Технические тексты
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When you use a remote control to change channels on your TV, your remote is using lightwaves. But this light is beyond the visible spectrumof light you can see. Back in 1800, William Herschelconducted an experiment measuring thetemperature changes between the colors of thespectrum, plus one measurement beyond visiblered.When that thermometer registered a temperaturewarmer than all the other colors, Herschel had discovered another region of the electromagneticspectrum, infrared light. This region consists ofshort wavelengths around 760 nanometers tolonger wavelengths about 1 million nanometers,or about a thousand micrometers, in length.
We can sense some of this infrared energy as heat. Some objects are so hot they also emit visible light, such as fire. Other objects such as humans, arenot as hot and only emit infrared waves. We cannot see these infrared waves with our eyesalone. However instruments can sense infraredenergy, such as night vision goggles or infrared cameras, allow us to 'see' these infrared waves from warm objects like humans and animals.
Infrared energy can also reveal objects in theUniverse that cannot be seen with optical telescopes. Infrared waves have longer wave lengths than visible light and c an pass through dense regions of gas and dust with lower scattering and absorption.
When you look up at constellation Orion, you see only the visible light. But NASA's Spitzer telescope was able to detect nearly 2,300 planet-forming disks in the Orion nebula by sensing the infrared glow of their warm dust.
Each disk has the potential to form planetsand its own solar system.Incoming ultraviolet, visible, and a limited portion of infrared energy, together sometimes called "shortwave radiation", from the sun drives our Earth system. Some of this radiation is reflected off clouds and some is absorbed in the atmosphere.
Larger aerosol particles in the atmosphere interact withand absorb some of the radiation causing the atmosphere to warm. The heat generated by thisabsorption is emitted as long-wave infrared radiation, some of which radiates out to space. The solar radiation that does pass through Earth’s atmosphere is either reflected off snow, ice or other surfaces or is absorbed by the Earth'ssurface. This absorption of radiation warms theEarth's surface and this heat is emitted as long-wave radiation into the atmosphere which allow only a small amount to radiate out to space.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such aswater vapor and carbon dioxide, absorb most ofthis emitted long-wave infrared radiation, and this absorption heats the lowest atmosphere. In turn, the warmed atmosphere emits long-wave radiation, some of which radiates toward the Earth's surface keeping our planet warm and generally comfortable. The energy entering, energy reflected, energy absorbed, and energy emitted by the Earth system constitutes the components of the Earth Radiation Budget. A budget that's out of balance cause the temperature of the atmosphere to increase andeventually affect our climate. For scientists to understand climate, they must also determine what drives the changes within theEarth's radiation budget. The CERES instrument aboard NASA's Aqua and Terra satellites can measure the reflected shortwave and emitted long-wave radiation into space accurately enough for scientists to determine the Earth's total radiation budget.
Other NASA instruments monitor the changes inother aspects of the Earth's climate system, such as clouds, aerosol particles, or surface reflectivity, and scientists are examining their many interactions with the energy budget. A portion of solar radiation from the Sun that is just beyond the visible spectrum is referred to as near-infrared. Scientists can study how this radiation reflects off the Earth's surface to understand changes in land cover such as growth of cities or changes Invegetation.
Our eyes perceive a leaf as green because wave lengths in the green region of the visible light spectrum are reflected while other visible wave lengths are absorbed. Yet, the chlorophyll and the cell structure of the leaf are also reflecting near-infrared light, light we cannot see.This reflection near-infrared radiation can be sensed by satellites, allowing scientists to study vegetation from space. Using this data, scientists can identify some types of trees, can examine thehealth of forests, and can even monitor the health of vegetation such as forests infested with pine beetles or crops affected by drought.
Studying the emission and reflection of infrared waves helps us to understand the Earth's system and its energybudget. Near-infrared data can also help scientists study land cover such as changes in snow, ice, forests, urbanization, and agriculture. Scientists are beginning to unlock the mysteries of cooler objects across the Universe such as planets, cool stars, nebulae, and much more using infrared waves.
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