Учебное пособие .Описание жилища и учебного заведения
учебно-методическое пособие
Данное пособие предназначено для углубленного изучения материала по практическому занятию №4 для обучающихся всех профессий и специальностей 1 курса.
Целью данного пособия является формирование навыков изучающего чтения, которое предусматривает максимально полное и точное понимание всей содержащейся в тексте информации и ее критическое осмысление, предполагающее целенаправленный анализ содержания с опорой на языковые и логические связи текста; а также формирование навыков перевода, конспектирования и составления монологических высказываний на основе текстов нейтральной тематики и овладение новой лексикой, необходимой для последующей самостоятельной работы с оригинальными текстами.
Пособие формирует базовые знания английского языка, достаточные для дальнейшего совершенствования в сфере языковой коммуникации.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Правительство Санкт-Петербурга
Комитет по образованию
Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Колледж метрополитена» «Колледж метрополитена и железнодорожного транспорта»
Description of the dwelling and educational institution
Oписание жилища и учебного заведения
Правительство Санкт-Петербурга
Комитет по образованию
Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Колледж метрополитена и железнодорожного транспорта»
Автор-составитель: Панова В.В., преподаватель высшей категории.
Рецензент: Мельникова Е.В., заместитель директора по УПР
Description of the dwelling and educational institution
Oписание жилища и учебного заведения
Данное пособие предназначено для углубленного изучения материала по практическому занятию №4 для обучающихся всех профессий и специальностей 1 курса.
Целью данного пособия является формирование навыков изучающего чтения, которое предусматривает максимально полное и точное понимание всей содержащейся в тексте информации и ее критическое осмысление, предполагающее целенаправленный анализ содержания с опорой на языковые и логические связи текста; а также формирование навыков перевода, конспектирования и составления монологических высказываний на основе текстов нейтральной тематики и овладение новой лексикой, необходимой для последующей самостоятельной работы с оригинальными текстами.
Пособие формирует базовые знания английского языка, достаточные для дальнейшего совершенствования в сфере языковой коммуникации.
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My college
I would like to tell you about my college. This is the College of Information Technology and Economics. First, I would like to note that our educational institution is not new, and has its own traditions. Our college was built more than seventy years ago, and among its graduates there are outstanding people who are well known in our scientific field. You can see their photos in the lobby, on the board of honor.
The classrooms at our college are bright, spacious and comfortable. They are all equipped with everything you need in our time: computers, video and interactive whiteboards. There are laboratories for the study of physics, chemistry and biology. Our college has six computer classes, where students use the Internet, create their first computer programs and projects in various subjects. There is also an excellent library that contains a variety of encyclopedias and dictionaries, books by classic and modern writers. Behind the library there is a large assembly hall for concerts and theatrical performances. There are several circles that students can attend after classes: a theater studio, a literary club, a dance studio.
Students take part in concerts and art festivals that are held annually at our college. The college has good sports equipment: a large gym equipped with modern exercise equipment, as well as a football field, which helps to develop sports in our college. One of the most popular places among students and teachers is the dining room. Our chefs prepare delicious meals to take for lunch. The motto of our chefs is «Healthy food» — «Healthy youth».
My college has everything you need to get a good education. Our students are hardworking, they always take part in various educational programs, quizzes and competitions, and therefore achieve good results. Experienced teachers help create a friendly learning environment. They prepare students for admission to the best universities in our country.
To summarize, I must say that studying at my college is both hard work and real pleasure.
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Why children choose colleges
My name is Elena. I’m sixteen years old. I live in Kazan city, Russia. I have recently graduated from my high school and entered the Kazan Medical College. It is one of the best colleges in the city. Besides, I have always wanted to study medicine after school. I really like this college and some of my close friends have also applied to study here. My parents have always wanted me to be a lawyer, but I have made up my mind to become a medical assistant or a nurse.
The entrance exams included Biology and Russian and I passed both of them with excellent marks. I am delighted to study such subjects as Anatomy, Latin, English, Nursing, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Physical Education and else.
Our college is rather well equipped. There is a large sports ground outside and one gym inside. There is also a huge library with a good choice of medical books.
Actually, this college is one of the oldest educational institutions in the city and in Russia. It was founded in 1837. At first it was simply a paramedic school. After the revolution the first Soviet midwifery school was based here. In 1954 the school received the status of Kazan basic medical college.
Today, the college provides basic and advanced training in such specialties as dentistry, midwifery, paramedics, pharmacy, laboratory diagnosis, and some other branches. In addition, each year the college provides postgraduate training for nurses.
I’m very proud to be a student of this college. Today, Kazan Medical College is one of the most prestigious and reliable institutions in the city. Thousands of young people can get decent education in healthcare area at this college.
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My University
Choosing a higher education path is always hard. You need to make sure that you study something you like and you really want to make a career in this field. I am going to tell you about my university, and why I chose it.
Right now, I am studying Business Administration and Management program at the faculty of Economics. It lasts for 3 years, and when I finish it I will get a bachelor’s degree. After that, I am planning to apply for a master’s degree which is 2 more years. I study for this degree at the University of Pecs. It is a huge University with many campuses and dormitories. I am not a freshman; I am a sophomore. That is why I already know a lot of things about higher education. At the beginning of each semester, you have to enroll in your course. After that you register for the compulsory and optional subjects. You can choose from a great number of elective courses. You can do absolutely anything from yoga to programming If you choose to. After you finish your studies, you can calculate your GPA, it is the average of your marks during the semester. If you have it above 4, you can apply for different scholarships and grants.
Studying at the university is so much fun because you meet a lot of unique people. But do not think it is easy. Only the best graduates receive jobs at international companies, so take your time and study hard. During your education, it is a good idea to apply for different internships to get some valuable experience.
Overall, university is a nice place to be in, and I hope you will get to your dream university, and after that you will get your dream job.
higher education – высшее образование
to make a career – делать карьеру
faculty – факультет
bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра
master’s degree – степень магистра
dormitory (сокр. dorm) – общежитие
freshman – первокурсник
sophomore – второкурсник
semester – семестр
to enroll in the course – учиться на курсе (изучать какой-то предмет)
compulsory – обязательный
optional – необязательный, опциональный
elective course – факультативный курс
scholarship – стипендия (частичное или полное финансирование учебы)
to graduate from – заканчивать (учебное заведение), выпускаться
graduate (разг. grad) – выпускник
internship – стажировка
dream job – работа мечты
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Living in a City
Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don't need to own a car. Also there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, unless your job is very well-paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can be crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city-dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
In a world, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don't mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.
advantage [ad'va:ntidз] — преимущество
disadvantage [,disad'va:ntidз] — недостаток
choice — выбор
to feed — кормить
bustle ['bΛsl] — суматоха, суета
to afford [∂'fo:d] — быть в состоянии, позволять себе
accomodation — жилье, приют, убежище
city-dweller ['dwel∂] — городской житель
despite [dis'pait] — вопреки, несмотря на
pollution — загрязнение
1. What are advantages and disadvantages of living in a city?
2. Where do you prefer to live: in the city or in the countryside?
3. Why do young people prefer to live in the city?
4. Why do many people prefer the peace of the countryside?
5. What city (village) do you live in?
6. What are advantages and disadvantages of living in your native city (village)?
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Town and Country
Today people all over the world are moving out of small villages to go and live in big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers, and streams of the country-side to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic, and crowds. This movement from rural to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years. In many countries, the main reason people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to grow. There is usually a residential area nearby, where the factory workers can live. The families of these workers need schools, hospitals and shops, so more people come to live in the area to provide these services, and so a city grows.
In every major city in the world there is a business district where the big companies have their main offices. In the United States this area is usually in the city centre. It is here that you can see the huge skyscraper office blocks. The people who work here often travel a long way to work each day. Many of them live in the suburbs, far away from the industrial area and the city centre. Some suburbs are very pleasant, with nice houses and big gardens.
There are usually parks for children to play in and large department stores where you can buy all you need.
But what is the future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger and bigger? Perhaps, not. Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, and it is quite possible that one day we will see people moving out of the major cities back into smaller towns and villages.
stream — ручей
country-side — сельская местность
rural — сельский, деревенский
urban ['з:Ь∂n] — городской
industrial — промышленный
residential — жилой
skyscraper — небоскреб
suburb ['sΛbз:b] — пригород
department store [sto:] — универмаг
to move — переезжать
1. What is the main reason why people come to live in cities?
2. Why does a city grow?
3. What is there in every major city?
4. Where do many people who work in the centre live?
5. What is the future of big cities?
6. Will they continue to get bigger and bigger?
Describe the typical countryside. Write four sentences about it. Use these questions to help you.
1. Are there any woods or forests?
2. Are there any hills or mountains?
3. Are there any lakes or rivers?
4. Are there many villages or small towns?
5. Are there farms?
6. Are there paths where you can walk?
7. Can you go skiing?
8. Can you see wildlife?
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My house is my castle
My house is a two-storey building. Last year the iron fence was put around the house, there are also a gate which leads to the front door of the house and the back door which leads to the backyard. The walls are quite thick so the house is sturdy. The walls are painted in yellow color and the roof is green. There is a chimney on the top of the roof and a skylight, through which the light penetrates to the attic. There is a basement, where I store all my old stuff. There are also two balconies. And I forgot to mention a small garden where my mom grows different plants. Oh yes, and there is a garage, my dad keeps in it his car and I keep my bicycle.
The living-room and kitchen are on the first floor. The stairs lead from the living-room to the second floor. There are bedroom, bathroom and study upstairs. I like to sit on the sofa and watch news or movies on TV in the living room after work. The big clock on the wall reminds me when it is already late and when I have to go to bed. I have decorated walls of the living-room with a mirror and some pictures. Before going to sleep I like to read some books lying in the bed. I have a lot of book in my bookcase, I keep on the bedside table those which I read. In the morning I take shower and check my e-mail. My computer is on the desk in my study. The study is not very big but it has all necessary items for my work. The window faces the garden and when my eyes are tired from computer I look at the trees and let my eyes relax. I switch on the lamp on the desk when it is still dark in the morning. Then I usually go to the kitchen and open the fridge where I always keep apple or orange juice.
Where do you live?
What does your house look like?
How many rooms are there in it?
What do you have inside or outside?
Do you like your accomodation?
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My flat
Recently me and my family moved in a new apartment. It is not far from the city center and it is very different from our old flat in the suburbs. Now I live in this flat. It is not big and not small. My flat is comfortable. It is on the third floor. I like it very much and my family is happy here. There are two rooms in my flat – a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. My bedroom is my favorite. It is rather big ad light. There are two windows in this room. There is a bed with a beautiful bedside table near the wall. There is a desk and a chair in front of the windows. There is a green carpet on the floor. We can also see two brown arm-chairs in my bedroom. Above the desk there are several book-shelves. There is not a lot of furniture there because I like having a lot of space.
The two windows of my room face the river. The view is very beautiful. The room is very sunny and light because the windows are rather big. My bed is next to one of the windows. I can lie on the bed and look at the window, which is very cool. The windowsills in my room are wide and low, I like to sit there. The most necessary thing for my study is my computer. It is on the desk. There is also a bookshelf over the desk. I keep my books on the bookshelf and in the bookcase, which is next to the desk. There is a wardrobe in my room. My parents bought most of the furniture recently and it is modern.
There is also my parent’s bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a bath and a toilet in our apartment. My mom likes to watch small TV in the kitchen when she cooks and my dad prefers watching football on our big flat screen TV, which was also bought when we moved in. There are a lot of photos of my family on the wall in my parent’s room. There is a balcony in the living room, my mom brought a lot of flower from our old apartment and placed them on the balcony. I love this flat, though I miss a little bit my old one, where I have spent my childhood.
1.What is your address?
2.And what is the number of your flat?
3. Have you a telephone?
4.What is your telephone number?
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Problems of city and country life in Russia
- Where would you prefer to live in the city or in the country?
- If I could choose where to live I would have the best of both places as each of them has its own advantages to say nothing of disadvantages.
- What are the advantages of living in the modern city?
- Life in the city is much easier than in the country - developed transport system, sewerage system, information, sports, shopping malls, etc. Modern men are too sophisticated for simple country pleasures. There is far more entertainment in the city than in the country. Cities offer high concentration of good things in life: big stores, restaurants, theatres, cinema, art galleries. Life is more convenient in a city: services are always better here. In the city people are more open-minded. It is possible to go out, make friends and never be cut off from them by weather conditions. Generally, people do not mind what you do in the city. In the city people have more chances to be employed, as the range of jobs is greater than in a village. Besides in the city people have more chances to succeed. Moreover, life is never dull in the city, people always have something to do here. The objections to city living are not convincing enough. People easily adapt to various inconveniences of city life. For example, noise and traffic are hardly noticeable to city-dwellers. In the city especially in our country people live in apartments with central heating, telephone, gas, electricity, radio, TV the Internet. Most people love cities. In 330 BC Aristotle wrote that by nature man belonged to a city. Many people love the busy city life. It is enough for them to visit a country at week-ends.
- What brought about the growth of cities over the centuries?
- Cities grew over the centuries because they served aims that could not have been served otherwise. Two thousand years ago most people lived in the countryside. It was not their choice. Today, almost half of humanity lives in cities. It does so because it wants to. Man has always lived in groups. It makes life safer and easier. Geography - rich soil, a safe harbour or navigable river, ample fresh water, easy defense, coal - was the start of many towns. In Europe towns grew over the strongholds of a local lord. Most of them developed as buying and selling centres; trade needed a market, and markets needed people.
- How did towns serve their inhabitants?
- Towns served their citizens very well if they in turn were served by them. During the Middle Ages when harvest failed, the nearby town offered hope of survival. All successful towns satisfied economic needs. For a peasant town was the only place where he might make a fortune. In the new industrial order, the city was the nerve centre, bringing to a focus all dynamic economic forces: vast accumulation of capital, business and financial institutions, spreading railroad yards, factories, and armies of manual and clerical workers. For example, in the USA villages, attracting people from the countryside and from the land across the seas, grew into towns and towns into cities almost overnight.
- Are there any disadvantages of living in the city?
- Pollution is the greatest disadvantage of the city life of today. Polluted air is hanging like a brown cloud over cities. Dirt and smoke are pouring from the buildings of cites and factories. Polluted urban air causes respiratory distress, particularly in children, and elderly people. The increased number of motor vehicles not only jams the city streets but pollute the city air as well. Cars give a collection of pollutants. In bright, calm weather, sunlight turns the chemicals into a poison smog. All big cities have problems with air pollution. There was still nothing anywhere like "killer-smog" which caused some 3000-4000 deaths in London in December 1952. Mexico city's air is famously filthy, as is that of many Indian, Chinese, and East European cities. The exceeding output of industries and urban communities is harmful to the city aquatic systems. The result is a foul-smelling body of water running for a bath or dish washing. Noise pollution is the problem of big cities too. Urban garbage - like food, paper, and cans - on the ground or in the street is one more problem of cities. People don't always put their garbage in the garbage can. Urban garbage is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.
- What are other disadvantages of living in a big city?
- There are lots of other disadvantages of living in a big city. Today's cities are ballooning. Bombay in 1960 was a jam-packed city of 4m people. Now Mexico city holds around 18m people. "The rush-hour" with crowded streets, packed trains, full buses that happens twice a day is one of them. Cost of living is very high in the cities. In addition, people live under constant threat; life is not quiet in the cities, it causes stresses and heart decease. In the city people lose touch with land, rhythms of nature. Everyone who cares about his health tries to move out from the city. Cities are not fit to live in, man are born for countryside. Most people in Europe and America try to live in non-industrial cities, which are set down near big cities and cannot be killed by pollution and traffic.
- Do you like to stay in the countryside?
- Yes, I do. I like to stay in the countryside.
- Why do you like to stay in the countryside?
- Well, in the countryside I enjoy such simple things of primary importance as sunlight and fresh air. Besides, living in the countryside is cheaper and safer than in a city. It provides people with more security. There is less crime and, of course, there is less traffic there. Life in the countryside is quiet, peaceful, and healthy. I like to be close to nature. Here people are friendly and it is much more pleasant in the countryside than in the city. Unfortunately, life in the countryside is rather hard. Working and living conditions are difficult, social and cultural life in the countryside is not full of entertainment. And annually more and more young people flee from the countryside for a better life in the city.
- Is it difficult to find a job in the countryside?
- Certainly, the problem of employment in the countryside is very crucial today. It is especially acute for the young people and professionals. As a rule there are few labour places for skilled agricultural workers and less for professionals. Although villages do need teachers and physicians, they cannot provide them with the necessary facilities. There are few schools and clinics in the countryside. Sometimes there is one secondary school for several villages and children have to walk ten kilometres to study there. Usually either the village community is too poor to provide the children with a bus or the roads are too bad for the bus to run off them.
- Can this problem be solved?
- Surely, people should always be optimists and hope for a better life. Where there is a will there is a way. Nowadays we can witness the revival of some villages. So far they are few but annually their number is increasing.
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City Life vs. Village Life around the world
Though Indian is mainly a land of villages, there are many cities as well in the country. Some of the cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata are very big. They have a population of several millions. Life in these big cities is quite different from the life in a village. Let us here consider, in brief, the life in a big city and point out some of its important advantages and disadvantages.
In big cities we find good arrangements for education. Big colleges, even universities, are found here. Even a person of ordinary means can give his sons and daughters the highest education according to their financial capacity. There are also a very large number of schools both for boys and girls in very city. They also provide well-equipped libraries and reading rooms for public use. Such arrangements do not exist in small towns and villages.
Cities also provide ample medical facilities. In every city, there are good hospitals in which the poor get free medicines and treatment. Many well-qualified private doctors are also there to serve the sick and the suffering. Lack of such medical arrangement is a drawback of villages.
Besides this, cities also provide many fine opportunities for amusement and recreation. In every city there are a number of cinema houses and theatres, where we can enjoy the best pictures and dramatic performance. There are also a number of restaurants and hotels where we can get food, tea, etc, of the finest quality. There are also many parks and gardens where we can enjoy natural beauty at is best. The markets of the city, especially when brilliantly lighted at night, are better than many exhibitions and fairs.
The most important advantages of cities is the availability of avenues of employment. They are centres of trade and commerce. There are big offices as well as large number of factories and mills. Persons with every kind of qualification can easily find jobs to suit them. No such opportunities exist in villages where the people depend mostly on agriculture.
There are many other advantages of city life. City people are more cultured and refined. There we find opportunities to mix with people from every corner of the country as also from foreign countries. We meet people who have different nature, different ideas, and different ways of living and thinking. In this way, our outlook is broadened and our views enlarged.
Cities have many disadvantages also. The remark of the English poet Cowper "God made the country and manmade the town" is quite true. In the City, we cannot enjoy the beauties of nature, as we can do in villages. City life is artificial. Man lives cut off from nature. He cannot appreciate the charms of birds and flowers, or the beauty of the day-dawn and the sunset as in villages.
City life is extremely unhealthy. Air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution have converted the city life into hell. The smoke coming out a number of factories makes the atmosphere dirty. The sky is always covered with black clouds. The people get no opportunity to breathe free and pure air, or to enjoy clear sunshine. Beside this, food in the cities is dirty and adulterated. We cannot get pure milk and ghee. The food sold in the market is entirely unwholesome and unfit for consumptions. The villages suffer from no such drawbacks.
One has to face many difficulties in a big city. Life is every costly. People have to live with pomp and show. A simple life, like that of the villages, is impossible in the city. Besides, the cities are over-crowded and people get very little accommodation. Rates are high and newcomers have to put up with a great deal of hardship. Distances are long and much time is wasted in going from one place to another.
People in the city do not have much sympathy for others. There is no fellow-feeling. That sympathy and close interdependence which is so marked in villages’ life is entirely lacking in the city. Such is the life in big city. That is why many people do not like to live there. Others prefer it owning to its medical and cultural advantages. It is all a matter of taste. I, myself, like to live in a village in the close vicinity of a city so that I may enjoy the pleasures both of the city and the country.
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British Homes
There are a great many different kinds of homes in Britain, but there are not enough! It is often very difficult for young people to find a home when they want to start a family. British homes are usually smaller than American homes. But like Americans old people, young families and unmarried people do not usually live together.
There are 22 million homes in Britain — big homes and small homes, old cottages and new buildings, houses and flats. (Americans say «apartment» but British people say «flat»). Many British people love old houses and these are often more expensive than modern ones.
The house of a person can tell a lot about the habits and features of life of its owner. That is why traditional British homes are a reflection of the national character of the people of this country.
They also love gardening and you will see gardens everywhere you go: in towns, villages and out in the country. Some are very small with just one tree and a few flowers. Others are enormous with plenty of flowers and enough vegetables and fruit trees. Two third of the families in Britain own their houses.
What does their home say about the English? First of all, these people appreciate peace and comfort. Because British homes are small in size, but bright and comfortable. Most often they have only two floors. On the first floor there is a living room, kitchen and cabinet, and on the second-the master bedroom, bathroom and toilet.
Millions of these houses are the same with two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, dining-room and kitchen downstairs. To pay for their house, home owners borrow money from a «building society» and pay back a little every month.
The living room is the heart of the British home. There is usually a fireplace around which all the family members gather in the evening. Guests are also invited here for holidays. Some UK homes have two living rooms. One (more spacious) for a wide range of guests, and the other for family members and closest friends.
In the interior of a British house, as a rule, there are light shades. The English do not like to buy extra furniture, so their home has only everything you need. But there will certainly be soft deep chairs and a large sofa covered with a cozy blanket. It is something without which can not do any single resident of the UK.
I can notice, that despite a lot of modern English houses have a similar layout and belong to the same type of building, they are all very different. The English appreciate originality, so they are happy to paint the doors and Windows of their homes in the most interesting colors.
In front of each house is necessarily a garden in which the owners grow mainly flowers. Often residents of Great Britain plant climbing plants there, which then decorate the walls of their homes, forming a hedge.
Despite the fact that the English have a reputation for being closed people, on the large Windows of their homes you can rarely see thick curtains. And also the British are very hospitable and are happy to invite friends and acquaintances to their cozy homes.
There are a great many different kinds of homes in Britain, but there are not enough! It is often very difficult for young people to find a home when they want to start a family. British homes are usually smaller than American homes. But like Americans old people, young families and unmarried people do not usually live together.
1. How many homes are there in Britain?
2. Two thirds of families own their own houses, don’t they?
3. What do these families do to pay for houses?
4. Is it difficult or easy for young people to find a home?
5. What can you tell about British homes?
owner — владелец
to borrow — занимать
enormous — огромный
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"Описание жилища. Описание учебного заведения"
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2. Доска для мела
5. Мебель для сидения одного человека
6. Место хранения вещей
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3. Искусственный настольный источник света
4. Место общественного питания
5. Прибор для черчения кругов
7. Комната для сна
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