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Предварительный просмотр:

Cinderella / Author: This is a young and beautiful girl; her name is Cinderella. She has got a father, a stepmother and sisters. Her stepmother and her sisters are angry; they don’t like Cinderella. And her father loves her very much. She does all housework. Cinderella hasn’t got a nice dress, only this dirty one. But she is happy.


Cinderella: Its 5 o’clock, my sisters and stepmother are going to the king’s ball tonight. I like music, but I can’t go there.

STEPMOTHER: Cinderella, it’s time to dress for the ball. Where is my dress?

Sister1: You are a bad girl, give me my shoes.

Sister2: No, give me my dress.

Cinderella: Please, here are your dresses, shoes and hats.

SISTER1: I am pretty. The prince will dance only with me, I am sure.

SISTER2: I’ll dance with my prince all night!

STEPMOTHER: Stop, girls, we are late! Let’s do some exercises to look like a goddess.

Song « Walking, walking»

Cinderella: Oh…the ball! Please, stepmother, May I go to the ball with you?

SISTER1: Are you kidding? You are not a lady! You have much work to do!

SISTER2: Nonsense! You are in the palace?

Cinderella: Ok


Father: Poor thing, don’t be so sad. You are the most beautiful girl for me. I love your very much.

Cinderella: thank you, dear Father.

Part 3

Author: Stepmother and her daughters go to the ball. Cinderella is working. Her Fairy Godmother enters

Fairy: Good evening, I am your Fairy Godmother. Why are you crying, my dear? This evening is so nice!

Cinderella: My stepmother and sisters are at the ball tonight.

Fairy Godmother: And why are you not there?

Cinderella: Oh, I am not a lady

Fairy Godmother: Now look here, my dear I’ll help you. Do you want to go to the king’s ball?

Cinderella: yes

Fairy Godmother: Oh, I’ve got a good idea! Give me this box, please! Now stand here, 1-2-3- here is your carriage. You can go to the ball.

Cinderella: but my clothes?

Fairy Godmother: Close your eyes, 1-2-3-here is a beautiful dress and glass slippers for you.

Cinderella: Oh, what do I see? A dress and shoes for me! Thank you very much!

Fairy Godmother: you must remember, when the clock strikes 12, you must leave the ball


Author: This is the king’s palace. The guests are dancing.

Queen: Welcome!

King: Welcome, dance and smile. Why don’t you dance, my son?

Friend: Really! Why don’t you dance, my friend?

Prince: Oh, no. This ball is so noisy and sad; may I go to bed?

King: No, you are crazy! When I was young, I liked balls very much

Prince: I see.

King: I can’t understand, look… what a nice lady. Who is she?

Friend: I don’t know. This lady is beautiful. Let’s go, prince.

Author: Cinderella appears. The Prince looks at her in amazement.

Prince: She is nice and smart. I don’t Beautiful lady, may I ask you to dance with me? (танец)

I’ve never seen you before. Tell me what’s your name?

Cinderella: No, I can’t. It’s time to go away.

Author: The music stops, the clock strikes 12.

Cinderella: Good-bye prince!

Prince: Oh, don’t go away, come back.

Prince’s friend: Oh, look, this is her sleeper


Author: Stepmother’s house, the same room.

(A knock at the door)

Friend2: Attention! Here is your Prince!

Prince: Good evening, I am looking for the lady, who has lost this sleeper, try it on!

Sister2: I can’t, it’s too small

Sister1: No, I can’t, it’s too small

Prince: more ladies?

Sisters, Stepmother: Yes, Cinderella!

Prince: This is my future wife!

Stepmother: Don’t forget your lovely sisters and me!

All children: The story is over. Thank you very much for your attention!