Разработка урока по теме "Образование"
план-конспект урока на тему
Урок является завершающим по теме "Образование" на 2 курсе специальности "Преподавание в начальных классах".
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
по теме «Образование» в 221 группе
по специальности 050146 (44.02.02) Преподавание в начальных классах
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков студентов по изучаемой теме.
- automatization of lexics on the topic;
- development of reading and speaking skills using the vocabulary of the topic;
- development of cooperative way of studying, responsibility for the results of learning, searching activity, analytical and critical way of thinking;
- up-bringing of interest and love for a future profession.
The course of the lesson
- Greetings
- Good day! I’m glad to see you. Sit down. How are you? What is the news? Well, let’s begin.
- Today we are going to brush up the vocabulary of the topic “Education” and to learn some information about the primary schools in England.
- Warming-up
- Just to make your brains work better and to revise the vocabulary I’ll give you the following task - Education Quiz.
- Take these cards and work in groups.
Can you think of … ?
- one change in the system of education
- two kinds of schools
- three things education can give you
- four kinds of institutions of further education
- five things pupils learn to do in a primary school
- six things a teacher uses while getting ready for a lesson
- seven school subjects
- O.K. Your time is up. Let’s see what you have.
- Development of lexical skills
- So, let’s revise the vocabulary.
- So, the first task is to fill in the words.
Fill in the blanks changing the words so that they are lexically and grammatically correct:
- Do you think you’ll get good ………………..at college? EDUCATE
- At the age of 11 children go to a ……………..school. SECOND
- We see some improvements due to …………………. . ALTER
- He is a good ……………… in this sphere. SPECIAL
- This programme suits the ………………….standards. NATION
- Children like to spend their free time ………………. . DOOR
- In some schools pupils wear a ……………… . FORM
B. Correct the mistakes
1. How long does the pre-school edukation lasts?
2. The sistem of education undergo some changes three year ago.
3. There is swiming-pool in our colege.
4. Does you know a basic prinsiples of teaching?
5. His knowlege of foreing languages are improving gradually.
C. (Take off – touch down)
- That’s good. Let’s have a rest a bit. I want to stand up those who …
- finished school two years ago
- will work as a primary school teacher in 5 years’ time
- know a foreign language
- go to a swimming pool at least two times a year
- are going to enter an institute after graduating from college
- get on well with everybody in the family
- started school at the age of seven
- are good at Arts | Sciences
- Very nice. I see that you remember the words quite well.
- Development of reading and speaking skills
- Now let’s pass to the next stage. First of all I want to see what you know about a primary school in England. Fill in the first part of the TABLE. Work in pairs.
Questions | Before reading the text | After reading the text | |
Do English schools have names or numbers? | |||
Does English school begin on the 1st of September? | |||
At what time do children have lunch at school? | |||
What do children do in an infant school? | |||
What are the subjects in a junior school? | |||
Do schoolchildren wear a uniform? |
- Let’s see what you know or don’t know.
- So, as you have some blanks I want you to find information in the Internet. Take places in front of the computers. Try to find the text “Primary schools in England”.
- So, have you found all the answers?
- Now look at the pictures and try to describe primary school in England. You may use the sentences from the text.
- I see that you know it quite well. So the next task will be to make parallels with the primary school in Russia.
- Try to analyze the information in the text and give pairs of sentences. Work in pairs.
- Summing up
- So, I think you’ve worked very hard at the lesson.
- What have you learned or learned to do at the lesson?
- Now you can use the words on the topic “Education”, you know some information about primary schools in England and can compare it with our schools.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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