Environment Learn to Be Responsible Part 3
презентация к уроку

Комкова Мария Викторовна

Из-за большого размера презентация разделена на 4 части

Команда преподавателей и студентов тщательно изучила проблему утилизацию отходов во всем мире. Рассматриваются современные способы утилизации твердых бытовых отходов: на свалках, полигонах ТБО, мусоросжигательных заводах, а также их вторичная переработка. Практическая часть содержит описание акций нашей команды по вовлечению окружающих в движение в защиту окружающей среды Москвы.


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Слайд 1

Incineration plants According to the testimony of European scientists, people who have been exposed to incinerators have increased mortality: by 3.5 times - of lung cancer by 1.7 times - of cancer of the esophagus By 2.7 times - of stomach cancer Infant mortality has doubled The number of deformities in newborns increased by a quarter This is noted in Austria, Germany, Britain, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, France, Finland

Слайд 2

Garbage, not sent for recycling or incineration, is transported to landfills. . The area of each garbage landfill is from 50 to 60 hectares. Each landfill resource is about four years Solid municipal waste landfills The landfill is an equipped, environment friendly human waste storage facility. The bottom and walls of the landfill are lined with special materials that prevent penetration of harmful substances into the soil and groundwater rur

Слайд 3

Municipal solid waste landfills Ground MSW «Долгопрудный»…………… 13.89 ha Ground MSW «Саларьево» ……………..….59 ha Ground MSW «Щербинка» ………………..123.45 ha Ground MSW «Сосенки» …………………....40 ha Ground MSW «Левобережный»…………… 26.5 ha Ground MSW «Алексинский карьер» ……..20 ha Ground MSW «Кучино» ……………………..59 ha Ground MSW «Торбеево» ……………..…….12.8 ha Ground MSW «Каргашино» ………………..11.14 ha Ground MSW «Тимохово» ………………….108.56 ha Ground MSW «Павловский» …………...……14.65 ha __________ The total area of grounds is 488 . 99 hectares 90% of municipal solid waste is buried

Слайд 4

The most profitable and reasonable way to handle waste (both from an environmental and economic points of view) is to extract the maximum of useful components from garbage and turn them into new things Recycling:

Слайд 5

Reception points

Слайд 6

Aluminum can Aluminum can A new can is produced from an aluminum can, in 99% of all cases. A can is the most recyclable container in the world. It will be used, recycled and sent again to a store shelf within 60 days What is produced from recycled waste 75% of aluminum produced since 1988 is still being recycled

Слайд 7

In the United States, in 2006, 17.6 million barrels of oil were spent on the production of plastic bottles. This amount of fuel is sufficient for 1.5 million cars annually In the world, from 147.4 to 207.4 million barrels of oil a year are necessary for plastic bags and bottles production 41% of all the plastics produced , is used for packaging. 47% of it is used for food packaging With current production volumes, mankind will have oil for not more than 50 years What is made of plastic bottles?

Слайд 8

What can be produced from recycled waste ? Plastic bottles take up a third of our waste bin Polyester (PET) - the most used plastic in the world This kind of waste is easily recyclable and can return to you an infinite number of times The technology of plastic recycling makes oil consumption less. Primary production of plastic is made from oil A chemical fiber is obtained from flex. From this fiber factories produce nonwoven materials for fabric insulation and its durability in clothes industry. For example, interlining is produced from nonwoven fabrics Polyester is made of plastic. It is a fabric which is easily laundered, dries quickly, does not stretch and does not shrink

Слайд 9

Eco-pen costs 11 rub 87 cop, looks cool and is nice to the touch. Writing paper, corrugating paper and cardboard is also made from recycled Tetra Pak packages. Composite panels, well hatches, tiles, composite boards can be made of the poly aluminum package component Tetra Pak – a ballpoint pen The Tetra Pak consists of paper, polyethylene and aluminum. It is 100% recyclable. It is divided into paper and poly aluminum. A ballpoint pen is produced from poly aluminum. You need three Tetra Pak packages to make two pens

Слайд 10

If a family of three people uses toilet paper from recyclables, they manage to "save" a tree in a year What can be produced from recycled waste Waste paper toilet paper The process of making toilet paper is simple. Wastepaper is minced, boiled in hot water, disinfected and bleached. Then it is wrung out, dried and pressed. The received paper is not inferior in quality to the one produced from primary cellulose

Слайд 11

Recycling of waste - the most resource-saving way But there is a number of problems:

Слайд 12

We are for separate waste collection Join us now!

Слайд 13

Separate waste collection was held as an experiment in our college Students greeted the experiment with enthusiasm

Слайд 14

Eco - lessons took place in college

Слайд 15

Sociological questions among college teachers

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