"MARK TWAIN" - разработка к серии уроков по английскому языку "Знакомство с английскими и американскими писателями" (с презентацией)
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Серия уроков под общим названием "Знакомство с английскими и американскими писателями" призвана расширить кругозор учащихся и привить им интерес к чтению зарубежной литературы.
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(1835 – 1910)
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known to the world as Mark Twain, was the son of a small-town lawyer in the State of Missouri. When the boy was five years old, he was sent to the school. Little Samuel did not like school but he had many friends and was their leader. In summer when school was over, the boys spent many happy hours on the Missouri River.
As Mark Twain said later, many events in “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” really took place and the characters were from real life. Tom Sawyer was very often a portrait of the writer; Huckleberry Finn was his friend, Tom Blankenship; Aunt Polly was his mother; Tom’s brother Sid was like his own brother Henry.
When Samuel was eleven years old, his father died leaving nothing to his wife and for children. Samuel had to leave school and look for work. His elder brother was working as a printer and he helped the boy to learn printing. For some years Samuel worked as a printer for the town newspaper and later for his brother, who at the time had started a small newspaper. The two young people published it themselves. Samuel wrote short humorous stories and printed them for their newspaper. In 1853 Samuel decided to leave home. He went first to St. Louis, then to New York, and to Philadelphia where he worked as a printer. When Samuel was a boy, he dreamed of becoming a sailor. At twenty he found a job on a boat travelling up and down the Mississippi, but he had to pay 100 dollars to get the job. On that boat he learned the work of pilot. From this he got his pen-name “Mark Twain”. The pilot had to know the river very well when he took a ship along it. The sailors watched the marks and shouted to the pilot “mark three”, “mark twain”, which means “mark two”. Later the young man worked with the gold-miners in California for a year. Here he began to write short stories and humorous sketches about camp life. He sends them to newspapers under the name of “Mark Twain”.
His publishers liked his stories and he was invited to work as a journalist for a newspaper. The many professions that he tried gave Mark Twain knowledge of life and people and helped him to find his true profession – the profession of a writer.
In 1870 he married, and a new a happy life began for him. He had one son and three daughters whom he loved very much and was the happiest man when they were with him. As a journalist Mark Twain travelled much over the country. He saw the corruption of the American press and of the American Government which he later attacked in many of his works (“Running for Governor”, “The Gilded Age”, 1873).
In different stories Mark Twain showed race discrimination and false democracy (“Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again”). In the story “A Defence of General Funston” he criticized the imperialist policy of the American Government. Chernishevsky said that “American satirical and critical literature began with Mark Twain”.
In 1876 the writer published “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and in 1884 – “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” – the novels that are now known to children and grown-ups all over the world. The writer showed boys and girls in the novels with such sympathy and understanding that readers always see themselves in these characters. Mark Twain protested against slavery and one of the main characters in the novel “Huckleberry Finn” is a Negro, Jim, who is honest, brave and kind.
The bourgeois critics of that time did not like the books and said the novels gave a bad example for young people. After this kind of criticism the public libraries took “Tom” and “Huck” off their shelves.
The profession of writer did not bring much money to Mark Twain and he had to give lectures on literature and read his stories to the public. He visited many countries, and for a long time lived in England. In 1907 the Oxford University gave Mark Twain an honorary doctorate of letters.
Ernest Hemingway once wrote: “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called “Huckleberry Finn”.
Words for learning:
Samuel Langhorne Clemens – Сэмюэл Ленгхорн Клеменс
pilot – лоцман
mark two – отметка глубины на реке
gold-miner – золотоискатель
sketch – очерк, набросок
“Running for Governor” –«Как меня выбирали в губернаторы»
“The Gilded Age” – «Позолоченный век»
honorary doctorate of letters – (звание) почетный доктор
филологических наук
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When Samuel was eleven years old, his father died leaving nothing to his wife and for children. Samuel had to leave school and look for work. His elder brother was working as a printer and he helped the boy to learn printing. For some years Samuel worked as a printer for the town newspaper and later for his brother, who at the time had started a small newspaper. The two young people published it themselves. Samuel wrote short humorous stories and printed them for their newspaper. In 1853 Samuel decided to leave home. He went first to St. Louis, then to New York, and to Philadelphia where he worked as a printer. When Samuel was a boy, he dreamed of becoming a sailor. Mark Twain in age 15
Mark Twain in 1871 In 1870 he married, and a new a happy life began for him. He had one son and three daughters whom he loved very much and was the happiest man when they were with him. As a journalist Mark Twain travelled much over the country. He saw the corruption of the American press and of the American Government which he later attacked in many of his works (“Running for Governor”, “The Gilded Age”, 1873).
In different stories Mark Twain showed race discrimination and false democracy (“Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again”). In the story “A Defence of General Funston” he criticized the imperialist policy of the American Government. Chernishevsky said that “American satirical and critical literature began with Mark Twain”. In 1876 the writer published “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and in 1884 – “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” – the novels that are now known to children and grown-ups all over the world. The writer showed boys and girls in the novels with such sympathy and understanding that readers always see themselves in these characters. Mark Twain protested against slavery and one of the main characters in the novel “Huckleberry Finn” is a Negro, Jim, who is honest, brave and kind. The bourgeois critics of that time did not like the books and said the novels gave a bad example for young people. After this kind of criticism the public libraries took “Tom” and “Huck” off their shelves. Обложка знаменитой книги «Приключения Гекельберри Финна» Первое издание книги «Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура» (1889)
The profession of writer did not bring much money to Mark Twain and he had to give lectures on literature and read his stories to the public. He visited many countries, and for a long time lived in England. In 1907 the Oxford University gave Mark Twain an honorary doctorate of letters . Ernest Hemingway once wrote: “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called “Huckleberry Finn”.
Mark Twain died in April 21, 1910 from angina pectoris (angina). A year before his death he said: "I came in 1835 with Halley's Comet, a year later she arrives again, and I expect to get away with it." And so it happened. In honor of Mark Twain named a crater on Mercury. Mark Twain’s House - House in Hartford (Connecticut), where the famous writer lived in 1874-1891. A three- storeyed building with 19 rooms was built in 1874 in a Victorian style. Living in it, the writer wrote such works as "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court," "The Prince and the Pauper", etc.
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