Учебное пособие по английскому языку "Специальная терминология почтовой связи"
материал на тему
Учебное пособие «Специальная терминология почтовой связи» предназначено для обучающихся в учебных заведениях СПО по профессии технического профиля «Оператор связи». Оно полностью соответствует государственным требованиям к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки выпускников по профессии СПО, содержит необходимые дидактические требования, предусмотренные программой указанной образовательной дисциплины.
Основой пособия является изложение специальной терминологии почтовой связи на английском языке, раскрытие сущности терминов почтовой связи и специфику их употребления в современном англо-говорящем мире.
Пособие предназначено для развития у студентов лексико-грамматических и коммуникативно-прагматических навыков при изучении иностранного языка в рамках профессионально направленного курса.
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Министерство общего и профессионального образования Ростовской области
государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Ростовской области
«Аксайский технологический техникум»
для профессии
«Оператор связи»
Рассмотрено и рекомендовано к печати методическим объединением ГБПОУ РО «Аксайский технологический техникум». Протокол №___ от ______________20___г.
Специальная терминология почтовой связи. Английский язык/ Сахарчук К.Г. - Аксай.: ГБП ОУ РО «Аксайский технологический техникум», 2015. – 44 с.
Составитель: Сахарчук К.Г.
Настоящее пособие включает в себя учебные тексты технического характера, упражнения и активный словарь. Пособие предназначено для развития у студентов 1 курса лексико-грамматических и коммуникативно-прагматических навыков при изучении иностранного языка в рамках профессионально направленного курса.
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Ростовской области «Аксайский технологический техникум»
Аксай 2015
The History And Development Of The Russian Post Service
As the foundation of written communication, mail links separated families and friends. It spurs business growth and helps find new markets for products. It connects citizens to their local, state, and federal governments. Guided by its mission of universal service, the postal system expands as the nation expands.
The history of the Russian post service begins in the 10th century with a system of messengers who carried letters for the government. Early letters were carried in the form of a roll, with a wax or lead seal.
By the 16th century, the postal system included 1,600 locations, and it took mail 3 days to travel from Moscow to Novgorod. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, becoming Russia's first regular international service.
Peter the Great enacted reforms making the postal system more uniform in its operations, and in 1714 the first general post offices were opened in Saint Petersburg and Moscow. In February 1714, the postal service started biweekly runs from St. Petersburg to Riga; in June it started runs from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The field post office was founded in 1716, and the so-called ordinary post service in 1720, for fast conveyance of state ordinances and papers. Regular delivery of private parcels (the so-called heavy post) was organized in the 1730-40s. In 1746, parcels and private correspondence were first delivered by a courier. In 1781 money, too, could be
delivered to one's door. The earliest known Russian postmark dates from July 1765; it is a single line reading "ST.PETERSBOVRG" (in Latin letters).
Post coaches appeared in 1820. In 1833, the St. Petersburg City Post was created, and the city was divided into 17 districts with 42 correspondence offices, which were located in trade stores. In 1834, reception offices appeared in the suburbs. Periodical press delivery in Russia was organized in St. Petersburg in 1838. Green coloured street mail boxes were installed in 1848, the same year stamped envelopes were issued, and post stamps appeared in 1857. In 1864, the City Post started sending printed matter and catalogues, and in 1866, they sent packages. Russian Post is a founding member of the Universal Postal Union created in 1874.
In the U.S.S.R. period the airmail became especially important because of the vast distances involved. Prompt delivery of central press publications was achieved thanks to the facsimile transmission of the text. Further development of the postal service followed the path of mechanization and automation of mail processing, improving the organization of its transportation and delivery.
Appreciating the role of the Russian post in the historical development of the country, in 1994, Russian President Boris Yeltsin established the professional holiday of postal workers - "Day of the Russian Post", which is celebrated annually on the 2nd of July.
Exercise 1
Read the following words and phrases, supply their Russian equivalents and memorize them
- post service
- communication
- mail links
- to connect
- to carry letters
- the postal system
- to travel
- a peace treaty
- to establish
- international service
- post service operations
- a post office
- biweekly
- the field post office
- to be founded
- the ordinary post service
- conveyance
- to convey
- a delivery
- to deliver
- private parcels
- to be organized
- private correspondence
- a courier
- a postmark
- a reception office
- periodical press delivery
- a mail box
- a post stamp
- a stamped envelope
- to be issued
- the Universal Postal Union
- facsimile transmission of the text
- postal workers
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions about the text.
- When does the history of the Russian post service begin?
- Who carried letters for the government in the 10th century?
- How many locations did the postal system include by the 16th century?
- Who enacted first reforms of the postal system in Russia?
- When were the first general post offices opened in Saint Petersburg and Moscow?
- When was the field post office founded?
- When was regular delivery of private parcels organized?
- When were parcels and private correspondence first delivered by a courier?
- When was the St. Petersburg City Post created?
- When did reception offices appear in the suburbs?
- When were first street mail boxes installed?
- When were stamped envelopes first issued?
- When did post stamps appear?
- Why did the airmail become so important in the USSR period?
- How was prompt delivery of central press publications achieved?
- Who established the professional holiday of postal workers?
- When is the professional holiday of postal workers celebrated?
Read and translate the text
Postal System Today
Postal system is the institution that makes it possible for any person to send a letter, packet, or parcel to any addressee, in the same country or abroad, in the expectation that it will be conveyed according to certain established standards of regularity, speed, and security.
The service is paid for in advance by the sender according to a relatively simple scale of fees based on weight and, in some countries, on speed of service required. Prepayment is ordinarily made by means of postage stamps or franking machine impression; payment is not usually required of the addressee.
The basic need for a system to exchange written communications has been felt by all human societies and has been met in many ways, the evolution of varied postal systems adopted by different societies through the centuries into the basically similar pattern of today’s state monopoly service has been a long and difficult process.
Today the governments of many countries use their postal systems to provide a range of services that often have no direct connection with the traditional function of exchanging letters. To provide for the collection, transport, and delivery of letters throughout a country, it has been necessary to establish a network of post offices extending into the remotest areas. Such a network of offices, staffed by agents of the state, provides an efficient banking service in areas in which it would be uneconomic for a commercial or state bank to establish a branch office. Many governments also pay various social security benefits—such as pensions and family allowances—through
vouchers that can be cashed at post offices. In some countries post offices also collect certain taxes, normally through the sale of licenses and revenue or tax stamps. In fact, a wide range of ancillary services is provided through the postal system. In some African and Asian countries, for instance, the postal system helps distribute antimalarial drugs. While the variety of such services clearly reflects the ever-increasing role of postal systems for the modern world, they lie outside the scope of this article, which concentrates on the traditional postal or mail services.
Exercise 1
Read the following words and phrases, supply their Russian equivalents and memorize them.
- to send a letter
- to send a packet
- to send a parcel
- the addressee
- according to established standards
- to pay in advance
- the sender
- scale of fees
- weight
- speed of service
- prepayment is made
- by means
- a postage stamp
- franking machine
- to provide
- a connection with
- to exchange
- throughout a country
- a post office
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions about the text.
- What is postal system today?
- What services does postal system provide?
- How are postal services paid?
- Who usually pays for the service?
- How is the prepayment ordinarily made?
- Are today’s postal systems used only for exchanging letters?
- What social security benefits can be cashed at post offices?
- How do post offices collect taxes?
Exercise 3
Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false.
- Postal system makes it possible for any person to send a letter to any addressee, in the same country or abroad.
- The service is usually paid for in advance by the addressee.
- Prepayment is ordinarily made by means of postage stamps or franking machine impression.
- Today postal systems are used only for exchanging letters.
- In some countries post offices also collect taxes.
Read and translate the definitions
Acknowledgement of receipt stamp - forms used as prepayment on notices attesting to the delivery and receipt of mail
Adhesive - a substance applied to the back of most stamps to facilitate attaching them to the mailing surface
Adhesive revenue stamp - a stamp that may be affixed to an article to prepay postal fees
Advertising cover - an envelope used as a form of advertising
Airmail envelope - an envelope transported by aircraft
Airmail service - a type of mail transport using aircraft.
Airmail stamp - a stamp prepaying postal rates for air transport.
Barcodes - series of vertical bars of varying heights. Each digit represents a number from zero to nine. The postal barcodes represent the delivery address and are used by autmated machinery in processing.
Cancel - marks applied to stamps which prevent reuse. The marks often include a date, rate, route, or place of mailing.
Cancellation machine is a machine that prints a mark over a stamp on envelopes or packages to prevent the stamp being used again.
Certified Mail - a mail service that provides the individual sending a piece of mail with a receipt when the item enters the mail stream. It also provides a record of delivery when it reaches
the final post office for dispatch to recipient.
Certified mail stamp - a stamp paying for proof of delivery of first-class mail for which no indemnity value is claimed. Using this is a less expensive, less secure alternative to registered mail.
Concessionary parcel stamp - stamps used by private firms at rates lower than government services
Drop letter - mail to be delivered to an address within the same postal delivery area as the office in which it is posted. It is charged a lower postage rate
An envelope is a common packaging item, usually made of thin flat material. It is designed to contain a flat object,such as a letter or card.
franking machine is a machine that prints a mark on a letter to show the date and place that it was posted
Post Card - a card used to send a message via the mail. Postcards were popular collecting items in the early twentieth century.
Receipt - a written acknowledgment that a specified article or a sum of money has been received.
Postal Service - a national, usually governmental, system of transmitting written communications.
Postmark - an authorized mark printed over a postage stamp that makes reuse virtually impossible while recording the date and place of mailing.
Postmarking device - a tool for marking the origin, date, and transit of mail. Another use was to deface stamps, making them impossible to reuse. Such devices first appeared in Italy about 1454, but two centuries elapsed before they were widely used.
Postmaster - the individual in charge of the operations of a local post office.
Post office is a facility authorised by a postal system for the posting, receipt, sorting, handling, transmission or delivery of mail. Post offices offer mail-related services such as post office boxes, postage and packaging supplies. In addition, some
post offices offer non-postal services such as passport applications and other government forms, car tax purchase, money orders, and banking services.
Parcel - a collection of things wrapped or boxed together.
Letter - a written message addressed to a person or organization
Bundle - a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing.
Addressee - The person or organization to which something such as a letter or message is addressed, for whom the item is intended.
Sender - The person or organization who transmits a letter or message.
Zip code - a postal code especially for addresses served by the US Postal Service consisting of a five- or nine-figure number Originated from Zone Improvement Plan
Post-office box - is a uniquely addressable lockable box located on the premises of a post office station. Generally post office boxes are rented from the post office either by individuals or by businesses on a basis ranging from monthly to annual and the cost of rent varies depending on the box size. Central business district PO boxes are usually more expensive than rural PO boxes .
Printed matter - is a term to describe printed material produced by printers or publishers such as books, magazines, booklets, brochures and other publicity materials and in some cases newspapers. Because much of this material is mailed it is also a category of mail accepted for delivery by a postal administration that is not considered to be first-class mail and therefore qualifies for a special reduced printed matter postal rate. Depending on the specific postal regulations of the country it is usually non-personal correspondence and printed in multiple quantities.
Most postal authorities do not permit additional services like registration or express services to be added to items mailed as printed matter
Postage - the price established by law to be paid for the conveyance of a letter or other mailable matter by a public post. List - a database containing an ordered array of items.
Exercise 1
Read the following words and phrases, supply their Russian equivalents and memorize them.
- prepayment
- adhesive
- postal fees
- an envelope
- airmail envelope
- airmail service
- cancel
- a date of mailing
- rate of mailing
- route of mailing
- place of mailing
- cancellation machine
- certified mail
- the mail stream
- to provide
- a record of delivery
- the final post office
- dispatch
- recipient
- indemnity value
- registered mail
- concessionary parcel stamp
- drop letter
- postal delivery area
- an envelope
- franking machine
- post card
- post office
- postmark
- to deface stamps
- postmaster
- post office
- a facility of mail
- a postal system of mail
- posting of mail
- receipt of mail
- sorting of mail
- handling of mail
- transmission of mail
- delivery of mail
- money orders
- postal service
- parcel
- letter
- bundle
- addressee
- sender
- to transmit a letter
- zip code
- zone improvement plan
- post-office box -
- a post office station
- the cost of rent
- printed matter
- magazine
- booklet
- brochure
- newspapers
- to accept for delivery
- first-class mail
- postal regulations
- non-personal correspondence
- to permit
- postage
- list
Exercise 2
Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
Cancellation machine is a machine that prints a mark ... a stamp … envelopes or packages to prevent the stamp being used again.
An envelope is a common packaging item, usually made … thin flat material. Addressee is the person or organization … which a letter is addressed. Postal Service is a national, usually governmental, system … transmitting written communications. Postmaster is the individual … charge of the operations … a local post office. Post office is a facility authorized … a postal system … the posting, receipt, sorting, handling, transmission or delivery … mail. Printed matter is a term to describe printed material produced … printers or publishers. Postage - the price established .. law to be paid … the conveyance of a letter.
Read and translate the text
The central link of the public administration system in this sphere is the State committee of the Russian Federation on communication and informatization.
The committee provides the centralized management, the state supervision and control of activity in the field of communication; gives out, changes conditions or extends the validity of licenses for the right of activity in the field of communication.
Its activity is built on the federal law " About post service" adopted on August 9, 1995. Russian mail service, special mail service, federal courier communication work in accordance with this law. The general regulation in this area carries out the committee. providing the satisfaction of needs of citizens, public authorities, local self-government, organizations in services of the post service; management of objects of a mail service of federal submission; general regulation of activity of the organizations of a mail service (knots of a mail service, post offices, offices of a mail service, specialized organizations for transportation of mail). The committee coordinates the work of the subordinated organizations in the field of reception, transportations and deliveries of parcels, distribution of printing matters, delivery and payments of pensions and grants, telephone negotiations and services. Its functions also include the organization of the edition of the state post payment marks.
Exercise 1
Read the following words and phrases, match them with their Russian equivalents given in the 2nd column. Try to memorize them.
- public administration
- the centralized management
- the state supervision
- the federal law
- special mail service
- federal courier communication
- to carry out
- to provide
- citizens
- knots of a mail service
- transportation of mail
- to coordinate
- distribution of printing matters
- telephone negotiations
- the state post payment marks
- телефонные переговоры
- координировать
- граждане
- обеспечивать
- осуществлять
- государственное управление
- централизованное управление
- государственный надзор
- специальная почтовая служба
- федеральный закон
- государственные знаки почтовой оплаты
- распространения печатных изданий
- федеральная фельдъегерская связь
- узлы почтовой связи
- перевозка почты
Read and translate the text
Through "rain or snow or sleet or hail," postal workers bring the mail. Have you heard this before? A postal worker's job is to deliver mail. A postal worker is the one who works for a post office, such as a mail carrier. A mail carrier, mailman, mailwoman, postal carrier, postman, postwoman, or letter carrier (in American English), sometimes colloquially known as a postie (in Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, and other parts of the United Kingdom), is an employee of a post office or postal service, who delivers mail and parcel post to residences and businesses. The term "mail carrier" came to be used as a gender-neutral substitute for "mailman" soon after women began performing the job.
In the United States, the official label for a mail carrier is "letter carrier". The US Postal Service employs around 584,000 people. The bulk of these work as service clerks, mail sorters, mail carriers.
Service Clerks sell stamps and postage, help people pick up packages and assist with other services. Mail Sorters physically sort the mail to go to the correct place. As automation has become more common, some of these people now operate the sorting machines. Mail Carriers deliver the mail. In densely populated areas this is done on foot. In urban areas the carriers often use a mail truck and in rural areas carriers drive their own vehicles. Most postal workers in the US make between $36,000 and $43,000 per year.
A postmaster is the head of an individual post office. When a postmaster is responsible for the entire mail distribution
organization (usually sponsored by a national government), the title of Postmaster General is commonly used. Responsibilities of a postmaster typically include management of a centralized mail distribution facility, establishment of letter carrier routes, supervision of letter carriers and clerks, and enforcement of the organization's rules and procedures.
Exercise 1
Read the following words and phrases, supply their Russian equivalents and memorize them.
- A postal worker
- To work for
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Scotland
- the United Kingdom
- to deliver mail
- an employee of a post office
- parcel post
- residence
- businesses
- to employ
- service clerk
- mail sorter
- mail carrier
- to assist
- to sort the mail
- a mail truck
- A postmaster
- To be responsible for
- mail distribution
- letter carrier routes
- enforcement of the rules
Exercise 2. Answer the following questions about the text.
- Who is a postal worker?
- Why did the term "mail carrier" come to be used?
- What is the official label for a mail carrier in the United States?
- What are the usual responsibilities of Service Clerks?
- What do usually Mail Sorters do?
- What are Mail Carriers responsible for?
- Who is the head of an individual post office?
- What are the typical responsibilities of a postmaster?
Exercise 3
Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false.
- A postal worker is the one who works for a post office.
- The term "mail carrier" came to be used instead of "mailman" soon after women began performing the job.
- In the United States, the official label for a mail carrier is "post carrier".
- Service Clerks usually physically sort the mail.
- Mail Sorters help people pick up packages and assist with other services.
- Mail Carriers deliver the mail.
- In urban areas the mail is often delivered on a mail truck.
- The head of an individual post office is a postmaster.
Read and translate the text
The raw material of the postal services, always a single object that demands individual treatment, is something sent by one person (or entity) to another who may be anywhere in the world. Letters and parcels in all shapes and sizes are subject only to the limits of weight and dimension prescribed by postal legislation. Yet, if postal services are to be efficient and economical, these items must be mass-processed, as far as it is possible. Thus, the basic function of postal organization is to convert the individual item as rapidly as possible into something that can be handled on a bulk basis, ensuring, however, that it finally regains its individual status.
The collection and sorting of individual items by the most economic method involves the use of local transport, usually operated by the postal services themselves, and sorting offices. The size of the sorting office depends on local requirements, but some are, in fact, large centres that handle several million items a day and employ thousands of personnel. Certain ancillary operations are involved
such as the canceling of stamps that have served to prepay the postal charge.
The next stage is to transport the grouped items to different destinations that may be intermediate sorting offices. Items are combined by further sorting with mail from other sources to permit grouping the mails for final destinations.
The third stage is the arrival of the mail at the sorting office of the final destination, where it is sorted systematically. The items finally recover their identity and are grouped for delivery to the individual address. In most countries, delivery is on a house-to-house basis.
All stages have to be planned and arranged to meet an overall standard of performance.
Exercise 1
Read the following words and phrases, supply their Russian equivalents and memorize them.
- postal legislation
- to convert
- an item
- to handle
- to collect mail
- canceling
- to prepay
- the postal charge
- destination
- intermediate
- sorting office
- arrival of the mail
- individual address
- house-to-house basis
Exercise 2
Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
Letters and parcels … all shapes and sizes are subject only to the limits … weight and dimension prescribed …postal legislation. The size … the sorting office depends … local requirements. Items are combined … further sorting with mail from other sources. The third stage is the arrival … the mail … the sorting office of the final destination. Although, boxes … a local post office are sometimes used.
Exercise 3
Fill in the chart using the information from the text
Stages of mail delivery | Where does it take place? | What operations does this process involve? |
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. |
Read and translate the text.
Postal systems continue to rely heavily on human labour
for bulk materials handling and distribution, both at loading bays and between work processes within sorting centres. New mail centres, however, are normally built in the style of factories and include all appropriate materials-handling equipment.
Equipment used for loading and unloading sacks of mail includes mobile belt conveyors, roller conveyors, forklift trucks, mobile and fixed cranes, and table lifts. Handling equipment within buildings includes chain conveyors; horizontal and rising belt conveyors of all types, for the transport of loose letters, packets, and trays of letters; tow conveyors, which allow wheeled containers to be hooked onto a fixed-path underfloor traction system; bucket elevators; and chutes and other gravity devices.
The use of a wide range of equipment is necessitated by the varied handling characteristics of different types of mail at particular stages. Buffer-storage facilities, in the form of ramps, hoppers, and moving belts, are used to compensate for normal postal traffic fluctuations. The smooth distribution of traffic through the system is often monitored by closed-circuit television, which allows effective centralized control. Automatic regulation and recording, using a variety of sensing devices linked to a computer, are the ideal. Modern systems-engineering techniques are thus able to ensure a carefully planned continuous mechanized mail flow with maximum productivity benefits. -21-
to rely on – полагаться; human labour — человеческий труд; bulk material – сыпучий материал; loading bay – погрузочная площадка; work process - технологический процесс; materials-handling equipment — погрузочно-разгрузочное оборудование; mobile belt conveyer — передвижной ленточный конвейер; roller conveyor — роликовый конвейер, рольганг; forklift truck — автопогрузчик; mobile/ fixed crane — передвижной /стационарный кран; table lift – настольный подъемник; chain conveyor — цепной конвейер; tow conveyor – буксировочный конвейер; fixed-path underfloor traction system – проходящая под полом система транспортировки с заданной траекторией; bucket elevator – ковшовый подъемник; chute – покатый настил; gravity devices – зд. важные устройства; buffer storage — буферное запоминающее устройство; ramp – пандус; hopper -ж.-д. хоппер; с.-х. амбар, закром, сусек; ларь, бункер; moving belt – движущийся транспортер; normal postal traffic fluctuation - отклонения в режиме почтового обмена от нормы; closed-circuit television — замкнутая телевизионная система(телевидение без выхода в эфир);
Exercise 1
Read the following words and phrases, supply their Russian equivalents and memorize them.
Handling, distribution, sorting centre, sacks of mail, handling equipment, postal traffic, mail flow
Exercise 2 Answer the following questions
In what style are new mail centres built ?
What equipment do they use for loading and unloading sacks of mail?
What does indoor handling equipment include?
What is useв to compensate for normal postal traffic fluctuations?
How is the smooth distribution of traffic monitored?
Exercise 3
Выпишите из текста причастия, определите их вид (причастие I или II) и переведите их на русский язык
Exercise 1.
Supply the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases
- post service
- communication
- mail links
- to connect
- to carry letters
- the postal system
- to travel
- a peace treaty
- to establish
- international service
- post service operations
- a post office
- biweekly
- the field post office
- to be founded
- the ordinary post service
- conveyance
- to convey
- a delivery
- to deliver
- private parcels
- to be organized
- private correspondence
- a courier
- a postmark
- a reception office
- periodical press delivery
- a mail box
- a post stamp
- a stamped envelope
- to be issued
- the Universal Postal Union
- facsimile transmission of the text
- postal workers
Exercise 2. Crossword
Give the English equivalents of the following words
1 |
| 2 |
| ||||||
| |||||||||||
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 | |||||
6 |
| ||||||||
7 |
| 8 |
| ||
| |||||||||
| 9 |
| ||||||
| ||||||||||
| 10 |
| ||||
| |||||||||||
11 |
| |||||||
Across Down
1. почтовые расходы | 1. почтальон |
3. адрес | 2. марка |
7. бланк | 4. получать |
8. посылка | 5. отправлять |
9. приклеить | 6. содержимое ПО |
10. конверт | 9. отправитель |
11. соединять |
Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the missing words from the LIST.
LIST the sender , mail units, to send, stamps , addressee, paid for, weight |
Postal system makes it possible for any person …(1)… a letter, packet, or parcel to any ….(2)…, in the same country or abroad. It provides that ….(3)… will be conveyed according to certain established standards of regularity, speed, and security. The service is …(4)… in advance by …(5)… in accordance with …(6)… and, in some countries, on speed of service required. Prepayment is usually made by means of postage …(7)… or franking machine impression.
Exercise 4. Translate the text from Task 3 into Russian. Write down the translation.
Task 1. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents
- Stamp
- Postcard
- Envelope
- to send a telegram
- to send a money order
- to subscribe to newspapers
- post-office
- to send a parcel
- a post-office clerk
- Parcel Post
- writing paper
- a letter
- in advance
- марка
- отправить денежный перевод
- почтовые посылки
- оформить подписку на газеты
- открытка
- заранее
- отправить посылку
- конверт
- письмо
- работник почты
- отправить телеграмму
- писчая бумага
- почта
Task 2. Match the English post service terms with their definitions
- addressee
- an envelope
- parcel
- post office
- postage
- postal service
- sender
- a common packaging item, usually made of thin flat material. It is designed to contain a flat object such as a letter or card;
- a national, usually governmental, system of transmitting written communications ;
- a facility authorised by a postal system for the posting, receipt, sorting, handling, transmission or delivery of mail;
- a collection of things wrapped or boxed together;
- the person to which a letter or message is addressed;
- the person who transmits a letter or message;
- the price established by law to be paid for the conveyance of a letter or other mailable matter by a public post.
Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the missing words from the LIST. Translate the text from Task 3 into Russian. Write down the translation.
If you need to send (1)……….or get the parcel, buy (2)……… postcards, (3)……… and (4)…….. a newspaper or a magazine, you need to go to (5)…………. You can (6)…… not only a telegram, but also (7)……….. Amicable (8)……… will always help you do it. They will always tell you how (9)…….. the form correctly in order to avoid errors. In some buildings of post-offices there are also special windows. There you can (10)…….. various services such as phone, gas bills and electricity bills and so on. These opportunities make life of an ordinary citizen easier. Now you shouldn’t waste time on trying to find the right office or bank. Everything is within reach.
LIST: pay for , a parcel, subscribe to, to fill out , postal workers, stamps, the post-office, envelopes, send, a money transfer
LESSON 10 PO Services and Fees
Read and translate the following dialogues
- Good morning!
- Good morning, sir! What can I do for you?
- I need 20 airmail stamps for America and 20 envelopes, please.
- OK. Here you are. That’s 10 dollars.
- Thanks. And I’d like to send a letter to Brazil by registered mail, please. Is it possible to do that?
- Yes, sure. But you should know that there is a special charge for this kind of service.
- Yes, I know. And how long will it take to be delivered to Brazil?
- Well. Generally it takes about 7 days. So you have to fill in this form while I`m sticking a stamp on the letter. And your total bill is 15 dollars.
- OK. Can I have a receipt, please?
- Certainly, sir. Here it is. Anything else? You can pay electricity, telephone and gas bills here, send or cash money orders or subscribe to interesting newspapers and magazines.
- No, thank you. But I have a parcel to be sent abroad. Where can I do that?
- You should move to the operator at the next window marked “Parcel Post” over there.
- Thank you very much.
- You are welcome.
- Good morning. I would like to send this parcel to China, please. How much does it cost?
- Well, we have to know its weight first. Can you put the parcel on the scales, please? So, it weighs 3 kg. Is there anything fragile inside?
- Oh yes. I’m sending a bottle of perfume to my aunt. So I need some special wrapping paper for that, please.
- OK. No problem, sir. Please, write down the address on the package legibly. And would you like to insure the parcel?
- I would rather not. There is nothing valuable in it. So how much is the postage?
- That`s 40 dollars for the stamps and for our wrapping and packing services all together.
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Yes, of course.
Exercise 1. Supply the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases
- airmail stamps
- to fill in this form
- to send a letter by registered mail
- a charge for
- a receipt
- send money orders
- cash money orders
- to send a parcel
- to put the parcel on the scales
- fragile
- wrapping paper
- package
- to insure the parcel
- postage
Exercise 2. Answer the questions
- What services are mentioned in the dialogues?
- How much does it cost to buy 20 airmail stamps for America and 20 envelopes?
- How long does it take to deliver a registered letter to Brazil?
- How much does it cost to deliver a registered letter to Brazil?
- How much does it cost to send this parcel to China?
- What does the fee depend on?
- Do they accept credit cards?
Exercise 3 . Act out the dialogues with your group mates. Work in pairs
Exercise 4 . Give English equivalents for the following phrases
- «Дайте мне, пожалуйста, 5 марок»
- «С Вас 10 рублей»
- «Я хочу отправить это письмо заказным»
- «За данную услугу взимается определенная плата»
- «Сколько времени займет доставка письма?»
- «Вам нужно заполнить этот бланк»
- «Вот, пожалуйста»
- «Мне нужно отправить посылку заграницу»
- «Внутри есть что-нибудь хрупкое?»
- «Сколько это будет стоить?»
Exercise 5 . Маке up a dialogue between a post office clerk and a client. Act it out with your group mate.
LESSON 11 How to Send Postcards
Read and translate the text.
Make a list of unknown words and word combinations
Postcard– is a postal item in the form of a written message on a special form sent without envelope.Postcards can be either ordinary or registered.
When you're thousands of miles away from friends and family, postcards can help you stay connected. They're readily available, inexpensive and easy to send. A standard-sized card offers just enough room for a quick hello, a brief personal note and your signature. If the recipient resides abroad you'll be charged a standard mailing rate, but only if your card meets certain requirements.
For example if your card is smaller than the minimum size, it is considered to be unmailable. If it is oversized, your postcard is qualified as a "letter" and you will be charged accordingly.
A standard picture postcard has a blank area for the recipient's address and your personal message on the front of the card. The back of the card typically has a photo or graphic. Carefully print the recipient's name and address – including the official country code -- on the right half of the front side of the card. If you're including a return address, print it toward the top of the left half and use the remaining space to write your message. If you're using a postcard that has no photo or graphic, you can flip the card over and continue writing your message on the back.
Exercise 1. Supply the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases
A postcard, to connect, available, inexpensive, standard-sized the recipient, to reside abroad, to be charged, a mailing rate, to meet requirements, an address, a postmark, a message a return address
LESSON 12 How to Mail a Letter
Read and translate the text.
Make a list of unknown words and word combinations
Letter – is a postal item with a written message and (or) documents. Dimensions, weight and packaging method are defined by the Rules regulating the provision of postal services.
Remember that old-fashioned tradition of writing letters and licking stamps? In case your correspondence these days is entirely electronic, here's a gentle reminder of how to mail a letter through the post office.
First of all you should write your letter. Things You'll Need: envelopes, paper, writing pens, stationery, postage stamps.
Letters can be ordinary, registered or ensured. If you want to post an ordinary letter, you need to buy an envelope with required stamp, write the address on it and put your letter in and send it. Here are some general instructions for mailing an ordinary letter.
- Fold your letter, place it in an envelope, then lick and seal the envelope.
- Write the name of the letter's recipient on the front of the envelope at the center.
- Print the street address, including apartment or suite number if appropriate, on the next line below the name.
- Write the city, state and ZIP code on the next line.
- Print your own name and address in the upper left corner of the envelope.
- Affix stamps in the upper right corner of the envelope.
- Place the envelope in your mailbox.
A registered letter is one that is recorded and tracked throughout its time in the mail system and requires the mailman to obtain a signature in order to deliver it. By registering a letter, the sender has a legal document that indicates that the notice was delivered. It costs extra for the service.
Exercise 1. Supply the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases
a postal item, dimensions, weight ,correspondence, to mail a letter, envelopes, an ordinary letter , a registered letter, an ensured letter, to write the address on , to fold the letter, the recipient, to affix stamps, tracked , the mail system , to deliver
Exercise 2. Supply the synonyms words and phrases
to place the letter in an envelope, to post the letter, a registered letter, to affix stamps, a mailman, the recipient, ZIP code , mailbox
Exercise 3. Answer the questions
- What is a letter?
- What types of letters do you know?
- What do we need to do if we want to post an ordinary letter?
- What is a registered letter?
LESSON 13 Types of International correspondence
Read and translate the text.
Make a list of unknown words and word combinations
Written messages and business papers are sent in international ordinary and registered letters.
Articles and copies of documents certified by notary (securities, diplomas, passports, driving licenses, pension and litigation files, public bonds, shares, lottery tickets, certifications of vital records, certificates of merit, picture postcards, state indicia, etc.) which are of certain value for the user are sent in international ensured letters.
Conveyance charge for international letters (from January 1, 2015)
Types of postal items and services | Conveyance charge (regardless of user categories), Rbl | |||
No VAT* | VAT included | |||
By road | By air | By road | By air | |
Letters: | ||||
Ordinary with weight of: | ||||
Up to 20 g | 26,50 | 30,00 | 31,27 | 35,40 |
From 21 g to 100 g | 54,00 | 69,00 | 67,32 | 81,42 |
From 101 g to 250 g | 107,00 | 144,00 | 126,26 | 169,92 |
From 251 g to 500 g | 205,00 | 272,50 | 241,90 | 321,55 |
From 501 g to 1000 g | 354,00 | 532,00 | 417,72 | 527,76 |
From 1001 g to 2000 g | 655,00 | 1053,00 | 772,90 | 1242,54 |
Registered: | ||||
Payment for weight is collected as for an ordinary letter according to the means of conveyance (either by road or by air) | ||||
Payment for registered – regardless of weight and means of conveyance for the whole item | - | 77,00 | - | 90,86 |
Ensured : | ||||
Payment for weight is collected as for an ordinary letter according to the means of conveyance (by road or by air) | ||||
Payment for registered – regardless of weight and means of conveyance for the whole item | - | 90,86 | ||
Payment for ensured – for every whole or fractional rouble of appraised value | - | 0,04 |
* No VAT if payment for service is attested by stamps.
Exercise 1.
Say what do the following figures relate to?
30.00, 54.00, 69.00, 77.00, 90.86, 107.00, 144.00, 205.00, 272.50, 321.55, 354.00, 532.00, 655.00, 772.90
Exercise 2. Find updated information concerning Conveyance charge for international letters and make a new table:
Types of postal items and services | Conveyance charge (regardless of user categories), Rbl | |||
No VAT* | VAT included | |||
By road | By air | By road | By air | |
Letters: |
LESSON 14 How to Address an Envelope With International Mail
Read and translate the text.
Make a list of unknown words and word combinations
Air mail involves a longer transit time, so taking care to address the envelope properly will reduce delays or undeliverable letters. An international post will need to be processed by the sender's country and the recipient's national postal service. The format for processing an international envelope is slightly different from the format for domestic mail. Include your return address in the same international format in case the receiving country has problems processing the mail. Printed (instead of cursive) writing enhances legibility.
Start with the full name of the recipient and his company as the first line of the address. Positioning the first line slightly above the center of the envelope to give yourself enough room for the complete address. This example uses "Mr. Alfred Smith" for the person's name and "Acme PLC" as the company name. PLC stands for Public Limited Company.
As the second line the building name is required unless there is a street address. Some locations only have a building name and not a
street address. This example uses "Acme House" as the building name. If present, the number and street name is required on the next line. This example uses "3 High Street" as the street address.
On the next line, the locality name is required only to distinguish a similar road name in the same area. This example uses "Hedle End" as the locality name. The next line requires the town or city and post code in capital letters. English convention is to put the post code on the final line. However, since the envelope is coming from the United States, the convention is to include the code on the same line as the city name, capitalized. This example uses "SOUTHAMPTON SO31 4NG." The final line requires the name of the country, capitalized for consistency, in this case, "ENGLAND."
Exercise 1. Supply the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases
transit time, to address the envelope, delays, undeliverable letters, an international post to process the mail, return address, legibility, the recipient, a street address, post code
Exercise 2. Answer the questions
- What are the general recommendations for addressing an envelope with international mail?
- What is written on the first line of the address ?
- What is written on the second line of the address ?
- What is written on the third line of the address ?
- What is written on the fourth line of the address ?
- What is written on the last line of the address ?
Exercise 3. Practice in addressing an envelope with international mail
LESSON 15 Processing International Mail
Read and translate the text.
Make a list of unknown words and word combinations
International mail is a key means of furthering economic, social, and cultural links between nations. The international postal system is in itself an outstanding example of worldwide organization and mutual trust. A postal administration relies completely upon the postal authorities of other countries to play their parts in ensuring that its foreign mails reach their destination.
There is provided a system for processing international mail. The system includes a weigh in station for weighing the total weight of received mail, a recordal station for recording the total number of pieces of received mail and for establishing criteria to identify the mail in the system, an affixing station, located downstream of the weighing and recordal stations, for affixing an indicia onto the mail and a sorting station, located downstream of the affixing station, for sorting the mail by country. The system also includes a processing unit that stores received information and processes the stored information to derive processed information, and a weighing and processing station located downstream of the sorting station. The weighing and processing station is operatively connected to the processing unit and, in conjunction with the processing unit, establishes a control weight per piece for identical pieces of mail to be sent to each country and determines the total number of pieces per country, and, if desired, separated into lightweight and heavyweight. The system further provides for the generating of reports based on the information processed by the processing unit
Therefore a system for processing international mail comprising:
means for weighing the total weight of received mail, for recording the total number of pieces of mail and for establishing identification criteria for the mail in the system;
means for affixing indicia onto the mail after the mail has been weighed and recorded;
means for sorting the mail by desired geographic region after the indicia has been affixed thereon;
processing means, operatively connected to the weighing and recording means, for storing received information and for processing the stored information to derive processed information;
means for weighing and processing the sorted mail,
wherein the weighing and processing means in conjunction with the processing means establishes a control weight per piece for identical pieces of mail to be sent to each geographic region; and
means for generating a report based on the information processed by the processing means, wherein the report categories the mail by desired geographic region and by weight.
Exercise 1. Supply the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases
a postal administration, foreign mails, to reach the destination,
station for weighing, the total weight , received mail, a recordal station, to identify the mail in the system, an affixing station, a sorting station, to store information
Exercise 2. Fill in the table using the information from the text
Stage of international mail processing mail | Operations |
LESSON 16 Parcels
Read and translate the text.
Make a list of unknown words and word combinations
Before sending your parcel, get it packed and registered properly. Pack your postal consignment in a way that it will not get damaged during transportation. Likewise, the parcel also needs to be risk-free to the postal workers and must not cause any damage to other parcels.
How to select the packing material for your parcel? Select the packaging material in accordance to the size and the shape of the sent item. You may use corrugated cardboard, packaging foil, cardboard cases and boxes. It is better to use new packaging materials as used material may lack in resistance. When reusing packaging material, make sure that you remove all old registration label (address cards) and bar codes from it. If you wish to retain the original packing without any obligatory shipment markings, then pack it in an additional box. You may also approach packaging from a creative point of view, by using, for example, wallpaper, plastic bags or shoe boxes as wrapping material. It is important to ensure that packing is strong enough for not breaking up and that the sender’s and recipient’s data may be written on it. Surface of packing must be smooth and level for the attachment of parcel registration label (address card) or the sender’s and recipient’s data to be written. When selecting the packaging material, make sure that the parcel registration sticker (address card) may be well attached to it. In case of textile fabric, for example, the registration sticker (address card) may come off easily at any time.
Is there a need for filling material? We always recommend using a filling material for your parcel. Suitable filling material is special pellets and bubble wrap. If the postal consignment is in particular of
light-weight, you may also use paper. Layer of filling material on the bottom of the box must be at least 5 cm
Write or print clearly and legibly the recipient’s name and address as well as your own name and address on the parcel. You may write the address on the parcel by hand. In this case, write your own address on the left top corner, while following the longest side of the parcel, and write the recipient’s address on the right corner.
Write or print clearly and legibly the recipient’s address as well as your own one on the parcel. Write following information on the parcel:
- name (first name and surname of the natural person or title of the legal person)
- street, house and apartment number, outside of town: name of township and of farm
- name of village and of parish
- postal code (it must be written on the bottom line, in front of the name of the town or the rural district)
- town or rural district
- country (in case of international postal consignments)
Write the address by using the letters of the Roman alphabet and Arabic numerals. If different letters and numbers are used in the country of destination, then also use those for writing the address. On international postal items, write the name of the country of destination in English or in French.
When sending the parcels through self-service parcel terminals, you don’t need to write the address on parcel by hand. Simply enter data of the parcel into the self-service system and print the registration sticker (an address card) and attach it on the parcel. Attach the registration sticker (an address label) on the smooth and even surface of the parcel.
When entering data of parcel receiver and sender in the self-service system or terminal, do not use shortened names, abbreviations, numbers or signs which are not generally known and which may cause difficulties in the forwarding of the parcel to the recipient.
LESSON 17 Indicia (philately)
Read and translate the text.
Make a list of unknown words and word combinations
In philately, indicia are markings on a mail piece (as opposed to an adhesive stamp) showing that postage has been prepaid by the sender. Indicia is the plural of the Latin word indicium, meaning distinguishing marks, signs or identifying marks. The term imprinted stamp is used more or less interchangeably, but some indicia are not imprinted stamps (see illustration of handstamp, for example).
Indicia can take a number of forms, including printed designs or handstamps where a stamp would normally be that indicate the pre-payment of postage. Imprinted stamps on postal stationery are indicia.
The term also refers to a meter stamp impression or the part thereof that indicates the value or postal rate.
LESSON 18 Revision
Task I. Find the English equivalents to the following words and phrases:
посылать письмо, важные документы, законодательные акты, приклеить марку на конверт, опустить письмо в почтовый ящик, международное письмо, доходить, место назначения, подтверждать адрес, адресат, задержка в доставке, штамп, почтовый работник, хрупкое вложение, воздушно-пузырьковая пленка (пузырчатая упаковка ), упаковать в пузырчатую упаковку, прилагать, содержимое (посылки), заполнить форму, заказное письмо, открытка.
Task II. Discussion
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending letters through the post office? Would you rather receive a handwritten letter or a typed email? Does it depend on who the sender is? How do you feel about electronic postcards?
Task III. Investigation
In some cases, electronic postcards on the Internet appear to be replacing traditional greeting cards sent by regular mail. Search the Internet for two different companies providing such services and compare their features and costs. Then interview three people you know and check their reactions to receiving electronic postcards. Report your results.
While interviewing fill in the following table
Name | You like it | You don’t like it | You cannot say |
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 |
Список использованной литературы и интернет источников:
- Planet of English для учреждений НПО и СПО/Г.Г. Безкоровайная, Н.И. Соколова, Е.А. Койранская, Г.В. Лаврик, – Москва, издательский центр «Академия», 2014г.
- Английский язык: учебник для студ. учреждений среднего профессионального образования/А.П. Голубев, Н.В. Балюк, И.Б. Смирнова, - М.:Издательский центр «Академия», 2014г.
- http://wpedia.goo.ne.jp/enwiki/Postage_stamps_and_postal_history_of_Russia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postage_stamps_and_postal_history_of_Great_Britain
- http://www.britannica.com/topic/postal-system
- http://usefulenglish.ru/miscellany/countries-and-cities
- http://www.eslgold.com/speaking/phrases.html
- http://www.thefullwii.org
- http://www.postalmuseum.si.edu/airmail/historicplanes/postal/historicplanes_postal_jenny_long.html
- http://www.lingvotutor.ru
- http://www.definitions.net
- http://arago.si.edu/glossary_a.html
1. The History And Development Of The Russian Post Service | 1 |
2.Postal System Today | 4 |
3. General Postal Concepts | 8 |
4.Postal Service Management | 13 |
5. Postal Workers | 15 |
6. Postal Service Operations | 18 |
7.At The Post Office | 20 |
8.Revision | 23 |
9.Test | 26 |
10. PO Services And Fees | 28 |
11.How To Send Postcards | 31 |
12. How To Mail A Letter | 32 |
13. Types Of International Correspondence | 33 |
14. How To Address An Envelope With International Mail | 36 |
15. Processing International Mail | 38 |
16. Parcels | 40 |
17. Indicia (Philately) | 42 |
18. Revision | 42 |
Список использованной литературы и интернет источников | 44 |
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