Учебно- методический комплекс по внедрению учебного проекта на 1 курсе в медицинском колледже
творческая работа учащихся на тему
Учебный проект по теме: "Иностранный язык в медицине"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Пояснительная записка …………………………………………………………………….2
Цель, задачи…………………………………………………………………………………3
План и хронометраж……………………………………………………………………….4
Профессионально ориентированная компетентностная матрица…… 7
Приложение 1………………………………………………………………………………9
Приложение 2………………………………………………………………………………10
Приложение 3………………………………………………………………………………11
Приложение 4………………………………………………………………………………12
Приложение 5………………………………………………………………………………13
Приложение 6………………………………………………………………………………14
Пояснительная записка
Учебный проект “English Language and Medical Discoveries” нацелен на формирование коммуникативной компетенции в выбранной профессиональной сфере.
Культурно-просветительные форма учебного проекта наряду с лингвистическими умениями и навыками формирует коммуникативные способности, толерантность, самостоятельность, ответственность, критическое мышление, навыки оценочной деятельности. Развиваются умения принимать решения, сотрудничать, работать в команде, вести дискуссию, получать и обрабатывать информацию. Кроме того, защищая проекты, обучающиеся приобретают важный навык публичного выступления.
Данная форма массовой внеклассной работы может применяться при проведении предметной недели.
Проект предполагает формирование у обучающихся совокупности следующих компетенций:
Содержание занятия направлено на формирование различных видов компетенций:
• лингвистической — расширение знаний, совершенствование умения использовать грамматические структуры и языковые средства в соответствии с нормами данного языка, свободное использование приобретенного словарного запаса;
• социолингвистической — совершенствование умений в основных видах речевой деятельности (аудировании, говорении, чтении, письме), а также в выборе лингвистической формы и способа языкового выражения
• социальной — развитие умения вступать в коммуникацию и поддерживать ее;
• стратегической — совершенствование умения компенсировать недостаточность знания языка и опыта общения в иноязычной среде;
Профессионально ориентированное внеклассное занятие направлено на достижение обучающимися следующих результатов:
• личностных:
– сформировать ценностное отношение к иностранному языку как культурному феномену и средству отображения развития общества.
– сформировать широкое представление о достижениях национальных культур, о роли английского языка в развитии мировой медицины;
-сформировать готовность и способность к непрерывному образованию, включая самообразование.
• межпредметных:
– овладеть навыками проектной деятельности, моделирующей реальные ситуации межкультурной коммуникации;
– уметь организовать коммуникативную деятельность, продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать с ее участниками.
• предметных:
– сформировать умение использовать иностранный язык как средство для получения информации из разных источников в образовательных и самообразовательных целях.
Тема: English Language and Medical Discoveries
Цель: Научить обучающихся обобщать и использовать на практике в устной и письменной речи полученную информацию по теме: “ English Language and Medical Discoveries”
практические: познакомить с новым лексическим материалом, расширить лексический минимум обучающихся, практиковать навык аудирования связного текста; развивающие: развивать у обучающихся память, мышление, активную познавательную деятельность в учебном процессе, умение осуществлять монологическое высказывание, интерактивные и коммуникативные способности.
воспитательные: формировать у обучающихся интерес к будущей профессии, обучение сотрудничеству, формировать навыки публичного выступления.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, микрофоны.
План и хронометраж.
Продолжительность: 60 мин.
Вид занятия: учебный проект
Место проведения: актовый зал
№ | Этапы | Методическое обоснование | Описание деятельности | Время |
Вводная часть: | ||||
1 | Организационный момент | 2 мин | ||
2 | Основная часть: | |||
2.1 | Объявление темы. | Объявление темы, объяснение целесообразности данного вида деятельности. | Ведущий: Good afternoon everybody! Welcome to our meeting. Today we are going to listen to some reports and to watch some presentations on the general topic: “English Language and Medical discoveries.” Many students are fond of their future profession, they want to study Medicine further and enter different Higher Medical Institutions. So they understand the importance of foreign language studying, if they want to be well-to-do professionals. Today all people go to hospital to get well when they are ill. In the past, some hospitals were so bad that they made ill people worse. From about 1000 years ago monks and nuns cared for patients. They were not doctors or nurses and did not treat the patient. They gave patients food and a bed and said prayers with them while a prominent woman appeared. Her name was … Let’s listen to story about her. | 5 мин |
2.2 | Предъявление нового лексического материала в связном контексте. | Знакомство с новым лексическим материалом. | Презентация 1 Приложение 1. | 5 мин |
Ведущий: Great discoveries were made in the 19th century. One of them was made by… Let’s listen to our students’ presentation. | 1 мин | |||
2.2 | Предъявление нового лексического материала в связном контексте. | Знакомство с новым лексическим материалом. | Презентация 2 Приложение 2. | 5 мин |
| Ведущий: Since 1750, doctors have discovered treatment for many diseases. They have also learnt to prevent some viruses from making people ill. Let’s listen to some information about it. | 1 мин | ||
2.3 | Предъявление нового лексического материала в связном контексте. | Знакомство с новым лексическим материалом. | Презентация 3 Приложение 3. | 5 мин |
Ведущий: You have already seen a presentation about Edward Jenner. But I propose you to see an interesting movie about him. See it very attentively. I’ll ask some questions then. | 1 мин | |||
2.4 | Закрепление, предъявленного ранее лексического материала, путем просмотра видеоматериала. | Демонстрация возможности использования данного лексического материала. | Мультфильм. | 5 мин |
Ведущий: 100 years ago people could die from a small wound in their skin if bacteria made the wound infected. | 1 мин | |||
2.5 | Предъявление нового лексического материала в связном контексте. | Знакомство с новым лексическим материалом. | Презентация 4. Приложение 4 | 5 мин |
Ведущий: Now listen to a new great discovery. | 1 мин | |||
2.6 | Предъявление нового лексического материала в связном контексте. | Знакомство с новым лексическим материалом. | Презентация 5. Приложение 5 | 5 мин |
2.7 | Постановка задачи, мотивация | Объяснение целесообразности данного вида деятельности. | Ведущий: I think you remember that I promised to ask you some questions. Do you like to play games? Today you will have a chance to take part in our game and to demonstrate your knowledge. | 1 мин |
2.8 | Контроль понимания. | Способствует ликвидации пробелов при усвоении материала урока, снятию лексических трудностей | Заставка игры Ведущий: Each part contains the questions of some points. You will try to get as many points as you can. The questions should be answered in English. If the answer was given in Russian you won’t receive points. We have the question “The cat in the sack”. It is general question. The winner will receive the present. Let’s start. | 2 мин |
2.9 | Контроль понимания | Систематизация полученных знаний. | Игра Презентация: “Your Own Game” | 15 мин |
Заключительная часть. | ||||
Подведение итога | Ведущий: The winner of our game is … | 1 мин |
Профессионально ориентированная компетентностная матрица
№ | Содержание материала | Наименование оценочного средства | Код задания | Краткая характеристика работы | Код и наименование элемента умений, знаний | ОК ПК |
1 | Темы докладов: “Florence Nightingale –the Founder of Nursing” “Joseph Lister” “Alexander Fleming” Edward Jenner” “Frederick Banting” | Доклад | 7 | Продукт самостоятельной работы студента, представляющий собой публичное выступление по представлению полученных результатов решения определенной учебно-практической, учебно-исследовательской или научной темы | У1. У2. У3. З1. | ОК4. ОК5. ОК6. ОК8. ПК1.2 |
2 | Темы презентаций: “Florence Nightingale –the Founder of Nursing” “Joseph Lister” “Alexander Fleming” Edward Jenner” “Frederick Banting” | Презентация (создание иллюстрированного материала) | 12 | Продукт самостоятельной работы студента, позволяющий выделить главную мысль изучаемого материала и донести её публично до аудитории. | У1. У2. У3. З1. | ОК4. ОК5. ОК6. ОК8. |
3 | Игра: “Your Own Game” | Деловая игра | 1 | Совместная деятельность группы обучающихся и преподавателя с целью решения учебных и профессионально-ориентированных задач путем игрового моделирования. Позволяет оценивать умение и знания обучающихся. | У1. У3. | ОК4. ОК5. ОК6. |
Приложение 1.
Florence Nightingale –the Founder of Nursing
150 years ago nurses were unpaid, untrained but Florence nightingale made nursing into a profession. The methods she introduced were copied all over the world.
She was born on the 12th of May 1820. She was born in a rich family. Florence’s father was a rich banker. Florence was born in Italy. She was named after the city of Florence. She was the younger of two children. The girls had lessons from their father. Florence was clever, and liked history and maths.
Her parents expected her to marry and have a family. But Florence did not want a meaningless life. She wanted to help the sick and poor people. Florence was very religious. When she was 22, a young writer asked her to marry him. After seven years making up her mind, Florence said “no”. She wanted to be a nurse. When Florence told her parents about it, they were shocked. Hospitals at that time were dirty and horrible.
In 1854, England, France, and Turkey went to War against Russia (the Crimean War) People read about the war in newspapers. The news was at first bad. Army hospitals were filled with wounded men. But without nurses, more soldiers were dying from diseases than in battles.
In 1854 Florence and 38 nurses went to the Crimea to help in care of the sick and wounded British soldiers. The hospitals were overcrowded. There were not enough beds, so men lay on the floor. They were not washed. Rats ran everywhere. The smell was terrible.
At night Florence walked around the wards, to make sure the men were comfortable. She sat with dying soldiers. She wrote letters home for men who couldn’t write. Florence worked 20 hours a day.
After the war, Florence continued to work. Florence worked so hard she became ill. For the last 40 years of her life she stayed in bed most of the time. In her later years, Florence suffered from illness. She died in 1910, at the age of ninety.
Приложение 2.
Frederick Banting
Frederick Banting was born in 1891 and died in 1941, he was a Canadian scientist. He was educated at the University of Toronto, Canada. He was the first to isolate the hormone called insulin.
Frederick Banting was born in a poor family. His father always wanted him to become a minister, but Fred decided to study medicine. He was interested in surgery and most of all he wanted to know how the bones of human body worked.
Banting took his new job very seriously. One night in October 1920, he was preparing for the next week’s lectures. He was to lecture on an organ of the human body called the pancreas.
Doctors had long been studying diabetes. They knew that the pancreas had some influence on the way in which sugar was used in the human body. But none of them thought that a cluster of cells in the pancreas, were the really important part of this organ.
Nobody at the University of Toronto showed interest in his experiments but he was given a small laboratory and ten dogs and one of the students, Charles Best, became his assistant.
Within a few hours the blood sugar level of the sick dog returned to normal. Thus, they became sure that a substance which controlled the amount of sugar in the bodies of human beings and animals was produced in the Islets of Langerhans.
Insulin has given years of normal, active life to millions of people suffering from diabetes.
In 1923 Banting’s work was given the highest honour- the Nobel Prize.
Приложение 3
Edward Jenner was born on 17 May 1749 in Berkeley, as the eighth of nine children. His father was the vicar of Berkeley, so Jenner received a strong basic education. He got medical education in London. When he was fourteen years old he was given to study for a local surgeon. There he studied an anatomy and worked with patients.
Smallpox was spread for hundreds of years. This disease was not controlled by medical means. It killed many millions of people in Europe.
Jenner repeated his experiment during the next two years. After repeating his experiments 23 times, he decided to publish his results and make it know to other doctors. Jenner’s discovery of vaccination was one of the greatest discoveries in the history of medicine. At first people paid no attention to the work of the country doctor. One doctor even said that vaccination might cause people to get cows’ faces. But soon doctors began to believe in vaccination.
Today doctors and nurses inject vaccines. The vaccine is a weak type of a virus or bacteria. When a vaccine is inside the body, the body starts to make antibodies to attack the vaccine. Now the smallpox is disappeared.
Приложение 4.
Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming is one of the famous biologists.
He was born on 6 of August 1881 in Scotland. His father was a farmer. Fleming was the third of the four children.
During World War I, Fleming saw the death of many soldiers from sepsis resulting from infected wounds. He found that antiseptics worked well on the surface of the skin but did not work in deep wounds.
Fleming had been investigating the properties of staphylococci. He was already well-known from his earlier work, and had received a reputation as an excellent researcher, but his laboratory was often untidy.
On the 3rd of September 1928, Fleming returned to his laboratory after holiday with his family. Before leaving, he had stacked all his cultures of staphylococci on a bench in a corner of his laboratory. On returning, Fleming noticed that one culture was contaminated with a fungus, and that the colonies of staphylococci immediately surrounding the fungus had been destroyed.
Fleming grew the mould in a pure culture and found that it produced a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. Fleming's accidental discovery and isolation of penicillin in September 1928 marked the start of modern antibiotics.
His discovery of penicillin had changed the world of modern medicine by introducing the age of useful antibiotics; penicillin has saved, and is still saving, millions of people around the world.
Fleming received The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945.
The laboratory in which Fleming discovered and tested penicillin is a Museum in St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington. On 11th of March 1955, Fleming died at his home in London of a heart attack. He was buried in St Paul's Cathedral.
Приложение 5.
Joseph Lister
The aim of our work is: to know more information about the inventions which saved millions patients.
Joseph Lister was the founder of antiseptic surgery. He was the first to discover the reasons to infection and the way to prevent it.
Joseph Lister was born on the 5th of April 1827. He was the son of physics. He became interested in science very early. Anatomy interested him so that when he was 14 he told his father that he was sure to de a surgeon.
At the age of 25 he became a Bachelor of Medicine. In 1854 Lister became first assistant surgeon to James Syme, a leader of surgery in England.
Operation rooms were usually on separate building so that the other patients in the hospital could not hear the screams of the unhappy patients who were strapped on the operation table.
The instruments were not even washed. The surgeon set to work in the clothes he wore every day. A lot people died from blood poisoning after operation.
At first Joseph Lister used carbolic acid. Once he had to operate on a boy whose leg was broken so badly that a broken bone could be seen. Before operation he washed his hands, instruments and everything that came in contact with the patient.
He set the broken bone and covered the wound with the bandage soaked in carbolic acid. After 4 days there is no sign of fever.
The discovery of asepsis created a new kind of surgery. Lister retired from practice in 1893.
Joseph Lister died in 1912. But he won the battle against germs in operation ward.
Today the surgeon, his assistance, nurses wear masks, rubber gloves. The surgical instruments are sterilized
Приложение 6
Ключи к игре “Your Own Game”
Your own game. | |||||
Category 1 | 10: Who changed the nursing to a highly skilled and well respected profession? (Florence Nightingale) | 20: How many years did Jenner find an answer for his discovery ( 2 years) | 30: Was the first operation with antiseptic successful? (Yes, the first operation was successful.) | 40: Call all countries which took part in the Crimean war? (France, Britain, Turkey, Russia) | 50: What disinfectant did Lister use? (He used a carbolic acid) |
Category 2 | 10: Why Florence Nightingale wanted to be a nurse? ( She wanted to help sick and poor man) | 20: Was Joseph Lister interested in science very early? (Yes, he was. He was interested in science very early) .
| 30: What was a cause of death after operations in the 19th century? (The cause of death was sepsis) | 40: How many nurses went to the Crimea to help in care of the sick and wounded British soldiers. (38) | 50: Who discovered the first antibiotic? |
Category 3 | 10: Who isolated the hormone called insulin first? (Frederic Banting) | 20: Did Florence Nightingale work hard? (Yes, she did. She worked 20 hours a day.) | 30: Was an experiment of Banting successful? (Yes, it was successful.) | 40: How much did Jenners’ vaccination for smallpox cost? ( The vaccination was free of charge) | 50: Call the capital of Scotland. (The capital of Scotland is Edinburg) |
Category 4 | 10: What disease is disappeared? ( Small-pox) | 20: How many experiments did Edward Jenner make? (He made 23 experiments) | 30: When did Frederick Banting receive the Nobel Prize. (He received the Nobel Prize in 1923) | 40: Was the discovery of Fleming an accident? | 50: Who was the first victim of the Bantings’ experiment? (It was a dog) |
Category 5 | 10: Did surgeons wear the gloves in the 19th century? (No, they did not) | 20: Who was inoculated for small pox in Russia first? (Catherine II) | 30: Who was A. Fleming? | 40: Who was inoculated for small pox by Jenner? (A boy Jimmy Philips). | 50: Where was Fleming buried? |
Основной источник:
Безкоровайная Г. Т., Койранская Е. А., Соколова Н. И., Лаврик Г. В. Planet of English:
учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., 2016.- 256с.
Дополнительные источники:
Марковина И. Ю., Громова Г. Е. Английский язык для медицинских колледжей = English
for Medical Colleges: учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф. образования. — М., 2013.
Козырева Л.Г. Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие. – Ростов н / Д.: Феникс, 2015- 315с.
Бессонова В. А., Щедрина Т.П. Учебник английского языка для студентов медиков – 2 изд., испр.- М: Высшая школа, 2010-343с.
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