Олимпиада по английскому языку
олимпиадные задания
Предварительный просмотр:
учебной дисциплины
Пояснительная записка
Цель олимпиады - выявить уровень подготовленности студентов по английскому языку. Задачей олимпиады является не только определить уровень подготовки студентов, а также вызвать интерес к изучению иностранного языка и его совершенствованию. Кроме того, анализ итогов олимпиады дает возможность преподавателям определить основные направления работы по повышению эффективности обучения иностранным языкам.
При проведении олимпиады используется подбор лексико-грамматических заданий и заданий на смекалку и эрудицию.
В задания олимпиады включен лексико-грамматический материал, изученный студентами на 1 курсе. Олимпиада проводится согласно Положению об олимпиаде и требованиям, предъявляемым к участникам, которые доводятся до сведения участников.
Положение об олимпиаде по английскому языку
- К участию в олимпиаде допускаются все желающие, обучающиеся на 1-х курсах.
- Олимпиада проводится в один тур.
- Задание считается выполненным, если участники набрали не менее 25 баллов
- Три призовых места определяются по максимально набранным баллам.
- Участники, занявшие призовые места, награждаются грамотами колледжа и призами.
- Максимальное количество баллов-50
- Время выполнения заданий-45мин.
Требования предъявляемые к участникам олимпиады
За каждый правильно выполненный пункт начисляется 1 балл
Для подведения итогов олимпиады используется сводная карточка участников олимпиады. Она заполняется по мере проверки выполненных участниками заданий.
Три призовых места определяются по максимально набранным баллам. Участники олимпиады, занявшие призовые места, награждаются грамотами и призами.
1. Скрипкина А.Ф. Олимпиада по иностранным языкам как форма профессиональной ориентации школьников. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе»
2. Новоструев Е.К. Олимпиада по иностранным языкам
3. Рабочая программа по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».
4. Аудирование: http://runodog.ru/index/2010_2011/0-14
5. Reading: http://lib.repetitors.eu/english/95-2009-12-16-11-44-32/3378------6-
6. Use of English: http://runodog.ru/index/2009_2010/0-15#0910_78
7. http://urfodu.ru/urfo/contest/testing/1/1931/bf8229696f7a3bb4700cfddef19fa23f/289510/174/7500
8. Cultural awareness:
9. http://urfodu.ru/urfo/contest/testing/1/1944/bf8229696f7a3bb4700cfddef19fa23f/289510/174/7500
10. http://urfodu.ru/urfo/contest/testing/1/1971/82161242827b703e6acf9c726942a1e4/291564/175/75001
Auding: Прослушай текст и выбери правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов.
- How old is Mary?
A) Forty B) Fourteen C) Twenty four
- What time is it?
A) Twelve B) Ten C) One
- How many students are there in the class? … three.
A) Twenty B) Thirty C) Forty
- The next bus to London is at … p.m.
A) one B) two C) three
- She wants … biscuits.
A) any B) one C) some
- Mr. Rossi is invited to go to the … desk.
A) sports B) check-in C) information
- Flight AZ677 to Toronto is boarding at gate … .
A) Eight B) Eighteen C) Five
- Passengers must go to the gate for … .
A) control B) boarding C) information
- Kate has a broken … .
A) foot B) arm C) leg
- The pupils … to study English.
A) want B) wants C) don’t want
- Reading:
Bradley Pitt
William Bradley Pitt was born on 18th December, 1963, in Shawnee, Oklahoma (USA). He had a happy childhood and school life, and he went to the University of Missouri to study journalism and advertising. At university he started acting and in 1987 he left before he took his degree. He went to Hollywood.
Life in Hollywood wasn’t easy. At first he couldn’t find any acting jobs, but by 1989 he started getting small TV and film roles. Then nine years ago, in 1991, he got his first main role as a DJ in the film Thelma and Louise. He was on screen for only 14 minutes but a lot of people noticed him and he started to get bigger roles in films, such as Louise in Interview with the Vampire.
Brad Pitt is now one of Hollywood’s most successful actors. His name almost certainly means a film is going to make a lot of money, but at the moment, he is interested in making more serious films, such as Seven years in Tibet.
1. Brad Pitt was born in Canada.
2. His birthday is in winter.
3. He was happy when he was young.
4. He went to the University because he wanted to be an actor.
5. He took his degree in 1987.
6. His life in Hollywood was difficult.
7. He got his first role as a DJ in 1991.
8. He was on screen for a short time.
9. Brad Pitt has a success in Hollywood now.
10. He is interested in making comedies.
- Прочитай текст и выбери из предложенных выше утверждения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста.
А) 1,3,5,7,8,10
B) 2,4,6,8,9,10
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски нужными предлогами.
This is the story … (12) a ghost. He lives in the beautiful Canterville Castle . Mr. Otis and his family live there, too. The ghost has got big red eyes, grey hair, a long nose, thin legs and a white face. He thinks he's very frightening. But nobody is afraid … (13) him.
The ghost is very sad and unhappy. He cries in his room … (14) the tower. Mr. Otis' daughter, Virginia feels sorry … (15) him and wants to help him. The ghost tells her … (16) his problem. He can only rest when a girl … (17) blond hair helps him and the almond tree has flowers.
Virginia and the ghost go … (18) a wall. The Otis family looks for Virginia in the rooms, … (19) the beds, behind the doors, on the roof. They finally see her sitting … (20) the almond tree. They look … (21) and notice that the almond tree has flowers. Virginia and the ghost can finally rest. Now they are happy.
- A ) at B) of C) by
- A ) of B) about C) in
- A ) for B) along C) in
- A ) with B) for C) at
- A ) in B) about C) for
- A ) with B) of C) in
- A ) next B) in C) through
- A ) above B) under C) of
- A ) by B) next C) along
- A ) for B) down C) up
- Use of English: Выбери правильный ответ.
- It’s…..colder today than yesterday.
- Most
- More
- Very
- Super
- Much
- Andrew…..for this company.
- Works
- Work
- has worked
- am working
- will works
- Who's that girl? … .
A) Is Betty
B) It's Jane
C) She's a pupil
- In his free time he likes … with his friend.
A) playing
B) play
C) plays
- I … my homework because I left my book in school.
A) can't to do
B) can't do
C) don't make
- … the room!
A) Not to go into
B) Don't going to
C) Don't go into
- … these three girls do you know?
A) How many
B) Which of
C) What of
- Last week John … his leg.
A) fell and broke
B) felt and broke
C) fallen and broken
- Her eyes were as … as the sky.
A) blue
B) blew
C) blow
- You can't … jeans to the opera.
A) where
B) wore
C) wear
- They washed … faces and went to bed.
A) their
B) there
C) where
- North is the opposite direction to … .
A) East
B) West
C) South
- Which of the months of the year also means "permission”?
A) March
B) May
C) April
- He knows the poem by … .
A) head
B) memory
C) heart
- Jim…..in Scotland for five years.
- Lives
- is living
- has lived
- will lives
- have lived
- I opened the door, but there was…..there.
- Someone
- Anyone
- Nobody
- Everybody
- all
- Sarah is the prettiest girl….. our school.
- Then
- In
- Of
- At
- Inside
- Cultural awareness: Хорошо ли ты знаешь страны изучаемого языка? Выбери правильный ответ.
- Which of the following is a country?
A) Rome
B) France
C) Paris
- Robin Hood lived in … Forest .
A) Black
B) Dark
C) Sherwood
- What do people call New York ? The Big … .
A) City
B) Apple
C) Town
- Who said "To be or not to be, that is the question”?
A) Othello
B) Romeo
C) Hamlet
- Agatha Christie is known all over the world as
- the queen of Great Britain
- a famous sportsman
- a scientist
- an artist
- the queen of the detective genre
- The Union Jack is …
- the flag of Scotland
- the flag of Wales
- the flag of the UK
- the flag of England
- the flag of Northern Ireland
- Great Britain includes…
- Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
- Northern Ireland, Scotland and England
- Scotland, England and Wales
- Northern Ireland, Scotland , Wales and England
- England and Scotland
- On this day children dress up as ghosts and witches because it's … .
A) Valentine's Day
B) Christmas
C) Halloween
- Which is not a university town?
A) Bath
B) Oxford
C) Cambridge
- In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to … .
A) Nelson
B) Henry VIII
C) William the Conqueror
- In what country is “Guy Fawkes Night” celebrated?
- Great Britain
- The USA
- New Zeeland
- Australia
- Canada
- Great Britain is separated from the continent by …
- the Pacific Ocean
- the Irish Sea
- the Bristol Channel
- the English Channel
the Baltic
1— B | 11 — E | 21-C | 31-C | 41-B |
2 — A | 12-B | 22-B | 32-A | 42-C |
3 — B | 13-A | 23-A | 33-C | 43-E |
4 — C | 14-C | 24-B | 34-B | 44-C |
5 — C | 15-B | 25-A | 35-C | 45-D |
6 — C | 16-B | 26-B | 36-C | 46-C |
7 — B | 17-A | 27-C | 37-C | 47-A |
8 — B | 18-C | 28- B | 38-B | 48-A |
9 — C | 19 —B | 29 — B | 39 —B | 49-A |
10 — A | 20 — B | 30 —A | 40 —C | 50-D |
1— B | 11 — E | 21-C | 31-C | 41-B |
2 — A | 12-B | 22-B | 32-A | 42-C |
3 — B | 13-A | 23-A | 33-C | 43-E |
4 — C | 14-C | 24-B | 34-B | 44-C |
5 — C | 15-B | 25-A | 35-C | 45-D |
6 — C | 16-B | 26-B | 36-C | 46-C |
7 — B | 17-A | 27-C | 37-C | 47-A |
8 — B | 18-C | 28- B | 38-B | 48-A |
9 — C | 19 —B | 29 — B | 39 —B | 49-A |
10 — A | 20 — B | 30 —A | 40 —C | 50-D |
1— B | 11 — E | 21-C | 31-C | 41-B |
2 — A | 12-B | 22-B | 32-A | 42-C |
3 — B | 13-A | 23-A | 33-C | 43-E |
4 — C | 14-C | 24-B | 34-B | 44-C |
5 — C | 15-B | 25-A | 35-C | 45-D |
6 — C | 16-B | 26-B | 36-C | 46-C |
7 — B | 17-A | 27-C | 37-C | 47-A |
8 — B | 18-C | 28- B | 38-B | 48-A |
9 — C | 19 —B | 29 — B | 39 —B | 49-A |
10 — A | 20 — B | 30 —A | 40 —C | 50-D |
1— | 11 — | 21- | 31- | 41- |
2 — | 12- | 22- | 32- | 42- |
3 — | 13- | 23- | 33- | 43- |
4 — | 14- | 24- | 34- | 44- |
5 — | 15- | 25- | 35- | 45- |
6 — | 16- | 26- | 36- | 46- |
7 — | 17- | 27- | 37- | 47- |
8 — | 18- | 28- | 38- | 48- |
9 — | 19 — | 29 — | 39 — | 49- |
10 — | 20 — | 30 — | 40 — | 50- |
1— | 11 — | 21- | 31- | 41- |
2 — | 12- | 22- | 32- | 42- |
3 — | 13- | 23- | 33- | 43- |
4 — | 14- | 24- | 34- | 44- |
5 — | 15- | 25- | 35- | 45- |
6 — | 16- | 26- | 36- | 46- |
7 — | 17- | 27- | 37- | 47- |
8 — | 18- | 28- | 38- | 48- |
9 — | 19 — | 29 — | 39 — | 49- |
10 — | 20 — | 30 — | 40 — | 50- |
1— | 11 — | 21- | 31- | 41- |
2 — | 12- | 22- | 32- | 42- |
3 — | 13- | 23- | 33- | 43- |
4 — | 14- | 24- | 34- | 44- |
5 — | 15- | 25- | 35- | 45- |
6 — | 16- | 26- | 36- | 46- |
7 — | 17- | 27- | 37- | 47- |
8 — | 18- | 28- | 38- | 48- |
9 — | 19 — | 29 — | 39 — | 49- |
10 — | 20 — | 30 — | 40 — | 50- |
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