Конспект занятия: "Здоровье зубов".
план-конспект занятия
Данная разработка "Здоровье зубов" является составной частью темы "Стоматология" на занятиях английского языка в медицинском колледже. Специальность 31.02.01. Лечебное дело. Целью занятия является активизация лексического материала.
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Специальность 31.02.01 Лечебное Дело
Конспект практического занятия по теме «Здоровье зубов»
- Изучение лексического материала по теме «Здоровье зубов».
- Изучение грамматического материала:
A dentist - стоматолог;
A bad toothache - сильная зубная боль;
Gum pain - боль в деснах;
To make an appointment with a dentist - записаться на прием к врачу;
To have a dental check-up - иметь стоматологический осмотр;
To take a seat and wait - присесть и подождать;
The next on the list - следующий в очереди;
A dentist office - кабинет стоматолога;
A dental chair - стоматологическое кресло;
A filling has come out - пломба слетела;
To chip a tooth - сломать зуб;
To get your teeth brightened - отбелить зубы;
To get/get off braces - установить/снять брекеты;
Dental cleaning and polish - стоматологическая чистка и полировка зубов;
To open the mouth a little wider - открыть рот немного шире;
A mouthwash - ополаскиватель для полости рта;
Napkins - салфетки;
A decay - кариес;
Plaque - зубной камень/налет;
A bad teeth hygiene - плохая зубная гигиена;
Sweet tooth - сладкоежка;
X-ray - рентген;
Gap - промежуток между зубами.
Dental light - стоматологический светильник/лампа;
X-ray machine - машина для рентгена;
Dental explorer - стоматологический зонд;
Tooth polisher - полировальное приспособление;
A mask - маска;
Surgical gloves - хирургические перчатки;
A filling - пломба;
To take tooth out - удалить зуб;
To fill the cavity with the composite material - наполнить полость композитным материалом;
Give an anesthetic injection - сделать обезболивающий укол;
Let me know you feel any pain - дайте мне знать, если чувствуете любую боль;
A crown - зубная коронка;
A dental cement - зубной цемент
Glossary of Dental Terms
Abscess (n) – абсцесс
Acid (n) – кислота
Bow drill – лучковая дрель
Braces (n) – брекеты
Bridge (n) – мостовидный протез
Brush (n, v) – щетка, чистить
Calculus or tartar (n) – зубной камень
Canine (n) – клык
Cavity (n) – полость
Cementum (n) – цементное вещество зуба
Checkup (n) – осмотр
Cleaning (n) – профессиональная чистка зубов
Crown (n) – коронка
Dental anatomy – стоматологическая анатомия
Dental notation system – система нумерации зубов
Dental pain – зубная боль
Dental treatment – стоматологическое лечение
Dentin (n) – дентин
Dentist (n) – стоматолог
Denture (n) – зубной протез
Enamel (n) – эмаль
Extract (v) – удалять, вырывать
FDI – Всемирная Ассоциация (Федерация) Стоматологов
Filling (n) – пломба
Floss (n, v) – зубная нить, чистить зубной нитью между зубами
Fluoride (n) – фториды
Forceps (n) – щипцы
Fracture (n) – трещина
Gingivitis (n) – гингивит
Gum (n) – десны
Hurt (v) – болеть
Incisor (n) – резец
Jaw (n) – челюсть
Mandible (n) – нижняя челюсть
Maxilla (n) – верхняя челюсть
Molar (n) – моляр, коренной зуб
Mouth (n) – рот
Mouth mirror – стоматологическое зеркало
Nerve (n) – нерв
Odontologist or forensic dentist – одонтолог
Palmer notation – система Палмера
Drill (v) – сверлить
Permanent teeth – коренные зубы
Plaque (n) – зубной налет
Premolar (n) – премоляр, зуб коренной малый
Primary teeth – молочные зубы
Pulp (n) – пульпа
Removal (n) – удаление
Root (n) – корень
Root canal – корневой канал зуба
Scale (n) – очищение зубов от камня
Surgery (n) – хирургическое вмешательство
Tissue (n) – ткань
Tooth (n) – зуб
Tooth decay – кариес
Tooth fairy – зубная фея
Toothpaste (n) – зубная паста
Toothbrush (n) – зубная щетка
Tooth formation – формирование зуба
Treatment (n) – лечение
Tumor (n) – опухоль
Periodontal ligament – периодонтальные связки
Periodontitis (n) – пародонтит
Universal numbering system – универсальная система нумерации зубов
Veneer (n) – виниры
Wisdom tooth – зуб мудрости
X-ray (n) – рентген
If a patient cannot clean his teeth,
no dentist can clean them for him.
Martin H. Fischer
Task 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you know why there are so many dentists in the United States and Canada?
2. Do you know why many North Americans carry around small containers of a special type of string called "dental floss"?
3. What is the second most common disease in the United States today?
Dental Health
Quietly, and without much publicity, enormous strides have been made in the past decades in the art and science of protecting, preserving, restoring, and replacing teeth. In less than 150 years, dentistry has grown from a primitive to a sophisticated profession. The resulting gains in public health have been enormous. Tooth decay in schoolchildren has dropped 32 percent in the decade of the seventies, and the proportion of children totally free of cavities has risen almost 10 percent since 1973.
Adults have benefited too: The number of denture wearers declined from 35 percent of the adult population to 24 percent in ten years. Much of this healthy progress can be credited to educational campaigns launched by the dental profession, which have heightened national awareness of the importance of healthy teeth.
Oral hygiene has become almost as fashionable as jogging, and its enthusiasts would no more be caught without dental floss in the medicine cabinet than a runner would without sneakers in the closet. After the common cold, tooth decay is the most prevalent disease in the United States today. But teeth can last a lifetime if attention is paid to preventive measures, including adequate oral hygiene and regular professional care. By far the best way to prevent decay is to stop it before it starts.
The American Dental Association recommends these simple steps:
• A good diet. Choose a balanced diet to build and maintain the gums and bones that support the teeth. Avoid snacking as much as possible, especially sticky foods that cling to the teeth.
• Brush your teeth. Daily brushing removes plaque and food particles from the teeth. Your dentist can recommend a toothbrush for you. For general use, select one with soft bristles, which are less likely to injure gum tissues. Children usually need smaller brushes than those designed for adults.
• Floss daily. Flossing removes the plaque and food from between the teeth and gums. These areas should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a day, since decay and gum disease often start in places where a toothbrush can't reach. Flossing is a skill that can be perfected with practice.
• Use a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride unites with tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay.
• Regular checkups. Dental visits are a very necessary part of preventive dental care.
Disease and problems can be detected and treated early, and home-care practices can be recommended. Visits to the dentist should begin in early childhood and continue throughout adulthood. X-ray examinations are performed when needed but not as a routine matter. X-rays can reveal such things as the extent of tooth decay, pinpoint cavities hidden between the teeth or under the gum line, show bone damage from periodontal disease, tumors, fractures in the teeth or jawbone, impacted teeth, and abscesses. There may be times when your dentist will refer you to a specialist.
Task 2. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the general state of dental health in your country?
2. Are there many dentists as is common in the United States?
3. Do your people suffer more or less because of their teeth?
4. According to the article, who deserves much of the credit for the decrease in tooth decay and the decline in the number of people using dentures?
5. What does American Dental Association recommend to prevent tooth decay?
1. How often do you go to your dentist?
2. What do you usually talk with the dentist about?
3. Is it comfortable to be at dentist’s office?
Going to the dentist’s office
Patient: Hi. Dr. Hyde?
Dentist: So, what's seems to be the problem today?
Patient: Well, I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning.
Dentist: Hum. Open up. Let's take a look . . .
Patient: Okay. Uh . . .
Dentist: Hummmm. [Humm? Uh?] Wow! I've never seen one like THIS before.
Let me try this.
Patient: Uhhh . . . Ouhhhh [Man screaming in pain . . .]
Dentist: Well, besides a lot of plaque buildup, there is a major cavity in one of
your wisdom teeth. Hasn't this given you any trouble?
Patient: Well, the tooth has been bothering me, and it sometimes hurts when I
drink something cold. Does it look that bad?
Dentist: Well, we're going to remove the decay, and then we'll either put a
filling in, or if the decay is extensive, we can't repair it, we might have to put a crown on your tooth. Or as a last resort, we may have to extract the tooth.
Patient: Uh, well, that sounds painful!
Dentist: Don't worry. I've done this . . . once before. Nah, just relax.
Patient: Wait! Aren't you supposed to give me something to dull the pain?
Dentist: Oh yeah. I almost forgot. We can either use a local anesthetic or
nitrous oxide . . . laughing gas. . . to minimize the discomfort you might feel. Or you can just grin and bear it.
Patient: Nah, Nah, nah! Put me under! I can't stand pain, and I'd rather not be
aware of what's going on. And, if I need a filling, can I get one that looks like my
other teeth?
Dentist: If we can save the tooth with a filling, I recommend a high-strength silver alloy filling instead of a porcelain one. It'll probably last longer.
Patient: Okay, well whatever. Let's get it over with.
Dentist: Okay, pleasant dreams. Drill please.
Task 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Describe the qualities that any dentist should have?
2. What is difficult in the work of a dentist?
3. What attracts you in the job of a dentist?
Interview with a Dentist
I: What do you do for a living?
D: I’m a general dentist.
I: How would you describe what you do?
D: I do anything that pertains to surgery, cleaning, hygiene, or fillings in
someone’s mouth.
I: What does your work entail?
D: I do fillings and root canals and surgical extractions, regular extractions, removal of wisdom teeth, removal of canines, soft tissues etc.
I: How did you get started?
D: Dentistry is in my family, and that is how I got introduced to it. I went to school and started taking my science courses and I really liked them, and also I liked the interaction with people and helping them in some sort of capacity; I liked it that dentistry really allowed me to do that. And it is a trade also. I wanted a job that required a license because I feel like when you’re licensed to do something, you will always have a job.
I: What do you like about what you do?
D: I would say first and foremost, being able to talk to people or getting to be around and help people. I also like working with my hands. And I’m not an artist, by any means, but you have to have a good eye and be good with your hands. You have to know what looks natural and what doesn’t, which is really funny because a lot of patients don’t want what looks natural; they want what looks fake, which we hate:).
I: What do you dislike?
D: I really don’t think there’s anything I don’t like about dentistry. I really don’t. I like it that much. But sometimes I feel like I have to be strict and I feel like I’m giving lectures to patients (when they guidance about tooth care or are doing bad things to their teeth). I don’t like conflict so that’s kind of hard for me. But, at that same time, when it must be said, it has to be said.
I: What is most challenging about what you do?
D: Working in a very tiny, dark space. And, there’s fluids where you have to keep things dry. Sometimes it can be really challenging, especially when a patient can’t open their mouth. Also, people are very, very, very scared of the dentist and I probably hear that 10 times a day: “it’s not you, I really like you but I just hate the dentist and I’m so scared and I had this one bad experience.” Seriously, every other patient, I get a story like that. It doesn’t bother me, but I’ve talked to some older dentists, and they sometimes get a chip on their shoulder.
I: What advice would you offer someone considering this career?
D: To do well in school and to do a bunch of shadowing to see if it’s something they really want to do; it’s hard to know until you really get into it, because you don’t start drilling and doing all of that until you really start working with patients. You have no way of really knowing if you’re going to get along with it.
get a chip on their shoulder – to seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated unfairly
to do for a living – to do something as your job or a way of making money
a bunch of shadowing – to find more information about something.
get around – to meet with somebody or to deal with problems
Are these statements true or false? If the statement is false, correct it.
1. The dentist wanted a job that didn’t require a license because it is very
difficult to get it.
2. The dentist dislikes being strict to his patients.
3. People usually are not afraid of dentists.
4. A lot of patients don’t want what looks natural, they want what looks fake.
5. It’s quite easy to decide if dentistry is for you when you are just studying at
the university.
6. The most challenging about dentist’s job is working in a very tiny, dark
7. The dentist really worries about patients who are afraid of him.
8. The work of a general dentist doesn’t involve surgical extractions.
Task 4. In the text you have met several interesting sentences, try t
Paraphrase sentences below using underlined expressions from the text.
1. She writes a financial column as her job.
2. You should carefully check all the details of the contract before signing it.
3. There are ways of dealing with the tax rules.
4. Our neighbor is always gloomy and is always trying to start a fight
Complete the dialogue using the words from the box.
Cavities, gum pain protective apron cleaned
decay inflammation drilled X-rays
Dr. Peterson: Good morning, Sam. How are you doing today?
Sam: I'm OK. I've been having some _____ recently.
Dr. Peterson: Well, we'll take a look. Please open your mouth.... that's good.
Sam: (after being examined) How does it look?
Dr. Peterson: Well, there is some ________of the gums.
Sam: Is something wrong?
Dr. Peterson: No, no. It looks like you may have a few _____ as well.
Sam: That's not good news .... hmmm
Dr. Peterson: There are just two and they look superficial.
Sam: I hope so.
Dr. Peterson: We need to take _____ to identify tooth decay, as well as check for
_____ between the teeth.
Sam: I see.
Dr. Peterson: Here, put on this ________.
Sam: OK.
Dr. Peterson: (after taking the X-rays) Things look good. I don't see any evidence of
further decay.
Sam: That's good news!
Dr. Peterson: Yes, I'll just get these two fillings ____and taken care of and then
we'll get your teeth ______.
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