Главные вкладки
Мои аудиозаписи
01.Arrival in London
Arrival in London
B: Good afternoon. My name is Burger...
S: Ah, welcome to London, Mr. Burger. I'm Sally Smith from United Tours. Now
let me see ... Your hotel is the Sherlock Holmes.
B: Sherlock Holmes?
S: Yes, Sherlock Holmes, after the famous detective. It's in Baker Street, near
Baker Street Underground Station.
В: I see.
S: Here's the hotel brochure.
B: Oh, that's useful.
S: And a theatre ticket for tonight. - Have a nice stay in London, Mr. Burger.
B: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
1. Диктант.
Welcome to London, Mr. Burger. I’m Sally Smith from United tours. Your hotel is the Sherlock Holms. It’s in the Baker Street. It’s near Baker Street underground station. The hotel is named after famous detective. Here is a hotel brochure. And here is a theatre ticket for tonight. Have a nice day in London.
2. Поздоровайтесь с господином Бургером в Лондоне и дайте ему необходимую информацию.
Welcome _________________
I'm _________________
Your hotel is the _________________
It’s in _________________
It’s near _________________
The hotel is named after _________________
Here’s the hotel _________________
And here’s a _________________
Have a _________________
3. Вставьте недостающие слова.
a) Welcome _____ London, Mr Burger,
b) I’m Sally Smith _____ United Tours. Now_____ me see.
d) _____ hotel is the Sherlock Holmes, Mr Burger.
e) It’s named … the famous detective,
f) The Sherlock Holmes Hotel is _____ . Baker Street, _____ Baker Street Underground Station.
g)Here's the _____ brochure and a theatre ticket _____ tonight,
h) Have a nice _____ in London, Mr. Burger.
Surname, Name ______________________________________________
Form _________
1. Диктант.
2. Поздоровайтесь с господином Бургером в Лондоне и дайте ему необходимую информацию.
Welcome _________________
I'm _________________
Your hotel is the _________________
It’s in _________________
It’s near _________________
The hotel is named after _________________
Here’s the hotel _________________
And here’s a _________________
Have a _________________
3. Вставьте недостающие слова.
a) Welcome _____ London, Mr Burger,
b) I’m Sally Smith _____ United Tours. Now_____ me see.
d) _____ hotel is the Sherlock Holmes, Mr Burger.
e) It’s named … the famous detective,
f) The Sherlock Holmes Hotel is _____ . Baker Street, _____ Baker Street Underground Station.
g)Here's the _____ brochure and a theatre ticket _____ tonight,
h) Have a nice _____ in London, Mr. Burger.

02.Arrival in London

01.In the coffee shop
In the coffee shop
W: English or Continental breakfast, madam?
R: Continental, please. With coffee. And an orange juice, please.
W: Very well, madam. What’s your room number?
R: 318 (three one eight).
W: Thank you.
M: Morning, Rita.
R: Hello, Mark. Come and join me. How are you?
M: Fine, thanks. A bit tired perhaps. And you?
R: Oh, I'm very well, thanks. Where's Annie?
M: She's still in her room. What time is it, by the way?
R: Just after eight.
M: So we're not in a hurry.
R: No, there's plenty of time. Frank's still in bed. He's very tired. Ah, here's the
W: Coffee, sir?
M: Yes, please. And an English breakfast. - Who's that man over there, Rita? His face is familiar.
R: You're right. But who is he? Someone from television perhaps?
M: Yes, television ... Oh, he's the detective in that programme on Friday nights.
What’s it called?
R: «Too Tough for Scotland Yard».
M: That’s it. He's the detective in «Too Tough for Scotland Yard».
1. Дайте ответы.
a) Where’s Rita?
b) What’s her room number?
c) Who's with Rita?
d) What time is it?
e) Where’s Annie?
f) Where’s Frank?
g) Who’s the man with the familiar face?
h) What’s “Too Tough for Scotland Yard”?
i) Where s the Sherlock Holmes Hotel?
j) Where are you?
2. Спросите своего партнера/партнершу.
— является ли он/ она русским сыщиком (Are you ...)
— где он/она находится,
— как у него/нее дела,
— устал ли он/она,
— торопится ли,
— как его/ ее зовут (What’s ...),
— где его/ее билет в театр.
3. Вставьте: am, are, is.
a) That man … the detective in a television programme, b) I … not a detective. c) Your face … familiar, d) … you from London? e) She … still in her room, f) You … very nice, g) … he someone from television? We … from Scotland Yard, i) The programme … called “Too Tough for Scotland Yard”, j) I … very tired, k) … we in a hurry?
4. Вставьте: I - my - me, you - your, he - his, she - her, it.
a) That’s Sally Smith … is from United Tours, b) Now let … see, Mr Burger, … hotel is the Sherlock Holmes … is in Baker Street, near Baker Street Underground Station, c) An orange juice, sir? - No, thank you, not for … d) What’s … room number, madam? - … room number? … is 318. e) How are … Mark? - Oh, … am fine, thanks, f) Who’s that man over there? … face is familiar. - … is the detective in that television programme … is called «Too Tough for Scotland Yard», g) Where’s Annie? She's still in … room.
5. Переведите:
а) Проходи и присоединяйся (ко мне), Марк. Ь) Как твои дела? — Спасибо, хорошо, с) Я немного устал, d) Начало девятого. Времени достаточно. Мы не торопимся, е) Что за человек сидит вон там? (Кто сидит вон там?) Его лицо кажется мне знакомым, f) Это кто-то с телевидения, g) Как <еще> называется программа, идущая по вечерам в пятницу?