Презентация на тему "Виды топлива" на английском языке.
презентация к уроку
Данную презентацию можно использовать на занятии английского языка для изучения лексики на тему "Виды топлива" и выполнения заданий на закрепление нового материала
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Purpose: to find out what types of fuels there are. In the lesson, we should: determine which types of fuels exist. identify the most environmentally friendly of these. consolidate the acquired knowledge.
Types of fuel Biodiesel fuel Diesel fuel P ropane Electricity as a type of fuel Other types of fuel Gasoline
Complete the sentences with the words from the frame. Translate the sentences. Combust, cylinder, pistons, backbone, camshaft, spark plugs, atomize, gasoline, ignite, flywheel A gasoline engine is a type of heat engine powered by … . The block is the … of the engine. Fuel is injected into the … where it is ignited by the … . … are devises that slide up and down inside the cylinders. The job of a spark plug is to … the fuel inside the cylinder. Fuel injectors … the fuel, and this allows the fuel to … more quickly. One end of the crankshaft is attached to the … , via a timing belt. The other end is connected to the … . Gasoline - [ˈ gæsəliːn ] - бензин Back
Read the text (Handout A) and answer the following questions: 1. Who invented diesel engine? 2. Do diesel engines have ignition system fed with electricity? 3. How is the fuel ignited in the diesel engines? 4. What is the operation performed? 5. What is the advantage of diesel engines? 6. What are disadvantages of diesels as passenger car engine? Diesel fuel - [ˈ diːzəl fjʊəl ] – дизельное топливо Back
Translate the text. Choose the correct verb form in parentheses. Environmentalists ( shout ) : "Bravo!". It is the safest type of fuel for the environment. Oils act as raw materials for biodiesel: rapeseed, corn, sunflower, castor, palm and some others. The most profitable is rapeseed (more fuel at the outlet with inexpensive production). Biofuels are cheaper to manufacture because they are ( produce ) from agricultural waste. Currently, developments are underway on the possibility of using seaweed and castor oil. During combustion, biodegradable fuel ( emit ) less sulfur, soot and carbon monoxide, and ( do ) not form carbon deposits. Biodiesel fuel - [ baɪəʊdɪˈsel fjʊəl ] – биодизельное топливо Back
R estore the correct word order in sentences. Starts on, be changed independently, When , in manual mode , rises to +25 ° C, such mac , The engine , hines automatically gasoline , Fuel modes can also, switch to gas , the temperature . Propane - [ˈ prəʊpeɪn ] - пропан Back
M ake statements with these words and phrases. To convert energy - by electromagnetic means - mechanical energy - electrical energy – generator – alternator – dynamo – motor - physical principle - electromagnetic induction - magnetic field - conducting loop - electromagnetic reaction – to apply a voltage - permanent magnet – electromagnet - armature - conductor - coil. E lectricity as a type of fuel - [ ɪlekˈtrɪsɪtɪ æz ɑ taɪp ɒv fjʊəl ] – электричество как вид топлива Back
Read the text (Handout B) and write out other types of fuel that have not been mentioned before. Other types of fuel - [ˈ ʌðə types ɒv fjʊəl ] – иные виды топлива Back
The team captain must pull out a card, and after consulting with the team, give a description of the type of fuel that comes across. The characteristic should contain three advantages and three disadvantages of this type of fuel. Other types of fuel - [ˈ ʌðə types ɒv fjʊəl ] – иные виды топлива Back
Evaluate your feelings with a phraseological turn: - каша в голове ( I am a muddlehead ) - ни в зуб ногой ( I haven’t a clue) - светлая голова ( I have bright spirit) - Шевелить мозгами ( I use my brains) - Краем уха ( I listened with half an ear) - Хлопать ушами ( I fell on deaf ears) Reflection
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