МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА викторины по английскому языку для обучающихся I курса «200 QUESTIONS ABOUT THE UK AND THE USA»
методическая разработка на тему
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА внеклассного мероприятия в рамках недели иностранного языка
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Старооскольский техникум технологий и дизайна»
викторины по английскому языку для обучающихся I курса
Разработала: Лоптева Наталья Ивановна,
преподаватель иностранного языка
ОГАПОУ «Старооскольский техникум
технологий и дизайна»
на заседании ЦМК
протокол № 4 от «12» ноября 2015г.
Председатель ЦМК ______ /Т.А. Яско/
г. Старый Оскол 2015 г.
Цели: повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка;
воспитание любви и уважения к странам изучаемого языка;
знакомство обучающихся с интересными и малоизвестными фактами по географии, истории, культуре стран изучаемого языка;
развитие социокультурной компетенции;
расширение кругозора обучающихся.
Задачи: развивать умение воспринимать информацию на слух;
совершенствовать навыки говорения;
развивать умение выбирать рациональные способы работы, умение работать в коллективе;
развивать речь, мышление, сенсорную, эмоционально-волевую области.
Тема игры объявляется заранее. Каждая команда готовит эмблему, название и представление участников, выбирается капитан, но его имя до игры остается в секрете. Приглашается жюри.
Ход игры
Hello, everyone. It’s great to see you here. Today we shall have a competition between two teams. The topic of our competition is “The UK and the USA” It’s time to find out the names of your teams.
GAME 1 “Introduce yourself”
Команды представляются, жюри оценивает представление по пятибалльной системе.
GAME 2 “Who is the captain?”
Участники команды должны догадаться, кто является капитаном противников. Разрешается задавать только общие вопросы. (Is the captain a boy? Is the captain a girl? Is she tall? Does she have dark hair?) Жюри оценивает задание по пятибалльной системе, учитывая правильность и количество верных вопросов.
GAME 3 “What do you know about the UK and the USA?”
Команде задаются вопросы в течение 5 минут. Отвечать необходимо быстро. Если команда затрудняется, ей могут помочь ее болельщики. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает 1 балл. Затем ответы дает другая команда.
1. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington D.C.)
2. Do you know the complete name of the UK? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
3. The Highlands are among the oldest mountains of the world. Where are they? (Scotland)
4. What is in the center of Trafalgar Square? (Nelson’s Column)
5. What’s the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
6. Which country is older, the USA or the UK? (The UK)
7. What is the most popular British newspaper? (The Times)
8. Which holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February? (St. Valentine’s Day)
9. What is the Tower of London now? (A museum)
10. Do you know the name of the Prince of Wales? (Prince Charles)
11. What is London home of the Queen of the UK? (Buckingham Palace)
12. Which holiday is celebrated at the end of November in the USA? (Thanksgiving Day)
13. What was the Tower of London in the past? (A fortress, a palace, a prison)
14. What popular game is played with an oval ball? (Rugby)
15. Which river does London stand on the banks of? (The Thames)
16. What is the national symbol of the USA? (The Bald Eagle)
17. What is the tallest building in Washington D.C.? (The Washington Monument)
18. What birds live in the Tower of London? (Ravens)
19. Who is the greatest English dramatist? (William Shakespeare)
20. What are the largest islands of the British Isles? (Great Britain and Ireland)
21. How many houses does the British Parliament consist of? (Two: the House of Lords and the House of Commons)
22. What are the parts of Great Britain? (England, Scotland and Wales)
23. What’s the most popular sport in Britain? (Football)
24. What’s the name of the most famous clock tower in London? (Big Ben)
25. Who is the author of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”? (Mark Twain)
26. What is the traditional Christmas meal in Britain? (Turkey and pudding)
27. Who discovered America? (Columbus)
28. Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? (Daniel Defoe)
29. How many stripes are there on the American flag? (13)
30. Which holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October? (Halloween)
31. Who wrote the sonnet “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun”? (William Shakespeare)
32. Do you know the name of British Queen? (Elizabeth)
33. What is the seat of the British Government? (The Houses of Parliament)
34. What kind of novels did Herbert Wells write? (Science fiction)
35. Where is the statue of Liberty situated? (In New York)
36. Downing Street in London is the home of… (The Prime Minister)
37. At what age do British children start school? (5 years)
38. What flower is the symbol of England? (Rose)
39. Name the university cities in Britain. (Oxford and Cambridge)
40. When do British people celebrate Christmas? (On the 25th of December)
41. Who wrote “The Invisible Man”? (Herbert Wells)
42. What colour are the buses, postboxes and telephones in the UK? (Red)
43. What are the colours of the national flag of Scotland? (White and blue)
44. Who is the legendary hero of English and Scottish folk literature? (Robin Hood)
45. What is the capital of the UK? (London)
46. Who wrote the poem “My heart’s in the Highlands”? (Robert Burns)
47. Who created the characters of Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes? (Arthur Conan Doyle)
48. Do you know the complete name of the USA? (The United States of America)
49. Where is the statue of Admiral Nelson located? (In Trafalgar Square)
50. What are the parts of the UK? (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
51. What are the colours of the British flag? (Blue, red, white)
52. What colour are the taxes in the UK? (Black)
53. Where are the most famous people of Great Britain buried? (In Westminster Abbey)
54. Where is the UK situated? (On the British Isles)
55. What is the longest river in Britain? (The Severn)
56. What are the colours of the national flag of England? (Red and white)
57. Who is the famous British author of detective stories? (Agatha Christie)
58. “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Who said these words? (Hamlet)
59. What is the tallest building in the USA? (Sears Tower)
60. Who sang the song “Yesterday”? (The Beatles)
GAME 4 “Add more points to your score”
Командам задаются оставшиеся вопросы из предыдущего конкурса. На этот раз вопросы задаются по очереди то одной, то другой команде. Если команда затрудняется, слово передается противникам. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает 1 балл.
GAME 5 “Guess famous people”
Задание читается для двух команд. Участники должны как можно быстрее угадать человека, о котором идет речь. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает 2 балла.
1. He was born in 1935. He learned to sing in church. With the help of his manager Tom Parker he became popular not only in America, but all over the world. He died at the age of 42. Everyone knows him as the King of Rock’n’Roll. Who was he? (Elvis Presley)
2. He was an English playwright. He is famous for his rich use of the English language. He wrote tragedies, history plays, comedies and poetry. One of his most famous plays is about love between a girl and a boy of 14. Who was he? (William Shakespeare)
3. He was born in 1889. He was an English film actor and director. He appeared in black and white comedy films. He became a movie star at the beginning of the 20th century. Who was he? (Charlie Chaplin)
4. He was an American artist and film producer. He was famous for his animated cartoons. In the 1950’s and 1960’s he began developing the family-entertainment parks Disneyland and Disney World. Who was he? (Walt Disney)
5. He was born in a very poor family and grew up to become the sixteenth President of the United States. When he was elected in 1860, the question of slavery was the foremost political issue. In 1863 he wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, giving freedom to three million blacks living in the South. Who was he? (Abraham Lincoln)
6. He was born in 1866. He is known for his science fiction. In 1920 he visited Moscow. During his long life he wrote about 40 novels and many short stories. His best-known works are “The Time Machine” and “The Invisible Man”. He died in 1946. Who was he? (Herbert Wells)
7. He was born in Dublin in 1856. In 1892 he wrote his first play. He wrote more than 50 plays. His most popular play is “Pygmalion”. This playwright died in 1950. Who was he? (Bernard Shaw)
GAME 6 “Guess what I am reading about”
Участники должны как можно быстрее угадать, о чем идет речь. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает 2 балла.
1. It’s a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people. This church is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. It is a large Gothic church in Westminster. Which church is it? (Westminster Abbey)
2. This church is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren. Work on this church began in 1675. Nine years before the original church was destroyed in the Great Fire of London. Which church is it? (St Paul’s Cathedral)
3. This country is in the west of the UK. It is small. Its population is about 1 million and a half people. Much of the land is low-lying; there are green hills and low mountains. Which country is it? (Northern Ireland)
4. This is a part o Great Britain. It’s small, but larger than Northern Ireland. The highest mountain is Snowdon. The people there speak English and Welsh. The capital is Cardiff. Which country is it? (Wales)
5. This holiday is celebrated in spring. It is a religious holiday. In England presents traditionally take the form of an egg. They are usually made of chocolate. Sometimes they are hidden about the house for children to find them. Which holiday is it? (Easter)
6. On July 4, 1776, the American colonies declared their independence from Britain. Many families celebrate this holiday by having picnics and by watching fireworks at night. What holiday is this? (Independence Day)
7. This city is the largest in the USA. Its nickname is The Big Apple. This city is the world leader in business, arts and communications. It’s also the centre of advertising, fashion and publishing. Which city is it? (New York)
8. It was a gift to the USA from the people of France. It’s a great monument. But it is not only a monument; it is a symbol of freedom to millions of people around the world. What is it? (The Statue of Liberty)
Подведение итогов игры.
Thank you for your work, students. You were so active today. I hope you liked our competition very much. I’m excited to find out what team is the winner today. Congratulations to the winners!
Подсчитываются общие баллы, объявляются победители.
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