Тестирование (с учетом лексико-грамматического материала (Use of English)

Тестирование (с учетом лексико-грамматического материала (Use of English)


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Задание 2 уровня Грамматическая часть «Тестирование (с учетом лексико-грамматического материала (Use of English)»

  1. He…very fast.
  1. speaks
  2. spoke
  3. is speaking
  1. What ….you …at four o’clock yesterday?
  1. is … doing
  2. does….do
  3. did…do
  1. …you …at the factory?
  1. did….worked
  2. do…work
  3. does….work
  1. There … two chairs and one armchair in the sitting room.
  1. is
  2. are
  3. am
  1. The bus leaves …19:24.
  1. on
  2. in
  3. at
  1. I… the Internet.
  1. uses
  2. used
  3. use
  1. ….Fridays Alexander is in the swimming pool…19:00 to20:00.
  1. at…..till
  2. in…..from
  3. on……from

  1. Where is Sergey? ….he ……the dishes in the kitchen?
  1. Is….washing
  2. Is……wash
  3. Are….washing
  1. My brother graduates from the college … 2013.
  1. on
  2. at
  3. in
  1.  I don’t know…about it.
  1. something
  2. anything
  3. anybody
  1. I think I’ve heard the song….before.
  1. anybody
  2. something
  3. somewhere
  1. My friend is …..than me, so he plays basketball …. than me.
  1. taller….better
  2. tall….gooder
  3. taller….best
  1. The teachers …to their parents at the moment.
  1. is speaking
  2. are speaking
  3. speak
  1. Peter …a birthday party last week and we …it very much.
  1. had….enjoy
  2. had….enjoyed
  3. have….enjoy

  1. How …British …like a century ago?
  1. did….look
  2. did…..looked
  3. does…..look
  1. They are planning to visit… Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on ….Earth.
  1. -….the
  2. the…….-
  3. the….the
  1. Rick….at eleven o’clock yesterday.
  1. slept
  2. sleeped
  3. sleeps
  1. Mr. Smith……coffee yesterday.
  1. not drink
  2. didn’t drink
  3. didn’t drank
  1. There …sugar in the tea.
  1. is
  2. are
  3. any
  1. It is …book of all I have ever read.
  1. interesting
  2. more interesting
  3. the most interesting

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