Темы, диалоги, тесты для студентов колледжа
методическая разработка
Выложенные материалы я использую при обучении студентов колледжа, как правило в первом полугодии.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Working day (dialogue)
- When do you wake up?
- What time do you get up?
- Are you a lazybones?
- Is it hard for you to get up early?
- Do you do your morning exercises?
- How long does it take you to get dressed, get ready to come out?
- What do you have for breakfast?
- Do you live far from the college?
- How do you get the college?
- How many classes do you have a day?
- Are you often late?
- Do you you often miss (skip)the classes?
- What lessons flash by quickly?
- What lessons drag slowly?
- When do you have lunch at the college?
- What do you do when the classes are over?
- Do you stay in the college or go home?
- What do you do in the evening?
- When do you go to bed?
Предварительный просмотр:
Заказ еды
— Can I have the menu, please? (Можно мне меню, пожалуйста?)
— Here it is, sir. Would you like to order now? (Пожалуйста, сэр. Вы бы хотели сделать заказ сейчас?)
— I’m not ready yet (Я еще не готов)
— Ok, I will be back in a couple of minutes (Хорошо, я подойду к вам через пару минут)
— Are you ready to order? (Вы готовы сделать заказ?)
— Yes. I would like salmon steak and grilled vegetables. (Да. Я бы хотел стейк из лосося и овощи на гриле)
— Sorry, but the salmon steak is finished. Why don’t you try the meat steak? (Извините, но стейк из лосося закончился. Почему бы Вам не попробовать мясной стейк?)
— Thank you for the recommendation! I’ll take the striploin steak. (Спасибо за рекомендацию! Я возьму стейк стриплойн)
— How would you like your steak? (Какой прожарки вы бы хотели стейк?)
— Medium, please (Средней, пожалуйста)
— Would you like some appetizers? (Вы хотели бы заказать что-нибудь из закусок?)
— No, thanks (Нет, спасибо)
— Anything to drink? (Что-нибудь из напитков?)
— Yes, a glass of red wine and a jug of water, please (Да, бокал красного вина и кувшин с водой, пожалуйста)
— Would you like to try our special cheesecake for dessert? (Не хотели бы вы попробовать наш специальный чизкейк на десерт?)
— Is it sweet? (Он сладкий?)
— Not really, it has a delicate caramel flavor, but not too sweet. (Не особо, у него тонкий карамельный привкус, но он не сильно сладкий)
— Ok, bring the cheesecake with a cup of americano after the main dish (Хорошо, принесите чизкейк с чашечкой американо после главного блюда).
— Great choice, sir. I will be right back with your order (Отличный выбор, сэр. Я скоро вернусь с вашим заказом)
Предварительный просмотр:
My district
1.Do you live in the city center or in the outskirts?
2.Is there a metro station in your district?
3.What station is it?
4.Is metro far (далеко) from your house?
5.Do you walk to the station or take a bus?
6.Are there any shopping malls in your district?
7 .What are they?
8. Do you often go there?
9.Is there a food court in the shopping mall?
10. Do you often go there? What food do you take?
11.Are there any gardens or parks in your district?
12.Do you go there with your friends?
13. What is a favorite place in your district?
Предварительный просмотр:
Диалог № 1
(как добраться до метро?)
- Excuse me. How can I get to metro ( subway)
Is it far?
- No, it is two blocks along this street.
- Can I walk from here?
- Sure. It takes 15 minutes.
- Can you show (показать) me on the map?
- Yes, May square is here, metro is here. From May square you go straight and take the second street on the left. That’s Park street. Go down Park street and you’ll see metro on the right.
- Thank you very much.
Диалог № 2
- Excuse me. Can you tell (сказать)me where the supermarket “Star” is? I am new to the city and I am lost.
- Sure. Go straight. Take the third street on the left. That’s Church street. Go along until
( пока) you go past the church and … Oh, no. That’s not correct. (правильно)
- I can ask (спросить) someone else ( кого- нибудь еще)
- No,no. I know my city well. Ok. Let’s start again. From here , you go into Smith street. Then walk down the street until ( пока) you see a big library. Wait (подожди) a minute….
- I have a map.
- I don’ need it. It isn’t far. Ok. Go around 400 metres, then turn right. Walk for two minutes and you’ll see a school on the opposite side of the road. The supermarket is next to the school.
- Great, Thank you.
Предварительный просмотр:
1.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be.
- His teacher … at the shop.
- He … at university.
- Her friends … at school.
- His father … in the kitchen.
- You … in the living room.
- We … in the yard.
- They … in the classroom.
- My pen … in the pencil case.
- His sister … in the park.
- She … at home.
- His parents … at work.
- I … in the forest.
- His uncle … in England.
2.Переведите предложения.
- Я водитель.
- Она из Англии.
- Мы в саду.
- Вы учителя.
- Они в парке.
3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными
- She is Russian.
- My grandmother is a pensioner.
- He is English.
- Her father is a doctor.
- We are tall.
- His brother is a student.
- They are old.
- I am short.
- Her friends are pupils.
- It is black.
4.Переведите предложения.
- Мы не учителя.
- Они не водители
- Она не на работе.
- Мы не в гостиной
- Он не из Америки.
- Они не из России.
5.Задайте общие вопросы.
1 I am in the kitchen.
2 She is in the bedroom.
3 They are in the living room.
4 He is in the yard.
5 We are in the garden.
6 You are in the park.
7 It is on the sofa.
6.Переведите предложения.
1Я учитель?
2 Мы водители?
3 Ты инженер?
4 Вы врачи?
5 Он фермер?
6 Она студентка?
7.Задайте специальные вопросы.
1.They are thirteen. (How old)
2 She is a pensioner. (What)
3 They are in the living room. (Where)
4 You are a teacher. (What)
5 I am eleven. (How old)
6 She is in the bedroom. (Where)
7 He is from Wales. (Where … from)
8 We are twelve. (How old)
9 It is from Sweden. (Where … from)
10 He is in the yard. (Where)
11 I am from York. (Where … from)
8.Переведите предложения
- Откуда ты?
- Какой он по характеру?
- Где твои друзья?
- Где твоя школа?
- Сколько лет твоему брату?
- Какого цвета ее глаза?
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест 2
1.Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).
1 She … at work.
2 I … in the park.
3 Their teacher … in the classroom.
4 We … at the window.
You … in the bedroom.
6 They … in the car.
7 Her friends … in the garden.
8 His cap … on the chair.
9 His father … in the living room.
10 His sisters … at home.
11 He … in the yard.
12 His brother … at school.
13 Her uncle … in the forest.
2.Переведите предложения
- Вы из Лондона.
- Я врач.
- Ты из Америки5
- Она в саду.
- Вы в парке.
3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
- I am from Russia.
- He is from London.
- My sister is from Leeds.
- We are from Africa.
- She is from England.
- Her sister is from America.
- It is from Wales.
- They are from Finland.
- His parents are from Scotland.
- You are from Sweden.
- His brother is from Moscow.
4 Переведите предложения
- Ты не инженер.
- Я не фермер
- Она не в Италии.
- Вы не в Канаде
- Мы не в гостиной.
- Он не на кухне
5. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму
- They are doctors.
- He is a farmer.
- It is big.
- We are pupils.
- You are a teacher.
- I am an engineer.
- She is a pensioner.
- You are friends.
6.Переведите предложения
- Она студентка?
- Они ученики?
- Она в школе?
- Они на кухне,
- Мы из России?
- Он из Шотландии?
7.Сделайте вопросы
- I am from Russia. (Where … from)
- We are in the garden. (Where)
- He is five. (How old)
- It is on the sofa. (Where)
- You are fifteen. (How old)
- We are from Africa. (Where … from)
- She is from England. (Where … from)
- They are doctors. (What)
- I am an engineer. (What)
- You are in the park. (Where)
- She is eight. (How old)
8.Переведите предложения.
1. Откуда он?
2. Какая она по характеру?
3. Где ее друзья?
4. Где твоя сумка?
5. Сколько лет твоей сестре?
6. Какого цвета ее телефон?
Предварительный просмотр:
From my point of view our college is modern and well- designed. It is five – storey building. It is more than 50 years old.
On the ground floor there is a security post (пост охраны), a canteen, a clockroom(гардероб), a gym, a medical office.
Our canteen is spacious(просторная), light(светлая) and clean. We have meals there.
The PE lessons (физкультура) take place ( проводятся)in the gym. We like to go there after lessons.
Opposite (напротив)the canteen there is a staircase(лестница). It leads ( ведет) to the first floor. The classrooms are well- equipped ( хорошо оборудованы). Each (каждая)сlassroom has a teacher’s table, students’ desks, a magnetic marker board, an interactive board, a computer and a multimedia projection unit. There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Biology, Computer lessons.
Our library is on the third floor. In the library (библиотека)there is one librarian (библиотекарь) who helps students to find (находить)the books they need. In the reading room (читальном зале)there are laptops(ноутбуки) which we can use (использовать)during (во время) the breaks and after (после) classes.
Our college is famous for(знаменит) its winter garden. There are a lot of beautiful potted plants there.
On the same floor(этаж) opposite the winter garden there is a huge (огромный) and wonderful assembly hall ( актовый зал) with a big stage (сцена)and comfortable soft ( мягкие) armchairs. Different (разные)events (мероприятия)take place (проводятся) there.
I like my college. I have a lot of friends here.
Предварительный просмотр:
Слова к уроку:
A lot of – много
Monuments – памятники
Bridges – мосты
Buildings – здания
To use – пользоваться
A district – район
Far – далеко
Shopping mall – торговый центр
Gas station- заправочная станция
Nursery school – детский сад
Hairdresser – парикмахерская
Quiet – тихий
Modern – cовременный
Safe – безопасный
To need – нуждаться
At hand - рядом
My city, my district.
I live in St. Petersburg. It is a big and beautiful city. There are a lot of streets, monuments, rivers, fountains, bridges, museums, old and new buildings, parks and gardens in my city. There is a metro here (здесь) too. I often use it.
I live in ………..(название вашего района)…..district not far from (от)…….. (название метро)metro station. My street is………..(название улицы) There are supermarkets, shopping malls, swimming pools, gas stations, schools, nursery schools, hairdressers , restaurants in my district. I like my district because I know it well. It is quiet and green, modern, safe and nice. We have all we need at hand.
Либо: I don’t like my district because it is dirty, not safe, far from metro.
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