В результате освоения учебной дисциплины ОУД 06 «Иностранный язык» обучающийся должен обладать умениями, знаниями, которые формируют профессиональную компетенцию, и общими компетенциями, предусмотренными ФГОС.
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Предварительный просмотр:
основной профессиональной образовательной программы
по профессии:
Мастер по ремонту и обслуживанию инженерных систем ЖКХ
Белгород, 2023
- Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств ………………………...3
- Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке…………….4
3. Оценка освоения учебной дисциплины…………………………………………..6
Формы и методы оценивания………………………………………………………7
Типовые задания для оценки освоения учебной дисциплины………………..….8
- Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины ОУД 06 «Иностранный язык» обучающийся должен обладать умениями, знаниями, которые формируют профессиональную компетенцию, и общими компетенциями, предусмотренными ФГОС по профессии:
Мастер по ремонту и обслуживанию инженерных систем ЖКХ
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:
– вести диалог (диалог–расспрос, диалог–обмен мнениями/суждениями, диалог–побуждение к действию, этикетный диалог и их комбинации) в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения в бытовой, социокультурной и учебно-трудовой сферах, используя аргументацию, эмоционально-оценочные средства;
– рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной тематикой, проблематикой прочитанных/прослушанных текстов; описывать события, излагать факты, делать сообщения;
– создавать словесный социокультурный портрет своей страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка на основе разнообразной страноведческой и культуроведческой информации;
– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания на изучаемом иностранном языке в различных ситуациях общения;
– понимать основное содержание аутентичных аудио- или видеотекстов познавательного характера на темы, предлагаемые в рамках курса, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию;
– оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней;
– читать аутентичные тексты разных стилей (публицистические, художественные, научно-популярные и технические), используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи;
письменная речь:
– описывать явления, события, излагать факты в письме личного и делового характера;
– заполнять различные виды анкет, сообщать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в стране/странах изучаемого языка.
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен знать:
– значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа и с соответствующими ситуациями общения;
– языковой материал: идиоматические выражения, оценочную лексику, единицы речевого этикета, перечисленные в разделе «Языковой материал» и обслуживающие ситуации общения в рамках изучаемых тем;
– новые значения изученных глагольных форм (видо-временных, неличных), средства и способы выражения модальности; условия, предположения, причины, следствия, побуждения к действию;
– лингвострановедческую, страноведческую и социокультурную информацию, расширенную за счет новой тематики и проблематики речевого общения;
– тексты, построенные на языковом материале повседневного и профессионального общения, в том числе инструкции и нормативные документы по профессиям и специальностям СПО;
Обучающийся должен использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической и профессиональной деятельности и в повседневной жизни.
В процессе освоения учебной дисциплины у обучающихся должны быть сформированы общие компетенции (ОК):
ОК 01. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес
ОК 02. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество
ОК 03. Планировать и реализовывать собственное профессиональное и личностное развитие;
ОК 04. Работать в коллективе и в команде, эффективно взаимодействовать с коллегами, руководством, клиентами;
ОК 05. Осуществлять устную и письменную коммуникацию на государственном языке Российской Федерации с учётом особенностей социального и культурного контекста;
ОК 06. Проявлять гражданско-патриотическую позицию, демонстрировать осознанное поведение на основе традиционных общечеловеческих ценностей;
- Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
В результате аттестации по учебной дисциплине ОУД 06. «Иностранный язык»
осуществляется комплексная проверка следующих умений и знаний, а также динамика формирования общих компетенций:
Результаты обучения (освоенные умения, усвоенные знания, отработанные навыки) | Основные показатели оценки результатов |
ЗУН-1 - вести диалог (диалог-расспрос, диалог-обмен мнениями/суждениями, диалог-побуждение к действию, этикетный диалог ) в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения в бытовой социокультурной и учебно-трудовой сферах, используя аргументацию, эмоционально- оценочные средства; | устный опрос, собеседование, письменная работа, аудирование |
ЗУН-2 - рассказывать о своей стране, культуре, традициях, образовании, сообщать краткие сведения о своем городе и стране изучаемого языка, рассказывать о специальности, профессии и экологии. | письменная работа, тестирование собеседование реферат аудирование |
ЗУН-3 - делать краткие сообщения, описывать события и явления (в рамках изученных тем), передавать основное содержание, основную мысль прочитанного или услышанного, выражать свое отношение к прочитанному, услышанному, давать краткую характеристику персонажей; | собеседование письменная работа тестовая работа контрольная работа -аудирование |
ЗУН-4- понимать основное содержание коротких, несложных аутентичных текстов (прогноз погоды, программы теле-, радиопередач, объявление на вокзале, в аэропорту) и выделять значимую информацию; | устный опрос, собеседование- аудирование письменная работа,, тестирование практическая работа, |
ЗУН-5 - понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов, относящихся к разным коммуникативным типам речи (сообщение, рассказ); уметь определять тему текста, выделять главные факты, опуская второстепенные; | письменная работа, тестирование, аудирование |
ЗУН-6 использовать переспрос, просьбу повторить; | устный опрос, собеседование, аудирование |
ЗУН-7 - ориентироваться в иноязычном тексте; прогнозировать его содержание по заголовку; | письменная работа, тестирование, аудирование |
ЗУН-8 читать аутентичные тексты различных жанров с пониманием основного содержания (определять тему, основную мысль; выделять главные факты, опуская второстепенные; устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов текста); | письменная работа, тестирование, аудирование контрольная работа |
ЗУН-9 читать несложные аутентичные тексты разных стилей с полным и точным пониманием, используя различные приемы смысловой переработки текста (языковую догадку, анализ, выборочный перевод), оценивать полученную информацию, выражать свое мнение; | устный опрос, (собеседование) (письменная работа), (тестирование), (контрольная работа) аудирование |
ЗУН-10читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации; | (устный опрос), (собеседование- аудирование (письменная работа), (тестирование), (контрольная работа), |
ЗУН 11 - тексты построенные на языковом материале повседневного и профессионального общения, в том числе инструкции и нормативные документы по специальностям СПО | устный опрос, собеседование-аудирование (письменная работа), тестирование), контрольная работа) |
ЗУН-12 писать поздравления, личные письма с опорой на образец; расспрашивать адресата о его жизни и делах, сообщать то же о себе, выражать благодарность, просьбу, употребляя формулы речевого этикета, принятые в странах изучаемого языка, составлять реферат, используя специальные фразы-клише. | (устный опрос), (собеседование) (письменная работа), тестирование), контрольная работа) аудирование |
- ЗУН-13 заполнять анкеты и формуляры; | устный опрос), собеседование) письменная работа), тестирование), аудирование контрольная работа) |
3. Оценка освоения учебной дисциплины:
Формы и методы оценивания
Предметом оценки служат умения и знания, предусмотренные ФГОС по дисциплине ОУД 04 «Иностранный язык» направленные на формирование общих и профессиональных компетенций.
Формы и методы контроля | ||||
Элемент учебной дисциплины | Текущий контроль | Рубежный контроль | ||
Форма контроля | Проверяемые ОК, У, З | Форма контроля | Проверяемые ОК, У, З | |
Введение. О значении иностранного языка. Тема Приветствие. Прощание. Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии). | Устный опрос Тестирование Задание по грамматике 1 тема | ЗУН 1 ,2,5 ОК 2,3,4,6 | Устный опрос задание 1 Контрольная работа | ЗУН 1 ,2,5,7,8,9 ОК 2,3,4,6 |
Тема Межличностные отношения. | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1,2 тема | ЗУН 1 ,2,5 ОК2,4,6 | Устный опрос задание 3,2 Тест 4 | ЗУН 1,2,5,7,8,9 ОК2,4,6 |
Тема Семья и семейные отношения, домашние обязанности. | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1Тема | ЗУН 1 ,2,5 ОК 2,3,4 | Тест 5 (чтение) | ЗУН 1 ,2,5 ОК 2,3,4,6 |
Тема Описание жилища и учебного заведения. | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1 тема Тестирование | ЗУН 1,2,3 ОК 4,6 | Тест 6 Устная речь задание 7, Задание 8 (чтение) | ЗУН 1,2,5,10 ОК 4,6 |
Тема Распорядок дня студента. | Устный опрос Тестирование Задание по грамматике 1,2 тема | ЗУН 1,2,3,4,5,9 ОК 2,4 | Устная речь задание 11,19,20 (чтение) | ЗУН 1,2,3, 10 ОК 4,6 |
Тема Хобби. Досуг. | Устный опрос | ЗУН 1,3,4 ОК 2,3,4,6 | Задание 20(чтение) | ЗУН 1,4, 10 ОК 1,2,4,6 |
Тема Описание местоположения объекта. (адрес, как найти) | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 12-14 | ЗУН 1,4,5 ОК 1,2,3,4,6 | Устная речь задание 11 | ЗУН 1, 6, 4 ОК 1,3,4,6 |
Тема Магазины, товары, совершение покупок. | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1 тема | ЗУН 1,3,8 | Устная речь | ЗУН 1,3,5,10 |
Тема Физкультура и спорт, здоровый образ жизни. | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1 тема | ЗУН 1,3,4,5 ОК 2,3,4,6 | Устная речь задание 5 (чтение) | ЗУН 1,5,9,10 ОК 2,4,6 |
2 курс Тема Экскурсии и путешествия. | Устный опрос Проверка выполнения письменных домашних заданий | ЗУН 1,2,3,4,7 ОК 2,3,4 | задание 14, тест | ЗУН 1,2,3,10 ОК 2,3,4 |
Тема Россия, ее национальные символы, государственное и политическое устройство. | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1 тем а | ЗУН1,2,3,5 ОК 2,3,4 | Тест задание 6,7 (чтение) | ЗУН 1,2,3,10 ОК 2,3,4 |
Тема Региональный компонент. | Устный опрос | ЗУН 1,2,3,5 ОК 2,3,4 | Устная речь задание 8 | ЗУН 1,3,5,7,10 ОК 2,3,4 |
Тема Англоговорящие страны (географическое положение, климат, достопримечательности) | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1 тема | ЗУН 4,8,9,13 ОК 2,4 | Тест задание 16-18 | ЗУН 4,9,12,13 ОК 2,4 |
3 курс Тема Научно-технический прогресс. | Устный опрос Задание по грамматике 1 тема | ЗУН 1,3,4 ОК 2,3,4,6 | Задание 10 (идиома) | ЗУН 1,3,9,10 ОК 2,3,4,6 |
Тема Новости, средства массовой информации. | Устный опрос | ЗУН 1,3,5,7 ОК 2,3,4 | Задание 13 (чтение) Устная речь | ЗУН 1,3,8,10 ОК 2,3,4 |
Тема Современные компьютерные технологии. | Устный опрос | ЗУН 1,3,5,7,8 ОК 2,3,4 | Задание 22 (чтение) Устная речь | ЗУН 1,3,7,8,9,10 ОК 2,3,4 |
Тема Человек и природа, экологические проблемы. | Задание по грамматике 1 тема | ЗУН 4,8,9,13 ОК 2,4 | Задание 5,9 (чтение) Устная речь | ЗУН 1,3,2 ОК 2,3,4,6 |
4 курс Тема Выбор профессии | Устный опрос | ЗУН 1,3,5,7 ОК 2,3,4 | Задание 15,22 (чтение) Устная речь | ЗУН 4,9,12,13 ОК 2,3,4,6 |
Тема 2 .2. Специализация | Устный опрос | ЗУН 4,8,9,13 ОК 2,4 | Устная речь | ЗУН 4,9,12,13 ОК 2,3,4,6 |
Промежуточная аттестация/ | Не предусмотрена учебным планов |
Итоговая аттестация | ДЗ |
Задание №1
На тему: « Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии)»
Задание: Подготовьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Условия выполнения задания:
Высказывание состоящее из 12-15 предложений- отлично
Высказывание состоящее из 9-11 предложений- хорошо
Высказывание состоящее из 6-8 предложений- удовлетворительно
Высказывание состоящее из мене чем 6 предложений- неудовлетворительно
Task Read the text and get ready to speak about your appearance
My name is Andrew. I am 16 years old. I am a handsome young man. By the way, this is not my personal opinion. This is what people often say to me.
I have short fair hair and gray eyes. I have wide eyebrows and a well-proportioned nose. There is a small scar on my chin. It is on the left. When I was little, I had a really bad fall and hurt my chin. Since then I have had this scar.
I am quite tall. My height is 172 cm. I am one of the tallest in my class. I am also quite slim. I go in for swimming.
Casual style is my favorite one. I usually wear jeans and T-shirts. I also prefer comfortable casual shoes. I often have earphones put into my ears, because I love listening to good music. I always wear a dark leather bracelet on my right wrist. I got it as a gift from one of my best friends.
I am a bit reserved person. Maybe this is the reason why some people think that I am not very friendly. However, I am a very friendly and positive guy. My friends know they can always rely upon me and I am always ready to help.
Задание №2
Вариант I Вариант II
- Поставьте определенный или неопределенный артикль, где это необходимо.
This is…pen. …pen is red. | This is …man. …man is …worker. |
This is … my hat. … hat is white. | …Volga is in …Russia. |
These are …Alps. ….Alps are high. | This is …doctor. …doctor is good. |
II. Образуйте множественное число существительных.
A pen | A boy |
A match | A glass |
A hero | A womфn |
A tooth | A foot |
A man | A wolf |
III. Составьте предложения, используя глагол “to be”
I …a student | Peter …a student. |
There …6 students in our group. | Our friends…not in the room. |
John …a pupil. | I…15 years old. |
Belgorod…my native town. | Nick …my friend. |
IV. Напишите предложения, используя прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.
is the (long, longest, longer) river in the world.
- Your text is (easy, easier, easiest) than my text, but her text is the (easy, easier, easiest)
- His story is (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) than hers.
- Her answer is (good, better, best) than yours, but it is (bad, worse, worst) than his.
- Your sentences are (difficult, more difficult, most difficult) than theirs.
V. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями.
…is not on the desk. |
…are shut. |
…is not there. |
…are brown. |
Where is …? |
Where are…? |
Where is …? |
…is not a teacher. |
VI. Употребите глагол в нужной форме.
1. The mechanic (ask, asks) us a question. | 1. The agronomist (know, knows) English very well. |
2. The pupils (like, likes) to learn English | 2. Kate (is, are) a good nurse. |
3. We (read, reads) texts at our English lesson. | 3. Students (learn, learns) English too. |
4. He (clean, cleans) the blackboard with the duster. | 4. We (answer, answers) our teacher’s questions. |
II. Ответьте на вопросы.
- Which is the first day in the week? - How many months are there in a year? - Which month is between March and May? | - How many days are there in a week? - Which day is between Tuesday and Thursday? - Is February a hot mouth or a cold month? |
VIII. Выберите правильный ответ.
1) London is the capital of …
- Great Britain
- Russia
- Scotland
2) London lies on the river …
- Severn
- Ob
- Thames
3) The capital of Russia is …
- St. Petersburg
- Belgorod
- Moscow
4) I study at the …
- University
- Technical School
- Vocational School
5) In our group study…
- only girl
- only boys
- girls and boy
6) The USA is the larger than…
- Finland
- Russia
- England
- The capital of the USA is …
a) New York
b) Chicago
c) Washington
8) Australia is a …
- country
- continent
- island
Задание №3
Задание: Подготовьте монологическое высказывание по теме : «Я и моя семья»
Условия выполнения задания:
Высказывание состоящее из 12-15 предложений- отлично
Высказывание состоящее из 9-11 предложений- хорошо
Высказывание состоящее из 6-8 предложений- удовлетворительно
Высказывание состоящее из мене чем 6 предложений- неудовлетворительно
Task Tell us about your friend. Remember to say:
1 I’d like to tell you about my friend.
2 My friend’s name is …
3 He / She is of my age.
4 He/She’s got … hair. (black — черные, brown, blond, red)
5 His/Her eyes are … (brown — карие, blue — голубые, green — зеленые.)
6 He/She’s … and (not very) tall. Slim — стройный, plump — полный.
7 We’ve been friends for a couple of years. Мы друзья уже несколько лет.
8 He/She’s a very nice person, that’s why I like to spend time with him/her.
Он/ она прекрасный человек, поэтому мне нравится проводить с ним/с ней время
9 We’ve got much in common, so we often have topics to discuss. У нас много общего, поэтому нам всего есть что обсудить.
10 We can chat about everything: …
11 We both like to …
12 We can spend hours … Мы проводим много времени … (делая что?)
Например: playing chess — играя в шахматы, running — бегая.
13 In my opinion, [his/her name] is very talented. По-моему, … очень талантливый.
14 He/She also … какое-то увлечение вашего друга. Например: dances — танцует.
15 I know that I can trust my friend, I can rely on him/her. Я знаю, что я могу доверять своему другу, могу на него/ее положиться.
16 He/She understands me, and I always try to understand him/her.
Он/она понимает меня, а я всегда стараюсь понять его/ее.
17 I hope we’ll be friends forever. Надеюсь, мы всегда будем друзьями.
Задание №4
На тему: « Межличностные отношения»
Задание: Прочитай текст и выполни задания.
Условия выполнения задания:
не менее 5 правильных ответов – отлично;
не менее 4 ответов – хорошо;
менее 4 ответов – неудовлетворительно.
Прочитай текст и выполни задания.
Two friends went on a trip to London. Once there, they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.
They continued eating, and soon the other traveller also took a big helping of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.
В каждом задании (1–5) обведи букву (a, b, c или d), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа. Занеси ответы в таблицу.
1. The text is about…
а) friends who wanted to buy a house.
b) friends who met at the theatre.
c) travellers who didn’t know what mustard was.
d) friends who went to a restaurant on business.
2. …went into a restaurant for dinner.
a) Students
b) Travellers
c) Dockers
d) Doctors
3. Why did one of the friends cry?
a) He cried because his father had been hanged.
b) He was unfortunate.
c) He ate a big spoonful of mustard.
d) He was sorry for his friend.
4. The friends were…
a) true.
b) false.
c) devoted.
d) real.
5. Choose the best title.
a) A Trip to London
b) A Mistake
c) Two Real Friends
d) Two Travellers
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Key: 1. c; 2. b; 3. c; 4. b; 5. c
Задание №5
На тему: « Семья и семейные отношения. Домашние обязанности».
Задание: Прочитай текст и выполни задания.
Условия выполнения задания:
не менее 5 правильных ответов – отлично;
не менее 4 ответов – хорошо;
менее 4 ответов – неудовлетворительно.
Read the text and mark the statements with T (True), F (False) or NS (Not stated).
Hi! I'm Lilly and I live with my family in a big house. I'm 13 and I have a younger brother, Tom. He's 8. My mum is a nurse, she works in a hospital. My mum works a lot, usually at night. She doesn't have enough time to do the housework so my dad often helps her and he likes it! My dad works in a bank. He arrives home after 4 pm so he can do a lot of things in the house.
Every evening my dad cooks dinner. My brother and I help him. We set the table. After dinner, dad washes up and I help him to dry the dishes. Then we have a shower or bath and dad reads us tales or short stories.
In the mornings mum arrives and makes breakfast. Tom and I make our beds. Dad takes us to school by car.
On Mondays, we clean all the house. I dust the furniture and dad vacuums the floor. Tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants. Dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates ironing. He never does it. My grandma comes to us twice a week and she irons our clothes.
Three times a week mum does the washing and I help her to hang out the clothes.
At the weekends, when mum doesn't work, we wash the car together and dad mows the lawn. We all like gardening.
1. Lilly's mum never works at night.
2. Tom goes to school.
3. Their dad likes peeling potatoes.
4. Tom helps a lot at home.
5. Lilly's dad makes breakfast.
6. Lily and her family have a big house with a garden.
7. There are eight rooms in their house.
8. Their grandmother sews their clothes.
9. Lilly takes the rubbish out.
10. They all enjoy working in the garden.
Задание №6
На тему: « Описание жилища и учебного заведения».
Задание: Подготовьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Условия выполнения задания:
Высказывание состоящее из 12-15 предложений- отлично
Высказывание состоящее из 9-11 предложений- хорошо
Высказывание состоящее из 6-8 предложений- удовлетворительно
Высказывание состоящее из мене чем 6 предложений- неудовлетворительно
My college
Nowadays there are 23 groups per 25 students in each in college. The course of study in our college lasts about four years. The academic year is divided into two terms. During the term students have to attend lectures, seminars and practical according to the time-table. The first year students study such traditional disciplines as mathematics, chemistry, physics, history, foreign languages. Graduates have to take final exams and defend their diploma project worked out with the help of their supervisors. On graduating from the college students are awarded diplomas.
Our college occupies 2 buildings. They are well-designed and well-equipped with modern workshops and laboratories. When you enter the college you get into the entrance hall. It is large and light. You are going to the cloak-room, where the students leave their overcoats. In the hall you can see a timetable.
In the gym-hall we have physical training lessons. The students often play sports games such as football, volleyball or basketball. The students of our college always get high positions in region, republic and federal tournaments.
Our college has got a library and a reading – room. It is on the first floor. It is full of books necessary for work at different subjects.
All college celebrations are held in the assembly hall. It is on the second floor and is always full of students.
Students can have meals in the canteen
Our college has also got a Medical Inspection Room. It is comfortable and light. Not far from the college is four-stored building. This is our dormitory, where students from other towns and villages live.
We are proud of our college and take care of it.
Задание №7
На тему: « Распорядок дня студентов».
Выполните тест.
Условия выполнения теста:
18-20 правильных ответов- отлично
15-18 правильных ответа- хорошо
8-14 правильных ответов- удовлетворительно
I Ответь на вопрос: What time is it?
Model: 7-00 – It is 7 o’clock.
1. 8-30
2. 5-25
3. 6-05
4. 7-10
5. 11-35
6. 12-40
7. 13-45
8. 14-50
II Вставь слова: 7, make, have, get, every day, clean, wash, breakfast, with, 7-10, my, go to, teeth, lessons, my friends.
- I …. up at …. o’clock.
- I ….. my bed at….. .
- I …. … the bathroom.
- I …. …. face.
- I … my …
- I … breakfast.
- After …. I go to school.
- … … I have … …
- I …. … school at…. …..
- I go for a walk …. ….. ….. in the evening
III Раскрой скобки
Model: I (get up) at 8 o’clock. – I get up at 8 o’clock.
11 My sister (get up) at 7 o’clock.
12 I (have, has) lunch at 12 o’clock.
13 She (have, has) lunch at 1 o’clock.
13 She (have) breakfast at 7-30.
14 We (go) to school at 8 o’clock.
15 My friend (go) to school at 8-10.
IV Ответь на вопросы
16 What time do you get up?
17 Have you a breakfast at 7-10?
18 What time do you go to school ?
19 What time do you watch TV?
20 What time do you go to bed?
Задание №8
На тему: « Хобби. Досуг».
Выполните тест.
Условия выполнения теста:
21-22 правильных ответов- отлично
17-20 правильных ответа- хорошо
12-16 правильных ответов- удовлетворительно
менее 12 правильных ответов- неудовлетворительно
How do I learn English
Nowadays it is very necessary to know a foreign language. Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.
The total number of languages in the world is from 2500 to 5000. English is spoken all over the world and very popular. There is proverb: “ Knowledge is Power”. I agree with it.
I study English, because I want to read English books of great writes in origin. I want to communicate with people from different countries, I want to understand their culture and tradition. I like to travel. Speaking English I can travel anywhere, because more than 1 billion people speak English. I have a pen-friend abroad. She lives in Sweden. I have much fun writing letters to my swedish friend.
How do I learn English? First of all I read a lot. There is always an English book on my desk. I am trying to learn few new words every day. To remember words better I put them in to groups. For example: belive-believer-belief-disbe-lieve. I listen to songs in English and try to recognize the words. I have some tapes and video-tapes in English. I like to watch different satellite TV programs in English.
I like studing English.
- Translate into English.
- необходимый
- иностранный
- знание
- развиваться
- общий
- общаться
- друг по переписке
- спутник
2. Answer the questions.
- Why is it necessary to speak English?
- Is it difficult for you to learn English?
- Is English popular now?
- How do you learn English?
- Do you like studing English?
3. Complete the sentences.
- countries, I, want, different, from,to communicate,with, people.
- day, every, words, new, to learn, few, I, tryning, am.
- I, English, do, learn, how?
- Choose the correct variant.
1. Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop …….and ……among people.
- understanding
- friendship
- fraternity
- I study English, because I want…..
- to go to the cinema
- to buy a new car
- to read English books
3. I like to watch different…..
a) films and comedies
b) ) different satellite TV programs in French
c) satellite TV programs in English.
5. Translate into Russian.
1. I want to communicate with people from different countries, I want to understand their culture and tradition.
2. . I listen to songs in English and try to recognize the words.
How do I learn English
Nowadays it is very necessary to know a foreign language. Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.
The total number of languages in the world is from 2500 to 5000. English is spoken all over the world and very popular. There is proverb: “ Knowledge is Power”. I agree with it.
I study English, because I want to read English books of great writes in origin. I want to communicate with people from different countries, I want to understand their culture and tradition. I like to travel. Speaking English I can travel anywhere, because more than 1 billion people speak English. I have a pen-friend abroad. She lives in Sweden. I have much fun writing letters to my swedish friend.
How do I learn English? First of all I read a lot. There is always an English book on my desk. I am trying to learn few new words every day. To remember words better I put them in to groups. For example: belive-believer-belief-disbe-lieve. I listen to songs in English and try to recognize the words. I have some tapes and video-tapes in English. I like to watch different satellite TV programs in English.
I like studing English.
1. Translate into English
- necessary
- foreign
- Knowledge
- to develop
- total
- to communicate
- a pen-friend
- satellite
the questions.
- Complete the sentences.
- I want to communicate with people from different countries.
- I am trying to learn few new words every day.
- How do I learn English?
4. How do I learn English?
1. a) b)
2. c)
3. c)
5. Translate into Russian.
1. Я хочу общаться с людьми из разных стран, я хочу понимать их культуру и традиции.
2. Я слушаю песни на английском и пытаюсь узнавать слова
Задание №9
На тему: « Описание местоположения».
Напишите письмо другу, используя план.
Критерии оценивания:
Соблюдение структуры письма, использование речевые клише, соблюдено лексико-грамматическое оформление текста-отлично
Не полное соблюдение структуры письма, не полностью соблюдается лексико-грамматическое оформление текста-хорошо
Отсутствие структуры письма, не полностью соблюдено лексико-грамматическое оформление текста-удовлетворительно
Times Square
Times Square is a major commercial intersection, tourist destination, entertainment center, and neighborhood in the Midtown Manhattan section of New York City, at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. Brightly lit by numerous billboards and advertisements, it stretches from West 42nd to West 47th Streets, and is sometimes referred to as "the Crossroads of the World", "the Center of the Universe", "the heart of the Great White Way", and "the heart of the world". One of the world's busiest pedestrian areas, it is also the hub of the Broadway Theater District and a major center of the world's entertainment industry. Times Square is one of the world's most visited tourist attractions, drawing an estimated 50 million visitors annually.
Formerly known as Longacre Square, Times Square was renamed in 1904 after The New York Times moved its headquarters to the then newly erected Times Building, now One Times Square.
An immediately recognizable location, Times Square has been featured countless times in literature, films, video games, music videos, and on television.
Write an email to your English pen friend Paul to tell him about your one-day trip with your family (100-120 words). Use the plan below:
· Para 1: greetings, opening remarks, general details about the place.
· Para 2: description of the place you visited (what was there).
· Para 3: what did you saw or do there.
· Para 4: feelings, closing remarks.
Задание №10
На тему: « Магазины, товары, совершение покупок».
Выполните тест.
Условия выполнения теста:
21-22 правильных ответов- отлично
17-20 правильных ответа- хорошо
12-16 правильных ответов- удовлетворительно
менее 12 правильных ответов- неудовлетворительно
- Раскройте скобки. Поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную или превосходную степень.
1) The black trousers are (big) than the jeans.
2) This raincoat is (small) than the red coat.
3) Mary's sweater is the (good).
4) My T-shirt is (beautiful) than your T-shirt. - Переведите на английский язык.
1) чашка кофе
2) стакан воды
3) бутылка молока
4) кусочек торта
5) пакет апельсинов - Составь из фраз диалог «В магазине одежды». Пронумеруй фразы в правильном порядке.
- Excuse me. Can I help you?
- OK. Anything else?
- Oh, it’s nice. I’d like to buy it.
- Yes, please. Can you show me the dress?
- No, that’s all. Thank you.
- Of course! Here you are.
- Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно
Shops and Shopping
When we want to buy something, we must go to the shop where it is sold. In the shop window we see what is sold in the shop.
Sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, and so on are sold at the grocer’s. Bread is sold at the baker’s, meat at the butcher’s. We go to the greengrocer’s for vegetables and fruit. We buy boots and shoes at the shoeshop. We buy books at the bookseller’s and jewelleryand watches at the jeweller’s.
The salesman or salesgirl stands behind the counter. We ask the salesman: “How much is this?” or “What is the price of that?” He tells us the price. He gives us the bill. At the cashdesk we give the money and the bill to the cashier, who gives us a check and our change. The salesman wraps up the goods and gives them to us. Weputtheminourbag.
Some shops have many departments. We can buy nearly everything we need there. They are called department stores. In some shops there are no salesmen, but only cashiers. The customers choose the goods they want and pay at the cashdesk. These are called self-service shops. If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job catching shoplifters. Shoplifting is considered a serious crime by the police.
- Переведите с русского на английский
книжный магазин
мясной магазин
магазин посуды
молочный магазин
рыбный магазин
овощной магазин
магазин женской одежды
магазин мужской одежды
- Напишите личные местоимения (he, she, it, they), заменяющие существительные.
Н-р: a strawberry (клубника) – it ; balls (мячи) – they.
- cheese 4. Rabbit 7. Kate
- stars 5. woman 8. tiger
- Martin 6. cat 9. books
Эталоны ответов
- Bigger
- Smaller
- The best
- More beautiful
- A cup of coffee
- A glass of water
- A bottle of milk
- A piece of cake
- A bag of oranges
- Excuse me. Can I help you?
- Yes, please. Can you show me the dress?
- Of course! Here you are.
- OK. Anything else?
- No, that’s all. Thank you.
- Oh, it’s nice. I’d like to buy it.
IV. Магазины и покупки
Когда мы хотим купить что-то, мы должны пойти в магазин, где это продается. В витрине мы видим что продается в магазине.
Сахар, чай, кофе, соль, перец, ветчина, бекон и так далее продаются в бакалее. Хлеб продается в булочной, мясо - в мясном магазине. Мы идем в овощной чтобы купить овощи и фрукты. Мы покупаем сапоги и ботинки в обувном магазине. Мы покупаем книги в книжном, а драгоценности или часы часы - в ювелирном.
Продавец или продавщица стоит за прилавком. Мы обращаемся к продавцу: "Сколько это стоит?" Или "Какова цена этого?" Он говорит нам цену. Он дает нам счет. На кассе мы даём деньги и счет кассиру, который дает нам чек и здачу. Продавец заворачивает товары и дает их нам. Мы кладём их в сумку.
В некоторых магазинах есть много отделов. Мы можем купить там почти все, что нужно. Они называются универмаги. В некоторых магазинах нет продавцов, а только кассиры. Клиенты выбирают товары, которые они хотят и платят на кассе. Это так называемые магазины самообслуживания. Если кто-то пытается взять вещи из магазина, не заплатив, он почти наверняка будет пойман. В большинстве магазинов есть охранники, которые следят за тем, чтобы не было краж. Воровство в магазинах считается серьезным преступлением.
book shop,
dairy products,
ladies’ clothing shop,
man’s clothing shop
- It, 2. they, 3. he, 4. it, 5. she, 6. it, 7. she,8. it, 9. they
Задание №11
На тему: « Физкультура и спорт. Здоровый образ жизни».
Read the text.
The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 BC in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olympia. They included many different kinds of sports: running, boxing, wrestling, etc. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in the Games. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.
In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many centuries later.
In 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed all the sports governing bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value.
Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition.
In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement. It is formed by the representatives of all countries which take part in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee decides upon the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the city-host for the Games. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee now. Besides, each country has its National Olympic Committee.
Summer and Winter Games are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The most suitable is selected by the International Committee. After that the city of the Games starts preparations for the competitions, constructs new sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centres. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything. There is always an interesting cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals, etc., for each Games.
Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. Since then it has won a lot of gold, silver, and bronze medals. In 1980 Moscow hosted the Twenty- Second Olympic Games.
The latest Olympic Games were held in Vancouver.
1. Translate into English.
a) олимпийские игры
b) Международный олимпийский комитет
c) административный, руководящий
d) указывать (на)
e) соревноваться
f) значимость, важность
g) символизировать
h) представитель
i) золотые, серебряные и бронзовые медали
2. Answer the questions:
1. When and where did the Olympic Games begin?
2. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship?
3. When did the Games in Greece stop?
4. Who renewed the Olympic movement?
5. When and where did the first modem Games take place?
6. When was the International Olympic Committee set up?
7. Are Summer and Winter Games held separately?
8. How does the city-host prepare for the Olympic Games?
9. When did Russia join the Olympic movement?
10. Where were the latest Olympic Games held?
3. Complete the sentences:
1) The, history, Games a very, have, long, Olympic.
2) Two, place, years, modern, later the first, Olympic, Games, took.
4. Choose the correct variant.
1. In 1980 Moscow hosted …….. Olympic Games.
a) the Twenty- First
b) the Twenty- Second
c) the Twenty-Third
2. They began in 777 BC in….. and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olympia.
a) Greece
b) France
c) Germany
- Translate into Russian.
1. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in the Games.
2. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee now.
Your score | 25-26 | 20-24 | 15-19 |
Your mark | 5 | 4 | 3 |
1. Translate into English.
Olympic Games
the International Olympic Committee
to point out
to compete
to symbolize
gold, silver and bronze medals
2. Answer the questions:
1. The Olympic Games began in 777 BC in Greece?
2. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.
3. In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many centuries later.
4. In 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin renewed the Olympic movement.
5. The first modem Games took place in 1896 in Greece.
1896 was the International Olympic Committee set up.
7. Summer and Winter Games are held separately.
8. The International Olympic Committee decides upon the city-host for the Games.
joined the Olympic movement in 1952.
latest Olympic Games were held in Vancouver.
- Complete the sentences:
1) The Olympic Games have a very long history
2) Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place
4. Choose the correct variant.
1) b
2) a
3) c
- Translate into Russian.
#1042;се города Греции посылали своих лучших атлетов в Олимпию для участия в Играх.
2. Около 150 стран входят в Международный олимпийский комитет.
Задание №12
На тему « Экскурсия и путешествия».
Задание: Подготовьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Условия выполнения задания:
Высказывание состоящее из 12-15 предложений- отлично
Высказывание состоящее из 9-11 предложений- хорошо
Высказывание состоящее из 6-8 предложений- удовлетворительно
Высказывание состоящее из мене чем 6 предложений- неудовлетворительно
Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yury Dolgoruky. It stands on the Moskva River. Since the time of its foundation the history of Moscow is inseparable from the history of the country. At first it was a little town on the boundary of the Kiev Russia. It became the capital of Russia during the rule of Ivan the Third. Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg, but Moscow still played an important role in the life of Russia. In 1918 the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow, and thus the ancient city became the capital of the country for the second time.
At present Moscow is the largest city in the Russian Federation, the seat of the government, the political, educational and cultural centre of the country. The population of Moscow is over nine million people, and the city is growing from day to day.
The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin and Red Square. It is not only a historic centre, but also a unique architectural ensemble, famous all over the world. The Kremlin includes over twenty towers joined by the wall. Each tower has its own name; the most famous one is the Spasskaya Tower with its chimes. On the territory of the Kremlin there are beautiful ancient cathedrals, Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon and the Armoury Museum — the exhibition of the treasures of the Russian tsars, including icons, crowns, coaches, presents from monarchs of other countries and ceremonial dresses. The Spasskaya Tower outlooks Red Square and the Pokrovsky Cathedral, which is famous all over the world for its exotic beauty.
Not far from the Kremlin Arbat begins. It is the best-known street of the city. There is no traffic, so one can walk and enjoy watching the crowds of people strolling by. Arbat is the main tourist attraction after the Kremlin.
But Moscow is not only the Kremlin and Arbat. The best way to describe Moscow is probably to say that it is like any other metropolis in the world — lines of cars (and traffic jams!), hurrying people, tall buildings, elegant restaurants, night clubs and much more. Its appearance is not always attractive, but, beyond any doubt, fascinating and capturing!
Задание №13
На тему « Россия, ее национальные символы, государственное и политическое устройство».
Выполните тест.
Условие выполнения задания:
не менее 10 ответов- отлично;
не менее 7 ответов – хорошо;
не менее 6 ответов – удовлетворительно;
менее 5 ответов – неудовлетворительно.
Задание: из предложенных к каждому вопросу вариантов ответов выберите один правильный.
| population of Russia is about 7. The Head of the Republic of the Russian Federation is … 8. The original name of the city founded on the Neva banks by Peter the Great was … five ancient Russian towns which are known as Zolotoe Koitso (the Golden Ring) include Rostov Veliky, Suzdal, Vladimir, Zvenigorod and … is a land of over ... nationalities. |
Задание №14
На тему « Региональный компонент».
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту.
Условия выполнения задания:
не менее 10 правильных ответов – отлично;
не менее 8 ответов – хорошо;
не менее 6 ответов – удовлетворительно;
менее 6 ответов – неудовлетворительно.
Belgorod is my native town. Belgorod was founded in 1593. It is one of the oldest towns in the country. It has a long and interesting history that dates back to the ancient times.
Nowadays Belgorod is one of the administrative, industrial and cultural centers of the Russian Federation. Since 1954 it has been a regional center of the Belgorod region. So there are some museums, educational buildings, plants, factories, libraries and some Palaces of Culture, cinemas and theatres, two Palaces of Sport.
There are several parks in Belgorod. The biggest one is the Central park.
The town library is situated next to the Central park.
You can see many students in Belgorod. They study at Belgorod State University, at the Technological Academy, at the University of Cooperative Trade.
Belgorod is an industrial city. There are many factories and plants in it. They are: the Cement Plant, the Vitamin Plant, the Chalky Plant, the Plant “Energomash”, the Metalline Constructions Plant and many others.
Belgorod is a beautiful city. The Population of Belgorod is about 400 thousands.
We are proud of Belgorod and do all better to make it finer
True or false
1. Belgorod is one of the oldest towns in the country.
2. Belgorod was founded in 1953.
3. Since 1954 it has been a regional center of the Belgorod region.
4. There is only one park in Belgorod.
5. The biggest one is the Central park.
6. The town library is situated far from the Central park.
7. Belgorod is an industrial city.
8. Belgorod is a bad city.
9. There are many factories and plants in it.
10. The Population of Belgorod is about 40 thousands.
Задание №15
На тему « Англоговорящие страны (географическое положение, климат, достопримечательности, традиции)».
Выполните задания
Раздел: Чтение.
Текст 1
I. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ:
Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451 but he lived in Spain. Columbus loved the sea. He became a sailor when he was fifteen years old. Then he made many many years and many travels, Columbus became an excellent sea captain. Не had many maps that showed that the earth was round. The maps showed that it was possible to sail west to get to the East. The city of Palos gave Columbus three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Queen Isabella gave Columbus money and ninety four weeks sailing in the ocean, on the 12th of October, they reached a land. People on the new land thought the ships and the men had sailed down from the sky. They brought the sailors presents, food, and parrots. Columbus and his men gave them presents too. Columbus thought that he was in the Indies. And he called the people the ships came back to Spain, the people in Spain were happy. They called the new land “the New World”.Americans remember Columbus in many ways. There is a famous statue of Columbus at Columbus Circle in New York. On the 12th of October Americans celebrate Columbus Day with parades, parties, and good time.
1. Christopher Columbus discovered … in …
a) Africa, 1842; b) America, 1249; c) India, 1492; d) America, 1492
2. He was born in …
a) Spain; b) India; c) America; d) Italy
3. He was a …
a) seaman; b) sailor; c) writer; d) pirate
4. He lived in …
a) Italy; b) Spain; c) India; d) America
5. Columbus made many …
a) discoveries; b) voyages
6. The king and the queen of Spain gave him money to …
а) go to America; b) go to Italy; c) find treasure; d) go to India
7. He decided to go to …
а) north; b) west; c) south; d) east
8. He reached some …
а) land; b) island; c) India; d) North America
9. It was a new …
а) town; b) village; c) continent; d) island
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world
The USA lies in the central part of North America (after Russia, Canada and China).
The USA is a federal republic. It consists of fifty states and the District of Columbia. The capital of the country is Washington D. C. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The flag of the USA is called "Stars and ; There are three colours on the flag of the USA. They are red, white and blue. As there are fifty states in the USA, there are fifty stars on the American flag: one star for each state. The American flag has thirteen stripes. The stripes are red and white. The flag has seven red stripes and six white stripes. There is one stripe for each of the first thirteen colonies which in 1776 became independent of England. The eagle became the official national symbol of the country in 1782. It holds an olive branch (a symbol of peace) and arrows (symbols of strength).The USA has an official song. It is called The Star Spangled Banner.
1) What countries are larger than the USA?
2) Where does the USA lie?
3) How many states are there in the USA?
4) What is the capital of the USA?
5) What is the population of the USA?
6) What is the flag of the USA called?
7) How many colours are there on the flag of the USA? What are they?
8) Why are there fifty stars on the flag of the USA?
9) How many stripes are there on the flag of the USA?
10) What is the official national symbol of the USA? What do the arrows mean?
What does the olive branch mean?
11) What is the official song of the USA called?
EX 3. Make up the sentences in Past Simple Passive.
1. This wall / paint / by / my father / two years ago.
2. They / take / to hospital / last night?
3. These films / make / in England.
4. This book / read / yesterday?
5. This movie / watch / by millions of people.
6. Tom / tell / many times / to stop talking.
7. The / meeting / not hold / yesterday.
EX4. Put the verbs in the brackets in the right form
The toothbrush ….(invent) in 1498.
The first dark glasses …..(wear) in China by judges.
The liquid shampoo …. (develop) a bald man.
The first blue jeans …..(make) as working clothes.
Задание №16
На тему « Научно-технический прогресс».
Выполните тест.
Условия выполнения теста:
25-26 правильных ответов- отлично
20-24 правильных ответа- хорошо
15-19 правильных ответов- удовлетворительно
50 years ago people didn’t even heard of computers, and today we cannot imagine life without them.
Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the revolution is still going on.
Very soon we’ll have computers that we’ll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings.
The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. They will contain electronic “neural networks”. Of course, they’ll be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, identify criminals and control space travel.
Some people say that computers are dangerous, but I don’t agree with them.
They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It’s much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library.
On-line shopping makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money.
E-mail is a great invention, too. It’s faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.
All in all, I strongly believe that computers are a useful tool. They have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn’t we make them work to our advantage?
- Translate into English
- Компьютерные технологии
- мозг
- Ставить диагноз
- Поколение
- Чип, микросхема
- Опасный
- покупки через Интернет
- изобретение
- электронная почта
- Answer the questions:
1. Have you got a computer?
2. Do you think it’s a useful tool?
3. Can the Internet help you to do your homework?
4. Can computers help us to learn foreign languages?
5. Do you play computer games?
6. What are the advantages of e-mail?
7. Do you think that computers are bad for health?
8. Some people have made friends through the Internet. What about you?
9. Some people say that computers make us less sociable. Do you agree?
10. What will the next generation of computers be able to do?
- Complete the sentences:
- E-mail, too, invention, is, a great .
- The world, Computer, industry , technology , is , the fastest-growing , in .
- Choose the correct variant.
1. The …. Computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton.
a) second
b) first
c) third
2. 50 years ago people didn’t even heard of ……
a) computers
b) matches
c) dynamites
3. Computers have changed our life for the ….
a) cleaner
b) worse
c) better
5. Translate into Russian.
1) 50 years ago people didn’t even heard of computers, and today we cannot imagine life without them.
2) Some people say that computers are dangerous, but I don’t agree with them.
Your score | 25-26 | 20-24 | 15-19 |
Your mark | 5 | 4 | 3 |
1. Translate into English.
computer technology
to diagnose
on-line shopping
2. Answer the questions:
1. I have a computer at home.
2. I think that computer is a useful tool.
3. The Internet can help me to do my homework.
4. Computers can help us to learn foreign languages.
5. I play computer games.
6. E-mail is a great invention, too. It’s faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.
7. I think that computers are bad for health.
8. The computers help me to find friends.
9. Yes, I agree, that computers make us less sociable.
10. The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves.
3. Complete the sentences:
1. E-mail is a great invention, too.
2. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world.
4. Choose the correct variant.
5. Translate into Russian.
лет назад люди и не слышали о компьютерах, а сейчас мы даже не можем представить жизнь без них.
#1085;екоторые люди считают, что компьютеры опасны, но я с ними не согласен.
Задание №17
На тему « Новости, средства массовой информации».
Задание: Подготовьте монологическое высказывание по теме на основе текста.
Условия выполнения задания:
Высказывание состоящее из 12-15 предложений- отлично
Высказывание состоящее из 9-11 предложений- хорошо
Высказывание состоящее из 6-8 предложений- удовлетворительно
Высказывание состоящее из мене чем 6 предложений- неудовлетворительно
The Internet
I think that the Internet (or World Wide Web) is the greatest invention ever and it has made a significant impact on our lives.
Nowadays the Internet is affordable almost for anyone and it connects people all around the world. You can stay in touch with your friends, relatives and colleagues. Our modern life will stop without the net because it helps to make on-line business transactions, manage our bank accounts, pay our gas or electricity bills and send important e-mails, for example.
The Internet is the largest source of information. There are millions of Internet sites storing plenty of useful data about everything: science, history, psychology, sports, fashion, music, cooking and many other subjects. We can also download our favourite movies or songs, listen to radio channels or play games. Learning or practising foreign languages is possible with the Internet too.
The Internet saves our time and money. We can do on-line shopping choosing the desirable thing at the best price. And then we just click “Order the delivery”. By the way, we can also sell various things in the net. We often don’t need to go to the library: surfing the net can easily help us to find and open the book we need. Buying stamps and envelopes isn’t required if you’re going to send an e-mail. It takes just a few seconds to send an instant message by e-mail.
The Internet helps shy people or those with low-esteem to find each other on dating sites. On-line chatting through social networking websites is more comfortable for Internet users with the lack of social skills.
I am sure that the Internet has changed our life for the better. There is only one disadvantage about it: some people become rather addicted to it and spend all days long surfing the net, on-line dating or playing games. Over-using the net can be dangerous because new technology victims start neglecting their families, friends, work and real hobbies.
Задание №18
На тему « Современные компьютерные технологии».
Выполните тест.
Условия выполнения теста:
21-22 правильных ответов- отлично
17-20 правильных ответа- хорошо
12-16 правильных ответов- удовлетворительно
менее 12 правильных ответов- неудовлетворительно
Task 1. Совместите определение и термин:
1. an electronic machine that calculates data very quickly, used for storing, writing, organizing, and sharing information electronically
2. These are the programmes that tell the hardware how to perform a task
3. This is a display screen for viewing computer data, television programs, etc.
4. is an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data from one computer to another via telephone or other communication lines.
5. is a rigid disk coated with magnetic material, for storing programs and relatively large amounts of data.
6. This is the memory, used for creating, loading and running programs.
7. This is computer memory used to hold programmed instructions to the system.
a) Monitor
b) Hard disk
c) ROM (read only memory)
d) Software
e) RAM (random access memory)
f) Modem
g) Computer
Task 2. Отметьте, верны ли утверждения
True – верно/ False – не верно
1. Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded.
2. Scanner is used to input graphics only.
3. Printer is a processing hardware because it shows the information.
4. Without software instructions hardware doesn't know what to do.
5. There are four elements of computer system: hardware, software, diskettes and data.
6. Computer is a device used only for storage information.
7. Modem is an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data from one computer to another via telephone or other communication lines.
Task 3. Поставьте следующие слова во множественное число:
Computer, device, monitor, information, memory, display.
Task 4. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных
Important, large, intelligent, possible, quickly, electronic, strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, low, busy.
Task 5. Употребите нужную форму глаголов to be и to have
1. Prof. our lecturer. 2. a first-year student now. 3. in 1985. 4. The at the laboratory yesterday. 5. My brother… two children. 6. a lot of work to do this week.
Варианты: 1) am; 2) is; 3) are; 4) was; 5) were; 6) have; 7) has; 8) had.
Task 6. Определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:
1. Usually he sits near the window. 2. Our college has a big building. 3. Newton was an outstanding scientist. 4. This method is widely used. 5. Where do-you work? 6. Do you like your work? 7. Our students do a lot of their work in the laboratories. 8. There are some departments at the Institute.
Варианты: 1) существительное 2) глагол 3) прилагательное 4) местоимение 5) наречие 6) числительное.
Task 7. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу пропущенные слова и переведите текст (письменно)
1.Computer is an electronic ____ that can receive a set of instructions called program and then carry out them. 2.The modern ____of high technology could not be possible without _____. 3.Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout our society. 4.They are used for the _____and handling of data, secret governmental files, information about banking transactions and so on.
5.Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern communication systems. 6.They are essential tools in almost every field of research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow's weather reports. 7.Using of different _______and computer networks make available a great variety of _______sources.
8.There are two main types of computers, analog and______, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type, because this type of computer is widely used today.
1. device 2. world 3. computers 4. storage 5. databases 6. information
7. digital
Задание №19
На тему « Человек природа и экологические проблемы».
Задание: Подготовьте монологическое высказывание по теме на основе текста.
Условия выполнения задания:
Высказывание состоящее из 12-15 предложений- отлично
Высказывание состоящее из 9-11 предложений- хорошо
Высказывание состоящее из 6-8 предложений- удовлетворительно
Высказывание состоящее из мене чем 6 предложений- неудовлетворительно
Our Earth
The Earth is the only planet in our solar system where there is life. If you look down at the Earth from a plane, you will see how wonderful our planet is. You will see blue rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. You will see high snowy mountains, green forests and fields.
Everything what is alive on the Earth needs water, air and the Sun. The nature around us is called environment. Since ancient times, man has tried to make his life easier. He invented machines and instruments, chemicals and atomic power. Today these inventions pollute the world we live in. In this world around us, there are two things that do not belong to any one country: air and ocean water. In both the air and the water, there is much pollution. People are concerned about the air and the water that are used by everyone, and they are concerned about the future of the Earth.
One of the most important pollution problems is the oceans. Many ships sail in the ocean water – fishing ships, some ships carrying people, some carrying oil. If a ship loses some of the oil in the water, or waste from the ships is put into the ocean, the water becomes dirty. Many sea birds die because of the polluted water.
Many kinds of fish die in the sea, others are contaminated. Fishermen catch contaminated fish, which may be sold in markets, and people may get sick if they eat it. Lakes and rivers are becoming polluted, too. Some beaches are dangerous for swimming.
The second important problem is air pollution. Cars and factories pollute the air we use. Their fume also destroys the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun. Aerosols create large “holes” in the ozone layer round the Earth. Burning coal and oil leads to global warming which may bring about a change in the world’s climate.
Another problem is that our forests are dying from acid rain. Deforestation, especially destruction of tropical forests, affects the balance of nature in many ways. It kills animals, changes the climate and ecosystem in the world. Modern industry production is the main threat to nature. Today people are worried about the threat of nuclear power.
Chernobyl disaster of 1986 in the result of the explosion of a nuclear reactor has badly affected Russia. About 18 per cent of the soil in the country is unfit for farming, and many districts are dangerous to live in.
At present, there are different organizations and parties in Europe and America that actively work to protect the nature from the harm. They want to stop the damage that is done by man to the nature in the result of nuclear tests and throwing poisonous waste into the seas and rivers.
It is time we asked ourselves a question: What can I do to protect nature? If we want our children to live in the same world we live in, or in a better and healthier world, we must learn to protect the water, the air and the land from pollution.
Задание №20
На тему « Выбор профессии. Специализация».
Выполнить задания:
Критерии оценивания:
17- отлично
14-16 – хорошо
8-13 - удовлетворительно
1. Переведите названия профессий.
а) a designer_________________ d) a musician ___________________ g) an architect __________________
b) a lawyer _________________ e) an engineer __________________ h) a nanny______________________
c) an actor _________________ f) a teacher _____________________ i) a builder ____________________
2. Выберите правильный ответ.
a) A doctor works at/in the (factory, hospital, library).
b) Postal workers work at/in the (post office, school, bank).
c) A salesperson works at/in the (factory, clinic, supermarket).
d) A mechanic works at/in the (workshop, kindergarten, enterprise).
e) Police officers work at/in the (shop, bank, police station).
3. Соотнесите похожие по значению предложения.
a) ___________ b) ___________ c) ___________ d) _____________
4. Вставьте have (has) to, don’t (doesn’t) have to.
1) Painters ___________________________organize other people’s work.
2) A farmer _________________________ produce milk.
3) Drivers ___________________________deliver newspapers.
4) A police officer __________________________ keep law and order.
5) Secretaries _________________________ study and explain laws.
5. Составьте вопросы.
1) a computer / who / uses / ?
2) talking to / is / the pupil / who / ?
3) is / Mr Green / looking at / what / ?
4) Mr Black / what / use / musical instrument / does / ?
5) organizes / in the office / the work / who / ?
6. Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме.
1) I ____________________ (do) my homework before I _________ (go) to school.
2) Before we _____________ (eat), my mother __________________ (cook) food.
3) They ___________ (train) a lot before they _________________ (win) the championship.
4) Before Capitan Cook______________ (go) to the Antarctic, he _____________ (be) to Australia.
5) Vivien Leigh _______________ (not act) in Hollywood films before she ____________ (start) to work there in 1939.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Контрольно-оценочные средства (КОС) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Возрастная анатомия, физиология и гигиена »....

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Комплект контрольно- оценочных средств предназначен для студентов по специальности 43.02.01 "Организация обслуживания в общественном питании"...

Комплект контрольно-оценочных оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине "Охрана труда"
Контрольно-оценочные средства (КОС) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Охрана труда» КОС включают контрольные материал...

Комплект контрольно-оценочных оценочных средств МДК.01.01 КОНСТРУКЦИЯ АВТОМОБИЛЕЙ основной образовательной программы специальности 23.02.03 «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта»