Методическая копилка

Редникова Анастасия Викторовна

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

The Articles

Слайд 2

Article Indefinite Definite Zero a/an the - = one = this, that «один, любой, «самый, какой-то» тот самый»

Слайд 3

Indefinite Article Употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе Alice has a cat. Когда о предмете говориться в первый раз Предмет / лицо имеется в виду в общем значении It’s a flower. С существительным, имеющим определение He is a clever boy. С названиями профессий, должностей She is a teacher. После слов such, quite, rather : It’s rather a difficult job. В конструкциях типа It’s a, This is a, There is a, What a...

Слайд 4

Definite Article С неисчисляемыми и исчисляемыми существительными в ед.ч. и мн.ч Выделяет предмет из общего ряда (особенно когда о нем говорится во второй раз или подразумевается, что мы о нем уже знаем) С прилагательными в превосходной степени С порядковыми числительными В выражениях типа one of the, some of the Перед only, following, last, next, whole, very (тот самый) You are the very person that I need. С субстантивированными прилагательными the sick, the poor

Слайд 5

Definite Article С названиями социальных групп, движений aristocracy, workers С названиями общественных организаций , социальных служб и т.п. the theatre, the cinema, the radio, the police, the army, the post office, the bank (но! TV ) С фамилиями во множественном числе the Browns С наименованиями уникальных вещей - the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the sky, the world, the globe, the universe, the galaxy, the cosmos, the atmosphere, the South Pole, the North, the South, the East, the West - the President, the director, the captain - the present, the past, the future

Слайд 6

Definite Article С географическими названиями Горные цепи the Urals, the Caucasus Водные объекты: реки the Thames моря и океаны The Baltic Sea, The Pacific Ocean каналы the English Channel озера the Baikal ( но! Lake Baikal – нулевой артикль )

Слайд 7

Definite Article Страны во множественном числе, в том числе the USA, the UK, the Russian Federation + исключения: the Argentine, the Congo, the Cameroon, the Senegal, the Gambia, the Ukraine, the Crimea, the Sudan, the Ruhr, the Riviera, the Transvaal, the Vatican, the Hague Национальности the Russians Пустыни the Sahara Суда, корабли the Titanic ( исключения: Apollo, Challenger)

Слайд 8

Definite Article Партии the Tory Названия английских и американских газет the Times Названия исторических событий the French Revolution Организации the Houses of Parliament, the Senate Исключения: Parliament, NATO, Congress Уникальные строения, памятники the Kremlin, the White House Названия театров, музеев the Globe, the British Museum Исключения: Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace

Слайд 9

Zero Article С существительными в ед. и мн. числе в общем значении: Roses are beautiful flowers. С неисчисляемыми абстрактными существительными: information, anger, hope и т.п. С именами и фамилиями в единственном числе Времена года summer, winter Названия парков Hide Park

Слайд 10

Zero Article Время приема пищи breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper Названия болезней во множественном числе measles – корь , mumps – свинка (в ед.ч. – артикль а/а n) С именами собственными в притяжательном падеже: John’s coat С названиями языков Russian ( но! the Russian language ) С названиями учебных предметов Maths Названия отдельных горных вершин Elbrus

Слайд 11

Zero Article С названиями стран в ед.ч., континентов (и частей континентов), городов France, Germany, Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, western Canada ( но! the west of Canada ), London Исключения: - the Arctic, the Antarctic, - the Vatican, the Hague, - the Argentine, the Congo, the Cameroon, the Senegal, the Gambia, the Ukraine, - the Ruhr, the Riviera, the Transvaal Аэропорты, вокзалы Улицы ( искл . – the Mall )

Слайд 12

Zero Article * Названия ресторанов, в которые входит имя собственное в притяжательном падеже (если нет – the) * Наименование школы, колледжа, церкви, если названа в честь человека или местности и не является словосочетанием с предлогом of

Слайд 13

Zero Article В устойчивых выражениях: To be/ go/ leave school/ college/ university To go at church To go to bed To be in bed To stay in bed To go to work To be at work To go home To be at home To stay at home To come home To go to hospital To be in hospital

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Spotlight 5 Progress check 2 Редникова А.В., учитель английского языка КОГОБУ СШ пгт Кумены

Слайд 2

Words 1. basketball 2. handbag 3. gloves 4. trainers 5. watch 6.scarf 7. helmet 8. bicycle 9. cap 10. guitar

Слайд 3

Countries and Nationalities Russia – Russian France – French Japan – Japanese The USA – American The UK – British Canada – Canadian Australia – Australian

Слайд 4


Слайд 5

Have got / Has got Has got he, she, it Have got I, you, we, they Hasn’t got he, she, it Haven’t got I, you, we, they

Слайд 6

Pronouns Singular (ед.ч.) Plural (мн.ч.) близко This These далеко That Those

Слайд 7

The plurals Child Man Box Leaf Watch Boy Party Children Men Boxes Leaves Watches Boys Parties

Слайд 8

Make the plurals 1 Foxes have got mice. 2 Children have got new toys. 3 Those men are teachers. 4 These ladies have got pink scarves. 5 They are teeth.

Слайд 9

Correct the mistakes Peter have got a red car The children’s got bicycles That are digital cameras These is a new car! Tom and Susan are from Canadians.

Слайд 10

Thank you for the lesson!

Слайд 11

Источники 1) Английский язык. 3 класс: учеб. Для общеобразоват. учреждений с прил на электрон. носителе / [Н.И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс]. – 2-е изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение. 2) https ://i.ytimg.com/vi/yducKJNwa3o/maxresdefault.jpg 3) https://protelegram.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/thepirate_bot.jpg 4) https://ds04.infourok.ru/uploads/ex/08b1/0007a9d0-cc191179/640/img4.jpg

Предварительный просмотр:


Spring Festival

Speaker 1 Good morning, boys and girls, teachers and students!

Speaker 2 We are glad to see you today in our traditional English Spring Festival!

Speaker 1 Students from three schools are meeting today. They will sing songs, read poems by heart, dance and have a lot of fun, of course!

Speaker 2 Let me introduce our jury. They are …

Speaker 1 And …

Speaker 1 Well, three schools, third festival, two-hour concert and only one school-winner! 

Speaker 2 Are you ready? I don’t hear!

Speaker 1 OK, Let’s start!

Speaker 2 …, you know, I often dreamt in my childhood about something. Especially at night when all slept and I was sitting at the window and looking on the stars in the sky.

Speaker 1 Were you? I did the same! Let’s remember about it and listen to the song Twinkle, twinkle, little star by ….

Speaker 2 Thank you.

Speaker 1 …, what do you do when you are happy?

Speaker 2 Oh, I dance, sing, smile and so on. Why do you ask me about it?

Speaker 1 Because now we listen to the song Milky Way and it help us to de in a good mood.

Speaker 2 It was cool. I should say!

Speaker 1 Yes, it is. But you should make all your effort to get your success

Speaker 2 I see what your mean. I know one girl who can tell us about it.

Speaker 1 Well, please, listen to the fable The hear and the tortoise by …

Speaker 2 It was really cool! …, you know, spring is my favourite time of the year.

Speaker 1 But as for me my favourite season is summer.

Speaker 2 Well, you know, all the seasons are good in their own way. Let’s listen to the poem Season change by …

Speaker 2 It was really nice, wasn’t it?

Speaker 1 Yes, it was. …, I want to ask you one question. Do you always get your own way?

Speaker 2 Not always but I try to get it anyway. So as the students with the song One way or another. Meet them!

Speaker 2 Thank you very much. It was great!

Speaker 1 …, what is you favourite tale?

Speaker 2 Cinderella, of course! I like it very much!

Speaker 1 So, you will be glad to see it now.

Speaker 2 On the stage the students with the play Cinderella! Meet them!

Speaker 2 Thank you very much! It was great! Continue to speak about spring and love. I will return, I will return…

Speaker 1 What do you mean?

Speaker 2 These are the words from the song by Skylar Grey. Do you want to listen to?

Speaker 1 Why not?

Speaker 2 So, meet the girls with the song I will return .

Speaker 1 What a wonderful song! …, do you always find what you look for?

Speaker 2 Let’s ask about it …. I think he knows the answer. He will read the poem by Robert Burns A red red rose

Speaker 1 Thank you. This is the true love, when you can go thousand miles to be together.

Speaker 2 Oh, I see, that spring is with you, too! What song can describe you mood now? May be Farrell Williams Happy or something like that?

Speaker 1 May be something from Scorpions.

Speaker 2 Oh, I would like to listen Still loving you by Scorpions now!

Speaker 1 As you wish! On the stage the students with the song Still loving you . Meet them!

Speaker 1 Thank you very much. 

Speaker 2 Spring… The Sun is shining, the weather is warm, and the summer is coming soon…

Speaker 1 Yes, April is a month when the nature wakes up after winter and we can see it everywhere.

Speaker 2 Let’s listen to the poem An April day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It’s the poem about spring and her beauty.

Speaker 1 So, on the stage … with the poem An April day.

Speaker 2 It was great!

Speaker 1 Yes, this song for all the times.

Speaker 2 …, do you think that the song helps us to express our feelings better?

Speaker 1 Certainly, especially if it is the song about love.

Speaker 2 So, let’s listen to … with the song Phoenix.

Speaker 1 What a beautiful song! And do you really think that love can be so strong?

Speaker 2 Why not? Every person can be strong if he or she wants.

Speaker 1 But first of all you should believe in yourself.

Speaker 2 I agree with you. Every person has a spark and with it help we can light like a firework!

Speaker 1 I see. You mean the song Firework by Katty Perry.

Speaker 2 I mean that we must believe in our dreams and do our best to get the success.

Speaker 1 Well, meet the students with the song Firework!

Speaker 2 Dear guests! Our festival is over. But I think that you like it very much and in a year you will come here again.

Speaker 1 Thanks to all the students and teachers for such wonderful items.

Speaker 2 And now we offer you to have a rest and then we know the results from our jury.