Олимпиада по английскому языку для 9 классов

Тюкало Ольга Валерьевна

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 9 классов. Место проведения МБОУ СОШ №1 им. И.П. Кытманова г. Енисейска. 2013г.

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Олимпиадные задания подготовила Степанова А. И., студентка Енисейского педагогического колледжа.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада для 9-11 классов.

Task 1

Read the following text

Sir Thomas Hare was a widower, a man of about sixty-five, with a rosy face and curling moustache. He dressed by preference in heavy overcoats and bowler hats that were four decades out of date. At a first glance he gave the impression of having carefully disguised himself as a cavalry major of the "nineties". But his chief characteristic was a mental vagueness. He was one of those people who say: "Don't you know?" and "What! What! ", and lose themselves in the middle of their sentences. When he was in difficulties, his moustache seemed to bristle forward, giving him the appearance of an exceptionally brainless man.

Sir Thomas was not in the least anxious to help his cousin, for Jane herself he had never seen and her father he looked on as a poor relation of the worst possible type. So, just before leaving London for the pheasant shooting, Sir Thomas sent for his butler, who was also his intellectual guide, and held a council of war.

Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d)

1. What does this passage tell us about Sir Thomas Hare?

a. He was a learned man.

b. He was an intelligent man.

c. He was a noble man.

d. He was a rich man.

2. What impression did he give at a first glance?

a. That he had been a cavalry major.

b. That he wanted to be a cavalry major.

c. That he wanted to look like a cavalry major.

d. That he was a cavalry major.

3. The bowler hats Sir Thomas Hare wore

a. were after the latest fashion.

b. were forty years old.

c. were those of an old cavalry major.

d. were worn forty years ago.

4. What does "nineties" in line 4 refer to?

a. a period of time

b. the 1870 war

c. the major's age

d. the major's regiment

5. What is meant by "his chief characteristic was a mental vagueness" (lines 4-5)?

a. He did not like clear statements.

b. He never had any reason to make clear statements.

c. He never made a clear statement.

d. He was not asked to make clear statements.

6. What was so striking about Sir Thomas Hare's moustache?

a. It could change his whole appearance.

b. It made him look like a cavalry major.

c. It showed when he was exceptionally brainless.

d. It showed when he was in trouble.

7. The cousin mentioned in line 9 is:

a. Jane

b. Jane's father

c. Jane's mother

d. an unknown person

8. What did Sir Thomas think of Jane and her father?

a. He thought it advisable to help them.

b. He thought they did not need any help.

c. He was anxious to help them.

d. He was not interested in them.

9. From lines 10 - 12 we can conclude that Sir Thomas was

a. a guide        b. a major        c. a sportsman        d. a widower.

10. What information is given about the butler in lines 11-12?

a. The butler often advised him where to go.

b. The butler often asked his master's advice.

c. The butler often gave him advice how to act best.

d. The butler often helped him in shooting affairs.

Task 2

Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the words from the right column

The Student in the Street

        A lunchtime tour through the summer crowds of Oxford Street reveals foreign students _1_ about the dirt and the noise - but generally happy with their tuition.

        This year, _2_ that the British were “cold and reserved” met with little _3_.

        K.Kawano, a 29-year-old worker from Japan, is on a summer course _4_ for by his company, enjoys the old architecture which contrasts so sharply with the _5_ of Hiroshima.

        A.Iglesias says studying in London is expensive for a Spaniard and he misses the greater _6_ of the Latin people.

        T.Bagagli appreciates the _7_ of Britain except for the “stupid law of pubs closing”.

        Arab dental student A.Aloraifi must learn English because half of his course _8_ in the language. He likes the lakes and the shops, but… “The English like money, and they think all the Arabs are rich.”










Choose the suitable answer.

1. I will go out unless it ___.

a) will rain

b) have rained

c) rains

d) raining

2. Who ___ you they were coming?

a) says

b) has told

c) did tell

d) told

3. She is very __. She spends almost all the time at work.

a) lazy

b) hard-working

c) working-hard

d) intelligent

4. The ___ of the 2 brothers was a sailor.

a) younger

b) young

c) youngest

d) more young

5. Would you care ___ a glass of juice?

a) about

b) for

c) of

d) to

6. My father ___ travel a lot in his job.

a) has to

b) should

c) can to

d) needs

7. The room is decorated with ___ paintings.

a) any

b) much

c) a little

d) a few

8. There are several chairs but ___ an armchair in the room.

a) no

b) some

c) not

d) none

9. She feels much ___ today than 2 days ago.

a) worst

b) more badly

c) badder

d) worse

10. He has been married ___ her for seven years.

a) with

b) on

c) to

d) –

11. “Do not kill a goose that ___ the golden eggs.”

a) lies

b) puts

c) lays

d) laise

12. Paul ___ his head in agreement.

a) shook

b) turned

c) moved

d) nodded

Предварительный просмотр:

Викторина по английскому языку.

Школа №1 г. Енисейск.



  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  2. Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?
  3. What is the most expensive part of London?
  4. What is the most expensive part of London?
  5. What is the Home of the Queen?
  6. What is the capital of the USA?
  7. What is the American flag called?
  8. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  9. How often do American people choose a new President?
  10. What is the most expensive part of New York?
  11. What colour are the taxis in New York?
  12.  What is known about the Vikings?
  13. When did Queen Victoria ascend the throne and how long was her reign?
  14.  Who was Mrs. Wallis Simpson?
  15. What event did the British people celebrate in 1935?
  16. Who was Guy Fawkes?
  17. What is the population of the UK?
  18. What is the symbol of England?
  19. Who is the head of the UK?
  20. How is the British Government called officially?