Задания для выполнения внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы

Коломина Эльвира Анатольевна

Сборник упражнений по видовременным формам английского глагола 


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Киселевск 2015

Сборник упражнений составлен в соответствии с требованиями Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов среднего профессионального образования по профессиям, изучаемым в техникуме.

Сборник упражнений предназначен для обучающихся организаций СПО для тренировки и закрепления видовременных форм глагола в английском языке. Упражнения даются по принципу возрастания трудностей, что позволяет обучающимся подбирать задания по уровню владения грамматическим материалом. Может использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы.  

Организация-разработчик: ГОУ СПО «Киселевский политехнический техникум»

Автор-составитель: Коломина Э.А., преподаватель иностранного языка

Рецензент: __________________________________________________

Сборник методических рекомендаций рассмотрен, одобрен и рекомендован к использованию в воспитательно-образовательном процессе на заседании МЦК

протокол №_____ от «__»____________20__г.



PART 1 Exercises……………………………………………………………………5

Глаголы группы Present…………………………………………………………..5

The Present Simple Tense………………………………………………………...….5

The Present Continuous Tense………………………………………………..…...…6

The Present Perfect Tense……………………………………………………..…...…7

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense………………………..……………….....…8

Глаголы группы Past….…………………………………………………………..9

The Past Simple Tense………………………………………………………..…...…9

The Past Continuous Tense………………………………………………..……...…9

The Past Perfect Tense………………………………………………………..….....10

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense……………………………………………….…12

Глаголы группы Future.………………………………………………………….12

The Future Simple Tense………………………………………………………...….12

The Future Continuous Tense………………………………………………..…...…13

The Future Perfect Tense……………………………………………………..…...…15

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense………………………..…….………….....…16

PART 2 Theoretical materials……………………………………………………..18

The Present Simple Tense………………………………………………………...…18

The Present Continuous Tense………………………………………………..…....18

The Present Perfect Tense……………………………………………………..…...19

The Past Simple Tense………………………………………………………..….....20

The Past Continuous Tense………………………………………………..…….....21

The Past Perfect Tense………………………………………………………..….....21

The Future Simple Tense………………………………………………………...….22

The Future Continuous Tense………………………………………………..…...…23

The Future Perfect Tense……………………………………………………..…...…24

The Perfect Continuous Tenses……………………………………………………...24


Предлагаемый сборник упражнений составлен в соответствии с Программой по грамматике английского языка для средних профессиональных учреждений и включает темы, посвященные употреблению видовременных форм английского глагола. Сборник предназначен для студентов I, II, III и IV курсов очного отделения по всем профессиям и специальностям. Содержание данного сборника соответствует ФГОС – 3 и создан для тренировки и закрепления основных видовременных форм английского глагола. В пособии собраны упражнения, рассчитанные на студентов, имеющих начальную языковую подготовку.

Сборник состоит из двух частей. Первая часть содержит упражнения, которые дают практический материал для усвоения и выработки автоматизированного навыка употребления видовременных форм английского глагола в различных типах предложений. Представлены упражнения тренировочного характера (заполнение пропусков, раскрытие скобок, установление соответствия, множественный выбор, альтернативный ответ, коррекция ошибок, ответы на вопросы, перевод, трансформация предложений, т.е. преобразование одних речевых моделей в другие). Упражнения на трансформацию развивают лингвистическую память и способствуют переходу к беспереводному владению языком.

Вторая часть включает опорные конспекты, в которых описываются правила функционирования (образования и употребления) видовременных форм английского глагола.

При составлении сборника использован традиционный подход в объяснении употребления времен английского языка, при этом представлен материал из отечественных и зарубежных источников. Цель сборника – максимально приблизить теоретические объяснения грамматических тем программы к задачам обучения практическому владению английским языком, а также закрепить типичные модели, в которых обычно используются видовременные формы английского глагола.

Сборник может быть использован как для работы в аудитории, так и для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы. Материал, представленный в сборнике, отражает строй современной английской речи и может быть также рекомендован самому широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык.

PART 1 Exercises


The Present Simple Tense

  1. Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

cause      connect      drink      live      open      speak      take

1. Tanya __speaks__ German .

2. I do not often ____________coffee.    

3. The swimming pool ____________at 7.30 every morning.

4. Bad driving ___________ many accidents.

5. My parents___________ in a very small flat.

6. The Olympic Games___________ place every four years.

7. The Panama Canal____________ the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

  1. Put the verb into correct form.

1. Julie__does not drink__ (not/ drink) tea very often.

2. What time ________ ( the banks/ close) here?

3. I’ve got a computer, but I ____________ (not/ use) it much.

4.’Where _________ (Martin/ come) from? ‘He is Scottish.’  

5.’What __________ (you/ do)? ‘I am an electrician.’

6. It _____________ (take) me an hour to get to work. How long _______ (it/ take) you?

7. Look at this sentence. What ________ (this word/ mean)?

8. David is not very fit. He _________ (not/ do) any sport.

  1. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:

believe    eat    flow    go    make    rise    tell    translate

1. The earth __goes__ round the sun.

 2. The sun _________in the east.    

 3. Bees ___________ honey.

 4. Vegetarians__________ meat.  

 5. An atheist__________ in God.      

 6. An interpreter _____________from one language into another.

 7. Liars are people who_________ the truth.

 8. The River Amazon___________ into the Atlantic Ocean.

  1. Complete using the following:

I apologize     I insist     I promise     I recommend     I suggest

1. It’s a nice day. ___I suggest ___ we go out for a walk.

2. I will not tell anybody what you said. _________________.

3. (in restaurant)  You must let me pay for the meal.______________.  

4.________________ for what I did. It will not happen again.

5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good._________________.

The Present Continuous Tense

  1. Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

get      happen       look    lose    make    start    stay    try    work

1.’You__are working__ hard today.

2. I _______________ for Christine. Do you know where she is?

3. It _______________ dark.

4. They do not have anywhere to live at the moment. They _________ with friends until they find somewhere.

5. Things are not so good at work. The company ___________ money.

6. Have you got an umbrella? It ___________ to rain.

 7. You___________ a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I _______ to concentrate.

8. Why are all these people here? What ____________?

  1. Put the verb into correct form. Sometimes you need the negative:

1. Please do not make so much noise. I__ am trying__ (try) to work.

 2. Let’s go out now. It __ is not raining__ (rain) any more.

3. You can turn off the radio. I __________ (listen) to it.

4. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She __________ (have) a great time and does not want to come back.

 5. I want to lose weight, so this week I _________ (eat) lunch.

6. Andrew has just started evening classes. He ______ (learn) German.

7. They __________ (speak) to each other now.

8. I ___________ (get) tired. I need a rest.

9. Tim _____________ (work) this week. He’s on holiday.

  1. Complete the conversations.
  1. A: I saw Brian a few days ago.        

        B: Oh did you? __What is he doing __ these days?  (what / he / do)

        A: He is at university.

        B: ______________?  (what / he /study)

        A: Psychology.

        B: _____________ it?  ( he / enjoy)

        A: Yes, he says it’s a very good course.

  1. A: Hi, Liz. How ___________ in your new job? ( you / get on)

        B: Not bad. It was not good at first, but __________ better now. (things /get)

        A: What about Jonathan? Is he OK?

        B: Yes, but __________ his work at the moment. (he / not / enjoy)

  1. Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

begin      change    get    increase    rise

1. The population of the world __ is increasing__ very fast.

2. The world __________. Things never stay the same.

3. The situation is already bad and it _________ worse.

4. The cost of living _________. Every year things are more expensive.

5. The weather __________ to improve. The rain has stopped, and the wind isn’t as strong.

The Present Perfect Tense

  1. You are asking people questions about things they have done. Make questions with ever using the words in brackets.

1. ( ride / horse?) ___Have you ever ridden a horse?___

2. ( be / California?)   Have _______________ ?

3. ( run /marathon?) _______________?

4. ( speak / famous person?) _______________ ?

5. ( most / beautiful place / visit?)  What’s _____________ ?

  1. Complete  the answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use the following verbs:

be     be     eat     happen       have       meet    play    read    see    see    try


What’s  Mark’s sister like?

I have no idea.__I have not met__ her.


How is Diane these days?

I don’t know. I ________ her recently.


Are you hungry?

Yes. I _________much today.


Can you play chess?

Yes, but ___________ for ages.


Are you enjoying your holiday?

Yes, it’s the best holiday _________ for a long time.


What’s that book like?

I don’t know. __________it.


Mike was late for work again today.

Again? He ________ late every day this week.


Do you like caviar?

I don’t know. _____________ it.


I hear your car  broke down again yesterday.

Yes, it’s the second time _________ this week.


Is Brussels an interesting place?

I’ve no idea.__________ there.


Who’s that woman by the door?

I don’t know. ___________ her before.

  1. Complete the sentences using today / this year /this term.

  1. I saw Tom yesterday, but __I have not seen him today___.
  2. I read a newspaper yesterday, but I _____________ today.
  3. Last year the company made a profit, but this year ______.
  4. Tracy worked hard at school last term, but ____________ .
  5. It snowed a lot last winter, but ______________________.
  6. Our football team won a lot of games last season, but we __.

The Present Perfect Continuous tense

  1. Put the verb into correct form.
  1.  Olga: Rose! What are you doing here? I ___________ (wait) for you for hours!

Rose: I’m sorry, Olga. I __________ (try on) these clothes for two hours. And I haven’t decided vet.

  1.  Greg: Molly! Call our waiter again!

Molly: I___________ (try) to call him.

Greg: Molly! We_____________ (sit) here for twenty-five minutes and I’m not going to wait any more!

Molly: I’m sorry, dear but he’s again talking to that nice girl.

Greg: Yes, he ____________ (talk) to her since we came in.

Molly: Waiter! Waiter: Yes, ma’am ... Do you want the bill?

Molly: The bill! We haven’t even got the menu yet!

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Вы опять дрались.
  2. Как давно у вас болит нога?
  3. Я учу японский с августа.
  4. Анна ищет работу шесть месяцев.
  5. Они работают в Саратове с 1 января.
  6. Какой глубокий снег! Сколько времени шел снег?
  7. Весь день идет дождь.
  8. Я живу здесь около пяти лет.
  9. Вы слишком долго смотрите телевизор.
  10. Я жду Петра уже около часа.
  11. Дети плавают уже полчаса.
  12. Они работают в саду с 8 часов.

13.     Наконец я нашел книгу, которую искал целый день.

  1. Put the verb into correct form.

  1. All these days he _________ (talk) about his new plan.
  2. Here is Mrs. Brown who we ____________ (speak) about for a long time.
  3. You ___________ (watch) TV too long.
  4. He ___________ (sit) here all the time.
  1. Transform the sentence.

Model: Have you been staying here long? (for a month)

I have been staying here for a month.

  1. Has he been talking about his plan long? (all these days)
  2. Have children been swimming long? (for half an hour)
  3. Has it been raining long? (for a week)
  4. Have you been translating the article long? (for three hours)


The Past Simple Tense

  1. Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

cause       drink      live      open      speak      take

1. Tanya __spоke German  last time.

2. I did not often ____________coffee last day.    

3. The swimming pool ____________at 7.30 last morning.

4. Bad driving ___________ many accidents.

5. My parents___________ in a very small flat.

6. The Olympic Games___________ place last year.

II. Put the verb into correct form.

1. Julie__did not drink__(not/ drink) tea last morning.

2. What time ________(the banks/ close) here?

3. I’ve got a computer, but I ____________(not/ use) it much last year.

4.’Where _________(Martin/ go) last week?    

5.’What __________ (you/ do) last morning?

6. It _____________ (take) me an hour to get home last evening. How long _______ (it/ take) you?

7.What ________ (this word/ mean)?

III. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:

eat      fall      make     write    hurt     translate 

1.Bees ___________ honey last day.

2.Vegetarians__________ corn flakes for the breakfast last morning.    

3.An interpreter _____________from one language into another last day.    

4.Mozart _________________ more than 600 pieces of music.

5.Dave __________ down the stairs this morning and_______ his leg.

The Past Continuous Tense

  1. What were you doing at this times? Write sentences as in the examples.

1. (at 8 o’clock yesterday evening)___I was having  dinner__.

2. (at 5 o’clock last Monday)  _______________ .

3. (at 10.15 yesterday morning) ______________.

4. (at 4.30 this morning) _________________ .

5. (at 7.45 yesterday evening) _____________.

6. (half an hour ago) ____________________ .

II. Use your ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous.

1. Matt phoned while we __were having dinner __.

2. The doorbell rang while I ________________ .

3. We saw an accident while we ______________ .

4. Ann fell asleep while she ________________ .

5. The television was on, but nobody _____________ .

III. Put the verb into correct form, past continuous or past simple.

1. I ____ (see) Sue in town yesterday, but she _____ (not / see) me. She _______ (look) the other way.

2. I ____ (meet) Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They ____ (go) to Rome. We ______ (have) a chat while we _____ (wait) for our flights.

3. I _____ (cycle) home yesterday when a man ____ (step) out into the road in front of me. I ____ (go) quite fast, but luckily I ____ (manage) to stop in time and ____ (not / hit) him.

IV. Put the verb into correct form, past continuous or past simple.

1. Jenny __ was waiting__ (wait) for me when I __ arrived __ (arrive).

2. ‘What ________ (you / do) at this time yesterday? ‘   ‘I was asleep. ‘

3. ‘____ (you / go) out last night?’ ‘No, I was too tired.’

4. How fast _____ (you / drive) when the accident ______ (happen).

5. Sam _______ (take) a photograph of me while I ______ (not / look).

6.We were in a very difficult position. We ________ (not / know) what to do.

The Past Perfect Tense

I. Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.

1. You went to Sue’s house, but she wasn’t there. (she / go / out) ___She had gone out___.

2. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn’t the same as before. ( it / change / a lot) _______________ .

3. I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn’t come. (she /arrange / to do something else) _______________.

4. You went to the cinema last night. You got to cinema late. (the film / already / begin) _______________ .

5. It was nice to see Dan again after such a long time (I / not /see / him for five years) _____________ .

6. I offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn’t hungry. (she / just / have / breakfast)_________________.

II. For each situation, write a sentence ending never …before. Use the verb in brackets:

  1. The  man sitting next to you on the plane was very nervous. It was his first flight. (fly) __He had never flown before__.        
  2.  A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger to me.  (see) I ___________.
  3.  Sam played tennis yesterday. He was not very good at it because it was his first game.  (play) He _____________.
  4.  Last year we went to Denmark. It was our first time there. (be there)  We ________ .

III. Put the verb into correct form, past perfect ( I had done) or past simple (I did).

  1. ‘Was Paul at the party when you arrived?’   ‘No, he __had gone__ (go) home.’
  2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ________ (go) straight to bed.
  3. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody _________ (go) to bed.
  4. Sorry I’m late. The car _________ (break) down on my way here.
  5. We were driving along the road when we _________ (see) a car which ______ (break) down, so we ________ (stop) to help.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

I. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets.

1. I was very tired when I arrived home.

(I / work / hard all day) I had been working hard all day.

2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they / play / football) ____________________________________________

3. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody / smoke / in the room) _________________________________________________

4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was. (she / dream) ___________________________________________

5. When I got home, Randy was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off. (he / watch / TV) ____________________________________________________

II. Make a questions. Give positive and negative sentences.

  1. The managers had been discussing the issue for twenty minutes when she called.




  1. James felt exhausted because he had been playing the guitar for several hours.




  1. Her son had been sleeping for half an hour when the doorbell rang.




  1. His relatives had been living in the village for two weeks when the war broke out.




  1. She had been working for a long time when her PA called her.




  1. Andrew had to go to the doctor as he hadn't been feeling well for some time.




  1. They had been diving for 15 minutes when a shark approached them.




  1. The hall was untidy as the competitors had been fighting for ten minutes.




  1. Karl and Olga had been playing tennis for about an hour when it started raining heavily.




  1. He had been singing for about twenty minutes when the lady in red left the concert hall.





The Future Simple Tense

  1. Write, what will happen?
  1. I usually play in the garden.

__________________________ in the garden tomorrow.

  1. We usually get up at 7.

__________________________ at 7 tomorrow.

  1. He usually visits his grandmother on Sunday.

__________________________ his grandmother tomorrow.

  1. My mother usually watches TV in the evening.

__________________________ TV tomorrow.

  1. Write, what will happen?

buy        do                make             play            ride           swim

  1. He will buy a computer.
  2. Mary ……..in the river.
  3. My sister …….. her homework.
  4. We ……a snowman.
  5. Ted  ….. a horse.
  6. My friend and I …..volleyball.
  1. Write, that is not so.
  1. I will write a letter.
  1. We will see the film next week.
  1. Ann will have breakfast at home.
  2. Children will skate in an hour.
  1. Make a sentence.

1. I want to get a medical checkup. I (to go) to my doctor tomorrow.

2. He (to give) me a complete examination.

3. The nurse (to lead) me into one of the examination rooms.

4. I (to take) off my clothes and (to put) on a hospital gown.

5. Dr. Setton (to come) in, (to shake) my hand, and (to say) "hello".

 6. I (to stand) on his scale so he can measure my height and my weight.

7. He (to take) my pulse.

8. Then he (to take) my blood pressure.

9. After he takes my blood pressure, he (to take) some blood for a blood analysis.

10. He (to examine) my eyes, ears, nose and throat.

11. He (to listen) to my heart with a stethoscope.

12. Then he (to take) a chest X-ray and (to do) a cardiogram (ECG or EKG).

13. After the checkup I (to go) home and (to wait) for Dr. Setton’s call.

14. Dr. Setton (to call) me tomorrow afternoon and (to say) to me: “Stop worrying! Your blood analysis is excellent.” He is a very good doctor.

  1. Make a question.
  1. He will come tomorrow.
  2. He will work next week.
  3. They will ski next Sunday.
  4. He will take a ball.

The Future Continuous Tense

  1. Put the verb into correct form.
  1. This time next year I (not/work) for this company any more.
  2. I (sit) at home. You can come at six tomorrow.
  3. At nine o’clock the day after tomorrow, she (study) at the university.
  4. We won’t be at home this evening as we (look) after our neighbor’s baby.
  5. He (have) breakfast at ten o’clock, so, please, do not disturb him.
  6. Jacob can give the papers to him as he (see) him this evening.
  7. I will meet you tomorrow. I (wait) for you at eleven at the station.
  8. He can help you in the library tomorrow as he (prepare) his work anyway.
  9. My parents (paint) the house all the weekend.
  10. They can’t visit you on Tuesday because they (play) volley-ball then.
  11. My parent this time tomorrow (fly) to Canada.
  12. Between 11 and 12 I (have) lunch tomorrow.
  13. Rebecca (talk) to her tomorrow so she can ask about your situation.
  14. Next week at this time Tom (leave) for Russia.
  15. My parents (drive) to the railway station next Saturday so they can give you a lift.
  16. We can’t go to the cinema with you tomorrow as we (prepare) for exams all day.
  17. This time next month Matt (sail) with his brother to Europe.
  18. Tomorrow evening I (meet) my great parents, so I just can help you.
  19. My boss (work) now so we have to ask him in the evening.
  20. I will thank George for you as I (call) him tomorrow morning.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. Will you be seeing your dentist next Friday? Can you ask him a question?
  2. They won’t be going to the park tomorrow because they have a lot of work to do.
  3. Next Monday at this time I am going to be swimming in the Indian Ocean.
  4. We will be waiting for him next Wednesday at the usual place.
  5. Will you be booking the tickets to Alaska for tomorrow? Please, book one for my friend.
  6. Peter isn’t going to be lying in his bad all day tomorrow. He has a lot to do these days.
  7. What are we going to be doing this time next Saturday? Anything special?
  8. He will be meeting his mother next Tuesday so he will invite her to his party.
  9. Rose is not going to be packing her clothes tomorrow evening because she has already done it.
  10. This time next Sunday I’m going to be sitting with my family in Barcelona café.
  11. I will not be resting during next weekend at all because I have to finish my book.
  12. Will you be passing bank when going to the office tomorrow?
  13. Can we come at seven o’clock? I will be teaching math to my son then.
  14. Greg will be answering his letters all morning tomorrow.
  15. Is Jack going to be riding his bicycle this morning? If he is not, can we borrow it?
  16. We can meet you at noon because we will be working then.
  17. Mother isn’t going to be cooking all day tomorrow because she has to help her sister.
  18. Will you be visiting your parents next weekend? I need to give them some papers.
  19. Next week at this time they will be leaving for their honeymoon.
  20. Peter id not going to be using his PC during his weekend so you can take it.

The Future Perfect Tense

  1. Translate into English.
  1. К этому времени завтра я уже закончу проект.
  2. К восьми часам дети уже уснут.
  3. К завтрашнему утру он отлично выспится.
  4. К следующему году она получит ожидаемое продвижение по службе.
  5. К следующей субботе Питер уже продаст свой автомобиль.
  6. В это время завтра утром они начнут работать.
  7. Морган уберет весь дом ко времени ужина.
  8. Мы станцуем несколько танцев до полуночи.
  9. К 2015 году я буду жить в Лондоне уже десять лет.
  10. К этому же времени на следующей неделе мы уже поймаем преступника.
  11. В 2018 они будут работать на этом предприятии уже пятнадцать лет.
  12. В октябре будет ровно год с тех пор, как Селена стала нашим новым учителем.
  13. В понедельник будет уже две недели, как она ждет ответа на свое письмо.
  14. До субботнего вечера ты выполнишь все свои задания на выходные.
  15. Они закончат начатый проект до крайнего срока.
  1. Put the verb into correct form.
  1. Christina … (repair) her car by the next Saturday.
  2. They … (do) the washing by nine o’clock of the evening.
  3. We … (visit) some European countries the next fall.
  4. I … (finish) this work by two o’clock of the morning.
  5. Grace … (leave) by the end of the week.
  6. Girls … (discuss) this with their mother by tonight.
  7. The police … (arrest) the thief by the next morning.
  8. If they can do it then they … (fulfill) their mission.
  9. The boy … (finish) his essay by three o’clock in the morning.
  10. Pete … (manage) the team for seven years by next month.
  1. Make a question positive and negative sentences.
  1. He/by six/leave.
  2. The report/you/by the deadline/finish?
  3. Do/everything/we?
  4. Children/the homework/finish/not/by dinnertime.
  5. Peter/can go walking/his exams/finish/by then.
  6. Complete/work/she/by midnight.
  7. By dinnertime/ they/arrive/not.
  8. By the next week/be in Paris/we/for two months.
  9. You/when/finish/your letter?
  10. Get home/he/by the lunchtime?

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. Read the dialog.


Miss Pristly has come to Overton from London. Mrs Kelly is an old lady who lives in Overton.

Miss P.: “What a lovely old village Overton is!”

Mrs. K.: “Yes, isn’t it? The most beautiful village in this part of England, I think.”

Miss P.: “I’m sure you enjoy living here. Have you lived here long?”

Mrs. K: “I’ve lived here all my life. I was born in Overton.”

Miss P.: “Have you ever been to other countries?”

Mrs. K.: “No, I’ve never been out of England. I’ve been to London twice.”

Miss P.: “Did you enjoy seeing London?”

Mrs. K.: “Not much. There are too many people in London. And too many buses, too much noise.”

Miss P.: And has your husband always lived here, too?”

Mrs. К: “No, he wasn’t born in Overton. He’s lived here only since the year we were married. That was 1970. We were married on August the fourth. I always remember the date. So, my husband’s lived in Overton since 1970." Miss P.: “Well, you’ve been married for a long time, haven’t you?

Your children have all left home, now, I suppose.”

Mrs. K.: “Yes, there are six of them They were all born here. They were all christened in the church here and all went to school here. But now they’ve left the village and gone to live in the town.”

Miss P.: “You mean Coventry? How for is Coventry?”

Mrs. K.: “Not far. About fifteen miles. My four sons are working in the big motor works there. My two girls are married to men who work there.”

Miss P.: “Do you go and see them sometimes?”

Mrs. K.: “No, but they often come to see me. The boys have cars and motor-cycles and it doesn’t take them long to come over.”

II. Answer the questions.

1. Who has come to Overton from London?

2. Who has lived in Overton long?

3. How long has Mrs. Kevin lived in Overton?

4. Has Mrs. Kevin been to other countries?

5. Does she like London? Why?

6. Has her husband always lived in Overton?

7. Have they been married a long time?

8. Do their children live in Overton?

9. Where do Mrs. Kevin’s sons work?

10. Does Mrs. Kevin often go to see her sons?

III. Translate into English.

 1. Я никогда не был в Овертоне.

2. Это самая красивая деревня, которую я когда-либо видел.

3. Вы здесь давно живете?

4. Я никоща не выезжала за пределы Англии.

5. Ваш муж тоже всегда жил в Овертоне? - Нет, он живет в Овертоне с того времени, как мы поженились.

6. Вы давно замужем?

7. Я замужем с 2001 года.

8. Мой муж живет в Овертоне с 1993 года.

9. Мы поженились 4-го августа.

10. Все наши дети давно покинули деревню и уехали жить в город

11. Он устал (feel tired), так как играл на пианино уже 4 часа.

12. Я уже играл на пианино 3 часа, когда пришла моя сестра.

13. Том Сойер красил забор уже час, когда пришли его друзья.

14. Я жду своего брата здесь. Я жду его уже час.

15. Разве ты не видишь (don’t you see), я читаю газету.

16. К вечеру я прочитаю газету до конца. - А я к вечеру отремонтирую автомобиль.

17. Вчера к вечеру, между прочим (by the way), я вымыла всю посуду!

18. Разве ты не помнишь (don’t you remember), что, когда вчера вечером пришла наша мама, я уже убрала квартиру.

19. А я вчера вечером посадила все цветы в нашем дворе.

20. К тому времени, когда ты посадила цветы, я выстирала белье (wash clothes).

21. Ну хорошо, завтра, когда ты вернешься с работы, я уже приготовлю тебе обед и уберу твою комнату.

22. Мой друг уже дважды побывал в Лондоне. Когда это он туда ездил? - В прошлом году.

PART 2 Theoretical materials

The Present Simple Tense


V для всех чисел и лиц, кроме 3 лица, ед. числа (I, we, you, they).

I go to school every day.             Я хожу в школу каждый день.

V+s (es) для 3 л., ед. ч. (he, she, it).

He goes to school every day.     Он ходит в школу каждый день.


do/ does+ not+V

I do not go to school every day.             Я не хожу в школу каждый день.

He does not  go to school every day.     Он не ходит в школу каждый день.


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Do I go to school every day?             Я хожу в школу каждый день?

Does he go to school every day?    Он ходит в школу каждый день?

Every day (month, year, morning, etc.)- каждый день (месяц, год, утро и т.д.)  

Usually- обычно        sometimes-иногда

Always- всегда                            seldom-редко

Often- часто        occasionally-изредка


1. Обычное, повторяющееся действие:

I always close the window at night.   Я всегда закрываю окно на ночь.

2. Законы и явления природы:

The sun rises in the east.   Солнце встает на востоке.

3. Бытовые ситуации:

Do you want to spend a lot of money here?   Ты хочешь потратить много денег здесь?

4. Истории, анекдоты, обзоры, спортивные комментарии:

Then the prince gets on his horse and rides away.   И тогда принц вскакивает на своего коня и уезжает прочь.

5. Расписания поездов, сеансов в кинотеатре:

The plane from London arrives at 17:40.   Самолет из Лондона отправляется в 17:40

The Present Continuous Tense


am / is / are + V-ing






he, she, it


we, you, they


I am going to school now.                      Я иду в школу сейчас.

He is going to school now.                    Он идет в школу сейчас.

We are going to school now.                Мы идем в школу сейчас.


am / is / are + not + V-ing

I am not going to school now.                Я не иду в школу сейчас.

He is not  going to school now.              Он не идет в школу сейчас.

We are not going to school now.          Мы не идем в школу сейчас.


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Am I going to school now?                     Я иду в школу сейчас?

Is he going to school now?                    Он идет в школу сейчас?

Are we   going to school now?               Мы идем в школу сейчас?


1. Действие, происходящее в момент речи или в настоящий период времени:

I can not understand what you are talking about.   Не пойму о чем ты говоришь.

2. Действие, охватывающее какой- либо временной отрезок в настоящем:

She is studying at the institute.   Она учится в университете.

3. Изменяющаяся ситуация:

Is your Russian getting better now?   У тебя есть улучшения в русском?

4. Запланированное действие (известно место и время):

I’m meeting my sister at the café.   Я встречаюсь с сестрой в кафе.

5. Действия в ближайшем будущем (с глаголами движения):

They are moving to the other city.   Они переезжают в другой город.

6. Для выражения отрицательной характеристики:

She is always interrupting me when I am talking.   Она всегда перебивает меня, когда я говорю.

The Present Perfect Tense


have / has + V-ed (для правильных глаголов)

have / has + V3 (для неправильных глаголов)





he, she, it


we, you, they


I have worked, so let’s go home.   Я отработал, так что пойдемте домой.

He has worked, so let’s go home.   Oн отработал, так что пойдемте домой.

I have written a letter, you may read it.   Я написал письмо, ты можешь прочитать его.

He has written a letter, you may read it.   Он написал письмо, ты можешь прочитать его.


have / has + not +V 3 (ed)

have not worked                                                          has not worked

have not written                                                           has not written


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

have I worked ?                                                            has he worked ?

have we written?                                                          has he written?


1. Действие, полностью завершенное в прошлом, но имеющее связь с настоящим через результат этого действия:

We have bought a new car, so it’s time to sell the old one.   Мы купили новую машину, пора продавать старую.

2. Действие, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем:

We have known each other since school years.   Мы знаем друг друга еще со школьной скамьи.

3. В придаточных предложениях времени после союзов after, as soon as, till, until, чтобы передать будущее действие, которое закончится до начала действия из главного предложения:

I’ll serve you a dessert only after you have eaten the main course.   Я подам вам десерт тогда, когда вы съедите главное блюдо.

The Past Simple Tense


V-ed (для правильных глаголов)     V2 (для неправильных глаголов)

He worked yesterday evening.           Он работал вчера вечером. 

I went to school yesterday.                Я ходил в школу вчера.


did + not + V

I did not go to school yesterday.                     Я не ходил в школу вчера.

He did not work yesterday evening.                Он не работал вчера вечером.


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Did I go to school yesterday?                            Я ходил в школу вчера?

Did he work yesterday evening?                      Он работал вчера вечером?


1. Факт или одиночное законченное действие в прошлом:

The Titanic sank in 1912.    Титаник утонул в 1912 году.

I went to Germany two years ago.    Я ездил в Германию два года назад.

2. Несколько прошедших действий, происходивших в хронологическом порядке:

I woke up, took a shower, got dressed and went out to have breakfast in a café.  

Я проснулся, принял душ, оделся и пошел позавтракать в кафе.

3. Повторяющееся действие в прошлом:

I took English courses when I was twelve.   Я занимался английским, когда мне было 12 лет.

The Past Continuous Tense


was / were /+ V-ing



I, he, she, it


We, you, they


I was going                                      We were going


was / were + not + V-ing

I was not going                                   We were not going


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Was I going?                                       Were we  going?


1. Длительное действие, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом:

We were playing chess at 5 o’clock.   Мы играли в шахматы до 5 часов.

2. Два или более действий в прошлом, происходивших одновременно:

She was playing piano and her sister was singing.   Она играла на пианино, а ее сестра пела.

3. Длительное действие в прошлом, которое прерывается другим (как правило, коротким действием):

As he was taking a shower, somebody knocked at his door.    В то время как он принимал душ кто-то постучал в дверь.

4. При описании обстановки или атмосферы:

He entered the door. The candles were burning in the corners and the smell of cigarettes was filling the room.   Он открыл дверь. Свечи горели в углах и запах сигарет наполнял всю комнату.

5. Для выражения отрицательной характеристики:

The boy was constantly playing tricks on his poor mother.   Мальчик постоянно разыгрывал свою бедную маму.

The Past Perfect Tense


had + V-ed (для пр. глаголов)          had + V3 (для непр. глаголов)

had worked                     .                               had written


had + not+ V-ed (3)

had not worked                                                had not written


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

had I worked ?                                                had we written?


1. Действие, которое произошло ранее определенного момента в прошлом:

By the end of the year she had learned to cook.   К концу года она научилась готовить.

Fortunately the rain had stopped before we left the house.   К счастью дождь закончился до того как мы вышли из дома.

2. Действие, которое началось в прошлом и длилось до или во время другого момента в прошлом:

I knew that Mary and Jacob had not met since our wedding.   Я знал, что Мэри и Джейкоб не встречались с после нашей свадьбы.

3. Во фразах «не прошло и …, как», «не успел и…, как», «едва», «только»:

He hadn’t said a few words when somebody interrupted him.   Не успел он сказать и слово, как кто-то его перебил.

We had scarcely finished dinner when Lily brought a big cake.   Едва ли мы закончили с обедом, когда Лили принесла большой торт.

The Future Simple Tense


will / shall + V





he, she, it, you, they


I shall go to school tomorrow.             Я пойду в школу завтра.

He will go to school tomorrow.       Он пойдет в школу завтра.


will/ shall+ not +V

I shall not go to school tomorrow.             Я не пойду в школу завтра.

He will not go to school tomorrow.       Он не пойдет в школу завтра.


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Shall I go to school tomorrow?                Я пойду в школу завтра?

Will he go to school tomorrow?          Он пойдет в школу завтра?


1. Простое одиночное действие в будущем:

He will miss the bus.   Он опоздает на автобус.

2. Действие, которое будет занимать определенный период времени в будущем:

Will you be my friend?   Ты будешь моим другом?

3. Последовательность действий в будущем:

I shall meet you and tell you the whole story.   Я встречу тебя и расскажу всю историю.

4. Повторяющиеся действия в будущем:

I shall visit you a few times while I’m in London.   Я навещу тебя несколько раз пока нахожусь в Лондоне.

5. Предположения или мысли насчет будущего:

I’m afraid the rain won’t stop soon.   Боюсь дождь не скоро кончится.

6. Решение, принимаемое в момент разговора:

I will order a steak and chips, and you?   Я закажу себе жареное мясо и чипсы, а ты?

7. Обещания, предложения, угрозы, просьбы:

Don’t worry. Everything will be alright.   Не беспокойся, все будет хорошо.

The Future Continuous Tense


Will be/ shall be + V-ing



I, we


he, she, it, you, they


I shall be going to school about 15 minutes. Я буду идти в школу  15 минут.

He will be going to school about 15 minutes. Он будет идти в школу 15 минут.


will / shall + not be + V-ing

I shall not going to school 15 min.            Я не буду идти в школу 15 минут.

He will not  going to school 15 min.    Он не будет идти в школу 15 минут.

Will not=won’t


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Shall  I be going to school 15 min?   Я буду идти в школу 15 минут?

Will he be going to school 15 min?   Он будет идти в школу 15 минут?


1. Действие, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем:

This time next Sunday we will be flying to Hawaii.   В следующее воскресенье в это же время мы полетим на Гавайи.

2. Действие, которое, по убеждению говорящего, обязательно будет происходить в будущем.

He won’t be meeting you tomorrow, because he has fallen ill.   Он не встретит тебя завтра, так как он болен.

3. Вежливый вопрос о планах собеседника на ближайшее будущее, особенно когда нам нужно, чтобы этот человек что-то для нас сделал:

Will you be using the printer for long? I need to print a document promptly.  

Ты долго будешь работать с принтером? Мне срочно нужно распечатать документ.

The Future Perfect Tense


will have / shall have + V-ed (для пр. глаголов)

will have / shall have + V3 (для непр/ глаголов)

shall have worked                                       shall have written

will have worked                                         will have written


will (shall) + not have + V ed (V3)

shall not have worked                                        shall not have written

will not have worked                                          will not have written


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Shall  (I, we) have worked                              Shall (I, we) have written

Will (he, she, it, you, they) have worked        Will (he, she, it, you, they) have written


1. Будущее действие, которое окончится до определенного момента в будущем:

I will have translated the article by noon.   Я закончу статью к вечеру.

By the time you come home, I will have cooked dinner.   К твоему приходу я приготовлю ужин.

2. Прошедшее предполагаемое действие («должно быть», «вероятно»):

The reader will have noticed our negative attitude to any form of nationalism.

Читатель, должно быть, отметил наше негативное отношение к национализму.

The Perfect Continuous Tenses

В этой группе имеются три времени:

  1. The Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense- Настоящее совершенное продолженное время.
  2. The Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense- Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время.
  3. The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense - Будущее совершенное продолженное время.

Времена этой группы сочетают значение совершенности и продолженности действия. Они показывают, что к определенному моменту действие уже длилось в течение какого-то отрезка времени и либо продолжает длиться, либо только что закончилось.


Времена группы Perfect Continuous образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to bе в соответствующем перфектном времени (have/has been, had been, shall/will have been) и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола:

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

have/has been + Participle I

I/ we/ You/ They have been waiting for Sam since 12 o'clock.

He/ She/ It has been working for 2 hours.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

had been + Participle I

Не had been speaking for 10 minutes when we came. - Он говорил уже 10 минут, когда мы пришли.

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(shall)/will have been + Participle I

By 8 o'clock I'll have been working at this article for 2 hours. - К 8 часам я буду работать над этой статьей уже 2 часа.


Вспом. гл. ставится перед объектом, выполняющим действие

Has the child been sleeping since 6 o'clock? - Ребенок спит с 6 часов?

Had he been speaking for 10 minutes when we came? - Он говорил уже 10 минут, когда мы пришли?

Will he have been working at his article for 2 hours by the time I come? - Он будет работать над статьей уже два часа к тому времени, когда я приду?


The child has not been sleeping since 6 o'clock. - Ребенок не спит с 6 часов.