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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж
Согласовано: Методист СПбТК _______________К.Э. Голищева | Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии иностранных языков Протокол № 5 от «10» декабря 2021 года Председатель ПЦК _______М.В. Курьян Подготовил Преподаватель Жукова Д.В. Ф.И.О. |
2021 г.
1. Цели и задачи 3
2. Разминка 3
3. Конкурс «Угадай страну» 3
4. Заминка. Конкурс «Объясни, что это». 4
- Подведение итогов 4
Игра по страноведению "ПУТЕШЕСТВУЕМ ЗАРУБЕЖОМ" направлена на раскрытие творческого потенциала и самореализацию личности студента. Лингвистическая игра проводится по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».
Лингвистическая игра проводится в рамках декады предметно - цикловой комиссии «иностранных языков» 31 января 2022 - 11 февраля 2022
«Foreign languages are the way to success» «Иностранные языки — путь к успеху».
1. Цели и задачи
Цель игры: Познакомить учащихся с различными интересными фактами
из жизни разных стран мира.
2. Задачи:
1. Расширение словарного запаса учащихся.
2. Совершенствовать навыки чтения на английском языке.
3. Увлечь учащихся новыми знаниями по страноведению.
- Провести лингвистическую игру.
Участники игры делятся на две команды. В качестве разминки им предоставляется набор необычных фактов о различных странах и континентах.
Выигрывает в данном конкурсе команда, давшая наибольшее количество правильных ответов.
1.The youngest population in the world is in Australia. (False, in Africa)
2.The names of all the continents end with the same letter with which they start. (True in English)
3. Africa is said to be the place where 1st humans lived.(true)
4. Australia ‘s cow population is more than its human population. (Fals. Sheep population)
5. Both world wars were largely focused in North America (false in Europe)
6. North America is around twice the size of Europe
7. Major languages spoken in South America are Spanish and English (false- Spanish and Portuguese)
8.Brazil, a country in South America, is the largest producer of tea in the world (false coffe)
9. Over 50% of Africans are under the age of 25 (true)
10. Judaism is the 2nd largest Religion in the U.S. after Christianity. (true)
11. New York was once New Amsterdam (true)
Участникам игры предоставляются факты о некоторых странах.
Учащиеся в команде должны перевести каждый факт с английского на русский и решить, какой стране он принадлежит. На свободных партах находятся таблички с названиями стран. Каждая команда должна разложить листики с названиями стран по партам, в зависимости от того, какой стране принадлежит определенный факт. Выигрывает в конкурсе та команда, которая угадала наибольшее количество фактов.
This country is the birthplace of cinema, aeronautics, cycling, ballet.
The largest country in the EU and sometimes called the hexagon
The world’s most popular tourist destination
It’s sitizens eat around 30,000 tons of snails a year
The Louvre is the most visited museum in the world
There are more works of art per 1 km2 in this country than in any other country in the world.
There is an independent country inside its capital
Shakespeare wrote 38plays – 13 are set here
Its capital has a Nickname: The Eternal City
Its national food is the most appreciated fast food all around the world.
Home of the world’s second most widely-spoken language
The country-producer of a largest amount of Olive oil in the world.
150,000 tomatoes are thrown every year
Here you can be chased by bulls
The country of siestas, paellas and sangrias.
Its New Year’s celebration lasts for 15 days!
Its people are the biggest travel spenders in the world.
Ice cream was discovered here some 4,000 years ago
Here brides wear red instead of white
Most populated country in the world with over 1.4 billion people
It consists of over 6,800 islands
28% of its population is aged 65 and older
This country has a ‘suicide forest’
This country has more than 4 million vending machines offering almost everything
More paper is used for printing manga than toilet paper
This is the wettest inhabited place on Earth.
It has the oldest religion in the world.
This country has the highest population of vegetarians.
This country has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world.
The Origin of Ayurveda and Yoga
Its flag was designed by a schoolboy
There’s a palace made totally out of corn
Its people eat About 100 Acres Of Pizza Each Day
The main slogan of this country is: “In God we trust”
Every year this country suffers of 800 devastating tornadoes
Заминка. Конкурс «Объясни, что это».
Надо подготовить фото Эйфелевой башни, БигБена, Великой Китайской стены, Пирамид, Коллизея и Статуи Свободы.
Фото показывают за спиной у капитана. Команда должна объяснить, капитан угадать.
3. Подведение итогов
Вручение дипломов победителям
Благодарю всех студентов за хорошие и отличные знания и активное участие в лингвистической игре.
I thank all students for their good and excellent knowledge and active participation in the linguistic game.
Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж
Подготовил: Преподаватель : Жукова Д.В. |
Санкт-Петербург 24.03.2022 г.
Использование схем и таблиц на уроках английского языка – залог успешного развития языковой компетенции учащихся. В последнее время появилось огромное количество педагогических технологий, которые основаны на активизации деятельности учащихся, это так называемые активные методы обучения. Одним из этих методов можно назвать составление таблиц.
Особенно эффективно использование таблиц в изучении грамматики. Зачастую трудности вызывают те грамматические структуры, аналогов которым в русском языке нет. Например, русскоязычному студенту трудно понять, зачем в английском языке существует более десятка различных времен, хотя мы в русском языке прекрасно обходимся тремя.
Именно в таких случаях приходит на помощь грамматика английского языка в таблицах, где можно наглядно проследить общие черты и отличия разных грамматических форм. Преподаватели отмечают, что английская грамматика в таблицах и схемах намного легче откладывается в памяти и впоследствии оказывается проще в применении на практике.
Таблицы, ориентированные на учащихся начального уровня, содержат только упрощенный, основной материал. Они не требуют дополнительных объяснений преподавателя и ими легко пользоваться самостоятельно. Таблицы, предназначенные для учащихся продвинутого уровня, содержат сложные элементы, основные правила, объясняющие их, вынесены за пределы таблицы.
Грамматические правила английского языка в таблицах можно составить самостоятельно. Ценность такой работы для студента колледжа будет значительна, ведь для их составления вы ещё раз проработаете изученный материал, а принцип построения подобной таблицы будет прост и понятен для вас. Кроме того, таблицы не занимают много места, и доступ к интересующей вас информации не потребует много времени.
Примеры таблиц для изучения грамматики английского языка.
Предварительный просмотр:
Жукова Дарья Витальевна
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж»
Введение в профессиональную лексику для работников
индустрии гостеприимства.
Для студентов специальностей, связанных с индустрией гостеприимства важно умение ориентироваться в гостиничной лексике и уметь быстро и без запинки ответить на любой вопрос гостя гостиницы. Студенты должны уметь давать базовую информацию по инфраструктуре отеля, сервисах, расположению объектов и как к ним пройти.
Цель данной статьи объединить полезный и актуальный в этой области материал для углубления и систематизации знаний.
- Профессии в индустрии гостеприимства.
- Основные должности в гостинице и обязанности сотрудников.
- Личные и профессиональные качества работников гостиницы.
- Устройство на работу в гостиницу.
- Структура отеля.
- Типы отелей
- Отельная инфраструктура
- Услуги отеля
1.Профессии в индустрии гостеприимства.
а. Основные должности в гостинице и обязанности сотрудников.
Read the text and answer the questions.
People in hospitality
The receptionist works in the front office of a hotel. The receptionist is in charge of checking in and checking out. He/she meets and greets guests, registers guests and assigns rooms to them. The receptionist must ensure that the check-in procedure is brief and convenient. The receptionist helps guests do the hotel formalities. The receptionist must send the signed registration card to the cashier‘s office. The receptionist answers the phone. She answers questions of visitors who have come to see the hotel guests.
The concierge works at a hotel‘s information desk. The concierge must speak a few languages because she has to help guests from other countries. The concierge must help guests in all ways. She can give orientations in the city, arrange taxis and sightseeing tours. She can offer entertainment. She can make theatre bookings, as well.
The hotel manager is the head of a hotel. He may have the name of the general manager or the managing director. In a small hotel the manager may be the owner of the hotel. There may be different management positions in a hotel: the assistant manager, the resident manager, the night manager. The assistant manager helps the manager and manages the hotel when the manager is not present. The resident manager is the manager who permanently lives in the hotel. The night manager is on duty during the night.
The chef works in a restaurant or in the food and beverage department of a hotel. A restaurant may have different chefs. At the head of them is the head chef. The head chef is the kitchen supervisor. He manages the kitchen of a restaurant. He has to select menus and to plan the meals. He has to taste the dishes. In a big restaurant there may be different specialist chefs: the soup chef, the sauce chef, the vegetable chef, the pastry chef and others. The reputation of the chef may increase its business.
As a rule, the restaurant manager runs a restaurant but he doesn‘t own it. Sometimes the restaurant manager may own and run his small restaurant. The restaurant manager is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations. He has to decide on the image of his restaurant. He has to plan its business. He has to decide on purchases and sales. He hires the restaurant staff and provides their training. He must see that the guests are happy with the service and have no complaints.
b. Личные и профессиональные качества работников гостиницы.
Translate the sentences.
1. Students have to choose their major in the first year.
2. A bellboy gets the guest‘s room key from the receptionist and escorts the guest to
his room. He should show how to use the room appliances.
3. A bellboy must assist the guest with his luggage and run errands for him.
4. A concierge must be fluent in several languages and have an outgoing personality.
Besides, she must be computer literate.
5. The maids must do the general cleaning of the rooms when the guests vacate them.
They do the make-up after a night’s occupancy. They also do the pick-up when
they just have to replace the towels and to bring the toiletries.
6. The receptionist checks the hotel guests in and out and assigns them rooms.
c. Устройство на работу в гостиницу.
Read the text and answer the questions.
How a Company Fills a Job Vacancy.
The company usually advertises the job vacancy in a newspaper or via Internet. It sometimes gives the salary and describes the working conditions and career prospects as well. The applicant usually sends in a cover letter (a letter of application) and a CV, which gives personal details and lists of qualifications and experience. The company then makes a short list of the most suitable candidates and invites them for an interview. The company then chooses the best candidate and makes an appointment.
1. Where do companies advertise job vacancies?
2. What do job advertisements indicate?
3. What letter should the applicant send together with his/her CV?
4. Why do you think it is necessary to write a cover letter?
5. Who might be invited for an interview?
Translate the sentences
1. You should present your résumé /CV at the beginning of the interview.
2. A résumé is like a written sales presentation.
3. Your résumé can be used as a response to an ad and should create a favorable impression on the employer.
4. While writing a résumé you should consider the following topical areas.
5. You should indicate your address with zip code and telephone number with area code.
6. What degree did you receive? Have you got any certificate?
7. List the universities and colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order.
8. What are your responsibilities?
9. List your special skills: typing, shorthand, computer abilities.
10. What student organization do you belong to?
11. List the specific functions you performed that are related to the job you want.
12. Don‘t list references on your CV. Instead say, ‘References are available upon request.‘
13. In order to have the opportunity of interviewing with a company you should send your CV with a cover letter.
14. My objective is to obtain a job in the field of hotel catering.
15. I‘m a personal assistant to Dr. Black.
16. I have some experience working as an interpreter.
17. I have an ability of fluent speaking, reading and writing in English.
18. My duty is to schedule meetings and appointments.
19. Well, the job title is Assistant Contracts Manager.
a. Study the information about different organizational structures of hotels.
- The Structure of a Hotel
The day-to-day operations of a hotel are the key factors determining the success or failure of its service. It is necessary to understand the structure of hotels in order to get an overview of how the organization fits together.
Regardless of the size of a hotel, the organizational structure will be basically the same. It is usually divided into several distinct departments, each responsible for a particular area of work.
The larger the hotel is and the more facilities it offers, the more specialized the departments become.
The typical structure for a small hotel offers both accommodation and catering. Staff members carry out1 a variety of tasks within their general area: (e.g. the restaurant staff will also deliver room service and serve tea and coffee in the lounge; the receptionist will handle reservations, check-in and check-out, billing, mail and switchboard, etc., manager and assistant manager will handle2 a variety of administrative and decision-making tasks.
In a larger hotel, it is possible to organize staff into more clearly defined departments, each with a supervisor or department head (in a medium-sized hotel) or a manager (in a large hotel). There will also be more specialized staff, because the hotel can afford to employ more people - and there will be more work for each person to do.
In a medium-sized hotel, there might be a manager and one or more assistant managers, who supervise operations (probably on a shift basis, so that there is some managerial supervision seven days per week).
The “branches” of the chart show how roles and responsibilities are divided up into sections or departments. The management of the hotel shown above is divided into two basic divisions: the Rooms Division and Food & Beverage. The Rooms Division is, in turn, divided into four basic functions: Front Office, Housekeeping, Maintenance and Security.
The vertical connecting lines of the chart are also lines of authority3 and reporting. So, for example, reservations staff report to4 the Front Office Manager, who reports to the Rooms Division Manager.
The connecting lines of the chart are also lines of communication and liaison5. So, for example, it is clear from our chart that staff in the reservations, reception and cashier sections need to communicate with each other: each contributes something to the overall work of the Front Office. At the same time, there is a line connecting reception and maintenance, say: if a guest comes to reception and says that her TV isn‘t working, or her window doesn't open, reception will have to liaise with maintenance to make sure it gets fixed.
2. Answer the questions.
1. What does a typical structure for a small hotel offer?
2. What tasks do staff members carry out?
3. In what way is the organizational structure of a larger hotel different?
4. What does the organizational chart of a hotel show?
5. What do the vertical connecting lines in the chart show?
6. How is the communication and liaison between different hotel departments reflected in the chart?
7. What departments report to the general manager?
8. What basic divisions is the management of a hotel divided into?
9. What functions is the Rooms Division subdivided into?
10. What subdivisions does the Front Office include?
11. What subdivisions does Food & Beverage consist of?