The introduction of modern forms and teaching methods with the use of "new approaches in teaching and learning" in the educational process
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The introduction of modern forms and teaching methods with the use of "new approaches in teaching and learning" in the educational process
This article analyzes the use of modern teaching methods and forms with the use of "New approaches in teaching and learning" in the educational process. Lessons using modern means and teaching methods increase motivation, arouse the interest of students in the subject. Methods of teaching techniques and methods, the joint work of the teacher and students in the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the development of abilities and professional qualities required in practice. Active teaching methods are methods that allow you to activate the educational process, to encourage the student to creatively participate in it. The task of active teaching methods is to ensure the development and self-development of the learner's personality based on the identification of its individual characteristics and abilities. Interactive ones are aimed at a wider interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and at the dominance of student activity in the learning process. An exchange of thoughts can be achieved through dialogue with students, however, students can conduct it among themselves in the process of joint research. Group learning is such a learning technology in which the group is the leading form of educational and cognitive activity of students.
The issues of enhancing the cognitive activity of students are among the most pressing problems of modern pedagogical science and practice. The problem of increasing the motivation of teaching requires a new approach from the teacher to its solution, in particular, the development of more advanced organizational forms and teaching methods. The issue of activating the teachings of schoolchildren is devoted to the research of scientists, teachers, psychologists, didactics and methodologists. The process of the formation of cognitive interest in the subject occurs under the influence of many factors: the content of the subject, teaching methods, student activities and the personality of the teacher. Based on the experience of the past, special studies and practice of our time, we can talk about conditions, the observance of which contributes to the formation, development and strengthening of the cognitive interest of students. The first condition is the maximum reliance on the active mental activity of students. Thinking is the leading among all cognitive mental processes. That is, to activate the cognitive activity of students in the learning process - this means, first of all, to activate their thinking. For the teacher’s system of work to enhance the cognitive activity of students in learning, it is very important to keep in mind that in mental activity three levels can be distinguished: the level of understanding, the level of logical thinking and the level of creative thinking, as well as the memory and attention of students. The second condition is the development of cognitive interests and the individual as a whole. It consists in leading the educational process at the optimal level of student development. It is this condition that ensures the strengthening and deepening of cognitive interest on the basis of the fact that learning systematically and optimally improves the activity of cognition, its methods, its skills. The emotional atmosphere of learning, the positive emotional tone of the learning process is the third important condition. The educational process is the third important condition.
- The fourth condition is favorable communication in the educational process. This group of conditions is “student-teacher”, “student-parents and relatives”, “student-collective”. Active teaching methods are methods that allow you to activate the educational process, to encourage the student to participate in it creatively. The task of active teaching methods is to ensure the development and self-development of the learner's personality based on the identification of its individual characteristics and abilities. Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of teaching methods. Constructivist teaching based on the University of Cambridge, which will be manifested in the integration of existing knowledge with new, independently acquired from various sources, with a predominance of dialogue in learning, is becoming the leader in the school at the moment. The development of dialogue in the classroom. Interactive learning is a type of learning that provides students with creative assimilation of knowledge through dialogue specifically organized by the teacher. The main difference between the dialogical style of teaching and the traditional transfer of knowledge is that the student does not receive the “truth” in the finished form, but opens up new knowledge in collaboration and with the support of an adult. Thus, the child learns to solve problems on his own, learns to look for different solutions. An exchange of thoughts can be achieved through dialogue with students, however, students can conduct it among themselves in the process of joint research. Group learning is such a learning technology in which the group is the leading form of educational and cognitive activity of students. In the group form of training, the class is divided into groups for solving specific educational problems, each group receives a specific task (either the same or differentiated) and performs it together under the direct supervision of the group leader or teacher. The purpose of group learning technology is to create conditions for the development of cognitive independence of students, their communicative skills and intellectual abilities through interaction in the process of performing a group task for independent work. The use of active methods in the classroom involves the personal involvement of students in the learning process, makes them move away from the usual learning patterns, contributes to their self-development and self-improvement, and thereby serves the realization of a personality-oriented education focus.
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