Методическая разработка урока по теме "Types of Ships"
методическая разработка
Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Types of ships" для курсантов 2 курса обучаюшихся по следующим профессиям и специальностям:
- 26.02.05 – Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок, квалификация – техник-судомеханик, (на базе основного общего образования (9 классов));
- 26.02.06 – Эксплуатация судового электрооборудования и средств автоматики, квалификация - техник-электромеханик, (на базе основного общего образования (9 классов)) ;
- 26.01.08 – Моторист (машинист), квалификация: моторист (машинист),(на базе основного общего образования (9 классов) с получением полного общего образования);
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"TYPES OF SHIPS" | 29.94 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
открытого практического занятия
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
Тема: Types of Vessels/ Типы судов
Группа: 251 (Спаренный урок 90 минут)
Дата: 10 декабря, 2019 г.
Цели: закрепление и углубление знаний по теме; развитие видов речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение); создание и содействие реализации модели социального поведения и коммуникативной практики будущих членов экипажа судов при обсуждении вопросов, касающихся темы; пробуждение познавательного интереса к вопросам, относящимся к будущей специальности; воспитание активной позиции и инициативности.
- обеспечить в ходе занятия усвоение и закрепление материала темы;
- продолжить формирование следующие специальных умений по дисциплине: расширение лексического запаса и активизация употребления новой лексики в речи, употребление модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов;
- актуализировать знания о типах судов и их основных технических характеристиках;
- расширить общий и профессиональный кругозор учащихся;
- создать условия для развития коммуникативных навыков через разнообразные виды речевой деятельности (монологическая, диалогическая речь);
- содействовать развитию умений осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность
- способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах, коллективе;
- содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка;
- содействовать повышению уровня мотивации на уроках через средства обучения;
- содействовать воспитанию культуры общения, потребности в самовоспитании
Тип занятия: комбинированное
Оборудование: презентация к занятию, тексты для чтения и перевода на английском языке, карточки с заданиями на английском и русском языках.
Ход занятия
I Вводная часть (Introduction) 10 минут
- Рапорт дежурного
- Организационный момент: приветствие, объявление темы, цели и задач занятия (Слайд 1)
Teacher: Cadets, let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going to discuss a very interesting theme “Types of Vessels”. Each of you should be ready to answer any Crew Manager’s question as to the type of vessel you sail on and your position and duties on board. So let us broaden the knowledge on these topics – learn new words, read texts and do different vocabulary and grammar exercises to be ready to speak about crewmembers’ duties and types of vessels they work on.
- Введение в языковую ситуацию
- What’s your future profession?
- Are you going to become a helmsman or a motorman?
- Will you work in the Deck Department or in the Engine Department?
4. Актуализация опорных знаний по теме «Экипаж судна»
- Match the positions of crew members and their duties on board
(Составить предложения по теме «Экипаж судна», согласно данной таблице) – работа по цепочке (Слайд 2)
| is responsible for are responsible for |
1e; 2i; 3d; 4a; 5b; 6f; 7g; 8c; 9h; 10j
- Answer the questions:
1. Who is responsible for the ship, her crew and cargo?
2. How many departments are there on ships? What are they?
3. Who is the head of the Deck Department?
4. Who is the head of the Engine Department?
5. Who keeps watch on the navigating bridge?
6. Does the Chief Engineer keep watch in the Engine Room?
7. Who keeps watch in the Engine Room?
II Основная часть (35 минут)
1. Teacher: You know the organization of the crew work and the duties of crewmembers very well. Thank you very much. But you should know that there are a lot of different types of ships sailing in coastal waters and at high sea. And now, answer some questions:
- Are there many types of vessels in the world?
- Do we define the type of vessel according to her size or the type of cargo she carries?
2. Teacher: Let’s open your notebooks, write today’s date and look at the board (курсанты смотрят презентацию “TYPES OF SHIPS”, знакомятся с названиями типов судов, читают и переводят информацию по каждому типу судов и записывают их в тетрадь) (30 минут)
- General-purpose ship
- Multi-purpose vessel
- Special-purpose ship
- Ice-Breaker
- Tanker
- Gas-carrier
- Liquefied petroleum gas carrier (LPG)
- Liquefied natural gas carrier (LNG)
- Chemical tanker
- Ore-Bulk-Oil (OBO) carrier
- Dry cargo ship
- Container ship
- Reefer
- Barge ships = LASH (Lighter Aboard Ship) vessels
- Timber carrier
- Tramp vessel
- Cargo liner
- Bulk carrier (Bulker)
- Heavy-lift vessel
- Ro-ro ship
- Tug
- Passenger ship (Cruise liner)
- Hydrofoil craft
- Ferry (Passenger-car ferry)
- Air-cushion vehicle
- Rescue boat
- Salvage ship
- Fishing vessel
- Research vessel
- Livestock Carrier
3. Match the words meaning different types of cargo with the words carrier/ship/vessel to form the type of vessels. Translate the words into Russian (фронтальная работа) (слайд 3) (5 минут)
Bulk Container Dry cargo Fishing Gas General-purpose Heavy-lift Liquefied natural gas Liquefied petroleum gas Livestock Multi-purpose Ore-Bulk-Oil Passenger Research Ro-ro Salvage Special-purpose Timber | ship vessel carrier | Балкер Газовоз Контейнеровоз Лесовоз Многоцелевое судно Нефтерудовоз Пассажирское судно Перевозчик сжиженного газа Перевозчик сжиженного природного газа Рыболовецкое судно Скотовоз Спасательное судно Судно общего назначения Судно специального назначения Судно типа Ро-ро Сухогруз Тяжеловесное судно |
- Teacher: Cadets, now let’s read and translate the text about different types of ships, but first look at the blackboard. You can see some new words there. Let’s read, write down them in your notebooks, translate them from English into Russian and remember these new words (10 минут)
Refrigerated goods, type of cargo, bow and stern doors, ramps, to drive on board, dock-side facilities, has encouraged, ship’s stern, cargo ports, hybrid vessels, are divided, timber, cargo handling equipment, derricks, universal ships, type of cargo, heavy/bulky cargo ships, adjustable steel ramps, bow and stern doors, dock-side facilities, has encouraged, LO-LO (lift-on/lift-off) vessels, RO-RO (roll-on/roll-off) vessels, FO-FO (float-on/float-off) vessels, hybrid vessels.
- And now, let’s read the text about different types of ships (15 минут)
On one hand, all cargo ships are divided into two types: dry cargo ships and tankers. On the other hand, cargo ships may be divided into universal ships designed to carry principal different types of cargo and specialized ships designed to carry one type of cargo (e.g. bulk cargo, timber, refrigerated goods, oil etc.). Such specialized ships as bulkers (= bulk-carriers), timber-carriers, reefer ships, tankers have long been known. In the past two decades three trends in specialized ship design have emerged. One is cargo-carriers with cargo handling equipment on board for special purposes or routes, such as, for example, heavy/bulky cargo ships with derricks or cranes capable of handling single lifts over 500 tons without requiring outside assistance. These ships are also called special-purpose ships. The second trend is Roll-on/Roll-off ships, in which bow and stern doors and adjustable steel ramps permit vehicles to drive on board and drive off again, requiring only minimum dock-side facilities. The third trend is the container ship. The use of containers for cargoes has encouraged the design of ships specifically to carry containers. In their extreme form, as in the LASH barge-carrying ships, the container is a 60-foot steel lighter, which can be quickly launched over the ship’s stern.
There are specialized ships designed to carry different types of cargoes (e.g. OBO ships, PROBO ships, CONBULKERs etc.). These are called combined ships.
A comparatively new development is the multi-purpose ship combining characteristic features of both universal and specialized vessels.
In dependence of the cargo handling method used dry cargo ships may also be divided into: LO-LO (lift-on/lift-off) vessels where handling of cargo is effected by derricks or cranes through cargo hatches; RO-RO (roll-on/roll-off) vessels where the cargo is rolled on board and rolled off through cargo ports or doors in the bow, stern or sides of the ship; FO-FO (float-on/float-off) vessels where dock lift cargo handling method is used, that is floating cargo units (e.g. barges) are floated into cargo spaces (usually large holds). But there are also hybrid vessels where combinations of the above-mentioned methods are used, such as LO-LO/RO-RO (or LO/RO), RO-RO/, FO-FO (or RO/FO-RO-Flow) vessels and others.
6. Answer questions: (10минут)
1) What we call ships designed to carry automobiles and passengers?
2) How many trends/what trends in specialized ship design do you know?
3) How can you classify all cargo ships in dependence of the cargo carried?
4) How can you classify them in dependence of the cargo handling method used?
5) Why are expensive specialized ships so widely used nowadays?
6) What two types are all cargo ships divided into?
7) How can dry cargo vessels be classified in dependence of the cargo they carry/in dependence of the cargo handling methods they use?
8) What are advantages/disadvantages of specialized vessels?
9) Do you believe that specialized ships will increase in number in future? Why do you think so?
10) What are special-purpose ships? Can you give any examples?
7. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи (7 минут)
Give a short report on principal particulars of different vessels according to the data in the cards (слайд 4). Use the following speech patterns
I’d like to tell you …
The vessel was built in … by … shipyard.
The principal particulars of the ship are …
She has …
She develops the speed of …
Ro-Ro (“S. Kirov” type) Length o. a. (overall) – 156.6 m Breadth – 23.8 m Height – 16.9 m Draught – 7.2 m Deadweight – 7,100 t Speed – 17.3 kn S.Petersburg, 1989 | Tanker (“Pobeda” type) Length o. a. (overall) – 228.0 m Breadth – 32.2 m Height – 18.0 m Draught – 13.6 m Deadweight – 68,550 t Speed – 15.8 kn Kerch, 1981 - 1987 | Timber-carrier (Kapitan Goncharov” type) Length o. a. (overall) – 131.6 m Breadth – 19.3 m Height – 8.8 m Draught – 7.4 m Deadweight – 7,700 t Speed – 15.0 kn Malta, 1989 |
Bukker (“Khariton Greku” type) Length o. a. (overall) – 215.2 m Breadth – 31.8 m Height – 16.9 m Draught – 12.3 m Deadweight – 52,450 t Speed – 14.2 kn Nikolaev,1982 | Railway Ferry (“Klaipeda” type) Length o. a. (overall) – 190.9 m Breadth – 28.0 m Height – 15.2 m Draught – 7.2 m Deadweight – 11,920 t Speed – 16.0 kn Germany, 1987 | Cruise Liner (“Song of America” type) Length o. a. (overall) – 214.5 m Breadth – 32.6 m Height – 17.3 m Draught – 7.0 m Accomodation – 1500 passengers Crew – 500 Finland, 1982 - 1999 |
III Заключительная часть
- Подведение итогов
2. Выдача домашнего задания (выучить названия типов судов)
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