Мироненко Светлана Вадимовна

персональный сайт учителя английского языка

Профессия: учитель

Профессиональные интересы: обучение, психология, лингвистика, языкознание

Увлечения: спорт, языки, методики преподавания, психология, английский язык

Страна: Санкт-Петербург

Регион: Ленинградская область

Место работы: школа 517


Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
Пусть это вдохновит вас на подвиг
Бел Кауфман

Random stuff from the depth of my laptop which I'm not so happy to share (private property and etc....) but the good teacher mustn't be so greedy, must he? So, here you are. Enjoy!

О себе

Neither a teacher not a preacher (c) Curt Cobain


Hello there! You're on my personal web site which was created to show the world the results of my 5-year-working experience as an English school teacher. Well, not only my - my students as well.

I'll try to share different ideas and materials here. 

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

Харпер Ли "Убить Пересмешника"

Ричард Бротиган "В арбузном сахаре"

Ф.М. Достоевский "Преступление и наказание"

М. Булгаков "Мастер и Маргарита", "Белая гвардия", "Собачье сердце"

Сэлинджер "Над пропастью во ржи"

Джером К. Джером "Трое в лодке (не считая собаки)"

Мои достижения

I spent 5 years working at the same school! What an achievement! 4 years I've been working as a form-master and, to say the truth, got used to it and liked it with all my heart.

Моё портфолио

Random stuff from the depth of my laptop which I'm not so happy to share (private property and etc....) but the good teacher mustn't be so greedy, must he? So, here you are. Enjoy! 

Neither a teacher not a preacher (c) Curt Cobain

We don't need no education (c) Pink Floyd


Music inspires me for teaching. So many good songs you can use as a teaching material!


Hello there! You're on my personal web site which was created to show the world the results of my 5-year-working experience as an English school teacher. Well, not only my - my students as well.

I'll try to share different ideas and materials here. 


Мои публикации:
Английский язык
Иностранные языки
Публикации моих учеников:
Добавить грамоту в портфолио
Мои альбомы