Презентация по теме "Business Letter"
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Презентация по теме "Написание делового письма" на примере составления письма-благодарности и письма-поздравления, иллюстрирующая эффективность работы с ЭОР на занятии по иностранному языку (профессиональному)
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Подписи к слайдам:
Lead-in information Personal business letters express : Thanks Congratulations Condolences Show concern Establish social links
A Model Letter: Expressing Thanks Look at the different elements of a letter:
Four Parts of a Letter Expressing Thanks
Useful Language Thank you for _________ . I hope to see you soon. Again, thank you for ______ .
Practice Define the following as either Opening , Focus , Action , Closing: Thanks for everything you did to make my first trip to Taiwan so enjoyable. I look forward to the opportunity to do you a similar favour. Again, I want to thank you for your kind and generous contribution. Your intern program gives students an opportunity to learn about the Internet. The entire staff join me in thanking you for sponsoring our weekend retreat. The enclosed bonus check is a small token of my appreciation. The project was very difficult, but you and your team did a wonderful job. I must say thanks for your support. It means a lot to me.
A Model Letter: Expressing Congratulations Look at the different elements of a letter:
Useful Language Congratulations on ______ . All of us are pleased that _____ . We look forward to continuing our working relationship with you. Again, congratulations _____.
Four Parts of a Letter Expressing Congratulations
Practice Define a closing sentence that restates the main idea of the letter best : Congratulations on your retirement . When you first came to Acme, you worked in the mail room. Thank you for many years of fine service to Banswell, Inc. 2. Let me congratulate you on the opening of your new offices in Tokyo . Your new branch in Japan shows that your hard work has paid off. The region should provide you with a lot of opportunities. Congratulations on being the region’s top sales rep this year. Your sales were over one million dollars this year. Given your hard work, you deserve this fine honour. We congratulate you on winning the Customer Service Award. We want to thank you ourselves and tell you how pleased we are that your work has been recognized. We are just your new, and fully satisfied, customers.
Letter writing practice: write a personal letter for the following occasion :
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