Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку
Данный материал является фондом оценочных средств по английскому языку для студентов медицинских колледжей. Он содержит тестовые задания различного уровня сложности. Тестовые задания по лексике и грамматике.
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213Приложение 3.1
к рабочей программе учебной дисциплины
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Контрольно-измерительные материалы
для проведения текущего контроля
по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Общий гуманитарный и социально-экономический цикл
Предметной (цикловой) комиссией №
протокол № ___ от «__» ______ 2020 г.
Председатель ПЦК ____________ /
Состав рабочей группы:
№ п/п | Фамилия, имя, отчество | Ученая степень, звание/ квалификационная категория | Занимаемая должность | Место работы |
Булавина Е.В. | Первая КК | Преподаватель | ГБПОУ ДЗМ «МК № 7» |
№ п/п | Фамилия, имя, отчество | Ученая степень, звание/ квалификационная категория | Занимаемая должность | Место работы |
Инструкция: выберите один правильный ответ
1.A doctor with special training in how to care for pregnant women and help in the birth of babies.
- Obstetrician
- Nurse
- Surgeon
- Neurologist
2. The fact of being unable to have babies, produce young, or produce new plants.
- Infertility
- Premature
- Caesarian section
- Conception
- An early, unintentional end to a pregnancy when the baby is born too early and dies because it has not developed enough.
- Miscarriage
- New-born
- Afterbirth
- Caesarian section
- The material, including the placenta, that is pushed out of a woman’s or female animal/s body soon after she has given birth.
- Afterbirth
- Infertility
- Premature
- Period
- The process of a male and a female sex cell joining and causing a baby to start to form.
- Conception
- Caesarian section
- New-born
- Fertility
- Larry … Keith that Wanda had been living in the Soho place for about a year.
- told
- tell
- speak
- spoke
- “Now, listen,” Keith … Larry, “when you leave here, go straight home”.
- said to
- said
- say
- talk
- Larry … that Keith was very good to him.
- said
- say
- speak
- talk
- Keith … Larry to stay at home.
- told
- speak
- say
- tell
- Keith … that it was his privilege as a brother to help Larry.
- said
- tell
- speak
- talk
- Плод
- Foetus
- Ovum
- Period
- Reproduction
- Недоношенный
- Premature
- Curette
- Fertility
- Pelvis
- Внематочная беременность
- Ectopic pregnancy
- To miss a period
- Childbirth
- Gestation
- Relating to a period during which a woman is pregnant and has a baby, and often to a period following this
- Maternity
- Gynecology
- Period
- Reproduction
- The ideal age for maternity is 20-30 years.
- Maternity
- Gynecology
- Afterbirth
- Uterus
- An instrument that can be used to assist in the delivery of a baby as an alternative to the ventouse (vacuum extraction) method.
- Obstetrical forceps
- Curette
- Foetus
- Term
- As a doctor went out he turned to … something, but could find no words.
- say
- talk
- speak
- told
- Larry … Keith all he could about Wanda.
- told
- to say
- to speak
- tell
- George wanted to tell Susan that he loved her but couldn’t … a word.
- say
- said
- tell
- speak
- The young man … he was sorry for having talked so loudly.
- said
- say
- speak
- to tell
- Матка
- Uterus
- Umbilical cord
- Delivery forceps
- Miscarriage
- Пуповина
- Umbilical cord
- Delivery forceps
- Fertility
- Gestation
- The postman … he would deliver that letter the next day.
- said
- say
- to say
- speak
- “You should take a holiday and have a good rest,” the doctor said to her. - The doctor … her to take a holiday and have a good rest.
- advised
- have advised
- was advised
- advises
- “Let’s have a walk after lunch,” she said to me. - She suggested that we (should) have a walk after lunch.
- suggested
- have suggested
- was suggested
- suggests
- The mother says her daughter … from chickenpox in her early childhood.
- suffered
- has suffered
- have suffered
- suffers
- The mother was delighted and said she … such a comfortable delivery.
- had never had
- was never had
- have never had
- has never
- I was very proud of the child. It was my first baby, born … my own skill and care.
- through
- in
- on
- up
- He was an old obstetrician and … no illusions about what the students would find difficult.
- had
- has
- have
- have had
- Had you … miscarriages (abortions)?
- any
- some
- no
- every
- The scientific study of eyes and their diseases.
- Ophthalmology
- Neurology
- Obstetrics
- Therapy
- Pupil
- Eyelid
- Vision
- Eye ground
- Eyelid
- Pupil
- Eye ground
- Lens
- Long-sightedness
- Short-sightedness
- Ocular tension
- Wall-eye
- Радужная оболочка
- Iris
- Pupil
- Retina
- Cornea
- Сетчатка
- Retina
- Pupil
- Iris
- Cornea
- Хрусталик
- Lens
- Ocular tension
- To water
- Cornea
- Глазное дно
- Eye ground
- Iris
- Lens
- Cornea
- Глазное давление
- Ocular tension
- Long sightedness
- Short sightedness
- Wall-eye
- Is there … pus in your eyes when you get up?
- any
- some
- every
- no
- One of the two organs in your face that are used for seeing
- Eye
- Nose
- Lips
- Tongue
- When she looked at him, her eyes … full of tears.
- were
- was
- to be
- have been
- The officer looked at him narrowly … half-closed eyes.
- through
- in
- on
- at
- Отслойка сетчатки
- Retinal detachment
- Opaque cornea
- Cataract
- Blind
- Мутная роговица
- Opaque cornea
- Cataract
- Blind
- Retinal detachment
- Катаракта
- Cataract
- Blind
- Retinal detachment
- Opaque cornea
- A special instrument … at the pupil of the eye, a doctor finds the detached part of the retina and it is attached in place again by a strong beam of light.
- is aimed
- be aimed
- was aimed
- were aimed
- He … to us because he was losing the sight of his other eye, too. We had to save the second eye.
- came
- come
- to come
- have come
- Have you … the ocular tension?
- taken
- take
- took
- takes
- When did you … your vision last?
- check
- checked
- checks
- has checked
- The most common type, chronic glaucoma, gradually … the field of vision without the patient’s knowing it.
- destroys
- destroy
- to destroy
- to be destroyed
- When a patient has acute glaucoma – a very painful condition, that comes on suddenly – a laser may be sometimes … instead of an operation.
- used
- to use
- uses
- will use
- Lack of physical exercise often … to several irregularities in the normal human physiology which in turn makes the person take pills.
- leads
- lead
- to lead
- to be lead
- Вам когда-либо измеряли глазное давление?
- Has your eye pressure ever been measured?
- Did you have an operation for cataract?
- Do your eyes often run?
- Do you suffer from headache?
- Ваши глаза часто слезятся?
- Do your eyes often run?
- Do you sometimes feel a gritty feeling in your eyes?
- Watch my finger.
- Look at my ear.
- У вас на роговице инородное тело.
- You have a foreign body on your cornea.
- It has to be removed as soon as possible.
- You have a traumatic retinal detachment.
- You are suffering from glaucoma.
- Я выпишу вам рецепт на очки
- I’ll write you a prescription for a pair of glasses.
- You are long-sighted
- You need not wear glasses all the time.
- Look straight ahead
- Следите за моим пальцем
- Watch my finger
- Look straight ahead
- Look at my ear
- Look straight into the light
- Мне нужно проверить зрение
- I have to check my eyesight
- I have a trouble with my right eye
- I often have sties
- It hurts the eyes to look at the sun
- У вас хронический конъюнктивит
- You suffer from chronic conjunctivitis
- I often have sties
- Look at my ear
- I’ll write you a prescription for a pair of glasses.
61. It is the largest organ of the body, with a total area of about 20 square feet. It acts as a barrier between outside and inside environment.
A. skin
B. liver
C. heart
D. brain
- Волосяной фолликул
A. Hair follicle
B. Sweat glands
C. Connective tissue
D. Epidermis
- Потовые железы
- Sweat glands
- Connective tissue
- Blood vessels
- Dermis
- Эпидермис
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- Hypodermis
- Fat
- She … a very clear skin.
- has
- have
- to have
- will be
- … is the range of practices that support skin integrity, enhance its appearance and relieve skin conditions.
A. Skin care
B. Nutrient enema
C. Injections
D. Laxatives
- Skin care is a routine daily procedure in many settings, such as skin that is either too dry or too moist, and prevention of … and prevention of skin injuries.
- dermatitis
- skin care
- sweat glands
- connective tissue
- Sun protection is an important aspect of skin care.
- protection
- treatment
- examination
- injection
- There are five … : normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive.
- main skin types
- skin care
- protection
- routine daily procedure
- Sometimes dry skin is simply an … to an outside substance, which could be something naturally occurring like poison ivy or may be caused by medications and other topical skin care applications.
A. allergic reaction
B. injections
C. main skin types
D. protection
- Бородавки
- Warts
- Rash
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Родимые пятна
- Birthmarks
- Warts
- Dermatitis
- Cellulite
- У меня здесь сыпь
- I have a rash here
- I would like to have these warts removed
- There is some kind of skin disease on my hands
- I seem to have a nettle rash
- Крапивница
- Nettle rash
- Cellulite
- Warts
- Acne on the face
- На подошвах ног отслаивается кожа
- The skin is peeling off the soles of my feet
- These places itch now and then
- I have a rash here
- I have some eruption on my skin
- Вы когда-либо болели кожными заболеваниями?
- Have you ever suffered from a skin diseases?
- Are there any psoriasis in your family?
- Are you allergic to any particular medicine or food?
- What kind of complaint do you have?
- Покажите пораженные участки кожи
- Please show me the affected parts of your body
- Move your toes apart with your fingers
- Lie down on your stomach on this couch
- We’ll do biopsy to investigate these skin changes
- The skin test … to the allergy for substances you deal at your work
- indicates
- to indicate
- have indicate
- are indicated
- … should be put on the affected skin area, then cover it with a gauze tampon
- The prescribed ointment
- Treatment
- Skin care
- Your both hands
- Вам нельзя загорать
- You should avoid strong sunlight
- Your skin disease is contagious
- You should follow all my instructions
- There is no need to admit you to our clinic
- Нет необходимости вас госпитализировать
- There is no need to admit you to our clinic
- Lie down on your stomach on this couch
- Move your toes apart with your fingers
- You should avoid strong sunlight
- Сдайте утреннюю мочу в лабораторию на анализ
- Please bring your morning urine to our laboratory
- Lie down on your stomach on this couch
- We’ll do biopsy to investigate these skin changes
- You should follow all my instructions
- Принимайте это лекарство натощак
- Take this drug on an empty stomach.
- I’ll prescribe you some medication
- Your disease is not dangerous
- Take one tablet three times a day
- He said, “I like these shoes”. – He said that he … those shoes.
- liked
- likes
- have liked
- has liked
- He said, “I will be with you whatever what”. – He said that he … with me whatever what.
- would be
- will be
- was
- have been
- The postman said, “ I will deliver this letter tomorrow”. – The postman said he … deliver that letter the next day.
- would
- will
- was
- will be
- The patient said, “I am hungry!” – The patient said that he … hungry.
- was
- will be
- were
- have been
- Mother said, “I am cooking the dinner now”. – Mother said that she was cooking the dinner now.
- was cooking
- were cooking
- have been cooking
- cooked
- She said, “I have worked hard today” – She said that she had worked hard that day.
- had worked
- have worked
- has worked
- worked
- I said, “The doctor has only been working here for 3 months” – I said that the doctor … only … there for 3 months.
- had … been working
- has … been working
- was … working
- were … working
- Пищеварительная система
- Digestive system
- Nervous system
- Urinary system
- Endocrine system
- Желудок
- Stomach
- Liver
- Amino acids
- Small intestine
- Поджелудочная железа
- Pancreas
- Large intestine
- Esophagus
- Rectum
- The alimentary canal includes the …
- mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine
- brain, lungs, heart, spinal cord
- joints, muscles, bones,
- skin, blood, artery, vein
- An organ in the body that produces insulin(= a chemical substance that controls the amount of sugar in the blood) and substances that help to digest food so that it can be used by the body
- Pancreas
- Intestine
- Stomach
- Heart
- She … a very delicate stomach and doesn’t eat spicy food.
- has
- have
- had
- had had
- An organ in the body where food is digested.
- Stomach
- Liver
- Lungs
- Pancreas
- She said to me, “I will wait for you outside”. – She told me that she … for me outside.
- would wait
- will wait
- waited
- waits
- He answered, “I want to go to the hospital” – He answered that he … to go to the hospital.
- wanted
- want
- wants
- have wanted
- The large, soft piece of flesh in the mouth that you can move, and is used for tasting, speaking, etc.
- Tongue
- Mouth
- Lips
- Pharynx
- Боль в животе
- Abdominal pain
- Blood in the stool
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Вздутие
- Bloating
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Трудности при глотании
- Difficulty swallowing
- Constipation
- Bloating
- Diarrhea
- He said, “I don’t agree with you.” - He said (that) he … agree with me.
- didn’t
- don’t
- doesn’t
- done
- “I don’t know anything about it,” he said to me. - He … me (that) he didn’t know anything about it.
- told
- said
- has said
- has told
- When I met him last week he said, “I’ll call you tomorrow.” - When I met him last week, he said he … me the following (next) day.
- would call
- will call
- calls
- call
- The act of emptying the contents of the stomach through the mouth.
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Difficulty swallowing
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Blood in the stool
- Nausea
- Ten days later he was readmitted from his local hospital … a history of fever, diarrhea, extreme irritability and poor feeding.
- with
- on
- in
- through
- A condition in which the stomach swells and feels full and uncomfortable.
- Bloating
- Difficulty swallowing
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- желудок
- stomach
- liver
- liver
- heart
- пищеварительная система
- digestive system
- respiratory system
- cardiovascular system
- nervous system
- Intestine
- кишечник
- желудок
- селезенка
- печень
- computed tomography
- компьютерная томография
- радионуклидное сканирование
- лапароскопия
- мониторинг ph
- Рентгенологическое исследование
- Radiological research
- Analysis of urine
- Colonoscopy
- Upper endoscopy
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Магнитно-резонансная томография
- Ультразвуковое исследование
- Колоноскопия
- Капсульная эндоскопия
- Ellie exclaimed that she … that car since her father gave it to her and that there had been no complaints.
- Had been driving
- had driven
- drove
- was driving
- They said that they knew only what was in the papers, that they … for a call or a telegram since they heard of the accident.
- had been waiting
- waited
- were waiting
- had waited
- Norma said that the old car had broken when they … the bridge.
- had been crossing
- has crossed
- crossed
- were crossing
- She said she couldn’t go in the water because she … her swimming suit.
- had not brought
- didn’t bring
- hasn’t brought
- will not bring
- antibiotics
- антибиотик
- таблетка
- микстура от кашля
- мазь
- iodine
- йод
- мазь
- лейкопластырь
- раствор
- cough mixture
- микстура от кашля
- настой
- снотворное
- слабительное
- 50 gm of alcohol
- 50 граммов спирта
- Ампулы четверть процентного раствора новокаина по 2 мл каждая
- По одной таблетке во время еды
- 10 мг (1таблетка) 1 раз в сутки
- Intravenously
- внутривенно
- ректально
- перорально
- под язык
- Ampules of 0.25% novocaine 2 ml each
- Ампулы четверть процентного раствора новокаина по 2 мл каждая
- 0.25% раствор
- По три таблетки 2 раза в день
- Сильнодействующие лекарства
- If my friend … to our town next year, I … him the sights of the city.
- comes/I’ll show
- will come/I will show
- has come/ am showing
- comes/is showing
- If I … my entrance exams I … the happiest man in the world.
- pass / will be
- passed / am
- will pass / be
- shall pass / would be
- What … you … if the train … in time?
- will/do/doesn’t come
- will be/doing/come
- did/will not come
- have/done/came
- If you … tickets we … Paris.
- buy/we’ll visit
- bought/visit
- buys/visited
- were buying/should visit
- Three times … day
- a
- in
- on
- the
- … is a small round piece of medicine that you swallow.
- tablet
- ointment
- powder
- suppository
- … is a substance that you rub into your skin as a medical treatment.
- ointment
- tablet
- adhesive plaster
- pill
- And what should I take … my headache?
- for
- from
- to
- on
- … is a drug used to treat depression (a medical condition in which you are very unhappy)
- Antidepressant
- Adhesive plaster
- Laxative
- Antibiotic
- … is a medicine or something that you eat that makes your bowels empty easily
- Laxative
- Antidepressant
- Sleeping draught
- Sedative
- She … a job if she … English.
- would find/knew
- will find/know
- would find/know
- would to know/knew
- He … the car if he … the lottery.
- would buy/won
- would buy/win
- will buy/win
- will buy/won
- If she … enough time she … dinner.
- had/would cook
- would cook/had
- has/would cook
- had/will cook
- If we … to this club we … all night.
- went/would dance
- went/will dance
- go/will dance
- had gone/would dance
- Constipation
- запор
- диарея
- головокружение
- боль в животе
- Звон в ушах
- Ringing in the ears
- Loss of appetite
- Memory loss
- Blurred vision
- Dizziness
- головокружение
- запор
- обморок
- потеря памяти
- Memory loss
- Потеря памяти
- Звон в ушах
- Потеря аппетита
- Кожные высыпания
- If you hadn’t left your car open, it … stolen.
- wouldn’t have been
- would have been
- wouldn’t been
- wouldn’t has been
- If I … coffee last night, I … slept well.
- had drunk/wouldn’t have
- wouldn’t have/had drunk
- wouldn’t have/ has drunk
- has drunk/wouldn’t have
- If you … the manual carefully, you … this mistake.
- had read/wouldn’t have made
- wouldn’t have made/had read
- wouldn’t has made/had read
- has read/wouldn’t have made
- If you … a window, I wouldn’t have been ill.
- had closed
- would had closed
- would have closed
- have closed
- If I had studied harder, I … better job.
- would have had
- have had
- would have
- would had have
- If I had known you were in the hospital, I … to see you.
- would have gone
- have gone
- has gone
- would gone
- … is the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feeling and activity.
- Brain
- Head
- Liver
- Heart
- Мозжечок
- Cerebellum
- Brain
- Hypothalamus
- Pituitary
- … is a small organ at the base of the brain that controls the growth and activity of the body by producing hormones.
- Pituitary gland
- Brain
- Brainstem
- Spinal cord
- If I had a thousand years to live, I … an expert in many spheres.
- would become
- will become
- would becoming
- will becoming
- If I were a king, I … in this palace.
- would live
- will live
- will to live
- would to live
- We would be friend, if Carol … a little more optimistic.
- were
- will be
- is
- has been
- If I saw my friend, I … him about it.
- would tell
- will tell
- was tell
- tell
- If I had won that lottery, I … in Italy.
- would live
- will live
- live
- lived
- If I meet Tom, I … him about your new car.
- will tell
- would tell
- tell
- told
- Boris would not lend us money, if we … him.
- asked
- ask
- asks
- will ask
- If you eat too much sweet stuff, you … overweight.
- will get
- would get
- shall get
- will to get
- If you go right now, you … the show.
- will not miss
- will not to miss
- would not to miss
- would not miss
- If we don’t sleep enough, we … tired.
- get
- got
- will get
- have got
- If I were a good student, my mother … so anxious about my future.
- wouldn’t
- will not be
- will not to be
- wouldn’t to be
- If I had time tomorrow, I … you.
- would help
- will help
- would to help
- have helped
- If you … some rest, you might feel better.
- get
- got
- will get
- will be get
- Ventilation was required for four days after the operation, after which the pulmonary … had resolved.
- Edema
- Hematoma
- Skull fracture
- Bleeding
- Is a usually temporary injury to the brain caused by a fall or hit on the head or by violent shaking
- Concussion
- Hematoma
- Skull fracture
- Edema
- Гематома
- Hematoma
- Skull fracture
- Edema
- Head injury
- Kate … with open fractures of the skull, wounds to the head and face, multiple bruises and hematomas.
- was hospitalized
- hospitalized
- has hospitalized
- have hospitalized
- If you … start treating your mycosis it’ll affect your nail.
- won’t
- would
- would be
- has been
- If you … as I am advising you’ll get well very soon.
- do
- does
- did
- has done
- Принимайте это лекарство натощак
- Take this drug on an empty stomach.
- I’ll prescribe you some medication
- Your disease is not dangerous
- Take one tablet three times a day
- Нет необходимости вас госпитализировать
- There is no need to admit you to our clinic
- Lie down on your stomach on this couch
- Move your toes apart with your fingers
- You should avoid strong sunlight
- Сдайте утреннюю мочу в лабораторию на анализ
- Please bring your morning urine to our laboratory
- Lie down on your stomach on this couch
- We’ll do biopsy to investigate these skin changes
- You should follow all my instructions
- Medicines are given to bed-patients by nurses every day.
- Медсестры каждый день дают лекарства лежачим больным
- Медсестры сегодня принесли лекарства лежачим больным
- Медсестры утром принесли лекарства лежачим больным
- Медсестры завтра принесут лекарства лежачим больным
- . … the patient the doctor usually feels his pulse.
- Examining
- To examine
- Examined
- Have examined
- The doctor wants him … the operation.
- to undergo
- underwent
- undergone
- undergoes
- They are found of … inflammation.
- to have
- has
- had
- have been
- He … to follow home treatment.
- was allowed
- allows
- allow
- be allowed
- The car … by a man at the moment.
- is being repaired
- has been repaired
- was repaired
- is repairing
- The supermarket … by a building company when I returned.
A. was being renovated
B. will be renovated
C. was renovated
D. is renovated
- I … at the lesson next week.
A. will be asked
B. am asked
C. was asked
D. have been asked
- My questions … by the time I returned.
A. had been answered
B. have been answered
C. will be answered
D. were being answered
- Many houses … in our town every year.
A. are built
B. were built
C. are being built
D. have been built
- The project … a year ago.
A. was finished
B. is finished
C. is being finished
D. will be finished
- The victory day … by everybody.
- is celebrated
- has been celebrated
- are celebrated
- is being celebrated
- Patients … by a doctor yesterday.
- were examined
- will be examined
- are examined
- examined
- Bread is cut … a knife.
- with
- by
- this
- –
- Beautiful flowers are grown … my mother.
- by
- with
- -
- Buy
191. Sweat is produced in ___________.
A sweat glands
B cells
C epidermis
D blood vessels
Answer: A
- Body hairs grow in ________ in the dermis.
A follicles
B sweat glands
C cells
D vessels
Answer: A
- Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled _______ and the ability of these cells to spread.
A cell division
B regeneration
C treatment
D invasion
Answer: A
- Cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, ______, which uses anticancer drugs, a radiotherapy.
A chemotherapy
B biopsy
C tests for cancer
D morning exercises
Answer: A
- The effect of antibiotics ________ by Fleming in 1929.
A was discovered
B had discovered
C has discovered
D were discovered
Answer: A
- Without water there is ______ life.
A no
B any
C some
D nothing
Answer: A
- Food, in a liquid paste form, enters the _______ where water is removed.
A colon
B liver
C anus
D oesophagus
Answer: A
- Salivary glands in the mouth produce _________.
A enzymes
B water
C juice
D gall
Answer: A
- The sight, smell, and taste of food _______ glands to produce saliva.
A stimulate
B detoxify
C ingest
D expand
Answer: A
- A major role of the digestion prosses is the _______ of waste from the body.
A elimination
B detoxification
C stimulation
D expansion
Answer: A
- Food is ______ through the mouth.
A ingested
B absorbed
C expanded
D converted
Answer: A
- The pancreas is involved in the _______ of enzymes that break down food molecules.
A secretion
B ingestion
C elimination
D contraction
Answer: A
- Nutrition is when the body converts food substances into energy.
A converts
B contracts
C detoxifies
D eliminates
Answer: A
- The digestive system breaks down food and transport it for ______ and defecation.
A absorption
B stimulation
C expansion
D consumption
Answer: A
- The muscles in the oesophagus make wave-like ______ which push the food along.
A contraction
B absorption
C consumption
D detoxification
Answer: A
- Too much ______ of certain foods can overload the digestive system.
A consumption
B absorption
C consumption
D detoxification
Answer: A
206. The stomach can ______ as it fills with undigested food.
A. expand
B stimulate
C secrete
D detoxify
Answer: A
207. Digested products travel to the liver, which ______ blood of harmful substances.
A detoxifies
B expands
C eliminates
D converts
Answer: A
208. Pregnancy is a condition in which a woman carries a developing baby, called a fetus, in her ______.
A uterus
B stomach
C pelvis
D intestine
Answer: A
209. Pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks.
A 40
B 30
C 35
D 27
Answer: A
210. ______ are specialists in childbirth, postpartum, and well-woman health care.
A Midwifes
B Paramedics
C Orderlies
D Nurses
Answer: A
211. We called the ambulance when John stopped breathing.
A ambulance
B midwife
C orderlies
D police
Answer: A
212. I can’t remember the accident because I had ______.
A amnesia
B stomachache
C headache
D diarrhea
Answer: A
213. The baby was so large that we had to perform a ______.
A caesarean section
B abortion
C gastric lavage
D stimulation of labor
214. The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity
A brain
B liver
C heart
D stomach
Answer: A
215. Instance in which blood stops pumping through the heart.
A heart attack
B headache
C injury
D itchy
Answer: A
216. A mental illness that causes something to change suddenly from being very happy to very sad.
A Bipolar disorder
B Cancer
C Schizophrenia
D Stress
Answer: A
217. The bones that form a bowl-shaped structure in the area below the waist at the top of legs.
A Pelvis
B Edges
C Uterus
D Skull
Answer: A
218. A body’s abnormal reaction to certain foods or environmental substances.
A Allergy
B Eczema
C stomachache
D amnesia
Answer: A
219. A mental illness in which someone eats in an uncontrolled way and in large amounts, then vomits intentionally.
A Bulimia
B Anorexia
C Schizophrenia
D Hallucination
Answer: A
220. A place where people who are mentally ill stay and receive treatment.
A Psychiatric hospital
B Policlinic
C Sanatorium
D Medical University
Answer: A
221. ______is born too early and is small or weak.
A Premature baby
B New-born
C still-born
D Miscarriage
Answer: A
222. The organ in a mother’s body that feeds and protects a baby before it is born.
A Placenta
B Embryo
C Uterus
D Pelvis
Answer: A
223. A human being or animal in an early stage of development (in its mother’s uterus).
A Embryo
B New-born
C Miscarriage
D still-born
Answer: A
224. A drop of salty liquid that flows from the eye, as a result strong emotion, especially unhappiness, or pain.
A Tear
B Retina
C Pupil
D Lens
Answer: A
225. The area at the back of the eye that receives light and sends pictures of what the eye sees to the brain.
A Retina
B Pupil
C Lens
D Eyelid
Answer: A
226. The circular black area in the centre of an eye, through which light enters.
A Pupil
B Eyelid
C Retina
D Tear
Answer: A
227. Either of the two pieces of skin that can close over each eye.
A Eyelid
B Retina
C Pupil
D Lens
Answer: A
228. One of two organs in your face that are used for seeing.
A Eye
B Nose
C Lip
D Ear
Answer: A
229. A disease in which an area of someone’s eye becomes less clear so that they cannot see clearly.
A Cataract
B Blindness
C Long-sightedness
D Short- sightedness
Answer: A
230. The part of the eye behind the pupil that helps you to see clearly by focusing.
A Lens
B Retina
C Pupil
D Tear
Answer: A
231. The inability to see clearly.
A Blurred vision
B Long-sightedness
C Blindness
D Short- sightedness
Answer: A
232. A state in which a person is unconscious and cannot be woken, caused by damage to the brain.
A Coma
B Tremor
C Amnesia
D Anemia
Answer: A
233. A slight shaking movement in a person’s body, especially because of nervousness or excitement.
A Tremor
B Coma
C Amnesia
D Anemia
Answer: A
234. A nerve cell that receives messages from the outer part of the body to the brain.
A Sensory neuron
B Cell
C Vein
D Germ
Answer: A
235. The red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart and that is necessary for life.
A Blood
B Saliva
C Urine
D gastric juice
Answer: A
236. One of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body.
A Artery
B Vein
C Muscle
D Bone
Answer: A
237. The regular movement or sound that the heart makes as it pushes blood around the body.
A Heartbeat
B Blood circulation
C Breathing
D Stress
Answer: A
238. A tube that carries blood to the heart from the other parts of the body.
A Vein
B Artery
C Muscle
D Bone
Answer: A
239. A doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves.
A Neurologist
B Gynecologist
C Surgeon
D Ophthalmologist
Answer: A
240. The removal and examination of tissue from a patient’s body, in order to find out more about their diseases.
A Biopsy
B Injection
C blood test
D blood transfusion
Answer: A
241. ‘Make some coffee please, Bob.’
Carol asked Bob ______ some coffee.
A to make
B make
C made
D have made
Answer: A
242. ‘You must do the homework soon, Jane.’
She told Jane ______ the homework soon’.
A to do
B do
C did
D does
Answer: A
243. ‘Remember to buy a map, Ann.’
He reminded Ann _______ a map.
A to buy
B buy
C bought
D has bought
Answer: A
244. ‘You should see a doctor, Mrs Clark.’
He advised Mrs Clark ________ a doctor.
A to see
B see
C sees
D has seen
Answer: A
245. ‘Keep all the windows closed, Bill.’
They warned Bill _______ all the windows closed.
A to keep
B keep
C keeps
D has kept
Answer: A
246. ‘Go home, Paul.’
Francis told Paul _______ home.
A to go
B go
C goes
D has gone
Answer: A
247. ‘Please stay for supper, Bob.’
I tried to persuade Bob ______ for supper.
A to stay
B stay
C not to stay
D be
Answer: A
248. Fred said, ‘Ann, would you lend me five pounds, please?’
Fred asked Anne ______ him five pounds.
A to lend
B lend
C lends
D lending
Answer: A
249. I said to John, ‘Remember to phone Sally.’
I reminded John _____ Sally.
A to phone
B phone
C phoned
D phones
Answer: A
250. ‘You must wash your hands, children,’ the teacher said.
The teacher told the children _______ ______ hands.
A to wash/their
B wash/your
C wash/their
D washes/their
Answer: A
251. ‘Please play the guitar, Tom,’ said Jane.
Jane tried to persuade Tom ____ the guitar.
A to play
B play
C plays
D played
Answer: A
252. ‘Mary, please lend me your bicycle pump,’ said Paul.
Paul asked Mary _____ _____ her bicycle pump.
A to lend/him
B lend/him
C to lend/his
D to lend/to him
Answer: A
253. She said, ‘Children, stay away from the water.’
She warned the children _____ away from the water.
A to stay
B stay
C stays
D not to stay
Answer: A
254. You ought to see a layer’ the policeman said to Mark.
The policeman advised Mark ______ a layer.
A to see
B see
C sees
D not to see
Answer: A
255. ‘Alan, have a shower immediately,’ she said.
She told Alan to have a shower immediately.
A to have
B has
C have
D not to have
Answer: A
256. I said, ‘Sally, remember to take an umbrella.’
I remind Sally _____ an umbrella.
A to take
B not to take
C take
D takes
Answer: A
257. A skin disease common in young people, in which small, red spots appear on the face and neck.
A Acne
B Blister
C Pus
D Eczema
Answer: A
258. The natural outer that covers a person, animal, fruit, etc
A Skin
B Leather
C Cover
D Cloths
Answer: A
259. A doctor who studies and treats skin diseases.
A Dermatologist
B Gynecologist
C Surgeon
D Ophthalmologist
Answer: A
260. Any of the very small holes in the skin, especially one that a hair grows from.
A Follicle
B Acne
C Blister
D Wart
Answer: A
261. An abnormal fibrous growth caused by a viral infection.
A Wart
B Follicle
C Blister
D Acne
Answer: A
262. An herbal product or tea made by boiling a plant in water.
A Decoction
B Tincture
C Mixture
D Solution
Answer: A
263. Norman ______ Rosa that he would be late.
A told
B told to
C has told
D has told to
Answer: A
264. ‘Mary works in a bank,’ Jane said.
Jane said Mary _____ in a bank.
A worked
B works
C has worked
D had worked
Answer: A
265. ‘I am staying with some friends,’ Jim said.
Jim said he _____ with some friends.
A was staying
B is staying
C stays
D were staying
Answer: A
266. ‘I’ve never been to Russia,’ Mike said.
Mike said he had never been to Russia.
A had never been
B has never been
C have never been
D was not
Answer: A
267. ‘Tom can’t use a computer,’ Ella said.
Ella said Tom _____ use a computer.
A couldn’t
B can’t
C couldn’t to
D could
Answer: A
268. Everybody must try to do their best,’ Jill said.
Jill said everybody ______ do their best.
A had to
B had
C must
D has to
Answer: A
269. ‘Jane may move to a new flat,’ Rachal said.
Rachal said Jane _____ move to a new flat.
A might
B might to
C may
D may to
Answer: A
270. ‘I’ll stay at home on Sunday,’ Bill said.
Bill said he ______ at home on Sunday.
A would stay
B will stay
C stay
D stays
Answer: A
271. Fred said, ‘Ann, would you lend me five pounds, please?’
Fred asked Anne ____ ____ five pounds.
A to lend/him
B lend/him
C to lend/his
D him/lend
Answer: A
272. I said to John, ‘Remember to phone Sally.’
I remined John to phone Sally.
A to phone
B to phone to
C phone
D phoned
Answer: A
273. ‘You must wash your hands, children,’ the teacher said.
The teacher told the children ___ ___ hands.
A to wash/their
B wash/their
C to wash/them
D to wash/to their
Answer: A
274. ‘Please play the guitar, Tom,’ said Jane.
Jane tried to persuade Tom ____ the guitar.
A to play
B play
C plays
D played
Answer: A
275. ‘Mary, please lend me your bicycle pump,’ said Paul.
Paul asked Mary ____ him ____ bicycle pump.
A to lend/her
B lend/her
C lend/to her
D to lend/she
Answer: A
276. She said, ‘Children, stay away from the water.’
She warned the children _____ away from the water.
A to stay
B stay
C were staying
D stay to
Answer: A
277. ‘You ought to see a layer’ the policeman said to Mark.
The policeman advised Mark _____ a layer.
A to see
B see
C sees
D see to
Answer: A
278. ‘Alan, have a shower immediately,’ she said.
She told Alan ____ a shower immediately.
A to have
B have
C has
D to have to
Answer: A
279. I said, ‘Sally, remember to take an umbrella.’
I reminded Sally _____ an umbrella.
A to take
B take
C takes
D took
Answer: A
280. If Sally lived in Brighton, she _____ near her parents.
A would be
B will be
C has been
D was
Answer: A
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Caesarean section, C-section | A | Of the time period leading up to giving birth |
2 | Miscarriage | B | Procedure that involves removing a baby from its mother through an incision in the woman’s lower abdomen |
3 | Newborn | C | Giving birth to a baby before it is fully developed so that it is not able to survive |
4 | Prenatal | D | An infant that is less than three months old |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | C | D | A |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Bipolar disorder | A | The ability to use your brain effectively to think, recognize, remember, etc |
2 | Addicted | B | A mental illness that causes something to change suddenly from being very happy to very sad |
3 | Cognitive function | C | Relating to mental illness to the treatment of it |
4 | Psychiatric | D | Having a physical and mental need to consume a substance especially |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | D | A | C |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Benign | A | Not harmful (not cancerous) |
2 | Cancer | B | Type of treatment used on cancer patients |
3 | Chemotherapy | C | Disease caused by the uncontrollable growth of cells |
4 | Deficiency | D | A lack of something necessary for one’s health |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
A | C | B | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Antibiotics | A | Something that is not normal |
2 | Abnormality | B | Medication that kills bacteria and cures infection |
3 | Waters | C | Is a condition in which a woman carries a developing baby, called a fetus, in her uterus |
4 | Pregnancy | D | The liquid inside a woman’s body that breaks (= passes out of her) just before the baby is born |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | A | D | C |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Metastasis | A | A body’s abnormal reaction to certain foods or environmental substances |
2 | Incurable | B | The spread of cancer to new areas of the body through the lymphatic or blood system |
3 | Tumour | C | Not able to be cured |
4 | Allergy | D | An abnormal growth of tissue caused by an uncontrolled increase in cells |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | C | D | A |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Psychotic | A | Pressure or worry caused by work, emotional problems, etc |
2 | Hallucination | B | Relating to severe mental illness |
3 | Stress | C | Serious mental illness in which a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour are not connected with reality |
4 | Schizophrenia | D | The experience of seeing or hearing something that is not really there; the object seen or heard in this way |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | D | A | C |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Suppository | A | A drug or substance that induces bowel movements or makes the stool softer and looser |
2 | Fatigue | B | The colored ring in front of the lens that controls the size of the pupil and how much light enters the eye |
3 | Iris | C | A lack of energy. A decrease over time in the ability to perform a physical or mental task |
4 | Laxative | D | A medication in tablet form which is inserted into the rectum, where it melts |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
D | C | B | A |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Paranoia | A | A place where people who are mentally ill stay and receive treatment |
2 | Phobia | B | A mental condition in which a person wrongly believes that other people want to harm them, or that they are an extremely important person, etc |
3 | Bulimia | C | A mental illness in which someone eats in an uncontrolled way and in large amounts, then vomits intentionally |
4 | Psychiatric hospital | D | An extreme and unreasonable fear of something |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | D | C | A |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Pancreas | A | Small organs that produce a liquid in your mouth that helps you to swallow |
2 | Oesophagus | B | An organ near the stomach that produce a liquid that helps the body to digest food |
3 | Pulmonary veins | C | The tube in the body through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach |
4 | Salivary glands | D | Veins that carry blood containing oxygen from the lungs to the heart |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | C | D | A |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Disease | A | Bumps that appear on the surface of the skin during allergic reaction |
2 | Growth | B | Medical explanation of an illness or condition |
3 | Diagnosis | C | A ball of tissue that grows bigger than normal, either on or under the skin |
4 | Hives | D | A medical disorder that harmful to a person’s health |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
D | C | B | A |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Placenta | A | is born too early and is small or weak |
2 | Premature baby | B | The organ in a mother’s body that feeds and protects a baby before it is born |
3 | Embryo | C | The organ in the body of a woman in which a baby develops before birth |
4 | Uterus | D | A human being or animal in an early stage of development (in its mother’s uterus) |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | A | D | C |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
A | The lowest number of weeks at which a premature baby can survive | 18 |
B | The foetus’s fine covering of hair, called lanugo, begins to disappear | 12 |
C | Arm buds and a tail are visible | 7 |
D | The embryo measures 30 mm in length | 3 |
E | Male and female genitals appear well differentiated | 34 |
F | The foetal heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope | 22 |
Эталоны ответов:
A | 22 |
B | 34 |
C | 3 |
D | 7 |
E | 12 |
F | 18 |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Conception | A | Is the moment when a fertilized egg implants itself in a woman’s uterus |
2 | Pelvis | B | cannot have baby |
3 | Infertility | C | the ability to produce young |
4 | Fertility | D | The bones that form a bowl-shaped structure in the area below the waist at the top of legs |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
A | D | B | C |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Midwife | A | The act or process of birth |
2 | Maternity | B | A doctor with special training in how to care for pregnant women and help in the birth of babies |
3 | Delivery | C | A person, usually a woman, who has been trained to help women when they are giving birth |
4 | Obstetrician | D | The state of being mother |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
C | D | A | B |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Blind | A | The ability to see things clearly that are far away but not things that are near you |
2 | Long-sightedness | B | Unable to see |
3 | Short-sightedness | C | The condition of only being able to see clearly objects that are close to you |
4 | Vision | D | The ability to see |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | A | C | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | To water | A | The area at the back of the eye that receives light and sends pictures of what the eye sees to the brain |
2 | Tear | B | The circular black area in the centre of an eye, through which light enters |
3 | Retina | C | when your eyes produce tears |
4 | Pupil | D | A drop of salty liquid that flows from the eye, as a result strong emotion, especially unhappiness, or pain |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
C | D | A | B |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Eyelid | A | A disease in which an area of someone’s eye becomes less clear so that they cannot see clearly |
2 | Eye | B | The part of the eye behind the pupil that helps you to see clearly by focusing |
3 | Cataract | C | One of two organs in your face that are used for seeing |
4 | Lens | D | Either of the two pieces of skin that can close over each eye |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
D | C | A | B |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Skin | A | Thick, yellowish liquid that forms in and comes from an infected cut or injury in the body |
2 | Acne | B | The natural outer that covers a person, animal, fruit, etc |
3 | Pus | C | A skin disease common in young people, in which small, red spots appear on the face and neck |
4 | Epidermis | D | The thin outer layer of the skin |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | C | A | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Dermis | A | Any of the very small holes in the skin, especially one that a hair grows from |
2 | Follicle | B | The thick layer of skin under the epidermis that contains blood vessels, sweat glands and nerve endings |
3 | Eczema | C | A skin condition in which areas of the skin become red, rough, and sore and make you want to rub them |
4 | Dermatologist | D | A doctor who studies and treats skin diseases |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | A | C | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Itching | A | The process of absorbing nutrients or medications into the body by eating or drinking them |
2 | Ingestion | B | The fact of having producing an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nail |
3 | Salivary gland | C | One of the glands that produce saliva and release it into the mouth |
4 | Kidney | D | Either of a pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | A | C | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Anus | A | The organs in your body involved with the digestion of food |
2 | Colon | B | The lower and bigger half of the bowels in which water is removed from solid waste |
3 | Digestive system | C | A small tube-shaped part that is joint to the intestines on the right side of the body and has no use in humans |
4 | Appendix | D | The opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste leaves the body |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
D | B | A | C |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Enema | A | A substance made from a combination of different substances |
2 | Mixture | B | An organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bile |
3 | Liver | C | A treatment for cleaning the bowels by filling them with a liquid through the anus |
4 | Stomach | D | An organ in the body where food is digested |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
C | A | B | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Brain | A | A cell that carries information between the brain and other parts of the body |
2 | Neurology | B | A doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves |
3 | Nerve cell | C | The study of the structure and diseases of the brain and all the nerves in the body |
4 | Neurologist | D | The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
D | C | A | B |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Coma | A | A nerve cell that receives messages from the outer part of the body to the brain |
2 | Tremor | B | The red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart and that is necessary for life |
3 | Sensory neuron | C | A state in which a person is unconscious and cannot be woken, caused by damage to the brain |
4 | Blood | D | A slight shaking movement in a person’s body, especially because of nervousness or excitement |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
C | D | A | B |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Germ | A | Connected with the physical senses of touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight |
2 | Sensory | B | The regular movement or sound that the heart makes as it pushes blood around the body |
3 | Heartbeat | C | A very small organism that causes diseases |
4 | Vein | D | A tube that carries blood to the heart from the other parts of the body |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
C | A | B | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Artery | A | The series of hollow organs, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine(colon), rectum, and anus, which break down and digest food and expel waste |
2 | Digestive tract | B | The last inch of the large intestine, leading to the anal opening |
3 | Anal canal | C | A drug that relieves pain, fever, and swelling, and inhibits the formation of blood clots |
4 | Aspirin | D | One of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
D | A | B | C |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Blurred vision | A | Connected with the physical senses |
2 | Breathlessness | B | The inability to see clearly |
3 | Sensory | C | Difficulty in breathing |
4 | Biopsy | D | The removal and examination of tissue from a patient’s body, in order to find out more about their diseases |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | C | A | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Dry eye | A | A burning pain in the chest or throat, caused when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus |
2 | Alcohol abuse | B | A concentrated beam of light; … are used in certain surgeries and other medical procedure |
3 | Laser | C | Stinging, burning, or irritation that occurs when the eye doesn’t produce enough moisture |
4 | Heart burn | D | Continuing consumption of alcohol despite alcohol-related social or interpersonal problems |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
C | D | B | A |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Acute pain | A | A structural program of physical activity that helps an individual become physically fit |
2 | Abrasion | B | A condition that comes on suddenly often with severe, but short-lived symptoms |
3 | Exercise | C | A scraping or rubbing away of the skin or other surface |
4 | Spasm | D | An involuntary muscle contraction |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | C | A | D |
Инструкция: установите соответствие между понятиями и их определениями.
1 | Intravenous | A | A thin layer of skin that covers the inside of the mouth, nose, intestines, etc. and which produces mucus |
2 | Venous | B | The way you notice things, especially with the senses |
3 | Perception | C | Going into a vein (used about drugs, an injection, ets) |
4 | Mucous membrane | D | Relating to veins |
Эталоны ответов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
D | C | B | A |
Основные источники
- Шадская Т.В. Английский язык для медицинских специальностей: учебник/ Т.В. Шадская, Л.В. Шаманская – Москва: Кнорус, 2020. – 286с.
Дополнительные источники
Электронные ресурсы
- lingvo-online.ru: Более 30 англо-русских, русско-английских и толковых словарей общей и отраслевой лексики: сайт.- Москва, 2020 - URL: https://www.lingvo-online.ru
- hospitalenglish. com: English for the medical professional = Английский язык для медицинских работников: сайт.- США, 2020 - URL: https://www.hospitalenglish. com
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