1. Методическая разработка практического занятия по английскому языку по теме: «Поликлиника. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense» (группы 234б/334а)
методическая разработка
1. М/р «Поликлиника. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense»
2. Презентация "Детская поликлиника"
3. Презентация "Деятельность медицинской сестры и врача"
4. Презентация "Здравоохранение"
Предварительный просмотр:
Александровск-Сахалинский филиал
Государственного бюджетного профессионального образовательного учреждения «Сахалинский базовый медицинский колледж»
Методическая разработка
практического занятия по английскому языку
Тема: «Поликлиника. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense»
Специальность: 34.02.01 Сестринское дело
Составитель: преподаватель
латинского языка
Михайлова Н.В.
Методические указания для студентов
Студент должен знать: лексический и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности по теме занятия.
Студент должен уметь: общаться на иностранном языке по теме занятия; переводить (со словарем) иностранный текст профессиональной направленности по теме занятия; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную речь, пополнять словарный запас.
Объём самостоятельной работы:
Задание №1
Выполнение упражнений на закрепление лексики.
Задание №2
Работа с текстом: чтение, перевод (со словарём).
Задание №3
Выполнение упражнений для проверки понимания прочитанного текста.
Домашнее задание:
Повторение и закрепление изученного лексико-грамматического минимума по теме занятия.
Приложение №1
Task №1
Read the text about the polyclinics
The Polyclinics
The polyclinic is a medical institution which protects the health of our people. If a patient falls ill, he rings up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. When his condition isn’t very bad he will go to the local polyclinic and a physician (doctor) will examine him there. Many specialists including therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons work in the polyclinic. During the medical examination a physician usually listens to the complaints of the patient and according to the complaints he carries on the examination. In addition to the consulting hours at the polyclinic local physicians go out to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose condition is bad. Such sick patients receive sick-leaves. They usually follow a bed regimen. Any physician of the polyclinic knows his patients very well because he treats only a definite number of patients. At the local polyclinic every patient has a personal patient’s card. When a physician fills it, he writes down the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor’s administrations, the course of the disease, and the changes in the patient’s condition after the treatment.If it is necessary a nurse will come to the patient’s house to give him the administered injections or to carry out any of the doctor’s administrations.
Task №2
Answer the questions
1. What is the polyclinic? What is its function?
2. What can any patient do when he falls ill?
3. How does the doctor carry on the examination?
4. What do the doctors do in addition to the consulting hours?
5. What do the sick persons receive?
6. Who fills in a patient’s card?
7. What does a physician write down in it?
8. What will a nurse do if it is necessary?
Task №3
Complete the sentences
1. Many specialists …
2. When the doctors go to the calls they …
3. Sick patients …
4. Any local physician knows …
5. At the local polyclinic every patient …
3. James is a young doctor. He’s got a job in a new far away town.
Task №4
James is writing a letter to his close friend Mary. Help him to complete the letter. Use the given words.
Patients / medical institution / consulting hours / nurse / treat / examine / gives injections / complain / fill in / carries out / receive
sick-leaves / follow a bed regimen / administer / condition / go out
« Hello, Mary!
It’s me, James. I am fine. I have a new flat and a new job in this far away town. I work as a doctor in the polyclinic. I have … … there. I have a definite number of … whom I … . Our polyclinic is a big … … in this region. Many doctors work together with me. My working day begins at 8.30. I have many patients a day. They come and … of their condition. I … the patients, … their
patient’s cards, … the treatment. Ill patients … … . I tell my patients to … … .I work together with Kate. She is a … . She helps me very much. She … … to the patients and … … my administrations. Sometimes if it is necessary I … … to the calls to the patients whose …. is very bad. That’s the way my life goes on.
Yours, James.
Task 5. Match the words.
1. надувной круг | a. scissors |
2. судно | b. wheelchair |
3. компресс | c. feeding cup |
4. банки | d. air-ring |
5. капельница | e. syringe |
6. клизма | f. sticking plaster |
7. поильник | g. stretcher |
8. грелка | h. basin |
9. пузырь для льда | i. enema |
10.кресло-каталка | j. cups |
11.пипетка | k. compress |
12.горчичник | l. bed-pan |
13.ножницы | m. dropping bottle |
14.мыло | n. pipette |
15.лейкопластырь | o. thermometer |
16.шприц | p. sponge |
17.градусник | q. hot water bottle |
18.таз | r. soap |
19.губка | s. mustard plaster |
20.носилки | t. ice-bag |
Task 6. Fill in the gaps with the words above
If you want to give injections, take … .
If you want to take the temperature, take … .
If you want to wash your hands, take … .
If you want to drop nasal drops, take … .
If you want to rub the skin, take … .
If you want to cut the bandage, take … .
If you want to wash the patient, take … .
Task 7. Translate the words into Russian.
I. Many doctors work in the polyclinic. They
1.examine a patient
2.carry on an examination
3..listen to the complaints
4.go out to the calls
5.treat the patients
6.fill in the patients’ cards
7.make a diagnosis
8.protect the health of the people
9.make administration
10.administer the treatment
11.have consulting hours
II. People fall ill and become the patients of the polyclinic. They
1. ring up the local polyclinic
2. call in a doctor
3. go to the polyclinic
4. complain of the state ( condition)
5. receive a sick-leave
6. follow a bed regimen
7. consult a doctor
III. The doctor fills in the patient’s card. It includes
1. a diagnosis of a disease
2. a course of a disease
3. doctor’s administrations
4. treatment
5. changes in the patient’s condition
IV. Nurses help doctors in the polyclinic. They
1.give injections
2.carry out doctor’s administrations
3. Make up the word combinations using the words
1. make
2. examine
3. carry out
4. fill in
5. protect
6. administer
7. have
8. give
9. listen to
patient’s card
the health
a diagnosis
the treatment
consulting hours
a patient
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Our specialists
Treatment room
Chief physician
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
mustard plasters
learn the words to the text 1. to take the temperature – измерять температуру 2 . chart – карта 3 . medicine – лекарство 4 . to carry out – выполнять 5 . prescription – предписание, рецепт 6 . ward – палата 7. to examine – осматривать 8 . condition – состояние 9 . to prescribe – назначать 10. attentive – внимательный 11 . change – изменение 12 . to observe - наблюдать
In a hospital I am a nurse. I work at a therapeutic hospital. Many doctors and nurses work at the hospital is very large . The nurses begin to take the patients temperature at 6 o'clock . They write it down in temperature charts . Then the nurses give the patients medicines and carry out other prescriptions of the doctors .
They open the windows and air the wards. The doctors come at 9 o'clock in the morning and begin to examine patients. As I am a ward nurse the doctor asks me about the condition of my patients. Sometimes I tell him that they are well. And sometimes I tell the doctor that the temperature of some of the patients is high and the doctor prescribes some new medicine or injections. I like me profession very much. I know that much of the nurse's work can be learnt by practice. So I am very attentive and try to observe any changes in a patient's condition.
learn the words to the text 1. student nurse – учащиеся медицинского училища 2. sick – больной 3. to learn – изучать 4. care – уход 5. to wear – носить 6. spotless – чистый 7. surgery – операция 8. wheel-chair – кресло каталка 9. nursery – ясли 10. to be afraid – бояться
A student nurse A nurse takes care of people who are sick/ This is her work ( Men can be nurses, too). She goes to a medical school to learn what she must know to give good care to sick people. The nurse must be a good student in school. She must be healthy herself, eat in time, get plenty of rest and exercises , use good personal hygiene.
When she is a student nurse, she wears a uniform. She is proud of her uniform and keeps it spotless so she always looks professional. During her practice she gives patients medicine and brings them meals. Sometimes she works in the operating room, helping the doctor, who does a surgery on a patient. She helps people to walk and takes them in a wheel-chair. She loves to work in the nursery, where she helps to take good care of babies. Sometimes she reads or plays with small children so they won't be afraid of the hospital. She tries to improve by studying hard.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
health service – здравоохранение medical institution – медицинское учреждение protect the health – охранять здоровье medical assistance – медицинская помощь consulting room – кабинет врача X-ray – рентген out-patient – амбулаторный больной district therapeutist – участковый терапевт staff – персонал disease – болезнь treatment – лечение get a sick - leave – получать больничный лист emergency ambulance service – служба скорой помощи undergo a preventive examination – проходить профилактический осмотр medical equipment – медицинское оборудование
The health service in Russia embraces the entire population and it is financed by the state budget.
There is a wide network of medical institutions to protect the health of our people. They are polyclinics, hospitals and clinics. Polyclinics give qualified medical assistance. Many doctors and nurses work in the polyclinics. There are a lot of consulting rooms, some laboratories, X-ray, physiotherapy, surgical and dental departments
District therapeutists examine out-patients. The polyclinic has rooms for the examination of infectious diseases and also rooms for treatment and diagnostics. In Russia district doctors are on call part of their working day, they visit patients who are seriously ill and stay at home.
Any Russian citizen may go to the district doctor or call him in and receive medical assistance. Every citizen has a right to get a sick-leave. Health service in Russia provides the emergency service. The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and it is free of charge. In case of an emergent disease one dial 03 for the doctor to come.
The ambulances are well-equipped. Modern medical equipment enables the doctor to give emergency surgical and therapeutic treatment. There are special hospitals for the treatment of particular diseases – infectious, psychiatric diseases, cancer and so on. The main principle of health service in Russia is the prevention of diseases . One of the main tasks in the fight against diseases is the early detection of the first signs of the diseases . One of its methods is health education.
Answer the questions Who works in the polyclinics? What rooms does the polyclinic have? What is the main principle of health service in Russia? What does modern medical equipment enable the doctors to do?
Match the words in the columns The health service The polyclinic The emergency ambulance service The district doctor Russian citizens -operates day and night -embraces the entire population -examine out-patients -provides the emergency service -protect the health of the people -visit ill patients at home -receive medical assistance
Continue the sentences 1. Polyclinics give … 2. Any Russian citizen may … 3. Every citizen has a right to … 4. One of the main tasks in fighting against diseases is …
Translate into English Студенты проходят практику в различных медицинских учреждениях. Врачи охраняют здоровье людей. Вы должны пройти профилактический осмотр. Это медицинское оборудование дорогое и современное. Грипп ( influenza ) – это инфекционное заболевание. Кабинет врача хорошо-оборудован. Врачи оказывают ( give ) медицинскую помощь. «Николай Петрович, получите больничный лист» - сказала ( said ) мед.сестра .
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