Задания для олимпиады по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса
олимпиадные задания
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Предварительный просмотр:
Областное государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Новооскольский колледж»
Цикловая комиссия общеобразовательных дисциплин
Неделя иностранного языка
иностранного языка
Инкиной Л.В.
Новый Оскол
Цель олимпиады:
1. Обеспечить практическую направленность обучения.
2. Формировать навыки самостоятельной работы с материалом.
3. Повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.
Ход олимпиады:
- Reading. Read the text and do the tasks below.
II. Grammar.
1.Transform the sentence into Reported Speech: “My car was stolen a few days ago”.
Rewrite this sentence in a passive voice: “I didn’t realize that somebody was recording our 2.conversation”.
3. Use the where necessary.
4. Fill in the gap: They’ll have _____ holiday after finishing their work.
III. Vocabulary.
1.Combine 1-5 with a-e.
2. A man who is physically very attractive and a lot of women fall in love with him is called ...
3. Finish the proverb.
4. Complete the proverbs.
5. Transform these words into another part of the language.
IV. Culture and values.
How do people call this attraction, which is situated in London?
1. Заполнение анкеты (Tаsк 1 Application form)
2. Аудирование текста и выполнение упражнений (Таsк 2 Weekends)
3. Выполнение тестового задания (Tаsк 3 Read the sentences and find the correct ending or answer.)
4. Самостоятельное чтение текста и выполнение послетекстовых упражнений (Таsк 4 «THE MAGIC OF OZ :The Cyclone»)
Tаsк 1
Application form
1. Surname _________________________
2. Name____________________________
3. Sex (male/female) ____________________
4. Date of birth_______________________________
5. Place of birth_________________________________
6. Country of citizenship_______________________________
7. Present occupation_____________________________________
8. Favourite subjects at college_________________________
10. Command of foreign languages ____________________________
11. Hobbies__________________________
12. Sports_________________________________________
13. Special training (if any) ___________
14. Address______________________
Tаsк 2
Every weekend is important to the Taylor family. During the week they don't have very much time together, but they spend a lot of time together on weekends.
Mr. Taylor works at the shoe store downtown during the week, but he doesn't work there on weekends.
Mrs. Taylor works at the city hospital during the week, but she doesn't work (here on weekends.
Nick and Pete go to school during the week, but they don't go there on weekends.
On Saturday and Sunday the Taylors spend all their time together. On Saturday mornings they clean the house together. On Saturday afternoons they work in the garden. And on Saturday evenings they sit in the living-room and watch adventure films, comedies and cartoons.
On Sunday mornings they go to church. On Sunday afternoons they have a big dinner. And on Sunday evenings they listen to music. They usually listen to jazz and rock'n'roll.
As you can see, every weekend is special to the Taylors.
Tаsк 2
1. Why is every weekend important to the Taylors?
a) They don't go to work;
b) They clean the house;
c) They spend time together.
2. What does Mr. Taylor sell?
a) clothes;
b) shoes;
c) food.
3. What do the Taylors do on Saturday first?
a) They clean the house;
b) They work in the garden;
c) They watch TV.
4. Which films do they prefer?
a) thrillers;
b) adventure films;
c) historical films.
5. What do they do on Sunday first?
a) They go to church;
b) They listen to jazz;
c) They have dinner.
Tаsк 3
Read the sentences and find the correct ending or answer.
1. Students go to school…..
a) to dance;
b) to study;
c) to read;
d) to play;
e) to write.
2. Students write with….
a) paint;
b) pens;
c) water;
d) glue;
e) rulers.
3. You open an umbrella when it is…….
a) fine;
b) rainy;
c) cloudy;
d) hot;
e) foggy.
4. You go to the shop ……..
a) to sell something;
b) to buy something;
c) to find something;
d) to see somebody;
e) to lose something.
5. Your friend has a birthday. What do you say?
a) How do you do?
b) Many happy returns!
c) Get better!
d) Don’t worry!
e) Hello!
6. You decorate a New Year tree with…..
a) flowers;
b) paper;
c) toys;
d) money;
e) candies.
7. You bathe in the river when it is…..
a) foggy;
b) rainy;
c) snowy;
d) fine;
e) stormy.
8. You can see many animals in……
n) the whop;
b) the circus;
c) the café;
d) the office;
e) the playground.
9. You are hungry. You want…………
a) to drink;
b) to sleep;
c) to eat;
d) to rest;
e) to play.
10. Sausage is made of…………
a) butter;
b) meat;
c) milk;
d) vegetables;
e) potato.
11. Your friend is lucky. That's why he is…… .
a) upset;
b) happy;
c) thirsty;
d) hungry;
12. You can buy books………….
a) in the library;
b) in the shop;
c) in the office;
d) at school;
e) in the forest.
13. We go to the forest………..
a) to hike;
b) to swim;
c) to play;
d) to eat;
e) to dance.
14. Your friend is upset. What do you say?
a) What is the weather like?
b) Who are you?
c) What's the matter?
d) What do you want?
e) How are you?
15. Your mother works at an office. She is………
a) a worker;
b) a clerk;
c) a teacher;
d) an engineer;
e) a driver.
Tаsк 4
The Cyclone
Little Dorothy lived on the Kansas prairie. She lived with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Uncle Henry was a farmer. Aunt Em was his wife. Their house was small. It had only one room. There were not many things in it. There was a table, a cupboard, three or four chairs and the beds.
Near the house there were neither trees nor flowers. On the right side and on the left there was only the grey Kansas prairie. Even the grass was not green but grey.
Uncle Henry and Aunt Em worked all day. They never laughed. They had no time to laugh. They began to work early in the morning and stopped late in the evening. But little Dorothy often laughed. She laughed because she was happy. She was happy because she had a dear friend. It was Toto, a little black dog. Toto had long hair, small black eyes and a funny little nose. Toto and Dorothy ran and played all day long.
Dorothy – Дороти (имя девочки)
Kansas prairie – Канзасская прерия
neither ... nor ... - ни….ни…
Toto – Тотошка (кличка собаки)
all day long – весь день
1. Say if it's true, false or there's no information.
1) Little Dorothy lived in Kansas City in America.
2) Dorothy lived with her parents.
3) A little girl was a farmer's niece.
4) Aunt Em helped her husband on the farm.
5) Toto was a big black dog with short hair.
2. Answer the questions.
1) How many rooms were there in the farmer's house?
2) What was the nature near the farm?
3. Explain why...
1) There were neither trees nor flowers near the Dorothy's house.
2) Uncle Henry and Aunt Em never laughed.
3) Dorothy was a very happy girl.
Результаты Олимпиады по английскому языку
№ п/п | Ф.И.О студентов | Курс, группа | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 | Task 4 | Task 5 | Итог | Место |
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10. |
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