wig did a jig on a twig.
[эu]Откр., ґ‘Rose’
[o:] Norman
[o:] more
Rose has a dog, a fork and an ore.
[ju:]Откр., ґ‘Susan’
Uu [ju:]
Susan has a cup, a turkey and pure orange juice.
[i] Syd
[ai] by
Yy [wai]
A fly can fly and a baby can’t fly.
Some combinations:
oo [u] Look, here is a book. We can cook. oo [u:] There is a pool near our school. ee [i:] I see a bee in a tree. ea [i:] I like tea and meat. I eat meat.
[b] bad
Bb [bi:]
[k] cake
[s]Перед e, i, y‘city’
[k] ck Nick
Cc [si:]
ch [t∫] The children reach for a peach.ck [k] Nick has a stick.
[d] duck
Dd [di:]
[f] face
Ff [ef]
[g] glove
[dЗ]Перед e, i, y‘orange’
ng [ŋ] Sing a song. Bring me a ring. Rumbling, rolling down the hill, Rumbling, rolling past the hill, Rumbling, rolling in the snow, Rumbling, rolling off we go. Huffing, puffing down the hill, Huffing, puffing past the hill, Huffing, puffing in the snow, Huffing, puffing off we go. Off we go! Off we go!
[h] hat
[n] kn knife
[k] kitten
Kk [kei]
kn [n] I know where the knife is.
[l] lamp
Ll [el]
[m] mouse
Mm [em]
[n] nice
Nn [en]
[f] ph phone
[p] pet
Pp [pi:]
ph [f] Phone me. Give me a photofraph and a book on geography.
[kw] queen
Qq [kju:]
[r] rat
Rr [a:]
[s] seven
Ss [es]
sh [∫] She is in the shop. The fish is in the dish.
[t] ten
[р] this
Tt [ti:]
th [θ][р] This is a thick book. Thank you.
[v] vase
Vv [vi:]
wh [w] what
wr [r] wrong
wh [w] What? Where? Which? When? Why? wr [r] Wrong number. You are wrong.
[ks] box
Xx [eks]
[z] zoo
Zz [zed]
Now you know the ABC!
The ABC Now I know my ABCs, Next time want you sing with me! The ABC Now I know my ABCs, Tell me what you think of me!
Thank you for attention!
Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б. Счастливый английский. Кн.1: Учеб. для 5-6 кл. сред. шк. – М.: Просвещение, 1992.http://noenglish.ru/file_4.html

Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада по английскому  языку  для 7 класса


Listen to the text   “A Thief” and do the tasks A, B below. 

A . Answer  the  following questions:

  1. Where did the Englishman and his wife stay in Rome?
  2. What did they think of their accommodation?
  3. When did the Englishman decide to do the sightseeing?
  4. What did he ask the passer-by about?

В.  Finish the following sentences.

  1. The Englishman's wife didn't go sightseeing with him because ...
  2. The Englishman decided to speak to a passer-by when ...
  3. He ran after the passer-by because ...
  4. It took him ... to find the way to his hotel.
  5. The Englishman understood that he himself was the thief when ...



  1. Read the text and choose the correct variant for each sentence.


Whales are large, intelligent, and beautiful animals. The biggest whale is the blue whale, which grows up to 29 metres long - the height of a 9-storey building.

The whale is not only the largest animal in the world today, it is the largest animal which has ever lived, it's bigger than the dinosaur. These enormous animals eat about 4 tons of tiny krill each day.

All whales are mammals. We call mammals the animals which are warm-blooded, and feed their kids on milk. In spite of their big bodies, whales move easily through the water. They have adapted to life in the open oceans and never come on land. Unlike fish, whales breathe air into lungs and swim by moving their strong tail up and down. Fish swim by moving their tails left and right.

Whales usually migrate over very long distances each year. They often travel in groups which are called pods. Most whales are very acrobatic and can jump high out of the water.

Whales live in social groups and have very strong social ties. The strongest social ties are between mother and calf (a whale's kid is called a calf). Normally a female whale gives birth to one calf and feeds it on milk, which is very fat. Mother whales care for their calves for a long period of time, for a year at least, feeding them on milk and protecting them. In 2006 an adult whale was spotted in the waters of the Thames. It was very unusual, and the scientists could not understand what the whale was doing in shallow waters of the Thames. Then they found out that it had made up its way to Central London as it was looking for its lost calf. The rescue party tried to save the whale and get it down into the sea, where the other whales of the pod were waiting for it. Unfortunately, the whale died during the rescue operation because of a great shock.

There are still lots of fascinating facts about whales. And lots of mysteries are still waiting to be solved.

1.  Whales are mammals because ...

  1. they have adapted to life in the open ocean and never come on land.
  2. they eat krill.
  3. they can jump out of the water.
  4. they are warm-blooded and feed their kids on milk.

     2.  The whale was seen in the waters of the Thames, where ...

1. it was jumping and playing.

  1. it was looking for food.
  2. it was looking for its kid.
  3. it was hunting fish.

  1. Look at the sign in each question and mark the letter next to the correct explanation - А, В, C, or D.

1. Do not park your car by these gates

A       Parking near these gates is forbidden.

В       The entrance to the car park is through these gates.

 С      Do not bring your car into this park.

 D      Close these gates after parking your car.

     2. Exciting new range — imported silk ties

A          Sport clothes are on sale here.

В          Foreign ties are available.

С          There are special prices for tourists.

D          We make and sell silk dresses.

3.Snacks can be ordered for the intervals

      A       You cannot buy a snack until the interval.

      В       Snacks are served here before the interval

     С       You can ask for snacks in time for the interval.

      D      Snacks are served here just after the start of the interval

      4. The gardens are looked after by the nuns

A      Nuns take care of the gardens.

В      These gardens are privately owned.

С      We are looking for a new gardener.

 D          Visitors may not use these gardens

       5. Please wait here to be seated

A        Please do not take these seats.

В        These seats are already reserved.

С        Stay here if you want a seat.

D        These seats are not being used


Use of English

A.      Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

   I enjoyed business studies at school and wanted to1                my knowledge of the subject so I

decided to study it at university. Also I knew it would be 2________ later when I looked for a job. At

first, the course wasn't quite 3__________        I had expected because it didn't cover the subjects  I was

particularly interested 4         . We spent lots of time studying a range of subjects 5________        law

and economics but I soon 6________these are things you need to understand.

    In class we work in groups, preparing ideas, we then7__________them with the others. Now we are

learning how to make business plans and we can see how they would 8 ________apply to the world o

business. We have a very busy 9___________life at the university so whatever subject you study,

      you must be 10        on it or you won't make yourself find the time to study.

  1. increase, grow, fill, correct
  2. likely, useful, possible, hopeful
  3. that, which, what, than
  4. by, with, of, in
  5. so, as, such, like
  6. explained, realized, showed, believed
  7. divide, join, share, add
  8. actually, just, presently, exactly
  9. party, evening, social, free
  10. glad, keen, clever, quick

  1. Fill in the gaps. One variant is odd.

Futurologist is a new profession, which has appeared recently. Futurologists predict the future,          (1), nothing of the kind! Some big companies employ futurologists, and say that they help them develop their business. Futurologists study the present and say what is going to happen in the future. For example, they can say what people are going to wear, to eat and        (2). They can say what professions are going to be very popular and          (3). Futurologists analyse the technologies, which we use now, and suppose that things like an intelligent fridge, intelligent vacuum-cleaner or intelligent cooker will soon become usual in our houses. They also say that technologies will often be presented in a human form,_________________(4). If the futurologists are right, our future

       is going to be an exciting time to live in.

A what jobs are likely to die out

В they use special techniques to predict the future

С drink in the nearest future

    D but they are not wizards

    E that is, in the form of humanlike robots



Read the letter and answer it. In your letter:

  1. write that you’d like to take part in the programme
  2. give Allan the information he needs

Do not forget to write the address. You should write 60-80 words.


I've got some great news! My school has started an exchange programme and this year we are ready to receive up to 20 overseas students. You can take part in this programme too! This means that you will be studying with me, in my class for a month! I need some information about you for the exchange supervisor as soon as possible. I need to know the following:

  1. your exact age (how old you are now);
  2. what month you would prefer for your coming (mind that we can't accept visitors at Christmas and at Easter);
  3. where you would like to stay (you can stay either at my place or use school accommodations);
  4.  what sport you would like to do when you are here. Hope you will be able to come. You'll have a great time and will make lots of friends! 

Write soon,


Allan lives in London

Ripplevale Grove, 26

Code N1 IHS


Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада по английскому языку 8-9 класс


  1. Listen to the statements. Match statements A-E with sentences 1-6. There is one extra sentence.

       1. He/she earns money from his/her hobby.

       2. He/she was introduced to his/her hobby by a relative.

       3. His/her hobby’s only really fun if he/she does it with friends.

       4.  His/her hobby helps him/her meet new people.

       5. It takes a long time to learn to do his/her hobby well.

       6. His/her hobby is only suitable for people who are fit.

  1. Listen to the dialogue. Choose the right variant.


  1.   The tourist…

             1)  often visits the town.

             2)  has never been here.

             3)  has already visited the town.

        2     Tourist is leaving the next day…

             1)  before lunch.

             2)  at noon.

             3)  before breakfast.

        3     One of the most popular attractions is …

             1)  the lake and the waterfall.

             2)  ruins of a castle and a cafe.

             3)  a museum.

        4     The tourist wants to visit …

             1)  the exhibition of wax figures.

             2)  the zoo.

             3)  exhibition of flowers and plants.

        5     The tourist wants to spend time …

              1)  indoors.

              2)  outdoors.

              3)  in a bus.

       6     To see the exhibition …

             1)  you have to buy flowers.

             2)  you have to pay three pounds.

             3)  you don’t have to pay – it’s free of charge.

  1. You will hear five short stories or announcements. For items choose A,B,C,D according to the answer option . You will hear the recording once only.

  1. What does the speaker say about the hobby of fishing?
  1. Many women can’t see the attraction of it.
  2. Many women are likely to take it up.
  3. It should not be a men-only hobby.
  4. Men would like more women to do it.
  1. According to the speaker, Ivor Cutler was
  1. not as popular as he deserved to be.
  2. totally unlike any other writer or performer
  3. not as strange as people thought he was.
  4. Keen to create an image as an eccentric person.
  1. What is said about he restaurant?
  1. It is not a typical Greek restaurant.
  2. The same people eat there frequently.
  3. It is a new restaurant in the area.
  4. The owner does all the cooking.
  1. The finds at the Roman amphitheatre provide evidence of
  1. what kind of people attended sports events.
  2. what was available for spectators to buy at sports events.
  3. how  poplar sports events were.
  4. how excited spectators at ports events got.
  1. What is said about the Antarctic ice sheet?
  1. The belief that it was growing was incorrect.
  2. It is getting smaller more quickly than was predicted.
  3. The West part is getting smaller but the Est part is getting bigger.
  4. It may get bigger in the future.





  1. Read the texts and find the suitable title. There is one extra title.      

1.  The opening ceremony                        5.  A symbolic meaning

            2.  A great honour                                     6.  A place to visit

            3.  The Olympic team                               7.  A new start

            4.  The Greek calendar                              8.   The best location

A.   The   first   winners   of   the   Olympic   Games   got   free   food   and   housing   for   the          whole lives. They were mentioned in poems and well-known all over Greece. Sculptors      even   built  statues   of  the   competitors.    Everyone     respected    and    admired the winners. In short, the victory in the competitions made the man a national hero and all the little children wanted to be like him.

B.  Olympia was chosen as the place of the Games because it was a peaceful and  neutral area.       There   the   ancient   Greeks   praised   their   most   important   God  – Zeus.   Another  factor   was   that   it   had   a  beautiful   green   valley.   It   was   very  suitable   for   all   kinds   of   sports   competitions.   Also   people   could   easily   get   to Olympia   because   there   were   two   rivers  nearby.   It   was   impossible   to   find   a better place anywhere else in Greece.

 C.  The   Olympiads   were   named   in   honor   of   the   runner   who   came   first   in   the

        stadium   race.   For   example,   the   Olympiad   of   Dionis.   So   the   years   after   this

        Olympiad were named as the first, the second, the third or the fourth year since the Olympiad of Dionis. The early historians used this system to give dates to  important events.

 D.  The    Olympic     Museum     was   founded     in 1993    in  Switzerland.    It  has  a  big

            collection   of   pieces   connected   with   the   Olympic   movement.   It   also   has   the

            largest   number   of   books   and   documents  about   the   Games   in   the   world.   No

            wonder     the  place   is  one   of  the  main   tourist   attractions.  The   museum is

            surrounded by a park with wonderful works of art based on a sporting theme.

E.   The modern Olympics began in 1894. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman    decided to bring back the ancient Greek tradition. He wanted to begin a sports festival to celebrate health, youth and peace. The first modern Olympiad took  place in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years with two exceptions because of the two world wars.

F.   The Olympic Games traditionally start with the “Parade of the Nations”. Most  of the participating athletes walk out into the stadium. The Greek athletes open  the parade and the hosts appear on stadium the last. The name of each country is   announced   in   French   and   English,  the   official   languages   of   the   Olympic Games, and the language spoken in the country that organizes the Games.

  G.  The five Olympic rings represent the five main regions of the world – Africa, the   Americas,   Asia,   Europe  and   Oceana.   Every   national   flag   in   the   world includes one of the five colours, which are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The rings are connected and there is a reason for it. It’s done to show that the Games are for all nations. All good sportsmen can come and compete against  one another in unity.


B. Read the text. Say if the statements are true, false  or not stated.  

        When people all over the world are looking for a quick, easy meal, fast food is   the  most    common      choice.   With    good   service,    low   prices   and   a  relaxed atmosphere,   fast   food   looks   like   the   ideal   choice.   In   fact,   over   25   percent   of Europeans eat fast food every day. Fries and hamburgers are sold everywhere: in big   cities,   small   towns,   shopping   malls,   airports,   bus   stations,   schools,   and   even hospitals! There are 31,000 McDonald's worldwide.

        However, fast food companies make clients eat more. They offer over-sized burgers,   extra-large   French   fries,   and   big  portions   of   Coke.   What's   more,   these "large versions" are usually cheaper. The products have lots of calories, sugar and fat.   A   typical   hamburger   at   a   fast   food   restaurant   weighs   170   grams.   In   1957,   it was    just  50  grams.    According     to  scientists,  your   fast  food  meal    is  like  three ordinary meals.

        Fast food doesn't spoil. This is because it has lots of “special” ingredients. There's a video on YouTube that illustrates this. It is based on a true story. In 1991, an engineer from the USA, Tom Scarvell, met with friends for New Year's Eve.

         They stopped at McDonald's on the way home. He bought some cheeseburgers, ate          one and put the other in his coat pocket. Then he forgot about it. A year later, he  took the coat out of the wardrobe, put it on and discovered the cheeseburger in his pocket    from   New     Year's   Eve.   It  looked  exactly    the  same.   He   was    absolutely shocked. He told his friends and family but nobody believed him. So he decided to  start   a   "burger    museum"      to   show    everyone     that   these   cheeseburgers  and  hamburgers don’t decompose.

         He started collecting burgers, one every year. He kept them on bookshelves in his living room in the open air. These burgers look exactly the same, the bun, the   meat, the   cheese,   the   special   sauce,   the   cucumber, even the   lettuce.   They   all  kept their shape and colour for over five years!

         It is surprising that although most people don't think that fast food is the best choice they can't stop going to fast food restaurants, like McDonald’s. The chain has healthy dishes on the menu, such as fruit and vegetables. Why not order them?

         But   you   don’t   go   to   McDonald’s   for   a  green   salad   or   a   yoghurt!   The   unhealthy  hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes  are more common and attractive and to          many people they are tastier than low calorie dishes.

         There is no problem with eating fast food from time to time. If you really are          dreaming about a hamburger,  go and get it. But if you're having a stressful day, remember      that  lunch    in  a  fast  food  restaurant    is  not  a  good   choice.    Doctors strongly   recommend   avoiding   all   fast  food   and   takeaways   these   days.   You   can        occasionally allow yourself a fast food meal. However, if you are eating it more than once a week, think of giving up.

          Fast food should play a small role in your life. If you don't have a way out, have a fast food meal in  one of McDonald’s restaurants but choose the healthier dishes. You   should   be   aware   of   what   you   eat   and   try   to   develop   healthy   eating habits.

 1     McDonald’s is the main fast food chain in the world.

         1)  True                         2)   False                        3)  Not stated

 2      Nowadays fast food portions are getting smaller.

         1)  True                         2)   False                        3)  Not stated

3       Burgers look the same for a long time.

         1)  True                         2)   False                        3)  Not stated

4       The “burger” museum shows hamburger making equipment.

         1)  True                         2)   False                        3)  Not stated

5     The collection of hamburgers is kept in a large fridge.

       1)  True                    2)  False                   3) Not stated

6    It’s possible to find some healthy food in McDonald’s.

       1)  True                    2)  False                   3) Not stated

7    Fast food dishes can help when you feel stressed out.

       1)  True                    2)  False                   3) Not stated

8    McDonald’s is cheaper than other fast food restaurants.

       1)  True                    2)  False                   3) Not stated




Use of English

A. Read the text and transform the words into the correct form.

        It  was  about   6pm   when    I  heard  a  knock  on  the  door.  It

 (1)   __________________ Jason, my teenage neighbour. He looked                     BE

        cold and upset.

        “What’s wrong, Jason?”

 (2)  “I  __________________        my   key  and   I  can’t  get  into  my                LOSE


        “Come in. Today’s not a day for long walks, or long waits,” I

 (3)   looked   out   the   window.   It  _________________  hard   and   it              SNOW

        was windy.

 (4)  The weather was getting __________________ every hour.                            BAD

 (5)  Jason __________________ off his coat and boots.                                         TAKE

 (6) His __________________ were wet and I gave him a pair of                            FOOT

        socks to change into. A cup of hot tea and some biscuits soon

        made the boy feel warm.

       “Where are your parents, Jason?”

(7)  “I __________________.                                                                               NOT KNOW

        I can’t call them because of this,” he pulled his phone out of his

(8)   pocket and showed it to me – the screen __________________                       BREAK

        and the phone was obviously dead.

        Jason     focused    on    the    food    again.   He     took    his

(9)   __________________ biscuit and said: “I wish my mum could                        FOUR

        make biscuits like this.”

B. Read the text and transform the words as needed.

        There are pills for everything. If you can't sleep you take a pill.

(1)   If you're depressed or just __________________ , you also can                   HAPPY

        take a pill.

        These days scientists are developing a new pill that you can use

(2)   for__________________ .                                                                                 FIT

        It will have the same effect on people’s bodies as doing sports.

(3)  The  __________________           experiments    on  mice   have                 SCIENCE

       given  wonderful results.                                                                                        

        The   animals   got   stronger   and   healthier   without   any   exercise.

        However,       some    doctors    think   that   such    pills  can    be

(4)    __________________            for   health,   especially     in   certain           DANGER


        The problem is that there will be people who may use the pill

        unwisely.   For   example,   young   girls   who   want   to   lose   weight

        and   get   slim   may   take   several   pills   at   once.   It   will   be   very

(5)   __________________ for their health.                                                             HARM

        That’s   why   our   government   should   think   a   lot   before   making

(6)   the  __________________           that  allows   the  medicine     to  be             DECIDE





You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Ben.

             ….I   have   decided   to   take   up   collecting   stamps   as   my   new   hobby.   My             uncle    is  a  traveller  and   often  brings   me   stamps   from   different  countries….

             What hobbies are popular with Russian teenagers? What hobby would  you like to take up, why? What do you usually do in your free time?

       Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

       Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада по английскому языку 10-11 класс


  1. Listen to 5 opinions. Match the opinions (1-5) and the statements given below. (A- F). There is one odd statement. You will hear the recording twice.

  1. I sometimes make a little money from my hobby.
  2. I was introduced to my hobby by a relative.
  3. My hobby’s only really fun if I do it with friends.
  4. My hobby helps me meet new people.
  5. It takes a long time to learn to do my hobby well.
  6. My hobby is only suitable for people who are fit.

  1. You will hear a dialogue between  a tourist and a woman in the street. Choose the right variant for the statements below. You will hear the recording twice.

  1. The tourist is studying modern art.
  1. True                2) False                3) Not stated
  1. There is a mistake in the tourist’s guide book.
  1. True                2) False                3) Not stated
  1. The woman recommends taking a bus.
  1. True                2) False                3) Not stated
  1. The tourist should turn right at the park.
  1. True                2) False                3) Not stated
  1. The man should catch the number 21 bus to get to his destination.
  1. True                2) False                3) Not stated
  1. The Speedmaster card can be used on any local bus for a week.
  1. True                2) False                3) Not stated

  1. You will hear five short stories or announcements. For items 1-5 circle A,B,C,D according to the answer option you choose. You will hear the recording only once.

1. What is Virginia’s problem?

A. Her parents refuse to take her on a trip.

B. She doesn’t feel well travelling in a car.

C. She doesn’t like long holidays.

D. She wants to have a rest without her parents.

2. What has an ex-army man done?

A. He has taught children how to deal with a hand grenade.

B. He has lost a hand grenade on a beach.

C. He has saved children from an imminent explosion.

D. He has brought a hand grenade to a beach.

3. What is reported about the F1 driver Martin Donelly?

A. He got injured during a practice.

B. He refused to take part in the Spanish Grand Prix.

C. He changed his team for Lotus.

D. He is this year’s favourite.

4. What is the weather forecast for the next day?

A. Cloudy in some areas.

B. Strong wind.

C. Strong rain.

D. Unsettled.

5. What makes the pens so remarkable?

A. One pen writes in six colours.

B. Their ink never dries out.

C. There are made specifically for professional designers.

D. One can make with them permanent drawings on different fabrics.



  1. Read the text and fill in the blanks A-F using sentences 1-7. One sentence is odd.

Why laughter is the best medicine?

A group of adults are lying in a circle on the floor listening to a recording of “The Laughing Policeman”. At first everyone feels ridiculous and there’s only the odd nervous giggle, but suddenly the laughter becomes real. It quickly spreads around the room until everyone is infected by it.

A _____________.

        Doctors are starting to believe that laughter not only improves your state of mind, but actually affects your entire physical well-being. The people lying in a circle are attending a workshop to learn the forgotten art of laughter. B ______.

        C _________. A French newspaper found that in 1930 the French laughed on average for nineteen minutes per day. By 1980 this had fallen to six minutes. Eighty per cent of the people questioned said that they would like to laugh more. Other research suggests that children laugh on average about 400 times a day, but by the time they reach adulthood this has been reduced to about fifteen times a day. D _________.

        William Fry – a psychiatrist from California – studied the effects of laughter on the body. He got patients to watch Laurel and Hardy films, and monitored their blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tone. He found that laughter has a similar effect to physical exercise. It speeds up the heart rate, increases blood pressure and quickens breathing. E _________. Fry thinks laughter is a type of jogging on the sport.

        Researches from Texas tested this F_____________. The first group listened to a funny cassette for twenty minutes, the second listened to a cassette intended to relax them, the third heard an informative tape, while the fourth group listened to no tape at all. Researchers found that if they produced pain in the students, those who had listened to the humorous tape could tolerate the discomfort for much longer.

  1. Somewhere in the process of growing up we lose an astonishing 385 laughs a day.
  2. It also makes our facial and stomach muscles work.
  3. Some have ever been referred by their family doctors.
  4. They divided forty students into four groups.
  5. This will also help improve your personal relationships.
  6. But we could be losing our ability to laugh.
  7. This is laughter therapy in action.

  1. Read the text and choose the right variant.

What Makes Someone Intelligent?

        Some people claim that only humans are truly intelligent. But what about animals – are they intelligent too? They can certainly learn and (1)____. However, many of their actions are instinctive, even though they may look intentional. Generally, animals cannot pass one crucial test of self awareness – they are unable to identify themselves in a mirror.

        In fact, we’re not really sure exactly what intelligence is and how to measure it. In the competitive (2) _____ market, IQ scores and formal qualifications are used in the selection of employees, although many successful people did not actually do very well at school.

        So how are education, intelligence and success (3) _____? It is generally agreed that intelligence is all about the ability to learn, solve problems and be successful in life. But is there more (4) _____ it than that? What about the role of emotions?

        Successful people often show a high level of ‘emotional intelligence’. This is described as self awareness – they can understand their feelings, organize and (5) _______ them.  And above (6) _______, this understanding means they can motivate themselves, which seems to be  the key to success.

So is there any (7) _______ in teaching emotional intelligence in schools?  It would seem  that there is – if only we knew how.

  1. 1) remember                2) remind        3) memorise                 4) recognize
  2. 1) occupation                2) work        3) job                        4) business
  3. 1) connected                 2) joined         3) united                4) tied
  4. 1) for                        2) to                 3) at                         4) with
  5. 1) manage                 2) deal         3) administer                 4) command
  6. 1) all                         2) each         3) every                 4) whole
  7. 1) reason                 2) worth         3) use                         4) point        


  1. Read the questions 1-6 and the advertisements of the educational courses A-G, organized by Bedworth Community Centre. Match questions and ads. There is one odd text.

Which evening class…

  1. 1.  is not held at Bedworth Community Centre?

4. involves frequent trips away from the Community  Сеntre?

 2.  requires that participants bring their own   equipment?

5. limits the number of participants on the course?

3.  gives participants the chance to take part in a competition?

6. is not for beginners?

Bedworth Community Centre – Evening Classes

  1. Flower arranging

If you thought flower arranging was just putting flowers in a vase, think again! Come along and learn the many secrets of successful floral designs. Over this six-month course, we’ll be working towards your entering the Bedworth and Chatam Flower Show. Who knows? May be you’ll be a winner!

  1. French for holidaymakers

Have you forgotten all the French you did at school? Here’s your chance to start again, beginning with the absolute basics. By the end of the course, you should be able to read, write and speak enough French to have a successful holiday in France. Please note: classes are held at Bedworth Community College, next door to the Community Centre.

  1. French Literature

This advanced course looks at some of the classics of French literature in their original language, including works by Flaubert, Dumas and Victor Hugo. A knowledge of French is required. Some written homework will be given.

  1. Digital photography

On this course, we tart with the basics and work out our way through to advanced digital photography. Areas covered include: getting to know your camera, taking great digital photos, saving photos on your PC and using software to edit and transform photographs. Please note: we assume you will be bringing your own digital camera with you. Digital cameras are not provided by the Community Centre.

  1. Local history.

Do you want to know more about the history of the Bedworth area? Now’s your chance. Although we’ll start every class at the Community Centre, we’ll spend a lot of our time out and about in the local area, looking at some of the key landmarks and buildings, and learning more about the fascinating history that surrounds us.

  1. Pottery

Would you like to make your own vases, plates, mugs and bowls? We’ll show you how. For beginners and experts alike, this course makes the most of Bedworth Community Centre’s wonderful Ceramics Centre. All equipment is provided, but there is a small charge for all clay used.

  1. Making the most of the Internet

Have you never surfed the Internet before? Are you fed up with looking at the same time few websites? Together, we’ll explore many of the exciting  things there are to find on the web. Please note: there are only ten PCs at the Community Centre. For this reason, the maximum number of people who can take part in this course is twenty.


Use of English

  1. For questions 1-16? Read the text below and think over of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.


Tuscany has much to offer the visitors as it has (1)  … beautiful countryside and a number of historic towns. One of its (2) … famous cities is Florence, (3) … is known for its cathedral and the beautiful bridge, Ponte Vecchio. In  (4)… there are some colourful markets, which are quite cheap considering (5)… expensive Italy can be. Another city most people will have heard (6) … is Pisa, famous (7) .. its Leaning Tower. That is not the only attraction (8) … seeing in Pisa, as there is also an eleventh-century cathedral. Bargo, on the other (9) …, is a town that may not (10) … known to the average visitor. Nevertheless, it should not be missed by (11) … who  is interested (12) … seeing the best of Tuscany. It is full of old buildings which have all (13) … painted red, ochre, pale blue or green. The streets are lined with trees and there are (14) … restaurants and pavement cafes (15) … you can sit and admire the cathedral and Mount Panio, which lies just behind the town. The atmosphere in this place is (16) … charming and restful.

  1. For questions 17-27, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence. You must use between two and five words. Do not change the word given.


I finished the book in two days.    


It …. to finish the book.


He will probably fail the exams this year.


He is …. the exams this year.


 I don’t suppose you know what time the ferry leaves?


Do … what time the ferry leaves?


He lost his luggage in the airport.


His … in the airport.


It was after midnight when Jim finally arrived.


Jim …… until after midnight.


Women are said to be safer drivers than men.


Women are said …… man.


Margaret doesn’t like working nights.


Margaret wishes .. work nights.


She didn’t come to my party; she didn’t call me either.


She neither came to my party …. me.


Tom spends so much time at work that I hardly see him.


Tom spends …. At work that I hardly see him.


How long have youк parents been married?


When …. married?


John is in the habit of getting up early every day.


John ….. early every day.

  1. For questions 28-44, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number in the answer sheet, if a line has a word which should  not be  there, write the word in the answer sheet.


28. Loneliness is a disease of modern living, a result of

29. which people being more mobile and having more opportunities.

30. With the break-up of family units, there is little of

31. stability on which to build good relationships. Loneliness

32. isn’t something that can be solved itself simply by

33. seeing a counselor, speaking to someone that on the

34. telephone or to being in the company of a lot of people.

35. Advice been often given includes: joining clubs, taking up a

36. sociable hobby or even by trying a part-time job if you

37. don’t work outside from the house. However, none of this

38. advice will produce with an easy answer. To ease the

39. feeling of emptiness it takes time. Friendships have

40. to be allowed to grow on and deep bonds can’t be

41. formed with just anyone. Anyone might be like a

42. victim of loneliness at some time or other in their

43. lives. If you change jobs, get married to or move,

44. you too might have had problems in a new environment.



“It is easy to be brave from a safe distance”.        Aesop

Is it really so?

Write your opinion.  

200-250 words.