Методические рекомендации по выполнению самостоятельной работы по учебной дисциплине общеобразовательного цикла «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ (английский) ЯЗЫК»
методическая разработка
Методические указания по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы предназначены для студентов СПб ГБПОУ «Техникум «Приморский», осваивающих основную профессиональную образовательную программу СПО на базе основного общего образования по профессии:
23.01.17 Мастер по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобилей.
Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа студентов – это планируемая учебная, учебно-исследовательская, научно-исследовательская работа, выполняемая по заданию и при методическом руководстве преподавателя, но без его непосредственного участия.
Согласно требованиям Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов, внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа является обязательной для каждого студента, а ее общий объем по учебной дисциплине определяется учебным планом.
Методические рекомендации по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык» предназначены для изучения иностранного (английского) языка в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования, реализующих образовательную программу среднего (полного) общего образования, при подготовке квалифицированных рабочих следующей профессии:
23.01.17 Мастер по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобилей.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Комитет по образованию Санкт-Петербурга
Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное
образовательное учреждение «Техникум «Приморский»
На заседании «Техникум «Приморский»
Педагогического совета
«Техникум «Приморский»
Протокол № ___________ ________________ А.В.Горохов
___ ______________ 20 ____ ____ _____________ 20 _____
Методические рекомендации по выполнению
самостоятельной работы
по учебной дисциплине общеобразовательного цикла
«ИНОСТРАННЫЙ (английский) ЯЗЫК»
Методические указания по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы предназначены для студентов СПб ГБПОУ «Техникум «Приморский», осваивающих основную профессиональную образовательную программу СПО на базе основного общего образования по профессии:
23.01.17 Мастер по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобилей.
Методические указания разработаны с учетом требований ФГОС среднего общего образования, ФГОС среднего профессионального образования.
- Шалыгина Е.В., преподаватель английского языка СПб ГБПОУ «Техникум «Приморский»;
- Климова А.Г., преподаватель английского языка СПб ГБПОУ «Техникум «Приморский».
Рассмотрены и рекомендованы на заседании методического объединения общеобразовательных дисциплин.
Протокол № от
Рассмотрены и рекомендованы Методическим советом.
Протокол № от .
Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа студентов – это планируемая учебная, учебно-исследовательская, научно-исследовательская работа, выполняемая по заданию и при методическом руководстве преподавателя, но без его непосредственного участия.
Согласно требованиям Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов, внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа является обязательной для каждого студента, а ее общий объем по учебной дисциплине определяется учебным планом.
Методические рекомендации по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык» предназначены для изучения иностранного (английского) языка в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования, реализующих образовательную программу среднего (полного) общего образования, при подготовке квалифицированных рабочих следующей профессии:
23.01.17 Мастер по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобилей.
В ходе выполнения работы студент овладевает не только новыми знаниями, но и новыми способами познавательной деятельности, потому что наряду с информацией, полученной в результате исследовательской работы, он усваивает и путь, следуя которому эту информацию можно получить.
Ещё один немаловажный фактор в пользу внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы состоит в том, что студент может сам выбрать тот темп работы, который его устраивает, остановиться на особенно заинтересовавших его заданиях.
Кроме того задания, подобранные для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы могут быть использованы в качестве домашнего задания для студентов, обучающихся по индивидуальному плану.
Предлагаемые задания соотнесены с образовательным стандартом среднего профессионального образования по литературе. Задания обеспечены справочным материалом и списком литературы.
Для студентов
Основная литература
Planet of English: учебник для студентов учреждений среднего профессионального образования/ Г.Т. Безкоровайная, Н.И.Соколова и др. 5-е изд., стер.- М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2017. -256с; ил.
- Della Summers. Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. Изд. Longman, 2010.
- Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-Иностранный словарь. М. Эксмо, 2011.
- https://edu.mob-edu.ru
- http://media-appo.ucoz.ru/index/anglijskij_jazyk/0-53.
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/
- http://www.visitbritain.com/
- http://www.englishmedialab.com
- www.uk.ru
- www.macmillanenglish.com - интернет-ресурс с практическими материалами для формирования и совершенствования всех видо-речевых умений и навыков.
- www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/leamingenglishwww.britishcouncil.org/leaming-elt-resources.htm
- www.handoutsonline.com
- www.enlish-to-go.com (for teachers and students)
- www.bbc.co.uk/videonation(authentic video clips опа variety of topics)
- www.icons.org.uk
Методические материалы
- www.prosv.ru/umk/sportlight Teacher's Portfolio
- www.standart.edu.ru
- www.intemet-school.ru
- www.onestopenglish.com - Интернет-ресурс содержит методические рекомендации и разработки уроков ведущих методистов в области преподавания английского языка. Включает уроки, разработанные на основе материалов из The GuardianWeekly, интерактивные игры, музыкальные видео, аудиоматериалы, демонстрационные карточки.
- www.macmillan.ruинтернет-ресурс с методическими разработками российских преподавателей, содержит учебные про граммы и календарнотематические планирования курсов английского языка повседневного и делового общения.
- www.hltmag.co.uk (articles оп methodology)
- www.iatefl.org (Intemational Association of Teachers of English as а Foreign Language)
- www.developingteachers.com (lesson plans, tips, articles and more) www.etprofessional.com (reviews, practical ideas and resources) Учебникииинтерактивныематериалы
- www.longman.com
- www.oup.comlelt/naturalenglish
- www.oup.comlelt/englishfile
- www.oup.comlelt/wordskills
- Lesson Resources
- www.bntishcounciI.org/leamenglish.ht
- www.teachingenglish.org.uk
- www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise N/
Наименование разделов и тем | Вид учебной работы | Объем часов | |
Раздел 1. | |||
Тема 1.1. Описание людей. Характер. Межличностные отношения. Календарь. Хобби | Самостоятельная работа | 2 | |
Раздел 2. | |||
Тема 2.1. Город, деревня. Описание места. | Самостоятельная работа | 2 | |
ВСЕГО ЗА 1 СЕМЕСТР: 4 часов. | |||
Раздел 2. | |||
Тема 2.2. Город, инфраструктура, промышленность, транспорт. Указание направления. Инструкции, руководства. | Самостоятельная работа | 1 | |
Раздел 3 | |||
Тема 3.1. Научно- технический прогресс. Изменения к лучшему и худшему. | Самостоятельная работа | 2 | |
Раздел 3. | |||
Тема 3.2. Грамматическиеструктуры – Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. | Самостоятельная работа | 1 | |
Раздел 4. | |||
Тема 4.1. Воспоминания. | Самостоятельная работа | 2 | |
ВСЕГО ЗА 2 СЕМЕСТР: 6 часов | |||
Раздел 4 | |||
Тема 4.2. Культурные традиции, обычаи, праздники. Домашние оборудование. | Самостоятельная работа | 2 | |
Раздел5. | |||
Тема 5.1. Повседневная жизнь. Правдивые истории. Путешествия. Человек и спорт. | Самостоятельная работа | 2 | |
ВСЕГО ЗА 3 СЕМЕСТР: 4 часов | |||
Раздел 6. | |||
Тема 6.1. Новости. Средства массовой информации. | Самостоятельная работа | 2 | |
Раздел 7. | |||
Тема 7.1. Досуг, путешествия, отдых. | Самостоятельная работа | 3 | |
Раздел 8. | |||
Тема 8.1 Природа и человек. Погода. | Самостоятельная работа | 1 | |
ВСЕГО ЗА 4 СЕМЕСТР: 6 часов | |||
Раздел 8. | |||
Тема 8.2. Стихийные бедствия. Жизнь в будущем | Самостоятельная работа | 3 | |
Тема 9.1. Работа. Навыки общественной жизни. Проф. навыки и умения. Государственное устройство. | Самостоятельная работа | 5 | |
ВСЕГО ЗА 4 СЕМЕСТР: 8 часов | |||
ВСЕГО ЗА 1-3 КУРСЫ: 28 часов |
Раздел 1
Тема 1.1. Описание людей. Характер. Межличностные отношения. Календарь
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Переведите текст
- Выучите прилагательные по теме «Характер»
Pigs are very honest. They are also very kind, understanding and very often peace-makers. Pigs are sociable; they like talking and are often very popular. They still find time to be very hard-working, and they are always first to help other people out.
The Rat. Rats are very charming and they love going to parties! They are very popular and make friends very easily. They also have lots of ideas and they always know how to get out of a difficult situation.
The Ox takes any responsibilities very I lie UX seriously. They make very good leaders and they are hard workers. Oxen make decisions ^ H easily and really trust their friends. But they also like to be quiet and often try to keep ' their thoughts to themselves
The Tiger. The main characteristic of Tigers is their incredible courage. They are very strong-willed and determined and whatever they do, they do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. They have lots of ideas and they always love experiments.
The Rabbit. The Rabbit likes a quiet and peaceful life and dislikes any sort of disagreement. They enjoy life, work hard and very seldom take any risks.
The Dragon. The Dragon is the luckiest sign of the Chinese horoscope. They are very confident, intelligent and take advantage of any opportunities that come along. But Dragons can be very quick to criticize others, so try not to have any sort of disagreement with a Dragon.
The Snake. Snakes are born under the sign of wisdom. Their minds are active and they are always planning things, or thinking deeply about how to make the most out of life. Snakes are often very good with money and spend it wisely.
The Horse. Horses are charming, popular animals that like going to parties (probably with Rats). They like to be the centre of attention and enjoy bossing people about. They also have a fiery temper and are not very good at keeping secrets.
The Goat. You enjoy beautiful things in life, but you're not fussy about the way you live. People born under this sign like to be very relaxed and do not like strict rules and timetables. They prefer to work in a team and like leaving any decision-making to other people.
The Monkey. Those born in the year of the Monkey' are very imaginative. Just like the real animals, Monkeys want to know about everything that's going on around them. They also like being helpful and ready to offer advice to their friends and family.
The Rooster. The Rooster has a bright and lively personality'. They are intelligent; enjoy reading, talking and telling jokes. They are also very organized. So they often like to plan whatever they are doing weeks and weeks in advance.
The Dog. Just like our four-legged friends, Dogs are very loyal. They have firm views on things and they are interested in green issues. They hate unfair treatment of anyone and they are always ready to give advice.
Раздел 1
Тема 1.1. Описание людей. Характер. Межличностные отношения. Календарь
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Переведите на английский язык.
- Дайте ответы на вопросы.
I first picked up a racquet at the age of seven. Then in.mv teens. I had to make the choice between tennis and badminton because 1 loved both sports. Eventually, I chose badminton and 1 don't regret taking it up. Four to five million people throughout Hungary play badminton — that's more than the number of those who play tennis and golf put together!You have to work hard to be good at it. 1 train everyday of the week, and holidays are very rare for me.1 do fitness training in the gym, as well as practice a lot to improve my speed. And then of course, there are tournaments to take part in nearly every weekend. So 1 have to travel all over the country and abroad.1 always keep my suitcase packed for the trip. My ambition is to represent Hungary in the Olympics. I think badminton is the best pastime. it's cheap to play, there's no expensive equipment needed, and it's not affected by the weather – like so many other sports. 1 also enjoy lots of other things. I like going to discos, nightclubbing, or listening to music — Madonna is mv favorite at the moment.
I think that if you are interested in something, you do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I enjoy collecting stamps and this takes up all my spare time. For me collecting stamps is not just buying them. You learn a lot about different people and events. But you have to find time to read a lot. Unfortunately, this hobby is very expensive and you cannot buy all the stamps you want.
To be a good stamp collector, you need to have a good eye for detail. That's because if you notice any printing mistake on a stamp, it becomes more unique and valuable. Whether the mistake is in the printing or the design, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you notice something which many people miss! It is very exciting! When a stamp is issued and there is a mistake in it, a new stamp appears and the old one becomes very rare and valuable.
1. What is his/her hobby?
2. Why did he /she get into it?
3. Does it take up all his/her time?
4. What are advantage and disadvantage of each hobby?
5. Does he/she enjoy it?
6. What are other thing does he/she enjoy?
Раздел 1
Тема 1.1.Описание людей. Характер. Межличностные отношения. Календарь
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
Напишите реферат, сообщение по теме« My hobby», «Hobby of famous people». Реферат представляет собой самостоятельный анализ опубликованной литературы по проблеме, то есть систематизированное изложение чужих обнародованных мыслей с указанием на первоисточник и, в обязательном порядке, с собственной оценкой изложенного материала. Если у студента не хватает подготовки на то, чтобы выразить своё согласие или несогласие с той или иной точкой зрения, необходимо использовать фразу: «Как видно из изложенного…». Таким образом, студент обязан показать самостоятельную творческую работу.
Структура реферата
1. Реферат должен быть структурирован (по главам, разделам, параграфам).
В зависимости от специфики предмета и тематики реферата к нему могут
быть оформлены приложения, содержащие документы, иллюстрации,
таблицы, схемы и т.д.
2. Реферат имеет следующую структуру:
титульный лист
основная часть;
список литературы;
приложение (если есть).
Раздел 2
Тема 2.1. Город, деревня. Описание места.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте и переведите текст:
Borsch has been in existence for a very long time and often represents Russian cookery on the world stage. Here is the list of things which it is very important for a visitor to know about borsch.
1. Never discuss with your hosts the origins of borsch. The question about whether Ukrainian, Lithuanian or Russian borsch was the first one is well beyond a solution.
2. After having tasted borsch once, a second time you must never say that this one is not the real article. It is possible to come across borsch made with beef, Iamb, ham, sausages, chicken, duck or goose, mushrooms, and even mustard. It can also be made with a variety of vegetables, a kind of hot mosaic of tastes: potatoes, cabbage, maize, carrots, and even marrow. Spices will only improve the best borsch.
3. There is no borsch without beetroot. It is the main ingredient, dominating the flavour of the best borsch. It is what gives borsch its characteristic colour and its unique flavour.
4. Never mention that the borsch you are eating is over-fatty or not fatty enough. Sometimes borsch is fatty, sometimes salty — this is the Ukrainian borsch — and sometimes even totally vegetarian. Whichever it is, it should always have that natural and transparent sweet-and-sour taste, either subtly or strongly, which is created by sugar and vinegar. The final thing to note is that it can either be eaten hot or cold.
5. It is traditional to add smetana (a kind of soured cream) to most varieties of borsch. Exceptions are Lithuanian and Odessa borsch, cooked with chicken or goose stock, with which smetana does not mix well.
6. It is very difficult to describe the definitive recipe for borsch, since every housewife has her own recipe.
7. Don't believe that one can make excellent borsch in a hurry — the preparation of good borsch takes no less than two or three hours. After all it is a soup that contains many ingredients, sometimes dozens of different ingredients, and therefore it takes a long time to mature.
8. Borsch is not often the subject of discussion, because it is simply part of Russian life.
is well beyond a solution — (вопрос) без ответа
not the real article — ненастоящий
stock — бульон
recipe ['resipi] — рецепт
Раздел 2
Тема 2.1. Город, деревня. Описание места.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Перед выполнением задания изучите интернет- урок 4 «Views of Britain », занятие 11 «Britain in the world» на сайте https://edu.mob-edu.ru
- Задания выполняются и публикуются на сайте Мобильного электронного образования .
- Следите за полнотой высказывания и грамматическим структурами в предложениях.
Раздел 3
Тема 3.1. Научно-технический прогресс в жизни. Изменения к лучшему и худшему
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте текст.
- Переведите его и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму
To lose,to change (2), to develop, to become (2), to transform ,to be created, to turn, to place, to help, to be hung, to cover, to be built.
St. Petersburg (1)a lot already in the 21st century. Business (2)stronger and stronger in the city'. As business grows in St. Petersburg, the "face" of the city (3)in some ways too.
Firstly, every year there are more and more cars in the city. This is normal when an economy grows, but the number of roads in the city is the same as before, which makes the situation worse! So there is a lack of balance between cars and roads.
As a result, there are often traffic jams in the city now. People even drive c the pavement at times in order to get around traffic jams! This is one example showing that speed and business (4)safety as a top priority for many drivers in St. Petersburg.
Secondly, many of the buildings in the city look more commercial today than they did before. Many modem business centres (5) recently in St. Petersburg. These business centresaren't always very beautiful, but they ire practical for companies that don't have a building of their own. The new business centres (6) to attract many new businesses to the city. Moreover, big signs (7)on many' buildings to advertise shops or real estate or manufactured goods. Very long, very wide advertisements which are used to hide broken walls and windows (8) the exterior of some buildings. Thus in several cases the old buildings of St. Petersburg (9)into enormous advertisements! After that, St. Petersburg now has many new cafe's, restaurants, coffee shops, and teahouses (some of which are very small, less than 20 m2) where people can relax after work. All these new cafes (10) the atmosphere in the city. They give people more ways to spend their money and to go out. Maybe the restaurant business is popular in St. Petersburg because the weather is often bad. People like to sit inside with a nice warm meal! In addition to this, St. Petersburg (11) cleaner, more beautiful and better in many ways. Many of the buildings are freshly painted and repaired. They look very proud and happy in their shiny new exteriors.
On the other hand, some things haven't changed at all. There are still many laws protecting the "face" of the city. For example, St. Petersburg still has no buildings taller than the top of the spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress.
Раздел 3
Тема 3.1.Научно-технический прогресс в жизни. Изменения к лучшему и худшему
Напишите реферат, сообщение по теме « Научно-технический прогресс в моем городе». Реферат представляет собой самостоятельный анализ опубликованной литературы по проблеме, то есть систематизированное изложение чужих обнародованных мыслей с указанием на первоисточник и, в обязательном порядке, с собственной оценкой изложенного материала. Если у студента не хватает подготовки на то, чтобы выразить своё согласие или несогласие с той или иной точкой зрения, необходимо использовать фразу: «Как видно из изложенного…». Таким образом, студент обязан показать самостоятельную творческую работу.
Структура реферата
1. Реферат должен быть структурирован (по главам, разделам, параграфам).
В зависимости от специфики предмета и тематики реферата к нему могут
быть оформлены приложения, содержащие документы, иллюстрации,
таблицы, схемы и т.д.
2. Реферат имеет следующую структуру:
титульный лист
основная часть;
список литературы;
приложение (если есть).
Раздел 3
Тема 3.2.Грамматическиеструктуры – Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
• Прочитайте текст.
• Переведите его.
One Saturday morning in autumn, I went to see my friend Sherlock Holmes at his room in the Baker Street .When I came I saw That he already had a visitor with a very bright red hair and red face. «This is very good that you have come, my dear Watson»-with these word Holmes turned to his visitor. «Doctor Watson has helped me in many cases,» Mr. Wilson ,and I am sure that he will be very useful for us in this case too. Watson., This is Mr. Jabez Wilson. The fat gentleman got up from his chair to greet me.
Holmes saw that I was watching the old man and guessed my thoughts. «You are trying to be a detective, Watson! » he said. «Well, Mr Wilson’s appearance tells us about his past life. It is clear that he has been a workman, that he has been writing a lot recently and that he has been in China. »
Mr Wilson was very astonished. «How do you know, Mr Holmes, all these things? I didn’t tell you about them. You are right that I was a carpenter when I was young. But who told you?”
“Your hands prove it, Mr Wilson, ”Holmes answered. ”Your rignt hand is larger than your left one .You have worked with it and so it is more developed.»
« But how do you know that I have been writing a lot recently?»
It is very easy. I looked at your sleeves. Your right sleeves nearly wears out at the wrist and the left sleeve nearly wears out at the bend of your arm. That means that your left arm and your right wrist have been rubbing on a desk . So you have been writing.»
«And how did you guess about China?»
« There is a tattoo of a big pink fish on your right wrist. Only in China they do this kind of tattoo. I know it Mr. Wilson. I have studied tattoos:in fact I have written a book about them.I also can see a Chinese coin on your watch chain. So it is not difficult to guess that you have been in China» Mr .Wilson laughed loudly. «It is really very easy.»
- Вставьте глаголы данные в скобках в правильную форму
- Doctor Watson me in many of my cases, (help)
- This is very good that you___________ my dear Watson, (come)
- It's clear that he_____ a workman, (be)
- Your right hand is larger than your left one. You____with it, and so it is more developed, (work)
5. ___tattoos: in fact, I___a book about them, (study; write)
- How do you know that I___a lot recently? (write)
- That means that your left arm and your right wrist___on a desk, (rub)
Раздел 4
Тема 4.1. Воспоминания.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте текст.
- Переведите его.
Climbing a mountain
When I was at primary school, I like to take trips with my parents. Those were great days for all of us. We could talk for hours about everything, laughed and had a lot of fun.
One day, when I was about 7,I took a trip to one of the biggest mountains in our region.I could not sleep the night before because I was so excited about the trip.
The weather was hot and sunny.The first hour of climbing was not hard. Then it became more difficult and I felt tired.I wanted to take a rest at least a minute, but I could not stop because my father said : « You need to put up with some difficulties . If you can do it now, you will be a better climber than me. » So we were climbing and my father was encouraging me. While I was climbing up along a tough and narrow path, I felt exhausted. But soon we took a short break before climbing to the top of the mountain. At that time a fresh air and sweet winds made me feel so cool. I said «Father! Hurry up! I want to see the top! » Two hours later, I was able to get to the top of the mountain. I felt so proud of myself. On the top, I could see the huge sun going down in the west. It look like a big fireball. I can’t remember what my father told me on the top but now I realise that he taught me the way to get over my problems and helped me develop self-confidence.
Раздел 4
Тема 4.1. Воспоминания.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Перед выполнением задания изучите интернет- урок3 «Time of life», занятие3
« The way you think » на сайте https://edu.mob-edu.ru.
- Задания выполняются и публикуются на сайте Мобильного электронного образования .
- Следите за полнотой высказывания и грамматическим структурами в предложениях.
Раздел 4
Тема 4.2. Культурные традиции, обычаи, праздники. Домашние оборудование
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте и переведите текст
- Решите правдивы ли утверждения
Life in the 1500's
Next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be...
Here are some facts about life in the 1500's:
Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children--last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it -- hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."
Houses had thatched roofs--thick straw, piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the dogs, cats and other small animals (mice rats, and bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof -- hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."
They cooked in the kitchen with a big pot that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while -- hence the rhyme, "peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."
1.People washed in May and in June
2.Brides carried a bouquet of flowers to look good.
3Children always had cleaner water for washing then their parents.
4.They used the same water for the whole family.
5 Animals hid form rain in the roof
6 Animals fell off the roof in the rain
7 People rarely washed the pot for cooking
8 People ate a lot of meat.
9. Sometimes people ate food which was not very fresh.
Раздел 4
Тема 4.2. Культурные традиции, обычаи, праздники. Домашние оборудование
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Перед выполнением задания изучите интернет- урок3 «The best me», занятие1
« Self-concept » на сайте https://edu.mob-edu.ru.
- Задания выполняются и публикуются на сайте Мобильного электронного образования .
- Следите за полнотой высказывания и грамматическим структурами в предложениях.
Раздел 5
Тема 5.1. Повседневная жизнь. Правдивые истории. Путешествия. Человек и спорт.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте и переведите текст
I saw an endless pit in front of me. The thought of jumping over it — wearing a 45-pound backpack made my legs tremble.
'I thought this was supposed to be fun,"
I grumbled to myself. The trip had sounded great: a school-sponsored, nine-day hiking trip in Arizona with a group of students. I'd known beforehand that this trip wasn't going to be a walk in the park, but I had never expected this. It was raining, we got lost, and now' I had to jump over the pit — and do so in the dark with a heavy pack!
I watched a few people jump and land on the other side, and decided I might as well do this. I got across fine, but then slipped and fell forward, and my face smashed into the knee of the person who had been trying to catch me. Blood spilled from my nose as I stood up.
At that time I was certain the trip could not get worse. 1 was nearly crying when we set up our tents that night. As 1 lay in my tent, all I could think about was how miserable I felt. "Want to talk?" asked Lori, the girl I shared the tent with. "No, I'm trying to sleep," I replied. Talking to anyone else was the last thing I wanted to do.
The next day I felt exhausted. As I looked up at the dear blue sky, though, I thought, "Maybethis won't be so bad after all." But when we started hiking after breakfast, the sky changed color and turned dull gray. Then it began to drizzle. As I started putting my rain gear on, the light drizzle became a downpour. 1 was soon soaked to the skin, and I was getting colder and colder. We were hiking in a blinding blizzard. It had become so thick by the time we stopped that it was impossible to see even the mountains around us. All we had was a compass to guide us.
My whole body was in pain. I was putting on all my dry clothes when my tent mate,Lori, crawled in. I looked at her and saw the same pain and fear in her eyes that I had been feeling. I realized how self-centered I had been: I wasn't the only one here who was feeling the freezing wind and the aching muscles.
Lori’s sleeping bag had got soaked through, so we decided to try to squeeze both of us into mine. We got in fine. The trouble came when we tried to zip it up. As soon as we got the zipper up to our waists, we would think about how funny this looked and we'd start laughing. Of course, this made the zipper go all the way down to our toes. We would have to start the whole thing over again, but I didn't care. I was laughing. No, we were laughing together.
Раздел 5
Тема 5.1. Повседневная жизнь. Правдивые истории. Путешествия. Человек и спорт.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Перед выполнением задания изучите интернет- урок 3 «do you care about your health», занятие 7 «Healthy living guide»на сайте https://edu.mob-edu.ru.
- Задания выполняются и публикуются на сайте Мобильного электронного образования .
- Следите за полнотой высказывания и грамматическим структурами в предложениях.
Раздел 6
Тема 6.1 Новости. Средства массовой информации.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте советы данные психологом
- Переведите устно.
- Расставьте советы в порядке важности.
What to do if the news upsets you
If you are worried because of something you have heard in the news:
- Always check the fact if you hear a nasty story- it might not to be true or it could be exaggerated.
- Remember that things in the news are often in the news because they don’t happen very often
- Discuss the news with your friend or chat about it on a massage board. You will be reassured that you are not only one worried.
- You coud also talk to your teacher about it-may be you could have a class discussion which would help you understand the issue better.
If you are having a nightmare or trouble sleeping because of something you have heard in the news:
- Tell your Mum or Dad –reassurances from them will make you feel much better .
- Try talking about your nightmare or even drawing it. This will help you to confort your fear.
- Surround yourself with things that make you feel secure at night-even if it is your old teddy bear that you keep hidden from your mates.
- Try to balance the news you read /If you read a bad story, then try to to read a happy one before you go to bed.
Раздел 6
Тема 6.1 Новости. Средства массовой информации.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
Напишите реферат, сообщение по теме «Век информации» или «Компьютер – за и против». Реферат представляет собой самостоятельный анализ опубликованной литературы по проблеме, то есть систематизированное изложение чужих обнародованных мыслей с указанием на первоисточник и, в обязательном порядке, с собственной оценкой изложенного материала. Если у студента не хватает подготовки на то, чтобы выразить своё согласие или несогласие с той или иной точкой зрения, необходимо использовать фразу: «Как видно из изложенного…». Таким образом, студент обязан показать самостоятельную творческую работу.
Структура реферата
1. Реферат должен быть структурирован (по главам, разделам, параграфам).
В зависимости от специфики предмета и тематики реферата к нему могут быть оформлены приложения, содержащие документы, иллюстрации, таблицы, схемы и т.д.
2. Реферат имеет следующую структуру:
титульный лист
основная часть;
список литературы;
приложение (если есть).
Раздел 7
Тема 7.1. Досуг, путешествия, отдых.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте и переведите тексты
А.Last year I was bitterly disappointed when our tour was cancelled because the company didn’t book the flight In time. This time we are going to travel with a different company and they have already booked the accommodation and the flights, but the tour this year to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladimir will be 100 pounds more than in previous years. I don’t know how many teachers will be prepared to pay that sum of money to visit your country for seven days. I will just have to wait and see.
If the tour takes place, we'll visit St. Petersburg first, arriving at 19.40, from Heathrow, London, on Saturday, October 20. We will then stay in St. Petersburg until Tuesday, October 23 and on the third day we will take the overnight train to Moscow. We are going to spend four days in Moscow and Vladimir visiting some schools an seeing the sights and fly back home from Moscow on October 27,It is too early to make any plans so I am not going to do that. First I will just have to wait and see if there is a demand for the tour. However, I will keep you informed.
B.The semester here ends in two days which personally makes me quite happy as I am going to have a really good rest. Though our semesters are only about 12 weeks, and I can't complain about having too many courses, I'll be glad to have our long summer break. I’m planning to go to a summer resort in Massachusetts with my daughter Alice and my friend Susanne. We’re all looking forward to it and are going to fly on July 24 and return for the beginning of Alice’s 4th school grade on August V The resort is going to be a lively town with bookstores, movies places to eat, and beaches. I’ll send you a postcard from there and hope that it gets to you sometime. My main concern and hope is that Alice finds friends to play with so she doesn’t get bored.
I'm happy to be going to the US, if only Just to hear English, eat American food, read the daily newspaper on the day when it's published, and buy some videos which I hope will be inexpensive It’s important for me to leave Germany for English-speaking environments and environments which I find more culturally comfortable, familiar. The Winter Semester begins at the end of October this year. We are going to get back early, so I’ll have time to prepare for my courses, which will be nice.
C.Since last fall our son Chris has been preparing for the time after school and Russia, St. Petersburg, has become his new focus. The thing is that Chris has chosen civilian rather than military service and an organization called “Christians for Europe” accepted his application, and is going to send him to St. Petersburg this coming fall for service with homeless children. He welcomes the opportunity to be immersed in the Russian language, and all of us hope he will take it seriously. This is where my request to you comes in. Chris is going to live in St. Petersburg for 12 months from September 1, 2004, rooming with other young people from Hamburg and working in a home for homeless children on the outskirts. He will be working 4 days a week, with a long weekend to stay in St. Petersburg. However, we think there will be ups and downs during his stay. Perhaps he would be able to call you in case he needs somebody to talk to? My wife and I are going to visit St. Petersburg in October with a choir and to see how Chris is. We arrive on Saturday, October 2 and leave on October 7 early in the morning. The concerts are planned for Tuesday and Wednesday. They start at 7 pm.
Раздел 7
Тема 7.1. Досуг, путешествия, отдых.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Напишите письмо-приглашение, придерживаясь плана.
You may use this plan:
Write what kind of party you are having and when
Who is going to come
What you are going to do.
Explain how to get to your place
Express your desire to see your friend.
Closing remarks
Раздел 7
Тема 7.1. Досуг, путешествия, отдых.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
Напишите реферат, сообщение по теме «Моё свободное время», «Мои каникулы» или «Путешествие». Реферат представляет собой самостоятельный анализ опубликованной
литературы по проблеме, то есть систематизированное изложение чужих обнародованных мыслей с указанием на первоисточник и, в обязательном порядке, с собственной оценкой изложенного материала. Если у студента не хватает подготовки на то, чтобы выразить своё согласие или несогласие с той или иной точкой зрения, необходимо использовать фразу: «Как видно из изложенного…». Таким образом, студент обязан показать самостоятельную творческую работу.
Структура реферата
1. Реферат должен быть структурирован (по главам, разделам, параграфам).
В зависимости от специфики предмета и тематики реферата к нему могут
быть оформлены приложения, содержащие документы, иллюстрации,
таблицы, схемы и т.д.
2. Реферат имеет следующую структуру:
титульный лист
основная часть;
Раздел 8
Тема 8.1. Природа и человек. Погода.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Our wonderful hotel stands, or rather stood, right on the beach. For some reason, on that particular day we were given a table right next to the exit, the furthest away from the sea. We had hardly started our meal when there was some noise, with people getting up from their seats. Everyone was pointing at something. And there really was something to see!
The water had disappeared, falling back from the shore by about 150-200 metres, revealing coral and beaching small boats. Many rushed off to examine this phenomenon and to take photos. The fact that we had left our camera in our room no doubt saved our lives. Three minutes later the water reappeared. A characteristic of a tsunami is that the wave isn't very deep, less than a metre, but it travels at the speed of an aeroplane and is about 100 kilometres in length. It only gains in height when it comes into the shallows. All that stuff in Hollywood disaster movies when people can be seen running and screaming from the water (or the fire, or the hurricane), turned out to be true. The water came rushing up faster than anyone could run, though. We managed to make it up onto the top floor of the hotel, the third, from where we looked down. The hotel was already an island, the water half way up the first floor. As if playing with toys, the water was churning furniture, scooters, cars, people ... A short while later, the water began to roll back into the ocean. It hadn't reached the second floor, where our room was. We got our passports and money from the safe, quickly packed a rucksack with bare essentials and, grabbing the camera, returned to the third floor. Some people went down to the ground floor, looking for their things, up to their waists in the water, trying to get into their rooms. We started photographing the destruction from above the ocean. We froze when we saw the second wave. Those who had gone downstairs hardly had a chance. Describing the horror we felt is impossible. The second wave was several times stronger than the first, and it became clear that the hotel, along with us, was doomed. The water washed away the balconies and windows, flooding through the building. The height of the water at that point was about ten metres. We rushed up the stairs as high as we could go. During the second wave, it occurred to us that more waves would follow. We were tense, concentrated. The clarity of our thoughts shocked us. We worked out a strategy for what we would do if we ended up in water, studied what we could grab for flotation, what points of orientation we could use.
We divided up the money, documents and drinking water. We agreed where we'd meet if we got separated. When the second wave fell back, people started jumping into the water and swimming in the direction of the shore. We considered this option but decided to hang on as long as the building was still standing. It wasn't far to the "new" shoreline, but it was chaos in the water: cars, furniture, buses, carpets, trees — the chance of getting a whack on the head was too high. And there could be more waves coming.... When the third wave came, it became clear that our decision had saved our lives. Although smaller than the second, the third was also strong. Then we sat at the top of the hotel waiting for the fourth. The only way to get away was by swimming, but no one was taking that risk. No fourth wave came. A dry patch had appeared on one side of the building and we could flee across it. Running was hard, as we were loaded down, and we were making our way in a thick layer of slippery mud. The locals led us to a hill further back from the water. They were doing everything they could to help the tourists — carrying stuff, giving them their shoes, showing the way, carrying those who couldn't walk. I don't want to see anything like that again in my life. And I hope with all my heart that you don't either!
Раздел 8
Тема 8.2. Стихийные бедствия. Жизнь в будущем
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте и переведите тексты
- Соотнесите заголовки с текстами
Fewer language
Massive and rapid changes
Fist contact
Fewer species
More city dwellers
Long lives
Computers everywhere
Global warming
- The 21 century will be the make-or break for planet Earth. Immense transformation of all kind- political, social, economic-will go on throughout the century, caused basically by the twin forces of demography and technology
- There will be less variety of living things in 2100than in 2000 because species are disappearing faster than they are coming into existence. We do not know yet if this will merely be a shame, a tragedy, or a catastrophe.
- The number of human languages spoken might decline from about 6000 today to a half that number a century from now. Because about 3000 languages spoken today are no longer being learned by children. English will become even more dominant.
- Half a century ago, less than a third of humanity lived in cities, now half of us do. Two century ago only London had a million of people, today 326 cities have more than a million and 14 have 10 million. This trend will continue.
- The Earth temperature will rise. The Earth sea level will rise. Weather will become more violent. If you enjoy disaster movies you are going to love 21 century/
- Information technology will continue to bring about change in the next century. Let’s see-9 billion people, 100 computers per person (mostly embedded in other things),each computers a million time more powerful than today PC and all of them interconnected.
- Average lifespan will definitely continue to rise. Maximum lifespan may rise perhaps spectacularly so. One hundred and fifty candles on the cake and still healthy? Imagine going to club to meet a cute guy and the main competition is your great –grandmother –or your great-granddaughter.
- An alien civilization could be detected at any moment, or never. More of us will certainly be listening to a radio signal from space in the 21 century than in 20.
Раздел 8
Тема 8.2. Стихийные бедствия. Жизнь в будущем
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте текст и переведите текст
Here are some of my predictions for a typical day in 2014; feel free to find me in 10 years’ time and tell me i’m wrong!
Our mornings will still begin with waking up. But forget the old-fashioned alarm-clock buzzer. Tomorrow’s alarm clock will be a sophisticated monitor. It’ll keep track of your sleep cycle, bringing up the room lights at the right time so that you’ll feel rested, as you awake.
Today, your coffee can be brewed while you sleep; tomorrow’s robokitchen will have an entire hot breakfast waiting for you. Also waiting will be an electronic newspaper, with stories geared to your particular interests with foreign-language news automatically translated into English.
Naturally, your electric car will drive itself, communicating with millions of chips that have been steamrollered into the asphalt covering our roadways. No more traffic accidents;Throughout the day, your wristband — a combination cellphone, PDA, camera, and e-book display, all controlled by spoken commands — will be your lifeline.You’ll want to make some time in your day for exercise — and the microprocessors in your running shoes will keep track of your pace, telling you when to slow down or speed up for maximum effect.You might make dinner yourself, if you enjoy cooking. And you’ll have a humanoid robot,that will take care of all the other housework.After dinner, you’ll have your pick of any TV show or movie ever made, available instantly on your wall-screen TV.nd, a little later, you’ll turn in for the night, as well. But perhaps just before you fall asleep, a thought will occur to you — something you just have to remember to do the next day.
Except you don’t have to remember it at all; all you have to do is mention it to your wristband — yes, you’ll go to bed with it on. And then you’ll fall asleep, totally relaxed, confident that your technology will remind you of this, and everything else that’s important, come the bright and wonderful morrow.
So, have I got it right? Only time will tell.
Раздел 8
Тема 8.2. Стихийные бедствия. Жизнь в будущем
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
Напишите реферат, сообщение по одной из тем «Земля - наш дом», «Стихийные бедствия в 21 веке». Реферат представляет собой самостоятельный анализ опубликованной литературы по проблеме, то есть систематизированное изложение чужих обнародованных мыслей с указанием на первоисточник и, в обязательном порядке, с собственной оценкой изложенного материала. Если у студента не хватает подготовки на то, чтобы выразить своё согласие или несогласие с той или иной точкой зрения, необходимо использовать фразу: «Как видно из изложенного…». Таким образом, студент обязан показать самостоятельную творческую работу.
Структура реферата
1. Реферат должен быть структурирован (по главам, разделам, параграфам).
В зависимости от специфики предмета и тематики реферата к нему могут
быть оформлены приложения, содержащие документы, иллюстрации,
таблицы, схемы и т.д.
2. Реферат имеет следующую структуру:
титульный лист
основная часть;
Раздел 9
Тема 9.1. Работа. Навыки общественной жизни. Проф. навыки и умения. Государственное устройство.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Прочитайте текст и переведите тексты
- Заполните таблицу.
1. Public Relations Representative
Write news releases, brochures, speeches, newsletters; plan press conferences, special events. $18,000 to $22,000 for entry-level positions; up to $40,000 with experience. Bachelor's degree in English, communications, public relations, journalism or business. Must be a strong communicator (writing, public speaking), skilled at computing, friendly, able to remain calm under pressure. Contact with opinion makers, celebrities, members of the media. Fifty per week, plus nights and weekends. Stylish suits for corporate PR departments; funky clothes if you represent a rock band.
2. Window Dresser
Design window displays for department stores and boutiques. Low twenties for entry-level position at department stores; about $35,000 with five years' experience. Bachelor's degree in design. Ability to combine fashion and interior and theatrical design; good team player; eye for colour. Forty hours per week; ten-hour day when preparing for the Christmas shopping season. Super casual jeans, T-shirt sneakers.
3. Media Buyer
On behalf of advertising agency's clients, buy air time for television and radio commercials, space for ads in magazines and newspapers. $20,000 to $25,000 per year to start. Bachelor's degree. Must be organised, a good communicator, financially responsible, clever negotiator, analytical. Sixty hours per week, up to eighty during TV's heavy buying season (late spring through early summer). Creative business casual clothes in the office, more conservative for meetings with clients and the media.
4. Dietician
Develop and promote new food products, plan menus, give patients advice about healthy eating. Working for hospitals, food manufacturers, schools, nursing homes, professional sports teams etc. $25,000 to $35,000 for entry-level position; more than $50,000 with experience and education. Bachelor's degree in nutrition science, plus a nine-month course at a hospital or medical centre. Ability to translate scientific terms into simple language, communicate with patients, skilled at computing, work on a team. Forty hours per week; hospital-based dieticians sometimes work weekends. Business casual is the standard
5.Social worker
Help those in need — the elderly, abused children, and others. Working in public and private agencies, schools, hospitals. Up to $30,000 for entry-level jobs, $42,000 or more after ten years' experience. Bachelor's degree in social work. Excellent communication skills, patience. About forty hours per week; specialists in child-protection services may work nights and weekends. Varies. Business casual or supercasual.
Job | A place\area | Responsibility | Salary | Demands | Working hours | Dress code | |
Advertising agency | Purchase air time for TV & radio commersials,purchase space for ads.in magazine | $20000-$25000 per year to start | Organized, good communicator ,financially responsible | 60 per week overtime | Creative business casual in the office, formal for meeting | ||
Раздел 9
Тема 9.1. Работа. Навыки общественной жизни. Проф. навыки и умения. Государственное устройство.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.
1. At two o’clock I (go) to the supermarket,
2. I (drive) my car when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
3. Tomorrow I (eat) sushi.
4. I (be) to Italy.
5. I (drive) home from work every day.
6. He (have) trouble finishing the project.
7. When ..you (arrive) home yesterday?
8. (Have) you (have) your dinner yet?
9. This restaurant (become) very popular.
10. Doctors (discover) cures for many diseases.
- Раскройтескобки, употребиводноизнастоящихвремен.
- What time _____________ (the meeting/end)?
- Tomorrow I _____________ (fly) to Moscow to visit my aunt Sally.
- Right now he _______ (talk) on the phone.
- The Earth __________ (go) round the Sun.
- I _________ (look) for my camera for an hour.
- Could you close the window? I _____________ (freeze)
- The man __________ (paint) the walls all day long.
- The coffee ___________ (smell) good.
- At the moment we ___________ (take) a walk around a beautiful village.
- We _____________ (not/finish) our history project yet.
- Kim _____________ (never/be) abroad.
- School always _______ (close) for Easter holidays.
- I’m exhausted. I _____________ (train) my stomach muscles all morning.
- What _____________ (usually/you/do) in your free time?
- Look! Your mum ____________ (water) tomatoes in the vegetable garden.
Раздел 9
Тема 9.1. Работа. Навыки общественной жизни. Проф. навыки и умения. Государственное устройство.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Переведите предложения и определите значение модального глагола (совет, обязанность, упрек, недоумение).
- We should think twice before buying that yacht.
- You should have thanked the teacher.
- A real lady should be delicate in her words and doings.
- Why should I wash their cups?
- She shouldn’t be so light-minded.
- They should inform the police immediately.
- How should I know that?
- You should have warned me beforehand.
- The secretary should answer the phone-calls.
- Your son should take part in this mathematical competition.
- . Найдите к каждой проблеме из левой колонки подходящий совет из правой.
- He is 10 years younger than Sara. A. You should go and wash it.
- My plants are dying. B. She shouldn’tmarryhim.
- I have put on 5 kilos lately. C. You should connect the charger.
- Your hair looks greasy. D. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets.
- My telephone battery is getting low. E. You should water them regularly.
- . Поставьте should или shouldn’t.
- You … eat too much salt and sugar.
- You … drive carefully.
- It’s midnight. We … go home.
- Your little daughter … spend so much money on toys.
- It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
- The service is awful here. We … complain to the manager.
- Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
- The parcel is fragile. You … throw it.
Раздел 9
Тема 9.1. Работа. Навыки общественной жизни. Проф. навыки и умения. Государственное устройство.
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы:
- Составьте резюме про себя ,заполнив бланк
… (First Name, Surname)
… (Address (Number of your house, Street, City, Region, Country))
… (Date of birth)
Cellular phone:…(Number), Home phone: … (Number)
E-mail: …
OBJECTIVE To obtain a position as …
Apply my skills as …
A career in …
… (Dates) … (Position)
… (Title of company)
… (City)
Type of business - …
Major Duties:
- …;
- ….
- …;
- ….
… (Dates) … (Position)
… (Title of company)
… (City)
Type of business - …
Major Duties:
- …;
- ….
… (Dates)… (Titleof educational institution, Major, Degree)
… (Dates)… (Titleof educational institution, Major, Degree)
SKILLS Computer: … (Name of program)
Languages: … (Native and foreign)
HONORS … (Title, Awarding Organization, Date(s))
PUBLICATIONS … (Title and Type, Title of Publication, Publisher, Date Published)
PERSONAL … (Hobby etc.)
REFERENCES Available upon request
… (знак «троеточие») - вместо … (знака «троеточие») вставляете Ваш текст (текст) - в скобках и курсивом обозначены пояснения к заполнению, в каком порядке и что именно указывать вместо знака «троеточие» разделы HONORS, PUBLICATIONS, PERSONAL INFORMATION, REFERENCES заполняются по желанию, по мере возможности и наличия соответствующих данных.
В разделах WORK EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION опыт работы/образование указывайте в обратном хронологическом порядке, т.е. начиная с последнего места работы/учебы.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины иностранный (английский) язык разработана на основе Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов (далее – ФГОС) по профессиям среднего профессионального ...

Методические рекомендации по составлению рабочей программы учебной дисциплины общеобразовательного цикла ОПОП ПКРС
Данный материал поможет преподавателям дисцислин общеобразовательного цикла, работающим в системе СПО, грамотно составить основной документ УМК...
Методические рекомендации подготовлены в связи с требованиями СМК, предъявляемыми к процессу управления....
Методические рекомендации по выполнению практических работ по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ) ЯЗЫК».
Для повышения эффективности проведения практических занятий по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» разработаны методические рекомендации по их проведению. Основными этапами практического занят...
Методические рекомендации по написанию деловых писем по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ) ЯЗЫК
Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов техникумадля специальностей:22.02.06 Сварочное производство13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и эл...
3. Методические рекомендации по написанию деловых писем по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный (английский) язык для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов 3, 4 курсов для специальностей: 22.02.06 Сварочное производство; 13.02.11
Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов техникумадля специальностей:22.02.06 Сварочное производство13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и эл...

СБОРНИК ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ ЗАДАНИЙ по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ)ЯЗЫК В ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ для студентов 2-4 курса специальности 09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование, квалификация – Технический писатель
Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов 2-4 курса.Рабочая тетрадь включает в себя 9 тематических циклов, в каждый из которых входят текст, лексические, фонетические и грамматические упражнения. Уч...