Евдоченко Оксана Васильевна

Сайт учителя английского языка

Профессия: Учитель английского языка

Профессиональные интересы: Дети и творчество.

Увлечения: Путешествия.

Регион: Санкт-Петербург

Место работы: ГБОУ гимназия №105 Выборгского района


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English language teacher - one of the most important professions today. The reason is quite simple: the English language in the 21st century is considered to be prestigious. Therefore, experts who teach this skill is in great demand. Parents give their children foreign languages, hiring Tutors.

To be a good teacher of a foreign language is not easy. First, you need to get a higher education. Secondly, you need to be very literate person. The teacher sets an example to all his disciples. Any teacher should also be careful and accurate. In addition, the teacher needs to understand the pedagogy, it needs to understand how better to apply the material to understand it and to make it interesting.

Learning English is often associated with hard work. Need to learn new words, to learn the lyrics, memorize grammar rules. However, the ideal teacher needs to make language learning as enjoyable as possible for students. The teacher who delivers the interesting stuff, always appreciate parents and students love.

I seek it to do so.

О себе

Позитивная, увлеченная, открытая для работы и общения с детьми.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

М. Ю . Лермонтов - "Герой нашего времени"

Моё портфолио

I work as an English teacher. For me, working with children more interesting than with adults.

In high school I decided to become an English teacher. It was my favorite subject, and I diligently taught him. At the end of grade 11, I was sorry to lose the years spent learning a foreign language, so I decided to become a teacher.

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