Методическая разработка практической работы по английскому языку по теме "Interviewing for a Job. Making a Positive Impression. How to dress for a job interview." для студентов СПО
методическая разработка

Окулова Елена Александровна

Практическая работа по теме "Собеседование. Создание положительного впечатления" разработана для уроков английского языка для студентов СПО разных специальностей. Содержит лексические упражнения, статью из журнала с популярными советами и вопросы для дискуссии. 


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Практическая работа №54 «Собеседование. Создание положительного впечатления. Как одеться для собеседования».

Interviewing for a Job. Making a Positive Impression. How to dress for a job interview.

What is a job interview?

Who conducts a job interview?

1 Read the text «Interviewing for a Job»

After reading your application form or résumé, the owner, manager, or human resources person may want to interview you. A job interview is a meeting to discuss the details of the job and the qualifications of the applicant. For jobs that require artistic and creative skills, bring along a portfolio of your work. This can include drawings, photos, written articles, and samples.

2 Study the following words and expressions.




a trial run

Strive to create

a firm grasp

to slump

to fidget

to clasp




пробный прогон

стремиться создать

уверенное (твердое) пожатие (рук)

резко падать

волноваться, беспокоиться, ерзать


quick thinking

poor experiences

dwell on

blaming or criticizing






плохой опыт


обвинение или критика




3 Read and translate. Write advices in your workbook.

Making a Positive Impression

• Research the business beforehand. Knowing something about the employer shows your interest. You’ll be better prepared to respond if an interviewer asks, “Why do you want to work here?”

• Dress appropriately. Appearance counts.

• Arrive on time. Allow plenty of time to prepare and get to the interview. Learn exactly where you should be; make a trial run if needed.

• Show up alone. If you bring relatives or friends for moral support, have them wait outside.

Strive to create a winning impression during the interview. Remember the following ideas:

• Greet the interviewer in a friendly manner.

If a handshake is offered, accept with a firm grasp. Sit down only when invited. Any items brought with you should be placed on the floor, not on the interviewer’s desk.

• Speak clearly. Look directly at the interviewer when talking. Avoid slang expressions.

• Sit comfortably but correctly. Avoid slumping in the chair and fidgeting with your hands or hair. Clasp your hands loosely on your lap. Try to relax.

• Answer questions with more than a yes or no. Try to include something about yourself.

After pointing out membership in the debate club, an applicant can add, “It’s taught me a lot about quick thinking and ;

• Give honest answers, even if they include negative facts about you.

Explain how you’ve learned from past mistakes and poor experiences, but don’t dwell on this information. Avoid blaming or criticizing former employers.

• Ask questions about the position. This shows your interest. You might ask about specific duties and opportunities for advancement.

• Express enthusiasm. Have a positive attitude about work opportunities.

• Thank the interviewer as the meeting ends. Express appreciation for the time spent with you.

  1. Why it is important to research the business beforehand?
  2. Why it is important to answer questions with more than a yes or no
  3. Why should you ask questions about the position?

3 Match the job interview questions (1-5) with their answers (a-e). ( M. L. el)

1 How many jobs have you had since leaving university?

2 Why have you changed jobs so often?

3 What have you done that shows leadership?

4 In what ways has your job changed since you joined the company?

5 Have you ever worked with a difficult person?

a) I now have more responsibility and work longer hours.

b) Well, I lead the sales team. I'm also chairperson of a local business association.

c) I wanted to earn more money.

d) Well, the boss in my last company wasn't easy to work with.

e) I've worked for six companies.

4 Now listen and check your answers. ()

5 Complete these interview questions using the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 How have you changed (you change) over the last five years?

2 What other jobs ______________(you apply for) recently?

3 What ______________(you read) recently?

4 What kind of people _______________(you work) with?

5 What sort of bosses ________________(you have)?

6 What ________________(you learn) from your other jobs?

7 What sort of problems _______________(you have) to deal with?

8 What ___________________(you do) that shows leadership?

6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise .

HW Pick up several photos with the suitable and not suitable clothes on a job interview!!!

7 Study the following words and expressions


flattering colors


a modest outfit




Простые, тусклые цвета


Скромный наряд


Тесный, обтягивающий



to groom

to be combed

neatly trimmed




быть причесанным

аккуратно подстрижены

8 Read and translate the following tips

  • Should you wear your most formal outfit to a job interview? Why or why not?

9 You have magazine illustrations of people in various styles of dress.

Explain orally whether each outfit would be appropriate for a job interview.

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